our-love-forever · 3 years
Drunk | Hanzo Shimada
Out of the blue, Hanzo had suggested that the both of you go out and try out some new sake that had just being put on the market. He wasn’t a heavy drinker per say but you could see on occasion enjoy his alcohol once in a while when the opportunity arose.
You made your way together at a Japanese pub within Hanamura and the atmosphere made the place radiate with energy – perfect for some evening drinking. One drink after another, Hanzo savored each one, favoring one from the others and what you would call ‘letting himself loose’ for once; the man never seemed to let himself rest even on his days off so seeing this change brought some peace within you.
After a couple more drinks, you started to notice that Hanzo was getting himself a little… too loose and expressive. Hearing him laugh was rare and having do so at one of your jokes was fantastic that it was too tempting to see how much longer this could go on for. A drink here and there, the archer was becoming a ball of enthusiasm and playfulness as time ticked and the alcohol continued to consume his consciousness.
“I think we should finish up for the night,” You went to whisper to Hanzo and with a speed faster than your dizzy eyes could register, the man fully turned to you with his features overtaken by disinterest that it was hard to know if Hanzo had heard you at all. His change of composure was a huge contrast to what you had being spectating some seconds ago.
This time you took a hold of his arm to get his attention and a squeeze for double-measure, but this only made the male deeply inhale through his nose… and then exhale without his eyes losing track of yours.
“The way your eyes shine… brighter than any precious jewel… why are your eyes… so beautiful?” He exclaimed with such sincerity and adoration that the gaze of others were now focused on the both of you. A huge blush crept to your cheeks both from the embarrassment and the unexpected declarations, and all you wanted to do was run and escape from all of it.
Hanzo, on the other hand, was unfazed at the attention he had garnered to himself – and to you most unfortunately – and kept his drunk gaze on you.
“C-C’mon, Hanzo. Let’s go home.” Hearing you say that, the man decided he was having none of that ‘going home’ talk and stayed put on his spot with a small pout now on his lips.
“B-But… I wish to… to spend more time with you!” Ah, there it is. The killer words.
“Maybe if I say that you’re as beautiful as the freshly bloomed cherry blossoms… we can stay longer?” Hanzo was acting like a child now, one you couldn’t say no to. How could you say no to this man when he was pleading to have some more time with you? He wasn’t one for company for the most part and now at his most vulnerable and drunk state, Hanzo was begging for it and from no one else but you.              
Your eyebrows furrowed together, your mind attempting to come with an escape plan for him and your sanity. And the idea that your head constructed in those quick seconds was one you didn’t want to say aloud with a crowd now fascinated with the act before them.
“Maybe back a-at home we can…” You couldn’t, you just couldn’t do this anymore.
Luckily Hanzo seemed pleased with this and a huge grin took over his features, his muscled arms now crossed in front of him with his chin up high as if he had come out victorious from a battle. You swear you could see puffs of smoke coming out from his nostrils but there was no time for that now; escaping was of essence right this moment.
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our-love-forever · 3 years
Drunk | Cole Cassidy
The cowboy had sworn to you he wasn’t going to drink too much at the bar because he “only wanted to a take few sips and contemplate its flavor” – factual words that slipped out of his lips.  But when you received a call from said man 1 hour after you just had talked to him in person – his whole speech slurred and unable to be deciphered with the exception of a few words – you knew you had to get him before he got himself into trouble. On the phone call, the only words you were able to make out from Cole were “am drunk” and something along the lines of if you could come get him.
Once you reached the bar and located him from the rest of the crowd, you took a strong squeeze of his bicep and gave the bartender an apologetic smile. Surprisingly, the bartender returned the gesture, and the embarrassment that had taken over your body was no longer there. That could only mean that Cole hadn’t done anything to cause problems… yet.
“Cole, let’s get you out here,” you let out loud enough for him to hear and it was inevitable for you to take in the smell of whiskey coming from his breath. Without a doubt, he sure did savor a couple of shots in such a short amount of time.
“Yeaaah, let’s do that.” Hearing him talk like that and with a couple of hiccups interrupting himself made you snicker despite the urgency of the scenario. With a tighter hold around his waist and one of his arms above your shoulders, it took every muscle within your body to drag Cole out of the bar. The man was limp from the moment he stood up from his stool and you had to repeatedly protest at him to regain some of his own footing; it worked here and there but with more failure than success.
Finally at your car, you maneuvered your way to where your keys were located: right front pocket next to Cole’s torso. Trying to fetch your keys while keeping a drunk cowboy up on his feet was a whole ordeal of his own, one you hoped you wouldn’t have to relive anytime soon.
A triumphant sigh escaped your lips when you got a hold of said keys and quickly began to unlock the door to the passenger seat. Somehow it had been easier to sit Cole inside the car than anything else you had to do today.
Fastening his seatbelt became another challenge of its own as he made it almost impossible to do so. He was attempting numerous times to caress your face yet his hand always missed by a few inches, making his arm an obstruction anytime you tried to click the seatbelt into place.
“Nooo,” Cole bickered every time he miscalculated and you couldn’t deny how adorable this was beginning to appear. Other drunks would have frustrated you within minutes, but when it came to Cole, a lot of his antiques could be excused. With a click of the belt, you admired your work and were about to shut the door until the man took a hold of your arm.
“Waaait there, sweetheart,” he slurred out while his eyes tried to focus on your face. “Did ya… did ya know that I loooove the way your hair flutters in the air? Or or…” he grasped his chin between his fingers with his other hand, the other never losing its grip on you. “That you’re so nice to me, even if I may be a son of a bastard? Damn… I hit the jackpot with ya.”
To say you were surprised by his declarations of praise was an understatement and the growing blush on your cheeks attested to that.
“Aaand that you’re beautiful? Care to explaiiin that?”
He was killing you right then and there. There was no way you would ever forget this even if you tried.
“Okay, come on, let’s take you home before you say anything else,” you babbled as a quiver overtook your voice. Your heart was soaring at that very moment and the butterflies in your stomach fluttered with no indication of stopping anytime soon.
