pandaasylum13 · 8 years
Got a new tumblr!!
It’s @lilac-lithium it’s pretty snazzy if I do say so myself, I ’d really appreciate it if you followed me cx I post a shit ton on there, DL will make it there eventually once I find some blogs to follow! Thank you lovelies!
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
*warner bros. is adapting full metal alchemist and the cast is entirely japanese*
me @wb: 
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
Vroom vroom
Subaru Sakamaki (via diabolikshitposts)
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
Shu: everyone calls Reiji hot and I don't get it....
Reiji: I'm hotter than the fire that killed Edgar
Reiji: of course people would call me hot
Shu: horrified face
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
My Cat Needs Surgery
Hi, everyone. I hate to do this, but I had to take my cat back to the vet this morning and he was diagnosed with bladder stones. 
The vet said it was fixable but that he’d need surgery and it’d cost anywhere from $2800 to $3200. I just don’t have that kind of money. 
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He was sick with something similar back in October and it cost me $2k, plus today’s trip was almost $600. If it was just today’s bills, it’d be hard but I could handle it. But the vet says he’ll probably die if I can’t get this surgery that I simply don’t have the money for. 
I created a YouCaring page to help with the costs. If you can donate even $5 I would greatly appreciate it. If all you can afford right now is to reblog this post, I would be so grateful. 
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I adopted my cat from the ASPCA four years ago and I love him so much. He was an older cat that people kept passing over in favor of kittens and young cats. 
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He greets me at the door when I come home. He follows me from room to room. When I’m sad, he cuddles me. He is the sweetest, softest guy ever and I can’t fathom letting him die when I could otherwise help him. His cat-roommate, Monkey, would definitely miss him and personally I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose him after so few years together. 
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Anything you can give or if all you can afford right now is to reblog would be amazing. 
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
Zombie Apocalypse RP anyone?
Really feeling the walking dead and fear the walking dead universe lately
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
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Eli (grand-piano) asked: 4. FFVII + Favorite Minor Character
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
Carla and Shin, there's always a point to all of this, and its always been you.
Blame Karlheinz who is the cause of at least half of our problems.
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What do you mean by “all of this”, to begin with?
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
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I was telling my friend about the “he’s not a butler” anon and I accidentally said “so butler” and we went on a meme tangent so I decided to make something
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
it’s april fools tomorrow so trust no one and believe nothing
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
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pandaasylum13 · 8 years
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“They say the best burn brightest, in the worst circumstances.” Dark wizard Howl// Thank you @xandra.lynn so much for gluing feathers to my body and face✨
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pandaasylum13 · 9 years
Urgent Medical Issues. Please Help
I know that this post is long, and I know that it might take some of your time, but please, please….. help.
It’s time I stop avoiding this and share something that has been happening to the love of my life, Hannah, for over half a year now…
Hannah has been in severe, non-stop pain. And now she is almost immobile.
It started out with her needing to rest a little more, and taking typical pain killers to ease what seemed like a small amount of back pain. When it began to be an everyday occurrence, she started to go to a Chiropractic office, where they would soothe her back pain… at least for a few hours. Then, she noticed the pain worsening in her back. Went to Chiropractic more and more often. Got MRIs done to see if it was something wrong with her spine.
Nope. Just pain.
One day, the pain got worse and her leg muscles started constricting. She would be fine then out of nowhere she couldn’t walk properly because her muscles wouldn’t let her.
Leg muscle spasms, Pain.
One night, out of nowhere, she had this strange attack. Her body screamed in pain for no apparent reason, she became very dizzy and tired. She was taken to the hospital. The doctors couldn’t explain what they thought was going on. They passed it off as dehydration and had her stay overnight getting some IVs.
Muscle spasms, Pain, Dizzy.
She continued her best at work, using massage chairs at home, and pain meds through the day. Then, one evening driving her home from work… she had a massive attack. We contacted her doctor who knew her for several years and they said they would wait for her (we were 45 minutes away). Lo and behold, that doctor didn’t bother waiting. So Hannah had to go to some random doctor who basically said, “Idk.” Later we found that the doctors there put bullshit on her medical files, and never bothered telling her half of the things they diagnosed her with years ago.
Muscle spasms, Pain, Dizzy, Feeling of a heart attack, Unable to breathe, Disrupted vision.
After the attack, Hannah had to skip random days from work so she could rest and visit several other doctor offices. Weekends were simply filled with doctor visits. No one could tell her what was going on. They prescribed her pain medicine, then dusted their hands of her. Yet again, another big attack hit. She was rushed to the hospital this time, where they made her wait hours in the waiting room, while she was gasping for air and dealing with the pain, the front desk lady simply said, “There are people in line in front of you, you gotta wait.” So, seeing as this was more of an emergency than they could handle, she went to another hospital, where the doctor was a complete jackass and even after listening to her symptoms, refused to get her fully checked unless she paid to stay overnight in a room. Fine. She stayed overnight where they came in and did a few blood tests, IVs, typical routine hospital stuff. They wouldn’t give her any answers the first night, so she stayed another. Finally a doctor was able to come in and talk to her. He didn’t know what was going on. All he could do was prescribe a few stronger pain medicines and put in a referral for her to see an infectious disease doctor. Which… never happened.
