originalwizkid · 2 months
He really doubted that, but maybe. Maybe after years of wearing him down, and of Tom building rank... maybe then he would give in and call him some ridiculous title. He didn't say that. He did open his eyes and, slower than he may have even thought possible, he lifted his hand to brush feather-light over Tom's back.
He touched him with his other hand too, almost as though he wasn't sure if he was allowed, nevermind that Tom's hand was still pressed firmly against his own neck. Then, something breaking within him, he surged forward and clutched desperately as the folds of Tom's robes, holding him close, for whatever it was he was about to do.
"Tom," he gasped, unsure what he was asking for. Then he tilted his head back and closed his eyes again, leaving himself even more vulnerable.
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 3 months
Tom actually touching him was enough to finally make Harry gasp and close his eyes. He went nearly boneless, and he didn't see it coming at all before the hand closed over his throat. It took him two frantic breaths to realize his breathing wasn't actually restricted, and then he relaxed again as much as he was able while still being very aware of each beat of his own heart rushing blood to his cheeks and, uncomfortably, his groin.
He swallowed, and the press of his adams apple against Tom's palm didn't help the inappropriate arousal. "I'll help you, Tom, because you're my friend and you've helped me and I like you. But you're seventeen and not a lord and I'm not a medieval knight. I'm not calling you 'master.'" No matter how the very notion made his heart beat faster and left him wanting to squirm.
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 3 months
"Death is a mystery," he countered, forcing himself to maintain hope. Sometimes, he was certain, death was a relief as well.
Harry maintained eye contact for far too long. It felt as though the air was practically sparking between them now, with the intensity of it. But even so, he hardly did more than blink and glance impossibly fast down at the way Tom was biting his lip. He shuddered as he breathed in Tom's breath and the intimacy of that hit him, but he didn't pull away from that either.
"I'm not worried about the murderer," he said, surprised by his own honesty. "But I- I don't want to end up in some ministry basement to get experimented on. I'd have to run, is all. Go to thr continent." He paused. "You wouldn't do that to me." No. Harry might not know Tom's intentions, but he knew that Tom didn't like him out of his sight, so there was very little chance of him giving Harry reason to flee the school and the country.
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 3 months
"Yeah. Yeah, my mum and dad were murdered by some evil wizard who thought I was going to defeat him someday." Harry couldn’t look away from Tom's eyes, now that he was so close, and just like always, he couldn’t seem to keep any of his secrets to himself. All Tom had to do was look at him and ask, and it all came spilling out. At least the problem was only with him and not everybody.
Slowly, he wet his lips, then reached up, hesitating multiple times, to touch Tom's arm again. "You know more than anyone, assuming you're still keeping my secret like you promised." He could only hope. "Look. Death is... it's bad. But it's inevitable. Running from it is how people become monsters. And you..." He shrugged.
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 3 months
Yeah, alright. He finally caught onto the hinting, but he wasn't impressed. He dropped his hand and rolled his eyes. "We all know your mom died before you can remember. You're not seriously blaming your mom dying in childbirth for your obsession?"
Immediately, he realized he'd forgotten reasonable caution again, but he didn’t go back to being defensive. If Tom pushed him violently back against the wall or the shelves for being disrespectful, so what? Still, he should probably be a bit mkre senaitive. "I'm sorry. Obviously, that could affect you, but I'm an orphan too. The bombing is way worse."
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 3 months
Harry frowned, then crossed his arms uncomfortably. Why was Tom telling him this? More importantly, what was he trying to build to? The idea of a younger Tom--probably only a little younger thsn he had been when Harry had fallen into this time--having to see that disturbed him about as much as his own memory of watching and feeling Quirrel die, but... something worse? If watching someone die in the rubble of a bombing wasn't what made him fear death, what could have?
Slowly, Harry forced himself to relax his defensive posture, to drop his arms. Then he took two careful steps closer, making sure Tom was aware of his movement. Then, gently, he touched his shoulder. "Who's was, then?"
Tom ran a finger along the cluster of nick nacks. Stopping at a volume of some old, dog ear book. Pulling it out to flip through the pages. Allowing the other to openly watch him. Knowing they wouldn't had his attention been on them.
"I once saw a man die. This was during the war in the summer. Before they could get us all to the country side."
Tom's eyes were blank as if it wasn't suppose to be a strong memory. Even though it dwell heavy in his brain.
"A bomb took him. In the rubble I saw him. And he me."
Tom stopped flipping through the pages, "But his death wasn't the one that had me fearing dying."
But Tom said to much.
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originalwizkid · 4 years
As soon as Draco raised his hand, Harry stopped all of his teasing touches, hugging hin a little tighter as he started silently counting. "There you go, Draco. Your whole hand now." He slid his free fingers into Draco's hair, then, and gave it a teasing tug. "Shit, you're really beautiful like this, Draco. Really. I don't want you to go fast, but you can finish whenever you need to." Harry kissed his cheek and squeezed his waist again, then scratched lightly at his scalp.