“Alright, preeetty thing.” Cole attempted to tip his hat at your direction but miserably missed as his fingertips went higher than where the rim was. He let out a grunt at this and inspected his hand as if they were the most disappoint thing to him. This let out a shy laugh from you and him able to earn that from you made the biggest, drunk smile to take over his lips.          
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our-love-forever · 3 years
How I Feel | Hanzo Shimada
Since the day of Hanzo’s return from one of his long missions, it was hard to dismiss the way he would look at you lately. Not in a bad way, of course, but you weren’t used to this kind of gaze from him. A gaze that filled your body with a warmth that could almost be described as a hug that didn’t need a certain somebody to be there to actually have you in his arms.
Serious and composed would be more appropriate to describe Hanzo’s expressions which were known to anybody, but today and since that day, you could only see tenderness and love in his features.
The archer sat on the middle of the tatami floor where a brown, minimalistic coffee table lay in front of him, his eyes lost on you where you stood in the kitchen. Considering he would be back to work in a couple days, you had offered to make tea for the both of you to bring some normality and peace for the time being, hence why you were currently busy at your current spot.  
A couple minutes passed by, his eyes never losing sight of you, and you made your way towards the living room. Hanzo analyzed every curve on your body, how it swayed from one side and to the other, the unique rhythm in your step that was undeniably you whenever he would look at you - the man had memorized all of these things about you as the days went by.
You began to ready a cup for him but it was almost impossible for your hands not to tremble as his brown eyes penetrated through your very soul. It formed a small knot in your throat that you knew would take a while to get rid off if he continued to do this to you. Thankfully you were able to keep the table free of any spills and you slid a cup towards him, earning a small and pleased thank you from the male.
The only sound present was the occasional sipping from the both of you and you wished so badly to ask Hanzo anything to just hear his voice, but you did not dare do so. A part of you was too anxious to even know what was it that occupied his mind while another part of you didn’t want to interrupt whichever it was that was going between the both of you. It was comforting being in this state but also flustering.
Eventually, Hanzo placed down his finished cup with a satisfied sigh escaping his lips, his loving eyes capturing yours once more. Once he could see your hands free from holding your own cup, he went and reached for your hands with his own ever so gently.
The burning fire that made its course from the tip of your fingers to your neck overtook your whole being, your skin now covered in goosebumps that made you float into cloud nine. A red blush crept up into your cheeks, a smile accompanying your features along with it. Normally Hanzo wasn’t one to initiate gestures like these often but when he did, your mind wandered into the moment and making lose notion of what was called time.
Hanzo tenderly rubbed the back of your hands with his thumps, his gaze fixed on your joined hands. How long had his eyes being there? You wouldn’t know from all the emotions that you had just gone in the last couple of minutes.  
“The way I feel when I’m with you…,” Hanzo started off, your focus now back to him. He stopped for a moment, his lips parting and then coming back together to gather his thoughts for a second. Now, his eyes laid upon you once more as electricity went up and down your spine.
“I cannot fully describe it, my love. You make me incredibly happy and you fill me with such warmth that I do not know what to do. I’m the happiest and relaxed when I’m with you.” He snickered a little at himself and threw his gaze down to look at the coffee table. This was getting to be too much for him but reasoned with himself to continue. Hanzo garnered a courage like he had never done before that it almost baffled him; battles close to the brink of death were more challenging than this but now he knew this was tougher than any other challenge he had faced in the past.
Now was the time to overcome this challenge if it entailed the most important person in his life: you.
His eyes held a fire not previously present and now pierced back unto yours, this time unwavering. “No one else has ever made me feel so at peace and accepted despite my past, except you. For this, I am deeply grateful to have you in my life, my treasure.”
You couldn’t help but take a turn to look at the table this time, a bigger smile on your features and tears threatening to come out. His hands tightened around yours as he gave them a few squeezes. Brown eyes waited for your gaze to come back to his but upon falling on the smile that adorned your face, he was placed at ease. No more words were necessary from that point on as the both of you radiated the same love and appreciation for one another.
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our-love-forever · 3 years
Suggestions Accepted | Reinhardt Wilhelm
a/n: it has been almost 2 years since I’ve been back to my blog and it’s somewhat surreal to see it again. Something kept telling me to come back and start posting once again my stories and so here I am at 12am doing that. I hope that anyone that reads this and any past and future drabbles of mine enjoy them ♡
You had never gotten your armor this broken before, but it was bound to happen eventually. That was the fate of such things with everyday use.
Unfortunately, Torbjörn seemed not to be in today as the old, metallic gate to his shop was shut before you. You let out a defeated sigh, the heavy bag with your armor in it digging into your shoulder. What were you going to do now? You didn’t really have a mission coming up, but it was always best to have everything in top shape in case the necessity arises.
With a heavy sigh, you turned on your heel to make your way back to your room. That is until you heard the soft clashing of metal against one another next to Torbjörn’s workshop. There was nothing else on your agenda for the day that needed attention and so with a lazy step, you made your way next door. You held on tight to the strap of your bag, making sure your armor didn’t make much sound and wouldn’t interrupt whoever it was that was working.
You carefully leaned towards the entrance, not setting a foot inside yet before analyzing the room first. A tall German’s back stood in the middle of the room and his back obstructed your view from whichever he was tinkering with at that moment. His white undershirt, which could be called more of a grey color at this point, revealed all the of the scars that adorned his shoulders even from a distance. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the many praises about the man and the battles he had won throughout his career, but the one thing that your eyes had never seen were the proof of such battles.
You attentively stared at his movements until he began to glance around him – most probably looking for a tool – until his eyes found your figure.
“Oh! Hello there!” Reinhardt cheerfully greeted you with that wide smile of his. He quickly dusted away any particles he had on his pants with his blackened hands, only making the action futile. He only groaned for a second before taking his eyes back to you.
“Didn’t notice you there. What brings you here?” You have the man a lopsided smile of your own, dropping the bag to your side.
