panda-koala1 · 1 month
You have to be EMPTY to LOOSE WEIGHT.
If you KEEP EATING you'll be FAT babe, that's how this cruel world works
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panda-koala1 · 2 months
die straßen hier sind asphaltiert und gepflastert
natur pur? nein, falsch gedacht
alles weg, arg weggenommen
komm nicht drüber hinweg
zeit verronnen, abgelaufen.
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panda-koala1 · 2 months
hotdog création😌
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panda-koala1 · 3 months
ich zerfließe
ich zerließe in einem meer aus wein
ich steche in see
und finde mich wieder im getose des meeres
den wind im rücken die flügel hinter meinen schultern
eins sein mit dem gefühl das meine augenlider schwer werden lässt
ist das freiheit?
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panda-koala1 · 3 months
~Manchmal ist mein Magen ein Riesiges schwarzes Loch, das all meine Unsicherheiten verschluckt und mir makellose Schönheit vorgaukelt.
Manchmal denke ich an früher, ich habe meinen vater vor Augen. Wie er in meinen Bauch boxt, immer und immer wieder. Wie er mich anschreit und ich seine Spucke in meinem Gesicht spür, alles ist so laut.
Ich bin schreckhaft. „Es ist so süß wie schreckhaft du bist“ -ich hoffe du weißt jetzt warum. Hoffe, du hast mir zugehört. Ich weiß.~
Ich bin kaputt. Ein Tornado der triggernde Inhalte in sich aufsaugt um sich besser zu fühlen. Es tut alles so verdammt weh.
Ich habe meinen Kopf auf den Holzrahmen von meinem Bett geschlagen, immer und immer wieder. Der Schmerz ist nur temporär und tut gut. So gut. Ich will mehr.
Wir sind alle hungrig. Brauchen etwas das uns von der Realität entfliehen lässt, nur ein kleines Stückchen.
Perfekter Junge trifft auf komisches Mädchen. Sie kommen zusammen, sie lieben sich. Komisches Mädchen fängt an, traurig zu werden. Sie öffnet sich. Perfekter Junge hört ihrer Geschichte zu. Er kümmert sich um sie. Perfekter Junge beginnt, seine unperfekten, vielschichtigen Seiten zu zeigen, trauriges Mädchen liebt ihn umso mehr. Vielschichtiger Junge und trauriges Mädchen lieben sich. Trauriges Mädchen schneidet sich, will nicht mehr leben. Liebt vielschichtiger Junge sie noch?
Ich bin von einer Wolke umgeben, einer Nebelwand aus dickflüssigem Schleim der aus meinen Poren strömt. Dumpfe Gefühle, Gefühlslosigkeit. Müdigkeit.
Ich hab an meine Wand gezeichnet. Ein Mädchen mit Kopfhörern und mittellangen Haaren, unscheinbar. So traurig und müde wie ich.
Ich habe getrunken, Bier. Dabei mag ich gar kein Bier. Alleine in meinem Zimmer, einsam und müde, so müde.
Es ist, als ob mich das Essen anschreit und die Messer mich rufen. Ich schlage ein Glas an meinen Kopf, schlage meinen Kopf an die Wand. Kopfschmerzen. Keine Ruhe.
Ich konnte heute Nacht nicht einschlafen, so viele Gedanken und irgendwie doch nicht.
Ich bin so wütend.
Es tut alles so weh. Ich kann nicht aufhören, mein Buch an meinen Kopf zu schlagen, immer und immer wieder. Ich brauche mein Messer, aber ich hab ihm versprochen, es nicht zu tun.
Mein Arm tut weh. Dort wo mein Schmerz auf noch mehr Schmerz trifft. Wo sich meine Gründe, einfach alles zu beenden, kreuzen.
Meine Tante guckt mich beim Abendessen ständig an. Denkt, ich merke das nicht.
Hat sie es entdeckt, das Ding in keinem Kopf? Hat sie meinen leeren Blick gesehen?
Ich bin alles und doch nichts. Ich habe kein Gesicht, keine stimme, nur laute Gedanken die mich verzerren. Dieses Gefühl ist zurück, ich habe es nicht vermisst und doch fühlt es sich so vertraut an. Leere. Ein müdes Lächeln. Stumpfe Augen. Tiefe Gedanken, tiefe Linien. Kunstwerke, geschaffen aus Schmerz und Verlangen. Es kribbelt alles, ich vermisse es.
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panda-koala1 · 3 months
same 🫂
I'm gaining weight. I fucking hate my body.
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panda-koala1 · 4 months
I swear I can physically hear my brain telling me to unalive myself.
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panda-koala1 · 6 months
my anger issues be like
(I broke my moms cookie box yesterday ._. )
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panda-koala1 · 6 months
tagebuch eintrag
Manchmal ist mein Magen ein Riesiges schwarzes Loch, das all meine Unsicherheiten verschluckt und mir makellose Schönheit vorgaukelt.