“That’s sweet, Draco. I like holding your hand too.” Harry smiled and squeezed his hand, then nipped playfully at his ear. “You’re being really good, baby. Thank you for letting me lead. I promise I’ll help you feel amazing. Just keep doing just what you’re doing. Let yourself feel everything.”
Draco gave another quiet, contented sigh at the nip to his ear, his smile only growing at Harry’s words. The praise only darkened his light blush to a darker rosy hue, but he refused to actually be embarrassed about anything. “I trust you,” he decided on telling Harry, though, because it felt important. Mostly, though, he focused on Harry’s voice and the points where they were touching, and building arousal that was inevitable from touching himself while they were like this.
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originalwizkid · 4 years
[[ Kay for real though, if I condensed my blogs into a multimuse, would y'all still write with me?
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originalwizkid · 4 years
remember when cho tries to kiss harry and he’s so panicked he just freezes 
and then they go on a date and he realizes she might want him to kiss her and he’s just SO UNCOMFORTABLE
jk rowling there are many ways to write a straight character but this ain’t it
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originalwizkid · 4 years
[[plotted starter for @camaradcrie
Harry had had a hard time being around Ron for the same kinds of long stretches that he had before their falling out earlier that year, no matter than they'd made up. Since the unfortunate discovery that he was expected to find a date to a ball (an incredibly intimidating prospect, considering he'd never even had the chance to go to a dance or a party before, excluding the Gryffindor victory parties), his tolerance for the Gryffindor common room had waned even further. At least most of the taunts and glares he received outside the tower had little to do with him getting a date or dancing or having to prove he could do those things in front of people. Tonight, it was clear enough that he'd been flying lowly around the quidditch pitch, his books left forgotten in the stands.
When he saw he wasn't alone, he swooped down and gave her a smile. "Hi, Luna. What brings you down here?"
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originalwizkid · 4 years
what is your muse’s eye color?
put it in the tags!
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originalwizkid · 4 years
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It’s gonna take a lot to drag me awaaaay from yooooouu
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originalwizkid · 4 years
“I just saw someone trying to snort Floo powder.” From Hermione
"Wait, really? Did they say why?" Harry looked more impressed than he probably ought to.
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originalwizkid · 4 years
Harry Potter Themed Sentence Starters
enjoy and feel free to make any changes !
The Letter
“Did I get mail?”
“I got my Hogwarts letter!!”
“Magic isn’t real, idiot.”
“I’m a what?”
“Guess where I’m going on September first!”
“Did you get yours yet?”
“Is that an owl?”
Diagon Alley
“Oh no! My owl!”
“Hey, can I borrow a knut?” / “You can borrow DEEZ KNUTS.”
“That book tried to BITE me!”
“Look at this book–Hexes for the Novice Prankster.”
“I just saw someone trying to snort Floo powder.”
“Do these robes make my butt look big?”
“The Apothecary smells like rotten milk.”
“What cauldron did you get?”
“School shopping has never been so much fun.”
“Maybe we can sneak into the Leaky Cauldron.”
“I want that broom SO bad.”
“Why would you want a cat?”
“The wand chooses the asshole, I guess.”
“Ollivander is kind of a creep.”
The Hogwarts Express
“We’re going to miss the train!”
“Can you tell me where Platform Nine and Three Quarters is?”
“This trunk is SO heavy!”
“Why are you already wearing your robes?”
“I just ate six cauldron cakes. Someone give me a medal.”
“Are we there yet?”
“You can’t sit with us.”
“Oh–damn. Sorry, I thought this compartment was empty.”
“Is it okay if I sit with you? Everywhere else is full.”
“Are you a prefect?”
“Ha ha! You got a booger-flavored jelly bean?”
“I’ll trade you my chocolate frog card!”
“I lost my toad.”
“I’m scared about the sorting…”
Life At Hogwarts
“I swear, Filch keeps trying to get me into trouble.”
“This is the fifth time I’ve seen that staircase move!”
“If Peeves wasn’t a ghost, I’d fight him.”
“Oh hey, my owl brought me a letter!”
“Do you think Shrek lives in the Forbidden Forest?”
“Let’s just pretend I didn’t blow up my cauldron.”
“Muggleborns are going to take over the world.”
“There’s something weird about that professor.”
“…do people really get detention in the Forbidden Forest?”
“Meet me in the Common room/library/Great Hall later!”
“I don’t know how I keep getting points deducted from my House.”
“Why do you still use quills? There are pens.”
“I dare you to go swimming in the lake.”
“Your team sucks.”
“That should’ve been a foul!”
“Wow, look at them go.”
“Don’t fall off the broom!”
“That captain is so hot.”
“Why is Quidditch a legal sport?”
“I wish I made the team.”
“See you on the field.”
“Look out for that Bludger!”
“We’re celebrating with Butterbeer tonight.”
“I can’t believe we lost again…”
“I’ll never be able to learn this spell in time…”
“What are the twelve uses of dragon blood again?”
“Can you show me the wand movement again? Please?”