“I was looking for Torbjörn so he could fix my armor but…,” you trailed off, earning an acknowledging ‘ah’ from him. With a wave of his hand, Reinhardt invited you further inside the workshop. You dragged your items towards him as your sore shoulders were unable to lift it any longer. He eyed your items as you had quickly unzipped your bag and then reached for what appeared to be a shoulder piece. It didn’t take long for a piece to come off here and there from it while he still held on to it, earning a defeated groan from you.
“Now that I find you here,” you began with a hand massaging your shoulder, “do you think you could give me some suggestions on how to make my equipment more comfortable?” As of late, your armor was causing you troubles where certain parts poked at your body with certain movements or the clothes under your armor weren’t think enough to prevent blisters from forming. “If you have time to spare, of course.”
“Gladly! Anything to help a fellow comrade.” Hearing those words lifted a weight off of you and you couldn’t help but smile at Reinhardt’s eagerness to come to your rescue.
He started off with asking where your armor was the most uncomfortable, what was it that you wore usually and for how long – so and so forth he questioned while taking in your responses. It wasn’t long before the German had all and any tips to offer, all of them giving you a better idea on what you should do next time. They all ranged from having to resize your armor to better fit you, maybe wear this material instead of this one, perhaps even changing the material of your equipment to facilitate movement; it was tips like these that you wondered why they weren’t provided on a handbook for beginners.
It was fascinating to hear him talk with such passion about armory and it was easy to see the broad knowledge he had about the topic. It didn’t matter if it started to deviate from being about armor tips to recollection of his past battles to him wanting to know more about you. Just listening to Reinhardt talk like this was almost addicting, not wanting to leave his side despite the day reaching its end. 
Once it was noticeable that the sun had begun to set, you both agreed to pause your conversations for the day not before thanking the man before you. 
“I wouldn’t want you to get hurt out there. You’re a very precious hero to us… and me, of course.” It was as if he had intended for the last part to be inaudible to you, yet it had failed to fall on deaf ears. It made your heart sore upon hearing that in its entirety and your smile could not grow any bigger than it was. And your reddened cheeks weren’t free from it either.
With a push of your tippy toes, you placed a small, quick kiss on his left cheek. “Thank you for that, Reinhardt. That means a lot to mean.”
The widening of his eyes and the red on his cheeks were impossible miss as you went back down to stand flat on your feet. It was a sight you wouldn’t mind seeing a couple more times in the future if you were being honest.
Reinhardt rubbed at his neck shyly while a hearty laugh escaped from his lips, trying hard to keep his composure from the loving gesture. “Ha, now that’s too kind of you, dear.”
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our-love-forever · 4 years
- Jealousy -
a/n: what if some of the guys saw you talking with someone and they get a bit... jealous?
he knows he shouldn’t be jealous, but he can’t help it even if it’s just a friend or comrade
attempts real hard to stop himself from feeling like this but to no veil
when Genji can’t take it anymore, will quietly approach your side and start talking with the both of you as if it was the most natural thing
grasps your hand in mid conversation with you in the hopes of making you blush (the other person awkwardly stares at the both of you)
once they’re gone, Genji will give you a sheepish look
“I can’t help it, you know? You are mine and only mine.”
Soldier: 76
heavy wrinkles are visible on his forehead whenever he gets jealous and if he didn’t have his visor on, you would be able to see the glare he throws towards the person you’re talking to (you can almost feel the tension coming from him too)
slowly approaches you, not taking his eyes off of the guy
if he knows it’s a recruit that’s before you, the old man is not afraid to place an arm around your shoulders and tell them to go back to training (even if they had already finished)
feels kind of ashamed for his way of acting and will try to apologize to you
“I… I did not mean to do that. I’m sorry, baby.” (blushes a little with his head down)
are they asking for a death wish from him?
he’s boiling in the inside and he’s so tense you can feel it a mile away
he’s beside you in a matter of seconds in a cloud of black and puts his clawed hand on your shoulder
holds his head high, anger in his voice, and tells them to screw off (too tense, too tense)
tightens his hold on your shoulder a little but not to the point of hurting you
fades away just like he had arrived without explanation (words are not his forte at the moment)
his face may remain stoic but his body speaks for him
he will fold his arms across his chest and exhale through his nose heavily
approaches you, resting his hand on your lower back and makes an excuse to take you away, not even caring for the other person in front of you (knows it seems rude but that’s what’s not important right now)
doesn’t take away his hand from your back even if it’s not needed any further (gives him a sense of ownership)
“I do not like it when they look or talk with you like that.”
he loops his thumps around his belt and walks towards you in the most intimidating cowboy walk he can muster (has a scowl the whole way)
once he’s next you, he takes his arm around your waist, gives you the most flirtatious smile ever, and pulls you closer to him, calling you tons of pet names so he makes the other person uncomfortable (in which he obviously succeeds)
will input those pet names in the most mundane questions and statements
“How you being, pumpkin? Didn’t expect you to be here, sweetheart. Was actually wonderin’ where you were, honey.”
once the other victim goes away, Jesse will not stop what he started (he knows his pet names for you are one of your weaknesses)
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our-love-forever · 4 years
- Yoga Time -
a/n: some funny headcanons with a couple of the Overwatch guys trying out yoga at your upcoming class! 
thinks yoga is “too girly”
somehow you are able to plead him to go with you this once
he’s all grumpy and scoffs at you whenever you try to look at him (he does them good though)
“Now everyone, find peace within yourself…” (Doomfist throws a glare at your direction as the teacher says that)
he cannot find peace within himself
although his muscles get in the way, causing him not to be able to fully do some poses
“You will never, ever see me doing this again.”
don’t even mention the word yoga in his presence after that one class
“Yoga? I have always wondered what it’s like, actually.”
even though he can’t feel much because of his metallic body, he does feel some peace of mind from this kind of practice
all of the poses and turns are so easy for him, he doesn’t even have to try (his flexibility had been enhanced obviously)
the instructor definitely throws a sophisticated pose here and there just to see if Genji can truly do it (everyone gawks at him)
enjoys it so much that he would definitely do it again with you
“When’s the next class?” (eventually starts jotting down the dates for yoga day)
“What in tarnation is this yoga?”
