orions-quill · 14 hours
Friday Kiss Tag!
Thanks @the-golden-comet, @leahnardo-da-veggie and @marlowethelibrarian for the tag!
I've only just begun writing P. Time so there's not a lot but! I've got a cute kiss for you!
Rules: From your story/WIP, share a scene with a kiss. It can be any kind of kiss, from familial pecks on the cheek, forehead smooches, to full blown makeouts
This is from chapter 1, like, almost right at the beginning lmao
“What’s wrong?” Ryo’s voice was like a balm to her furious heart.
She turned around just as he arrived by her side and enveloped her in a hug. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“The frown on your face would suggest otherwise.” He smiled, pressing his lips on the creases of her forehead, kissing them until they disappeared with the sigh Azin let out. “Talk to me?”
“I think I should find a different hobby,” Azin looked past him at the abandoned easel. “I can’t do it right anyway, might as well put myself to use elsewhere. I could probably help Blake with all the sewing.”
“I think Blake would absolutely hate that,” Ryo chuckled, making Azin smile.
“I think you’re right.” She sighed again.
Ryo grabbed one of her hands on his own and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her fingers. “Don’t be so mean to yourself, my love. Your art is already beautiful as it is.”
“It’s not enough.” She was quick to say, pulling away from him. 
There we go! Short but sweet <3
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orions-quill · 1 day
You already know what I'm here to ask about
I will also take Project Knight and/or Project Dragon if you feel so inclined to tell me about either of them.
Also, you're doing amazing, I love you, and I'm super excited for Project Time!
Okay okay, I think this might be the right time to reveal what the Secret Project is about just a little bit hmm
So, Secret Project is about a group of 6 new adults with strange abilities who are running away from a mysterious organization trying to experiment on them. The story starts right at the improvised funeral they hold for one of them whose just passed away. It's inspired by media such as sense8 and All For The Game, as well as different superhero media (and honestly a bit of kpop)
It will have toxic found family, morally gray characters and a lot, and I mean a lot, of angst
Project Knight is another one with a lot of angst! This one is about a princess and her knight (who is a trans woman) who made some Wrong Choices and cast a spell to reincarnate at a later time. They reincarnate in modern times with their memories locked away and an urgent feeling that they need to find each other and fix the mess they left behind.
Project Dragon is not as clear as the other two, but this one has a male MC who was best friends with the prince to this one kingdom because his dad was like, THE leader of the royal guard. His dad gets sentenced to death for high treason and the MC, scared and betrayed runs away and gets picked up by a crew of seemingly pirates who have bonds with dragons, creatures equally feared and detested, and terrorize the kingdom. Years later, he re-encounters the prince, and well... :))
And thank youuuu you're so sweet!!! I love you too!
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orions-quill · 2 days
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orions-quill · 2 days
WIP Title Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @honeybewrites!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
This one's going to be a little boring 'cause all my projects follow the same naming format lol But these are all my WIPs, in different stages of unfinished:
Project New World
Project Labyrinth
Project Knight
Project Time
Project Town
Project Golden
Project Dragon
Project Moonlight
Project Spectator
Project Rider
And the mysterious Secret Project
I have posted small snippets of project time, project spectator and the secret project, as well as a bit of worldbuilding information on project new world, but that's about it!
Tagging: @leahnardo-da-veggie @wyked-ao3 @marlowethelibrarian @halfbit
I think my other friends were already tagged by honey so that's all I'm tagging this time!
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orions-quill · 2 days
I finally have something to post for the 3 friday kiss tags I have lol you'll see tomorrow
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orions-quill · 2 days
I got 778 words into chapter 1 of Project Time today, woo!
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orions-quill · 3 days
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Writers of Tumblr - it's time to get a REAL JOB.
Why not join The Infinite Costco? It's a writing Discord space that truly commits to the bit. You can bounce ideas around on The Loading Dock, ask for advice and insight in the Warehouse, or just connect with other writers and form a community of cool people in Very Fashionable Vests.
The Infinite Costco is:
- Essentially age inclusive! If you're younger than 14 I'd say message me first. I highly encourage older writers to join the ranks and practice treating our younger colleagues as peers. Weird shit not tolerated obviously.
- Queer safe space!
- Not the place for whump or erotica. Infinite Costco has an Infinite HR department and they are not happy with me
- No jerks! No jerks. We are here to support and encourage each other to form a relationship with writing where we can work easily and happily.
Message me for the invite link!
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orions-quill · 4 days
Realizing that one of my absolute favorite childhood series doesn't exist in English and therefore most of my friends will never know about it was devastating
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orions-quill · 5 days
Heads Up Seven Up
Thanks for the tag @marlowethelibrarian! Would you believe I actually have something to show for one of these tags?
It's more than 7 lines 'cause it felt awkward to cut one of the characters...
A day  in the Aiza household generally started like this: Blake Aiza woke up first, careful not to disturb their partners as they made their way to the kitchen to get started on some coffee and then retire with it to their studio. The first couple hours of peace and quiet were ideal to make progress in the commissions they had to deliver. Ryo Valyria-Aiza woke up next, though he usually didn’t get up immediately. He was content to lay in bed with his partner and cuddle her until she began to raise. At that moment, he would get up to fix all of them a good breakfast before it was time to open the shop. He wouldn’t leave, of course, without pressing a kiss to the woman sleeping next to him. Finally, Azin Karkos-Aiza awoke, last out of bed but always the first to be fully ready for the day. She usually joined Ryo in the kitchen to help him, and fetched Blake from their studio so they could eat together. She opened the shop while the others got ready, and retired to her activities once Blake took their place at the front desk.