“Just let me peek at your notes for five minutes.”
“I couldn’t even do well at regular school, now I’m at wizard school…”
“Is there really no way to cheat?”
“If I don’t get an O on my Charms OWL, I’m going to scream.” / “I’ll be happy to get an A on any of my OWLS.”
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originalwizkid · 4 years
Harry didn't have a clue what had happened. He had a vague memory of sorting through the large number of dark objects and genuine junk in Grimuald Place. He'd had several objects in his lap and he'd reached for something else from the cupboard... Then he found himself landing hard on the pavement with a splitting headache and a large amount of dizziness. Everything looked just a little wrong, and he hadn't been able to get back inside, so he'd made his way to Diagon Alley, hoping he could floo back. Honestly, though, he'd been itching for some freetime, and he couldn't resist going for some ice cream while he was there. Mr. Fortescue would even let him eat it in the back, so there was less danger and staring.
Everything in Diagon Alley looked a little wrong too, though. Had Voldemort's return and the Ministry's efforts to ignore it caused this much change? Odder still, no one was looking at him. No one except for a black-haired boy sitting at a table, much like Harry had done for most of his summer a couple years ago. Harry picked up a discarded Daily Prophet, then his eyes went wide. That... Time travel of this extent shouldn't be possible. No clue what to do, Harry approached the one person who looked like he might be willing to talk to him.
"Er, hi. I'm Harry. Sorry for just coming up to you like this, but. I guess I'm a bit lost."
The Boy With Green Eyes~
The sun beat down hotly for so early that day. Oppressing the city and making Londeners move slower then normal. Tom sought some shade in the more cooler Diagonally. The ice cream parlor keeper liked him well enough. Doling out a cup of chocolate chip to listen to Hogwarts gossip.
It helped to sit out on the tables to do his homework. Eating his melting scope as he proof read his essay. His pale face flushed pink. Nevering been one to tan well.
He couldn't hide at Wool's with Mrs. Cole being noisy. Not that he could stand the cramp rooms and narrow halls after months at Hogwarts. Nor could he continue to live at Wools. Once he turn sixteen he was expected to become an apprentice of some sort.
"What school is this? Will you find a position?" Likely she thought he was trying for more then he was worth.
He often thought about where he go once sixteen doubting she keep him another year. If he could leave sooner. However the ministry would not like an underage loose. He'd have to come up with something.
Tom looked up at the sound of some commotion. His sharp eyes catching sight if a black hair boy his age that was the cause.
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originalwizkid · 4 years
Plotting/Starter Call
Someone come give me more Hogwarts-age Harry.
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originalwizkid · 4 years
Harry sighed and followed, taking the time to close the door and sit down across from her before he said anything. "Hermione, that's not what I meant. You were my best friend too. Really. But it's been... It was really really bad. The last thing I need is for the first impression I make this year to be someone seeing me crying while I talk to you. Or to find out where I was and taunt me for it all year. I... I can't handle that. I can't risk anyone knowing. I ... I'll try to tell you some of it later. If you know a privacy charm and a private place. Please don't push." The emotion in his voice was mostly genuine. He really couldn't risk Dumbledore or the ministry finding out where he'd been and he had a plan for the distractions he needed to cause this year. He couldn't have unexpected bumps.
He gave her a grateful smile, glad she was dropping the subject. “Wouldn’t be much of a boy-who-lived if I went and died, would I?” His smile faded a little, looking around at the growing crowd, and he picked up his trunk. “I think we should get on the train.” Then, he headed that way, not looking back or waiting for them until after he’d boarded.
“No, I suppose you wouldn’t be,” Hermione said with a small shrug, but that didn’t explain the years of silence, the owls she had sent that had been returned. She had tried everything to get hold of him but nothing had worked, now he expected to come back like nothing had happened. 
She followed on to the train, Crookshanks following after her, he seemed to be confused as to why Hermione was around this strange boy he had never seen before. “I hope that you know that I am not dropping the subject for forever.”
“Hermione, you were a really great friend my first year. But I’ve already talked to the authorities.” Admittedly, he really hadn’t told them much either. He was fairly certain the ministry was under the impression that he’d been sent away to another school somewhere by his relatives, though Dumbledore clearly didn’t believe that. “It’s hard to talk about. It was awful. I don’t want to remember it, let alone talk about it with you. Just leave it?”
Hermione would have retorted that she wasn’t the authorities, that even though he had answered theirs he had not answered her own. And after she had gone to them to try and find out where Harry was she knew that they weren’t great at their jobs. Her lips pursed as he brushed her off, at least that’s what it felt like to her; that everything that happened two yeas ago didn’t matter to him. “You weren’t just a great friend, you were my best friend.”
She didn’t want him to be hurt, but she had been hurt the last two years and whatever had happened to him had hurt her too. He was her best friend and she thought he had died… Now he wouldn’t even tell her what had happened. She walked past him on to the train, after giving him a curt nod and headed to the cabin that she had sat in for the last two years. 
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