Manchmal denke ich an früher, ich habe meinen vater vor Augen. Wie er in meinen Bauch boxt, immer und immer wieder. Wie er mich anschreit und ich seine Spucke in meinem Gesicht spür, alles ist so laut.
Ich bin schreckhaft. „Es ist so süß wie schreckhaft du bist“ -ich hoffe du weißt jetzt warum. Hoffe, du hast mir zugehört.
Sometimes my stomach is a huge black hole that swallows all my insecurities and makes me believe I'm truly beautiful.
Sometimes I think of the past, I have my father in front of my eyes. Him punching my stomach over and over again. How he screams at me and I feel his spit on my face, everything is so loud.
I'm terrified. "It's so cute how jumpy you are" -I hope you know why now. I hope you listened to me.
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panda-koala1 · 10 months
Even when I fuck up one day of eating low calorie by eating some chocolate in the evening, I am one step closer to reaching my goal.
I tried. That’s one step.
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panda-koala1 · 10 months
I can’t sleep. All I think about is food.
My body aches, I’m so heavy. I’m fat.
I wanna be skinny, thin. I’ll be skinny, thin.
I’ll disappear.
0 notes
panda-koala1 · 10 months
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat I will not eat
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panda-koala1 · 10 months
Just because the food is there does not mean you have to eat it.
Just because you’ve been offered food, does not mean you have to say yes and accept it.
Just because you’re craving an unhealthy food, does not mean you have to go out and buy it.
There are always other options for better results. The choice is always yours, and you decide your outcome.
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panda-koala1 · 11 months
skinny films to watch to distract u from eating💗
•starving in suburbia
•black swan
•to the bone
•girl interrupted
•sharing the sectet
•bad habits
•lie in the mirror
•the skinny sister
•for the love of nancy
•perfect body
•a secret between friends
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panda-koala1 · 11 months
✿ bmi low, grades high ✿
a list of things i do to maintain a 97% average in my last year of hs while dealing with an ed ♡
— i don't eat breakfast because i'm not comfy with it and i've found it only makes me hungrier in the morning. this is completely up to you though; if you find you can focus better when you have it, go for it!
— i take a hot liquid (coffee/tea, preferably with some sort of sugar) to school. this is 100% the number one thing that allows me to focus and avoid brain fog in the morning. it also keeps me warm during winter!
— i record all my classes. brain fog is inevitable, even if i do my best to avoid it. i have a whatsapp chat to send myself voice notes of every class in case i lose focus and need to go back and listen while studying.
— after school, i divide my meals into lunch and dinner. immediately after lunch, i reread my notes + study ahead for the next day's classes. this usually takes around 2 hours; i try to have short study sessions and alternate between different subjects, so typically 25 mins with 5 mins of rest. after this i try to finish any assignments/homework.
— i use exercise as a reward. when i'm done studying for one subject, i put music on and walk around for 5 minutes as "rest" time. when i'm having heavier study sessions, i have longer rest periods, so i incorporate quick 10-15 min workouts into them. it helps me focus and associate exercise with good feelings.
— i start studying a week before any exam/test and slowly raise my intake. i've found having a higher intake too quickly actually makes my brain fog worse as my body tries to adapt, so i raise it by 100 kcal each day — i usually only add 500 kcal or so. i omad breakfast the day of the exam.
— for longer pre-exam study sessions, i have different study/rest times to keep it dynamic! i've found my brain works best when i have 5, 10, 15, 5, 10, 15, etc. mins of rest after different study blocks.
— i try to eat as healthy as possible. healthy doesn't mean lettuce and water; it means spending your calories on heavily nutritious foods that will help you stay focused. healthy fats are your best friend! my diet includes a ton of fruit (berries are extra good for ur brain), brown rice, spinach, lentils, chickpeas, beans, walnuts, avocado, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc. avoid overly processed/unhealthy foods; you're already low on energy while restricting, and it's vital that you use the calories you do eat on things that will help you.
— i prepare food for the week every sunday. it's super helpful to have things ready so i don't have to spend time cooking instead of studying. i find preparing entire meals gets really boring, so i try to make a bowl of rice, chop and freeze veggies/fruit, etc. so i can choose and combine different things when it's meal time.
i think that's all!! if anyone has any more tips you're welcome to add them ♡♡
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panda-koala1 · 1 year
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sorry i never finished reviewing this diet !! my phone got stolen and i forgot my email password but everything’s fixed now. anywho, i did end up finishing it despite that. it helped me maintain my weight for sure and is very doable. pretty easy unlike some other diets ive seen on here. i would rate it 7/10. not bad but I prefer my own personal diet to this.
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panda-koala1 · 1 year
restricting is not a punishment. food is not a reward. this is a mentality that leads to binges. restriction is liberation. food is simply energy, only take what you need.
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