you explain to him what it is and he’s just like “ok, whatever, I’ll go”
it is quite harder than he thought
“I thought you said this was supposed to be relaxing!” He yells in a whisper next to you while doing the triangle pose
he’s sweating so much throughout the whole class that others start to worry
may have been hard, but he would do it again (at home in secret; the both of you may even do it together if Jesse’s the one that proposes the idea)
“Don’t. Even. Think. About it.”
somehow, you are able to take him to one of your classes (you totally made him go)
the whole time he’s moping about being there like a small child
his dark aura has everyone freaked out (but they know yoga class in an open place for everybody; still weary)
but starts to fancy it because of the small challenge the poses give (won’t admit any of this to you)
may or may not come back to the classes with you… who knows
Soldier: 76
he was hesitant at first because of his age but you reassured him that everyone of all ages does yoga
decides to go and is quite excited about it
oh god… his bones and muscles are not made for this kind of twisting anymore
beginner poses are feasible for him but those like the half-seated twist? Oh boy
did his back just pop? (feels good but not good)
“Thank you, sweetheart, but… I don’t think this is for me”
maybe he could take it a little slower next time (beginner poses = his forté)
not sure about it but guesses he could at least give it a try, just for your sake
“Is this how you do it? No, wait, I got it.” (doesn’t got it)
“I don’t think that’s where your leg goes, Hanzo…”  
“Oh… really?”
he gets tense at times but then shakes it off
improvises poses in a way that seem almost impossible at first (but with some explaining, it is actually possible)
surprisingly he does like it and wants to practice more with you at home
becomes a daily routine to do yoga together (but nobody must know. Nobody)
“Let’s go! Show them what a Crusader can do!”
so excited he wants to go already, even though the class is in two days
takes almost a quarter of space in the small room (doesn’t notice because of his excitement)
he’s got the hang of the poses but… he’s so close to touching the other people in the room
“See me go, liebeling. I’m so good at this!”
“Hush, Reinhardt!”
he’s going to next week’s class and nothing can stop him
“Uh, you sure I can go? Me being a gorilla and all…”
with some reassurance, he decides to go, a little nervous though
there are some poses he can do while others are just impossible (his physical structure just won’t allow it)
plough pose? Can’t touch the floor with his feet (rolls backwards as consequence)
nervously laughs from time to time as he adorably fails (laughing can save lives!)
a room full of humans is not his kind of place so instead he practices at his own place (has Athena download several yoga-related videos)
he likes exercising so it’s no wonder he accepts to go do yoga with you
he attracts a ton of people once you guys get to the class (being famous comes with its perks and flaws)
his moves are so groovy when he switches from one pose to another that it kind of distracts some of the people there
will not stop humming to a rhythm found within himself (did the instructor start humming too?)
“Man, yoga is too slow for me. I need more movement!”
doesn’t go to the next class with you
“Ah, yoga. Such a wonderful practice. I would be delighted to accompany you in your next class.”
how is he able to make all of the poses look so graceful? (so envious)
he’s not evening touching the mat underneath him!
ok, now he’s touching it (starts floating a few seconds later anyway)
the orbs around him swirl and move in such a mesmerizing way that it has some people distracted (so tempting to touch them too)
confesses he knew some yoga poses from articles he had looked at before (envy increases)
he quite likes it and is anticipating to go to your next class already (maybe telling him to leave his orbs at home is a good suggestion)
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Red and Caress | Soldier 76
The second to last mission had been exhausting but today’s mission had pushed you to the limit. A bullet had almost made contact with your head – the small, single cut on your left cheek proof of such – and to make things worse, one of your teammates had been taken hostage, thus making the whole mission tense.
There were among other things, but those two specific incidents are what had you laying on the red, old couch of the Overwatch headquarters.
Your eyelids slowly began to drop; despite the couch being a few years old, it sure still was comfortable.
“Tough mission?” You heard Soldier: 76 mutter in front of you as you were about to fall asleep. Bringing your chin to your chest, you slowly opened and closed your eyes so that they could get used to the dim lights in the resting room.
“You could say that,” you rubbed at your face, fatigue overcoming your eyelids despite your actions. The soldier went to sit next you, careful not to shift you from your spot with his weight.
“What happened to your cheek?” He quickly inquired as he went to place a gloved hand on said injury. Your skin stung at the sudden contact, yet his hold was so gentle like that of a fleeting feather. Your cheeks flared to a red hue in an instant, and you felt your eyes open more than ever had been that evening.
A few seconds later and Soldier: 76 retracted his hand in a flurry and began to rub at his thigh awkwardly, his eyes set on the opposite side of you. Shaking your head a little, you attempted to cool down your blush, yet that did little to nothing.
“Y-Yea, I was almost shot in the face if I hadn’t moved an inch from the bullet.” Soldier only nodded in response, giving a small ‘that’s good’ in the end.
Soldier then cleared his throat, drawing your attention once again to him. “L-Listen, I’m glad you returned alive, but swear to me that you will be more cautious next time. I- we can’t risk losing someone like you.”
Seconds felt like countless minutes, the space around you felt suffocating and the lump on your throat grew, none of you daring to look at each other.
You were used to getting this fluttered around the elite soldier, but it was usually you the one that suffered alone. Sure, the man would give you the occasional pats on the back, words of encouragement and whatnot, but never had he caressed you like he had done right now.
“Of c-course,” you whispered. Giving your shoulder a pat, the man proceeded to stand from his spot on the mattress, his sight set straight ahead of him. It didn’t take long until he was lost from your vision of sight and you let yourself to slouch deep unto the couch.
Butterflies fluttered inside your stomach with no sign of coming to a stop. You shut your eyes once again but this time recalling the incident a few minutes ago, a soft blush dusting your cheeks. It would probably take you a bit to go back to what you were trying to do earlier, but it was fine. This was worth losing rest to.
But if it hadn’t been for the visor that covered his whole face, you would have been able to take notice of the embarrassed shade of red that overtook over his own skin.
