orareaper · 4 years
 “Yes, of course you do,” he wanted to say, but thinking better of it, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to do so when the creature before him was seemingly very strong and possibly unkillable.
That is, of course, if her being in the middle of that awful place where he found her with not a single scratch on her body was any indication of how resistant she actually was. 
“Do you think we could go to my office?” Kayn asks instead, taking one careful step forward, “I’d like to talk to you.”
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orareaper · 5 years
Kayn swore under his breath, seeing as he was just about to sit down on his very comfortable chair when he had to push himself back up to go see what had just happened in the Lab down the corridor. 
He needed a glass of water or for someone to take his place for one minute. 
Unfortunately, no one could do his job, so with a heavy sigh, he walked down the aforementioned corridor to find something he certainly wasn’t expecting but that spikes his curiosity nonetheless. 
The woman he had brought from the ruins of the city, the one he thought was dead, is now very much alive and standing next to the corpses of both of the men he had left her with. 
And this time he’s sure they’re dead because nobody’s neck should be crooked in that angle. 
Anyway, he looked up at the creature, who was now wearing one of the men’s shirts to cover her body, and he opened his arms in a gesture he hopes is not too aggressive, “Everything’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you” he said kindly. 
Although, kind was not something he had tried many times. 
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orareaper · 5 years
“What happened to you?” he mumbles lowly, directing it at nobody although his eyes were glued to her face.
He stretches a hand forward, running the tip of his finger down the side of her long arm, slowly and carefully in case the beautiful creature had something toxic on her that could end up harming him as well, seeing as he thought she could be dead, that was not a short possibility. 
Once he decided everything was alright with the skin to skin contact, he broke the chains holding her to the ground and lifted her up, her lightweight surprising a small―, “Oh―,” out of him. 
“You know,” he commented casually as he took the steps back up as cautiously as he had the first time around, more so now that he was carrying another being along, “I was here because I was told I would find ora, and there’s none of that in here so...” he interrupted himself as one of his feet drilled a hole on the side of the next step. 
“Now you owe me one,” he breathed out taking up the phrase where he had left it with no real bitterness. 
He ultimately gets back to the ship and gives the creature over to the correspondent members of his crew to make the needed tests and investigations after he explains everything to them. 
With a sigh, he sits before his desk to write his report.
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orareaper · 5 years
He moved down every step, still cautiously, if not fearful of the possibility of one of the steps giving in under his weight, holding onto Rhaast with his two hands as if to protect himself should an attacker come his way. 
The light became brighter the closer he got to it, pulling a surprised gasp from the back of his throat at the figure that seemed to be hiding both behind and in the middle of it. 
A beautiful creature that felt familiar to him, although it did so in a way he didn’t quite understand, it made him that much curious and when he took two, three, four steps closer to it, the surprise was one he wasn’t expecting but not for that less amazing. 
He looked around with a smile, putting Rhaast away seeing as he was no longer in the presence of something he considered too dangerous.
Not for himself at least.
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orareaper · 5 years
"Ordinal, here are the papers you requested..."
He smiles, “Thank you so much, I was waiting for this,” he says kindly, taking the files in his hands, “I’ve heard good things about you, you may go back to work.” 
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orareaper · 5 years
   He looked down the first flair of stairs, each step covered in a heavy coat of dust and what seemed to be dried blood; a fast, lonely bug ran from side to side of the first step, letting him know that maybe there was still some live left in the place, regardless of this, he couldn't quite fathom the idea of something that wasn't much bigger than a cockroach could have sent a signal like the one he had received.    So, with a stern look ahead, he started descending down the stairs, cautious still present in his every move as he looked down the railings and saw what, — from his perspective —, felt like an infinite amount of stairs that just kept going down into the darkness. It took him at least five floors to find the first sign that there had been bigger creatures inhabiting the city, a lifeless body thrown discouragingly against the far wall being the only indicator of this. He sighed, shaking his head in something akin to disappointment, maybe going there had been just a lost of time, after all, the signal could have been a few years old and just reaching his ship by casualty.
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orareaper · 5 years
   He frowned, slightly confused, thinking that maybe this was a trap. Not that he would run away from anything he wanted just because the place where he had found it was a little unsettling, but he felt weary for the way the hairs on the back of his neck where standing up regardless. Alarm growing in his chest as he looked around at the ruins of what was once a lively city-, or so he supposed at seeing what was left of the structures around him-, the silence deafening where he thought he would find pained cries for help.
   He promptly decided to go deeper into the city with his scythe, Rhaast, held firmly between his hands as he walked forward, the light dying down somewhere in the distance, something not so uncommon in places as dead as the one he was standing on.
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orareaper · 5 years
   Things weren't nearly as ideal as he would like them to be, but the mention of 'Ora' made his stomach growl with want and seeing as the location he had gotten was somewhat closer to him than the other places he had to go to, he decided to stop by and have a bite.
starter for @orareaper
     A transmission came through, illuminating the Ordinals desk with information and an audio file. Everything seemed to be corrupted, or too scattered to really make sense of, but through the audio file, a location and a few words were made clear. A power plant on the outer planets, giving an SOS flare. The message attached contained static, but a few could be made out through it. ‘Ora’ 'Monster’ and 'Help’ sounded clearly through it. Something was wrong, and now the Ordinal had one more thing to do. 
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orareaper · 5 years
“Ordinal, here are those files you requested”
"Sure, that’s fine," he said looking up at her, and snatching the folder away from her hand, "But please refrain from running around my office like that in the future, I don't like it."
0 notes
orareaper · 5 years
~{ @goldenbattledancer }~ "Ordinal, here are those files you requested."
“Thank you,” He said, extending his hand to take the yellow folder, “You’re doing well so far.”
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orareaper · 5 years
"Ordinal, where are those files you requested."
“Thank you, you can put them over there.” He said, not looking up, “It’s pleasant to see a new face here.”
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orareaper · 5 years
When Kayn becomes Emperor, he plans on having a court of people he can trust. People who have PROVEN their loyalty to him, and have done terrible things to show him that they will follow him until the end of days.
They will get special treatment. He’s more kind to them, but if anyone should treat them poorly, Kayn would personally see to it that they are put through every agony under the stars.
Should he have a lover, if he deems them worthy, they will get to watch the suffering, and even suggest torments. Or join in, if they’d like.
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orareaper · 5 years
Kayn loves violence, he will usually agree to spar on days he works out on. Speaking of violence, he will go towards it, even if peace is an option.
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orareaper · 5 years
Kayn won’t tolerate anybody excessively bothering him when he’s doing something important. Unless, whatever it is they’re bothering him for is equally important, or he is amused by whatever it is they’re saying.
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orareaper · 5 years
“Ordinal, here are the files you requested.”
Tap, tap, tap, his fingers tapped against his desk. He gestured to a small pile of papers, continuing with his work and paying no mind to the interruption. “There, you can go.” His attention was on documents, reading and re-reading what was written there.
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orareaper · 5 years
Promotional Post
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I give you, a new Odyssey Kayn blog. Rules page available, read those before interacting, and please, enjoy my take on the Ordinal.
Rp experience: 9 years
Possibly Multiship
Somewhat selective
Open to plotting and/or just shitposting
Duplicate friendly(maybe)
Inked by: Ada.
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orareaper · 5 years
“Ordinal, here are those files you requested.”
“Thank you, put them there, please.” He said, not looking up, “It’s pleasant to see a new face here.”
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