pan-icatthedisco · 3 months
“We hope this email finds you well” babe, the only emails I hope find me well are the ones from Archive of Our Own
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pan-icatthedisco · 6 months
❣️ "Shipping" characters means that you are interested in the idea of what it would be like if characters were involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with each other.
❣️ Shipping something does not mean that you think that the relationship would be the most ideal, desirable, healthy or moral relationship for the characters to be in.
❣️ Shipping something does not mean that you think it should be canon.
❣️ Shipping something does not mean you think it would be good, healthy or desirable in real life.
❣️ Shipping something just means that you think that it's interesting to think about, look at art of, read fiction about, write fiction about, or create art about.
❣️Shipping something means you think it is interesting in some way, not that you think it is morally good or desirable.
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pan-icatthedisco · 6 months
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
When your reading a fic because it looked really cool, but you’re getting to the end and the fluff hasn’t happened yet.
Now you’re crying because you didn’t see the Hurt, No Comfort tag and got attached.
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
When you just kinda wanna…melt into a puddle…for no particular reason…
It’s not even a bad feeling…just…puddle…y’know…
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
by the way if youre ever scared to go to a cafe and you dont know what the drinks are
a hot latte is espresso shots, steamed milk, foam top
an iced latte is shots, cold milk and ice. no foam
a cappuccino is shots, steamed milk, a lotta foam
cappuccinos usually arent iced, but they could make it iced by using cold foam in some places (not most)
americano hot is shots and hot water
americano iced is shots, ice and cold water
a mocha is just a latte with mocha syrup and usually whip cream
and a white mocha is the same, just with white mocha
for all the espresso drinks, you can usually ask them to add syrups to make it sweeter - or they will even have pre built drinks on their menu, like a vanilla latte. some places are less flexible than others - but it never hurts to ask!
if you want regular coffee with cold milk just say that
but if you want the milk steamed, its a cafe au lait
if you want something frozen and blended, most places have some version of this - they could be frappes, frozen ______, or ive even seen “chillers” - these are great if you want something like the texture of a milkshake :-)
chai and matcha are built similar to an espresso latte, its the tea with milk (can usually be done hot or iced). chai is spicy and sometimes sweet and matcha is a more refreshing herbal flavor
ummm this is so long sorryyy. i just know people can get anxious to try new things so. i can explain more drinks if anyone wants to know ^_^
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
Just rewatched Treasure Planet and I…it’s just so perfect. The animation, amazing! The storyline, incredible! The characters, impeccable! Literally so good!
This movie is perfect! It has anything you could ever want! A sad boi tm that kinda gains a dad who is suspicious but trying. A nerd who gets a bad*ss wife and is living the dream. An out there robot and the cutest blob for sidekicks of the year. There is nothing not to love.
This was my Treasure Planet appreciation post.
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
I’m the founder of the “I suck at keeping the conversation going, but I really like talking to you” club
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
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pan-icatthedisco · 1 year
TOH S3 E3 spoilers
Not me completely bawling like a baby at the credit scene of TOH s3 e3. Literally sobbing!!!
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
Hi yes the Dragon Prince currently has an iron clad grip on me and so I have been rewatching and let me just say…the foreshadowing, a masterpiece; the art, amazing; the atla references, even better!
This show is amazing and I think everyone should watch it. Thank you and good night.
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
Me, during season 1-3: omg! Raylum! OTP!
Me, during season 4: but…can’t they just be besties…
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
When you hated Soren in the first two seasons but now you’re deeply and madly in love with his character arc…nah couldn’t be me…
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
I’m making my sister watch The Dragon Prince with me and we met Amaya. I told her she was a lesbian and she saw her signing and asked if she was deaf. I said yes. My sister has now declared Amaya as a “deaf”inite lesbian. Thought I’d share that with the world.
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
I just want everyone to know that somewhere out there, a person has “who 8 9” as a license’s plate and I love it.
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pan-icatthedisco · 2 years
the student loan forgiveness application site just went live btw
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