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Stupid Things Humans Do | Connor
There were many things that Connor did not understand about humans – despite being the advanced android he was – and what he did not understand in particular were the weird and stupid habits humans had.
Another day another time, Connor was getting some coffee for Hank – he had drunk himself away last night but luckily with no Russian roulette involved – and he spotted you in the corner of his eye as you were getting some coffee for yourself. Sensing how eager you were to be at work for some odd reason, the android knew that something could go wrong if you weren’t careful enough. Faster than he had expected, you were already nearing your cup to your lips, sensing immediate disaster.
One morning, you had arrived at the DPD with a small hop in your step and went to excitedly gush at Connor about a new tv series that you had just discovered, telling him every little detail of what had happened in the last episode. Connor was beyond confused at what you were talking about and had to stop you before you lost your breath. How and why were you so excited about a simple tv show?
“Wait! It’s-” But his small effort to stop you ended in vain. You were already jumping around with your tongue sticking out. ‘How could you be so careless?’ he could only think to himself.
Not only did he see these habits from you but from the other officers around him as well. They all had their own ridiculous human characteristics and Connor couldn’t understand why.
“Why do humans get excited about simple things and do things that they know will injure them?” he asked aloud to himself, his mind trying to find the right algorithm to fit unto his problem.
“Well, I can’t even explain it myself since I don’t understand either,” you snickered at your own statement. Connor eyed your face for a few seconds, some bewilderment clouding his thinking. Not even humans were able to find an answer?
Connor pondered for a while within himself until he decided to give up and go back to his own assigned work, a small smile on his lips.
“Why the smile, Connor?” you asked the android in front of you. His eyes did not leave the case that he was taking a look at, yet his smile began to widen.
“Just wondering if you will do something unexpected and ‘stupid’ in the next few seconds.”
The playful punch to his arm answered his statement. At this rate, Connor was sure there was no way he would be able to understand humans.    
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our-love-forever · 4 years
You're Strong | Genji Shimada
“You can do this,” Genji passionately let out to you, looking intensely into your eyes.
The ninja knew that the world was beating you up as of late – things weren’t working out as you expected, problems starting to pile up after another – it was almost endless. And what he hated the most was to see you so defeated.
If you needed to vent, Genji was by your side in an instant.
If you needed words of encouragement to lift you up once again, he could and would talk your ear off if it was necessary.
No matter what it was, he was always there for you.  
He then went to take a hold of your hands and softly squeezed them, tenderly rubbing at your knuckles.
“You’re stronger than you think you are and I know you will get through this.”
Genji would never give up on you and he had sworn that on himself; you were too important to him to let you succumb to your worries and frustrations.
He saw as your eyes began to leave his, a sad smile etched on your lips.
“I know you’re strong because you have endured many hardships,” he continued as the ninja placed his palm under your chin, catching your attention up to him again. “I know you can keep on going because of all of the hurdles that have been thrown at you and you have not let a single one stop you.”
This was true – Genji had seen the multitude of things that you had overcome. It was also true that you struggled throughout those ordeals, but you always rose against them. You had come out victorious in one way or another.
And he had always been proud of you.
Giving you a soft smile, the man took you into his arms, giving the top of your head a small peck. He leaned his head against yours and swayed the both of you from side to side.
“Everything will be alright,” Genji whispered into your ear, hopefully lulling you unto a serene state. “Even if it may seem that it’s the end of the world, just remember that you’re stronger than you think you are…”
He paused, giving your head another soft peck.
“… and I am always here for you. I will always believe in you.”
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Endless Nights | Winston
a/n: the gorilla scientist is here to help out a sleepless!reader this time!
So many endless, sleepless nights that slowly made your body weaker and nothing could help you take the rest you needed. Not even pills could make you fall asleep and Winston knew how much you were struggling with this every day of your life. The bags under your eyes and the pale look on your skin completely had him on edge, worrying him for many days now.  Winston had to – needed to – do something for you, just like he had for Lena in her time of desperation.  
When he had suggested to run a simple experiment on you that should help you with your dilemma, only a nod had been thrown his way while your eyes held a void look to them. You were somewhat hopeful that this would actually help yet a part of you still did not believe it possible since many other things failed to do so. Nonetheless, you continued with his idea since there was nothing to lose at this point.
“Lay here for me please,” the scientist asked as he patted what seemed to be a regular mattress, except multiple cords emerged out from under its sides. Winston adorned a sympathetic smile as he saw as you followed his instructions, hope in his eyes that this would succeed.
Despite being the scientist he was and his enthusiasm to explain the details behind his projects, Winston decided not to bore you with such. He knew you barely had the energy to endure scientific explanations or even hold a conversation right now.
All he wanted was for you to finally get the peace and rest you had been longing for.
“This should work, I’m certain it will,” Winston added with certainty, his eyes shining. You gave him a small smile and gazed at him as you laid there. He punched a few buttons here and there at his station as his gaze finally fell on you once was done.
Three minutes passed as you both stared at each other. Winston was tense to say the least; what if this didn’t work after all? Questions like these occupied his mind since the very beginning, but he was used to failure. But when it meant helping a friend of his, his doubts and the weight under his shoulders was much greater.
Six minutes passed and he began to see as your eyelids began to close at a slow, rhythmic pace. At this, hope weld up inside him.
You shifted briefly on your bedding trying to find that comfortable position of yours. Winston only kept an attentive eye on you as you kept moving about.
Nine minutes passed and the monitor behind him indicated your heartbeat starting to come to a slower rate. Looking back at you, the scientist took in your relaxed body; how your eyes had finally given up on you. A few more minutes and he was sure you would finally be at complete ease.
Thirteen minutes passed after you were finally at that realm of rest. Carefully, Winston tiptoed closer to your side and took a careful look at your tranquil expression. How long had it been since you had attained this kind of peace? You had told him of the many nights you had struggled to sleep for even three continuous hours in a whole night. It was a miracle if you got five at the very least.
He let out an exhale through his nostrils away from your direction. He was relieved. Elated. Sentimental.
Winston had accomplished his very goal and you were proof of that.