Muscle spasms, Pain, Dizzy, Feeling of a heart attack, Unable to breathe, Disrupted vision, Fatigue.
It has been a few months by this point. Her pain has is stronger and constant. She tried to rest at home, do salt baths, massages, creams, diet changes, vitamins. Nothing helped. She eventually wound up back in the hospital. Only this time, she visited a different one, where she stayed for several days and nights. Getting blood drawn every 4 hours, being woke up every 2 for more medicine. They even gave her morphine and it did NOT stop her from feeling pain. It got to a point where she was on several different pain medicines, IVs, etc. They couldn’t find anything wrong by hearing and seeing her symptoms, so They did a Lumbar puncture. (Don’t look it up if you are weak to needles.) A very painful procedure where they stick a needle in your spine and gather a lot of your spinal fluids. Meaning.. the needle had to be in her back for several minutes. They took the fluids to be tested. But no results. Her spinal fluid was fine aside from a bit of inflammation. But the doctors did not raise any alarm to it and dusted it off. Her tests all came back negative for things like Lupus, MS, Cancer, etc. On one of her last days at the hospital, they did a contrast MRI. Once more, they saw nothing blatantly wrong with her. The doctors shrugged and prescribed her some more pain medicines and something to help spasms and chest tightness. They referred her to “one of the best neurologists in the state” then wheel chaired her out of the hospital.
Full body muscle spasms, Pain, Dizzy, Feeling of a heart attack, Unable to breathe, Disrupted vision, Fatigue, Loss of memory, Slurred speech, Unable to walk.
It’s getting closer to the present at this point. Hannah visited this “amazing” neurologist. He decided he wanted to perform an EMG on her. But when he started zapping her, it created far worse pain for her. She screamed and cried for him to stop. He ignored her pleas and continued a little longer, then finally stopped. He turned to her and said, “I have been in this for many years and I have never seen someone act this way.” He basically proceeded to tell her that she is being over dramatic and that she is FAKING her pain… He then went and put on her medical record (without telling her) that if she can’t handle this test next time, or if he can’t find what’s wrong, then she needs to be admitted into a Psychiatric Hospital. She came back later, where she was able to complete the test. The neurologist heard her muscles spazzing inside her back and it sounded like a train. But you know what? He had no comment and said this isn’t something he can help with. Then went on to say he’ll refer her to YET ANOTHER DOCTOR. This time, pain management/autoimmune.
Full body muscle spasms, Pain, Dizzy, Feeling of a heart attack, Unable to breathe, Disrupted vision, Fatigue, Loss of memory, Slurred speech, Unable to walk, more frequent “attacks” of severe, immobilizing pain.
Now to the present. Hannah hasn’t been able to work for a month+. All of her vacation hours are gone, and she has yet to receive any notes from the neurologist to allow her to go on short term disability. (He refused.) And that neurologist has yet to refer her to the autoimmune doctor. They are telling her to wait until March. But we are fucking tired of waiting. So here is another grasp for answers. I am sharing this with you guys in hope to find anyone with similar issues, or if anyone has been cured from something like this. Please, PLEASE contact me if you have seen this problem fixed before, or if you are dealing with it as well. Even if you don’t have answers, but you are going through very similar pain, please message me. It’s always better to know you’re not alone. And staying in contact might boost the ability to help one another if someone finds an answer. Here are as many of her symptoms as I can think of right now, if you have similar or have seen similar, please get in touch with us:
Muscle band around the chest spasms and tightens, making it hard to talk or even eat and breathe, full body muscle spasms even her tongue feels like it’s spazzing at times, some memory loss, lack of concentration, severe back pain, very tense leg muscles, cold hands and feet, headache, ear ache, neck looks a little swollen at times, can’t focus vision very well, teeth chatter, very tense shoulder muscles, feeling of needing to go to the bathroom right away, entire spine area in constant pain, fatigue, lack of sleep due to pain and constant shaking/spazzing, can’t sit or stand for long at all, sometimes can’t even move out of fear of triggering another muscle spasm attack. This is not anxiety.
If you don’t have much to say, even just a signal boost would be amazing help.
Thank you.
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pandaasylum13 · 9 years
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pandaasylum13 · 9 years
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pandaasylum13 · 9 years
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pandaasylum13 · 9 years
2015 bye bitch!!!!!!!!!! Go to hell
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