panofrp · 11 years
Medical bills are too expensive, everybody knows that. There is a family in America that my friend knows on the verge of losing their home because they’re keeping their daughter alive. I’m unable to donate to help them reach their goal to keeping their home, but you can help but tweeting any famous person you know (as long as they can spare a bit of money for a good cause, One Direction, for example), reblog this so others can see, or donate a few dollars. Every little bit will help them. I’m sure they would do the same for you.
I don’t want to know somebody is losing their home because they want to keep somebody’s life. Thank you so much for reading, and doing whatever you can. If you’re unable to do anything, or don’t care enough to do anything, thank you anyhow.
Go [HERE] to see the link and the story. It’s only open for two more days. 
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panofrp · 11 years
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Louis Tomlinson Alphabet → B: Biceps
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panofrp · 11 years
#louis tomlinson and the things that bit him in the ass 
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142K notes · View notes
panofrp · 11 years
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55K notes · View notes
panofrp · 11 years
Seeing someone slowly lose interest in you is probably one of the worst things ever 
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panofrp · 11 years
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959 notes · View notes
panofrp · 11 years
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For obvious reasons this is a trigger warning. I hope that anybody who reblogs this guide will tag it as such. 
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panofrp · 11 years
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Some of my favorite fonts!
Carton | Nevis | Muchacho | Mission Script | Rex | Kreon | Langdon | Silverfake | Origami | Feathergraphy
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panofrp · 11 years
Emma you lil' chicken nugget I just saw this. You're so iehfALI>HLIENELHT>KEWHT. I love you, alright. 
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Alaska's favourite people pt; 1
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panofrp · 11 years
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Application Page by jakehelps
So I was discussing with rpcgron about a certain sideblog page specifically made for applications. And this is what I came up with. This page is mainly and should be used only for Applications.
For a tutorial on how to create an “Applications Folder” and use this page, here is a great tutorial.
3 links
Application Description
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Completely customizable
Live Preview Code: pastebin
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panofrp · 11 years
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Tutorial by itsphotoshop.
I use Photoshop CS6.
Like/reblog the post if you find it useful.
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panofrp · 11 years
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The “queen bitch”: leader of the cliquiest clique and head of the cheerleading team. Or maybe she hates cheerleading with a passion. Maybe she’ll do anything to get at you behind your back or perhaps she’d rather kick you right in the face. Either way, the queen bitch is an evil mastermind and manipulator whose arrogance and viciousness actually stems from her own insecurities.
Here’s how you go about playing such a complex creature.
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panofrp · 11 years
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Inspiration within sound.
Under the cut you'll find links to various websites and playlists. All are meant to spark some inspiration within you. As more come out, more will be added. Enjoy!
Rainymood -- It's good for when you need to study. It's also just nice to listen to. 
Coffitivity --If inspiration strikes when you're surrounded by people, this is the website to go to. You may even want to grab yourself a coffee or a tea. Get a little cozy. 
ZenWriter -- This isn't a website. This is a link to a download. However I believe it will strike you with inspiration and you won't have any distractions. It's full screen and you can add your own music and customize! I believe the link is a trial. You can find it for free somewhere. 
Focus Writer -- I've never used this before, but I heard that it's a good alternative to ZenWriters. 
Don't sit in an area with many people if you're easily distracted. 
Make a cup of coffee, tea, or grab a soft drink. If you're like me, this makes you feel settled and...well, it's just nice. 
Take a few minutes to let yourself relax and listen to the music you're playing. Familiarize yourself. 
Bring headphones/earphones with you. Use them. 
If you're alone, feel free to play your music softly or loudly. Do not play it on your laptop-- you might feel obligated to change the tracks. If you're on 8tracks, you're given a limited amount of skips. Use them wisely. 
If your music is on your ipod make a separate playlist. I don't suggest heavy metal, or scremo-- anything mellow and relaxing in the key.
It would be best if you pick a playlist that suits your character's mood, or whatever it is your doing. If you're playing heavy metal for a situation that's sad, you're not going to have much inspiration. 
Hover over the title for a brief description/genre of the playlist.
Time to Travel || Paris is Always a Good Idea || Teenage Runaway  || The thrill is gone || Lady in the Water  || Stay Classical || Piano Keys || Locked into your bones || This old Tavern || Broken || Romance: a parody  || Breathe in the Ocean || Your life is an Indie trailer || Musica || On the Road || Melancholy madness || She was a Hurricane || Favorite songs #2 || Louis and I  || Go folk yourself || Fucking Harry  || Resolution  || For the Boys of WWII || An evening of Jazz Ballads || But I served in a Company of heroes || Somewhere in France with you || We stand alone, together || Victorian Ballroom || Let me cry || Conquest || 
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panofrp · 11 years
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Theme 6 by Twerkitnarry
live preview || code
3 customizable links
3 sidebar pictures on hover
500px posts
Reblog button below each post
**note: if you don’t have a description that’s long enough, it won’t look right so make sure you find the perfect description to fit it :)
MUST like/reblog this post if using; message me here with questions!
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panofrp · 11 years
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An Instructional Guide to Kinks, Fetishes and the World of BDSM
This is a guide to various kinks and fetishes that are found in the world of sex. They can be used in your roleplay as your characters turn on’s and turn off’s, or a secret that they have. Or maybe it is something to has shaped them. I have not only discovered various ones and experimented with them personally, but have had exposure to them. Master/Slave RP’s are taking off and I am one of few who will touch on the subject. There is a lot of fear in this world because things can go very VERY wrong very fast. How do I know? I have been there. I have been the observer and the recipient of things going wrong. So this is to help you know and learn about the basics. I will go over some fetishes that are often blown out of perpotion and also explain the dynamic of a Dom/sub and Master/slave relationship. I do not claim to be an expert. This is just what I have learned and absorbed from being in the scene for several years.
**This is NSFW. Some Information and pictures I will be linking to is mature content.**
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panofrp · 11 years
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panofrp · 11 years
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First off, I’d like to initiate this “how-to/character guide” with a trigger warning for obvious reasons. Now, sometimes characters may face struggles that their players might not know a whole lot about in real life. And when that happens, the writer behind the character gets a little lost as to how to go about playing this character. I decided to whip up something that will hopefully help in dealing with the particular situation of eating disorders, merely for character help only. If you feel like you will be offended towards what is beneath the read-more, by all means, you do not have to read it. 
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