A content look on his face, he stepped away from you and looked back at his monitor: a stable heartbeat, the first steps of non-REM taking place withing your brain – you were at ease.
Now all he needed to do was to monitor your state for the rest of the night. There was no way Winston was going to fail you and if it meant not taking a wink of sleep of his own, he was willing to do that for you.  
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Why a Corgi? | Gabriel Reyes
a/n: a funny little prompt involving a corgi and Gabriel hehe
Out of all the dogs that you were able to choose from, why this one? He knew corgis were quite a big hit with the masses because of their unique structure and characteristics, but he still did not get it. You did have many photos of you and the dog around the house and Gabriel was indeed a little jealous – something that he would never admit to you.
At the moment, Gabriel held the silly corgi as it were a stuffed animal – his hands under its short, doggy arms – and deeply stared at the dog’s face. The corgi did the same to Gabriel while it exhaled from its mouth, it’s tongue close to touching his scarred lips. The animal’s breath smelled like your usual animal breath and the man wrinkled his nose in disgust.
He didn’t hate the furry animal, it’s just that he didn’t understand why you adored it so much.
“Cariño?” Gabriel called out to you from the couch that he was resting on at the living room. “Can you come here for a second?”
“Sure, just give me a minute,” you responded all the way from your shared room. Once he heard the shuffling of your feet coming closer, Gabriel began to face where you were coming from and turned the dog in his hands so that its back rested against his chest. The man firmly held on to the small creature and directed a questioning look your way once you were in front of the both of them.
“I know that I have asked you this question several times already but why this dog? What makes it so special?”
Gabriel already expected what your response would be – that it was adorable, it had a fluffy butt, it’s stubby little legs – he could go on forever at all of the reasons you had given him before. But he needed a more reasonable answer.
“Because they’re so cute!”
There you went again. What did Gabriel really expect?
“What else?” He added without spirit in his voice. The man already knew how this was going to proceed.
“Look at its fluffy butt! Oh, and its short arms, you can never miss those.”
Yeap, the ‘fluffy butt’ and ‘short arms’. Something that Gabriel had already heard and inspected for so many times in the past.
“And if you think about it, they look like loaves of bread whenever they are laying down! It doesn’t matter in what position they’re laying down; they always look like loaves of bread.”
Gabriel frowned a bit this time, unable to hide his displeasure at your typical answer. He would have added that it specifically looked like a ‘toasted loaf of bread’ if it weren’t for the mental conflict he was having inside of him. Neither would it help to fuel your excitement further for the dog.
“It’s a walking meme, though,” Gabriel exclaimed as a matter-of-fact. He at least had picked up on that detail from the oh-so wonderful internet.
“Which makes things much better! Don’t you think so?” you gleamed at his statement. The way your eyes shone with happiness for the furry creature made him chuckle in the end. Gabriel truly couldn’t hate you for choosing this breed of dog; he loved you too much to even argue with you.
Turning the dog around so it would face him once again, he lingered on the thought that maybe he could learn to love the dog as well. Who knows?
But before Gabriel could open a small space within his soldier heart for the small animal to crawl in, the corgi wiggled on his hold and sneezed on his face.
Gabriel hummed in annoyance at the dog, but what irritated him the most was the fact that you were giggling at the scene before you. Maybe today wasn’t the day to open his heart to the so-called walking meme.
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Holding Back | Hanzo Shimada
a/n: something a bit more angsty this time~
“Why do you hold back so much, brother?” Genji inquired, frustration evident in his voice.  Hanzo hunched at his question, his back facing his brother. He was a Shimada and those of the clan were to keep themselves in check, yet the archer had failed at that simple task.
Being his younger brother, Genji could detect whenever his older brother was distressed, and now was one of those times. Despite Hanzo’s constant cold shoulder towards him, he just couldn’t ignore that which troubled him. Sometimes he was able to alleviate his worries, other times were unsuccessful as Hanzo still kept that thick wall between the both of them.
Although that wall was present, the ninja was still able to pick up on what Hanzo was struggling with. The main reason?
You, the person that had captured his fragmented heart.
His body showed it all, but only a trained eye such as Genji’s could pick up on such so subtle details. Whenever Hanzo caught you on his line of sight, his shoulders would loosen and a breath of air would release from within him; whenever he would talk with you may it be about training or something as trivial as today’s dinner, Hanzo’s attention always laid on you and nothing else. So on and so forth, these were some of the things that Genji was able to pick up about his brother.
Simply put, you placed Hanzo’s heart at ease.
Yet Genji could not understand why his brother held back so much. His past was long gone – yes, his brother had brought him anguish many years ago but he had made it clear that he had forgiven him for his sin – and he believed that Hanzo had redeemed himself these past few years. But it seemed that wasn’t the case yet.
Hanzo was so stubborn and so hard on himself that a deep part inside of Genji aggravated him. Was his brother afraid of something?
“I know that you may still not accept the doings of your past, but this is different. Why-”
“Because I do not deserve them, Genji,” the archer snapped back as he went to fully face his younger brother. “That is why.”
Frustration and bitterness could be felt from his words as his head hung low, fists clenched by his sides. His eyes were tightly shut as Hanzo did not know how to handle the battle inside his heart and head.  He wouldn’t do anything about the matter is what he had come to terms with within himself, but his heart said otherwise.
If he didn’t deserve Genji from the beginning, then he didn’t deserve anybody else. Who would want to be with a man with such a past as his?
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Younger Self  |  Jesse McCree
a/n: this may be a bit confusing to read at first, but just take into account that Deadlock! McCree, as well as present McCree are in this story. In summary, this is a counter with his younger self in a way that can’t be explained. Hope you guys like!
He seemed… familiar. The way he walked with a slant on his shoulders, the black cowboy hat that laid on top of his head and clothed in all black leather. Too familiar for comfort.
At the moment, Jesse and you were taking a walk, hand in hand, around the town of Santa Fe, New Mexico when you noticed that certain individual. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, completely certain that it reminded you of a certain someone, but you couldn’t place your finger on it.
