p4nleague · 9 years
Oohh I used to duo with 9inches all the time! Him and his friend have accounts all the way from 7inches->11inches for names lol
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that escalated quickly
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
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god is real and SHES ON THE PBE
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p4nleague · 9 years
I’ll miss all my ults with it but i’ll be FABULOUS!
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p4nleague · 9 years
Duo queued with the ever lovely techtonic!
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
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New Skins
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p4nleague · 9 years
Happy Monday! 
We are talking all about getting over past relationships this week. Having been on both sides of a breakup I know how silly mistakes really set me back and made things way tricker then it needed to be.
Reblogs are always super appreciated! Make sure your Ask box is open so I can send you a thankyou for sharing my videos!
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p4nleague · 9 years
Kaceytron is pure gold. Like I get she's not everyone's cup of tea but I dare you to watch one of her streams and say with any amount of honesty that you could pull off what she does.  The level of genius she pulls off in terms of her 'persona' and her sketch comedy is astounding.
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When I think of social media hearsay, I instantly recall the intro to the 2002 Missy Elliott banger “Gossip Folks:” Girl that is Missy Elliott she lost a lot of weight / Girl I heard she eats one cracker a day / Oh well I heard the bitch was married to Tim and started f***ng with Trina / I heard the bitch got hit with three zebras and a monkey / I can’t stand the bitch no way.
Kaceytron is a bespectacled, busty, and brash Twitch TV partner who has been a successful fixture of gaming live streams since early 2013. She’s known for playing League of Legends, acting out on stream, and interacting with her chat for several hours most days of the week, just like most well-known and well-established streamers. If you do a simple search for Kaceytron on Twitter, you may confuse the 24-year-old retail manager turned gaming entertainer with an evil harpy who is out to enslave poor innocent (male) victims with her indecent and impudent ways.
Continue reading⇥
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p4nleague · 9 years
Ooh god ooh god
I might have started playing some league of legends again… Clearly if I don’t give myself 12 hours of work a day shit like this happens instead :P
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
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Lee Sin actually fires the Q and then flashes past it for the kick #respect
(This is my 434th League of Legends gif)
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
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p4nleague · 9 years
Annie top is happening now?!
I called this last fall when I was streaming and every single time people called BS on it. YAY FOR PREDICTIONS!
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I actually think, for the majority of players, mid/top lane dichotomy is one of the most pointless strategy constructs. There are a couple key reasons for its existence in high level play
Roaming potential: Ability based early game champions (assassins and mages) are the best early roamers, so in competitive games they tend to be placed mid lane where they’re able to gank in either direction
Blue buff access: Many traditional mid laners get significant power from the cool down reduction and mana of this buff.
Team composition: After prioritizing squishy damager dealers middle, the tanky champion of the group (not necessary but a good basic in many comps) must be in either the jungle or top.
These factors have all shaped champion placement through leagues competitive existence, but they’ve either broken down over time or are not relevant in the majority of games. Let’s break it down,
Effective roaming is a diamond level strategy. That’s a very small portion of the community and unless you do so often it won’t matter if you’re top or mid. (And, like mentioned, teleport lets any one roam)
Blue buff has actually been significantly nerfed since the days it gave 20% CDR (now ten) and more mana regen, in addition to that newer champions tend to not have crippling mana costs like the old guard of Anivia Karthus. 
Yes if two equally skilled teams of players collide the better team comp will win out, but there’s many other deciding factors. You will have a much stronger effect on the game playing a champion you know, rather than one you’re unpracticed on to satisfy a guideline not set for you
As for those champions specifically, I actually see Akali top lane with a degree of regularity and have fought several Fizz players up there. I suspect the only reason I don’t see Azir is because people like him mid (players in my games tend to roam) but considering Lissandra Annie and Kassadin are becoming standard in top it would not surprise me in the least
I’m not sure if you were playing ranked at the time, but before season 3 it was almost unheard of to see midlane AD champions. Ever the innovator though, Scarra started spamming Lee Sin mid and highlight video after highlight video hit reddit. By the time season 3 had its world championship, midlane players like SKT T1 Faker had regulars in their roster like Zed or Riven.
The same thing has happened top lane, there’s tons of ranged and AP top laners. We are so far away from the old days of Renekton/Mundo/Shyvana top. If even competitive players are finding their old ideas on who should go where are inaccurate. What does that mean for yours?
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p4nleague · 9 years
It’s that time of year again on League of Legends.
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