This was written on my car, on my way home at like, 10 or 11pm, so it might not be very coherent lmaooo
Open tag!
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orions-quill · 5 days
Heads Up Seven Up!
Got tagged by @the-golden-comet! Here are the last seven lines I wrote last night!
“You were my first friend in this country, right?” Wakma said, earnest, pulling them in for a hug. “You’re my best friend, really.” Rakani snorted weakly into his shoulder. “That’s kind of sad,” they mumbled. He’s their best friend too. “We’re not- We don’t—“ “I know there are things I don’t know about you,” Wakma insisted. “And there are things I don’t tell you too, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you get hurt for things that aren’t your fault. I’ll help you as much as I can, alright?” “Okay,” Rakani sniffled, and in a moment of exquisite weakness, reached out to clutch their hands into Wakma’s shirt.
Tagging with no pressure! @halfbit, @orions-quill, @saturnine-saturneight, @illarian-rambling, + open tag!
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orions-quill · 7 days
Completely disconnecting from Tumblr this weekend and hoping to come back with some words written in project time, enjoy your weekend!
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orions-quill · 7 days
Author Type Test Tag
Thanks for the tag @honeybewrites!
Rules: take this author type test!
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Not surprised by these results, I work every project differently tbh
Open tag!
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orions-quill · 8 days
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Thanks @honeybewrites and @leahnardo-da-veggie for the tag!
Rules: generate some incorrect quotes for your OCs (you can use the incorrect quote generator here)
These will be from Project Time and the secret project c: Just feeding Honey with some crumbs lol
Azin, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Blake: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Azin: Ohhhh- Ryo: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Azin: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
Ryo: Hey, Blake? I need advice. Blake: I’m pretty useless at giving advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment instead?
Ryo: I couldn't do this without you, Azin. Azin: Sure you could. Not as stylishly, of course.
Azin: Did Blake just tell me they loved me for the first time? Ryo: Yeah, they did. Azin: And did I just do finger guns back? Ryo: Yeah, you did.
Ellie: We are gathered here today because someone- glares at Kevin's coffin -couldn’t stay alive!
Alex, writing in his diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Nora: Well, Gabriel, is there anything you would like to say to Alex? Gabriel: How do I put this delicately? You’re a horrible roommate and nobody likes you. Matt: How about we frame our statement with “When you do this, it makes me feel this”? Gabriel: When you live here, it makes me angry. Because you’re a horrible roommate and nobody likes you.
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orions-quill · 8 days
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It's happening c: I don't plan my chapters in detail, so each of them is a bullet point or two but... Project Time is officially ready to be written!
Reminder that it's a novella, so it's going to be short. I'm estimating about 30k words? But we'll see, I'm bad at math lol
Celebratory tag list, I know this isn't like worldbuilding information but I thought you might like to know that I'm getting started with the project soon!
General List: @honeybewrites @leahnardo-da-veggie @fractured-shield
P. Time List: N/A
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orions-quill · 8 days
How Does Your Pinterest See You Tag
Thanks for the tag @honeybewrites!
Rules: Search fashion, Pantone, mood, food
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Look, the dress is cute, but I don't think I'd ever wear that unless I was having a very femme day. I can agree on everything else though I think? But my favorite color is lavender.
Open tag!
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orions-quill · 8 days
Pride Tag
Thank you @honeybewrites for making the tag and tagging me!
This one looked very fun and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do it within pride month skdnsknd
Rules: Tell me your OCs sexualities without telling me your OCs sexualities
P. Time:
Ryo: Yes!
Az: Most of the time, yes
Blake: Ryo and Az only
P. New World:
Sumira: Yes, actually
Houren: Also yes, but even more emphatically
Neepfin: Only if you're not a man
Rimshie: Most of the time, no
Tagging @halfbit @leahnardo-da-veggie and @wyked-ao3 for this one because it's a friend-made game and I must support
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orions-quill · 9 days
OC Interview Tag
Thanks for the tag @honeybewrites and @fractured-shield!!
Decided to go for Ryo with this one!
Were you named after anyone?
Not that I know of? Humans do tend to name their kids after others more than elves, but I'm not sure.
When was the last time you cried?
Last week when I finished reading a book. Listen! It was a really good book :(
Do you have any kids?
No, we honestly haven't talked about it. Our line of work can be a bit risky? But... Kids are cute...
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really, you know who does? Blake. Az does a bit too. To be honest it just goes over my head most of the time.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their mood! A person's mood will greatly influence my interaction with them, so I try to notice their mood so I can adjust accordingly and make our interaction as pleasant as possible.
What is your eye color?
Light-brown! Generally elves have fancier eye colors, but I got mine from the human side of the family.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, of course!
Any special talents?
Hmm, I wouldn't say so? I'm definitely the least talented of us. Oh! But I'm definitely the best cook, that's for sure.
Where were you born?
In the Kingdom of Carya! Beautiful place.
Do you have any pets?
We don't... Pets would also be cute.
What sort of sports do you play?
To be honest with you, the three of us are kind of allergic to sports.
How tall are you?
A full 182cm.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Would it be wild to say I did not go to school? Most schools in Carya are human-led, but they wanted an elfish education for me, so I was homeschooled.
What is your dream job?
I'm happy with what I do, so I guess this is my dream job!
Open tag until I'm done catching up with my *checks* 20 tags!
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