“Sweetheart, what ya lookin’ at?” asked the cowboy beside you, his voice full of curiosity as to what could have you so captivated. Jesse followed your line of sight, but nothing that looked of interest had caught his eye. Only confusion etched unto his brows.
“Is that… you?” You blurted out, your gaze never leaving the man in the distance. Once again, the cowboy attempted to focus on what you meant as he squinted. It would have been easier if you actually pointed at the culprit in hand, but who dares point at a stranger out of nowhere?
A chill went down his spine, finally catching on to the individual. Was that… actually him? But younger? What was going on?
“Is that really you!? Your face says it all, Jesse McCree!” Your sudden remark snapped him from his frantic thinking, a bewildered look all over his face. One of his hands tried to silence you, but your quick reflexes prevented him from doing so. How he wishes the ground could swallow him right now.
Tugging at his arm, you began to drag him to this Jesse that the current Jesse just did not wish to acknowledge, not even approach. “Um, honey? I don’t think-”
Yet his plea went to deaf ears as the both of you stood at a reasonable distance from the young lad, but close enough to see that it truly… was your Jesse McCree in a younger flesh. You couldn’t help but let your eyes widen at your discovery and a gasp to escape your lips. If you had dared to take a glance at Jesse next to you, his fidgeting would have told you so many things as to how he was feeling about all of this.
You both witnessed as the lad began to make his way to the both of you with a slow stride to his step. Your heart wanted to break free from your chest, both from excitement and anxiousness. The same thing could be said about the cowboy next to you, although uneasiness is what took over most of his body at that moment.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” the younger McCree started as he eyed the both of you with a hostile look on his gaze. His presence, as intimidating as it was, only fueled the thrill inside of you.
“I was wondering if I owed you something by the way you were looking at me?” Now his attention went to rest on Jesse; that look that men gave each other when they were ready to start a showdown at that very spot. “Especially with the way that your… partner is looking at me…”
At this, Jesse placed a firm arm around your waist and brought you closer to him; that damn belt buckle all too familiar to him. This didn’t seem to look good already.  
You took a small gulp while you inspected him closely for a few seconds. He looked so young, yet danger radiated from his whole being – maybe it had been a mistake to encounter him after all.
Questioning was out the window now, but it couldn’t hurt to ask his name at least… right?
“A-Ah yes, I’m sorry,” you started warily, “Is your n-name Jesse McCree, by the way?” The young lad placed his weight from one foot to the other and averted his gaze from the both of you, his jaw now visibly tightened.
“Sorry but that ain’t my name. Have a good day.” He tipped his hat to Jesse and you and scurried away, still holding on to his hat. You both watched as he made a turn to a saloon’s corner and disappeared from your vision in an instant.
The grip of Jesse’s arm around you loosened, along with a relieved sigh escaping from his lips. The cowboy took a glance back at you, not shocked to see your features to be taken over by fascination – ‘of course,’ he figured.
Now, he had to prepare himself for the dozens of questions that would be thrown his way once you were both back home. Not looking forward to that in the slightest. Yet, the question still remained – how and what had just happened?
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our-love-forever · 4 years
His Eyes | Genji Shimada
a/n: this is dedicated to @leelokel , one of my old subscribers that had won a small contest in the past and I had written this for them. I made a bit of improvements as well as additions to it, so I hope that you like this new, improvised version! (gracias por tu constante apoyo <3)
word length: 2k
How long had you been friends with Genji? 3 years? You weren’t sure since the days that you would spend with him flew like the wind, without a trace. The fond memories that you had created with him were all that mattered, and they were something that you wouldn’t dare let go of for anything in the world.
Every day by his side was an adventure – playing at the arcade game with the intent of beating the highest score, filling your stomachs together at one of the ramen stands – to say that you loved him was an understatement. You loved having him in your life, and he loved having you in his.
In those occasions where the two of you shared your time in peace with a casual conversation here and there, Genji couldn’t help but add how much of a blessing you were to him. From changing his life to always caring for him were topics where he would express his gratitude towards you, never ceasing to make a smile to appear on your lips. If it hadn’t been for his tag-along invitation 3 years ago to Nepal, exploring and staying at the temple where he had been cared for by his mentor, the both of you wouldn’t have the bond you have now.
With the passing of time, your feelings inevitably began to grow more into that of love for him as a man. You couldn’t deny that the way he made you smile - with his soft words full of warmth for you and the constant worry he had over your being at any given time – only made those feelings of yours to multiple further. You loved him for who he was, inside and out.  
The thought of confessing to Genji had crossed your mind too many times to actually keep count at this point, but the fear of it not going the way you hoped for only sealed your true feelings further inside your heart.
Would he feel the same if you did confess to him? Or would it ruin what you both already had together? That fear only made your body freeze in its spot, even turning your stomach into a painful knot at the mere thought of it. In the end, if having him in your life as your friend and only that meant keeping inside what you truly felt for him, it was something you were willing to do. Even if you wished for something more.
“How does going to the park today sound?” Genji asked from the other end of the call. In an instant, you cheerful let out a yes, sensing the excitement in his voice as he established where to meet and at what time. The call had come unexpected, but that’s how the both of you made plans most of the time.
Making your way to the destined park in Hanamura, cherry blossom trees beautifully decorated the area, giving the place that tranquil yet romantic feel to it as a few petals painted the soil beneath you. It would be a lie if you said that the strings inside your heart didn’t pull at the scenery before you, daydreaming of what a date here would be like with him. Nothing could help to stop a soft blush from creeping into your now warm cheeks.   
Walking a bit deeper into the park where most of its many benches rested, you settled yourself into one of them and glanced around you for your expected companion. It didn’t take you long to recognize Genji a distance away from you, making your heart to hammer inside your chest.
A small, whispered curse left your lips as the quickening of your chest wouldn’t stop even at your constant, mental demands for it to do as you said. He had this effect on you and it seemed it would never stop anytime soon.
You resulted in waving at his direction, signaling him of your presence. You took into account as Genji had stopped in his tracks, his vision clearly planted on you despite the mask that covered his line of sight.
“Genji!” you called out to him, “You’re finally here! I’ve been waiting a million years for you!”
That seemed to cut him out from his earlier trance as a shook of his head could be seen, his feet guiding him once again to where he needed to go, a wave of his own thrown your way. You then stood from where you rested and hurried to his direction, engulfing Genji in your arms once he was in reach. The man squeezed your form in response, tighter than what he usually had given you in the past, but no complains could be heard from you.
Finally, the both of you made your way back to where you had been previously and chatted away about each other’s days and whatnot.
From one exchanged story to another, you began to realize that most of the talking was been done by you, while Genji gave the occasional nod and ‘yeah’ as responses. Confusion clouded your mind since this was out of character about the man by your side. He always had something much more exciting to say in response and you couldn’t help but worry to build inside of you.
“Are you ok? You seem out of it today,” you inquired once a pause had been reached within the two of you. Genji shook his head in a frenzy as if clearing his own thoughts, letting a couple of minutes pass by. He then carefully took a hold of your right hand with his left, a soft sigh leaving him.
“I-I have been troubled by some thoughts of mine that won’t leave me alone…,” Genji trailed off, giving himself a few seconds to relax the tension on his shoulders. “And I thought that, well… it was time to express them now.”
Worry etched into your features, unable to hide the way you felt about this coming out of the blue. “You know you can tell me anything, right?” reassuring him with a squeeze of his hand.
“Yes,” he responded with confidence in his voice, yet the way he let his vision fall into the soil betrayed his own words.
He snapped his head to your direction in a matter of seconds then, that confidence in his voice now reflected in his body. A tighter squeeze was given back to your own hand before he began to speak that of which troubled his mind.
“The moment you came into my life, you made see things in a better light and made life worth living for.” A heartfelt smile came to your lips and you were sure that the same could be said about his behind his mask. “You accept me for who I am which means a lot to me, since I come to doubt myself at times.”
“We have the best of times together: fooling around like children, going to places without a plan at times, having the deepest and most meaningful conversations- I could list out many more things, but that’s not my main focus with this.” Genji gave out a nervous chuckle, needing a moment to look away from you for a second. What was his main aim with this, you wondered? It felt just like that what he had just implied – a meaningful conversation – but usually those didn’t have him in this state of nervousness.
Then he fully enclosed your own hand between the both of his and his attention went back to you.  
“For s-some time now, I have come to the realization that I care about you… as more than a friend.”
The pit of your stomach fluttered wildly while a deep blush manifested on your face. You had been completely taken aback by him, the Genji Shimada that had been by your side all these years and here he was; confessing what he truly felt for you.
You took notice of his current bowed head, a shy smile apparent on your face as you inched a bit closer to him. “G-Genji… I care about you as well… a-as more than a friend.”
A giggle escaped you once you had given your response and at the speed that his neck had lifted from its current position had you almost startled for a second. The drape of his arms around your figure afterwards made your heart fly a thousand miles, a breath of air that had been trapped inside you to be let out. You could feel as his shoulders hunched and his face buried inside the crook of your neck sent shivers down your spine.
“Do you know how happy you have made?” He let out in a whisper, as close to your ear as he could. “I was so worried you didn’t think of me that way and I didn’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
“Well…,” you let out a content sigh of your own. “You don’t have to worry about that anymore since I plan to be with you forever.” That was all the reassurance he needed as Genji tightened his hold on you, giving in to the warmth of your body and words. Oh, how the both of you wished that time could freeze and stay like this for hours on end.
Genji was the first one to step back a bit while his hands now rested on your forearms, rubbing at them gently. He glanced from one side to another then again at his surroundings, earning a confused look from you. His attention went back to you and he rubbed at your arms once again, this time, with a bit more force and a squeeze.
“Now that it has come to this… I think that it is about time I showed you what’s underneath the mask. I’m sure you’ve been waiting years for this,” the man let out a chuckle at his own statement.
How many times had you asked him in the past about what was underneath the mask? Anytime you would inquire about what was behind it, Genji always stated that it wasn’t anything pleasant to the eye, that the past hadn’t been so kind to him while leaving you with that vague explanation. Yet that never stopped your curiosity from exploring the possibilities of what his face could look like. With time, your questioning began to become less frequent, although he would let you in unto some details as to what had happened in the past. But now, Genji was ready to show his true self to you.
Pressing a few buttons at the back of his head with his digits, a small few hisses of air came out as he did so. He pressed unto the front of him and rid of it from himself, gently laying it behind him on the bench. Genji could only portray a sheepish grin at your direction as he studied your face for any kind of reaction.
“Oh Genji…,” you gawked as you laid your eyes on his; grey but with a gleam inside yet had a sharp look to them as if the story of his past could be told from them. His scars scattered throughout his whole face, but you had known this fact from him saying so before. Despite the anguish and harsh life that Genji’s eyes had stored for so many years, warmth could still be felt from. One that warmed you to your core.
He tilted his head at you, searching for you in your own orbs and hopefully bring you back to reality. What could you be thinking about is what preoccupied his mind.
“Your eyes are just… just so mesmerizing and beautiful,” you finally let out, earning a wide smile from the man before you. Of all the things you could have pointed out, you had decided to focus on his grey eyes. Genji really didn’t know what he was going to do with you from today onward.
Placing a careful hand behind the back of your head, he brought your forehead to rest on his in which he let himself drown into your own orbs. That wide smile of his still present on his face.
“Thank you. You’re just beyond wonderful, you know that?”
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our-love-forever · 4 years
Hello everybody! My name is Maika and welcome to my writing blog, where I dump all of my writings for whatever idea that comes to mind!
I write oneshots/headcanons/scenarios from various games/shows! Here are a couple of medias that you will see writings for in my blog:
Detroit: Become Human
and hopefully other types of media!
At the moment, I am not accepting any writing requests but I hope to do so when the time is right! (life sure can get in the way sometimes). Although requests are not open, you guys can still send me asks about anything that you guys would like!
Once I decide to open up requests, I will make a post about it, as well as an outline of the things that I’m willing to write about and whatnot. 
Welcome and enjoy!
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