panzerbilan-blog · 11 years
T2 Medium Tank
Todays tank is the T2 Medium; a T2 Medium in the US tree!
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I played this tank for a single game, decided nope, and skipped it with free XP. This should set the tone appropriately for the rest of the review!
The T2 Medium, like the Medium Mark 1, is a medium tank in name only pretty much. Its armour will not stand up to shots from even tier one tanks, but it does have higher health than the light tanks of its tier. Upgrading the turret only slightly improves its armour, not enough to make a difference realistically. The tank itself is quite large and as thus is a pretty easy target to hit. Also it has a rear turret. Enough said.
On the other hand, though its view range is quite good, and while the stock radio range is dreadful, the top radio is more than adequate.
Mobility wise it's fairly agile; it has good vehicle traverse and a decent top speed. It's power to weight ratio is particularly good, but I have no idea if it has good terrain passability stats or not.
AND NOW ONTO THE GUNS. uuuuggggghhhhh.
The 37mm stock gun is basically dreadful. It's the sort of gun you'd find stock on a tier one tank. From there, you can upgrade into a slightly better (and still rubbish) 37mm gun, or to a rubbish 20mm autocannon.
After the turret, the final upgrade option is a 3rd 37mm gun, and guess what, it's still rubbish! It's straight up worse than the top gun of the MS-1., among other things.
So basically, we have a fairly mobile, but huge and badly armoured tank with a rear turret and crappy gun choices.
Fun: 1 ZURA. GET OUT. Scary: 1 ZURA. I'm feeling generous, so it can have a single scaryness rating.
That's all for today, see you next time!
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panzerbilan-blog · 11 years
British T2 Light - The Cruiser Mark III
Introducing another tier two tank that I didn't like a great deal!
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The Cruiser III is a fairly typical T2; lightly armoured, good top speed, traverse and acceleration. However, it is quite big making it an easy target.
In terms of armament, it comes down to an interesting choice; consistency or HERP DERP DERP. On paper, the 2 pounder mark IX is the superior gun choice, as it has better accuracy and pen and both guns have the same (I believe) RoF and aim time. However, the 40mm pom pom is an...interesting case.
It has a 4 round magazine and the delay between shells is practically nothing, so it's entirely possible to empty the round into an enemy in less than two seconds. You probably won't hit them with anything after the first shell though as the reticule blooms INSTANTLY after firing which in my opinion renders the advantage of being able to burst fire completely useless; you might as well take the Mark IX for the superior stats if you're going to have to aim between every shot anyway!
All in all it's a pretty typical tier two tank that doesn't really excel at anything in particular.
Fun: 3 ZURAs. Although I didn't like this tank very much, I might if I actually took my own advice and used the Mark IX on it.
Scary: 2 ZURAs. Panzer II smash.
That's all for today, tune in next time for possibly a tank that isn't British?
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panzerbilan-blog · 11 years
British T2 Artillery - The Loyd GC!
Back on track with the tier twos, here is the first artillery to face my unquenchable wrath since 0.8,6!
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An interesting beast, it never really improves from its stock configuration as it doesn't have access to an improved gun. The gun is good for an artillery of its tier; enough damage to cripple T2s and one shot T1s, and it has enough penetration that it should be able to do so fairly consistently. The rate of fire is also quite high at 6.67, and the aim time is fairly low at an even 5 seconds.
One huge problem with low tier artillery now, is the huge aiming circles and aim times mean that in low tier games you are forced to snapshot a lot as people zip around, and woe betide you if you have to rotate your hull first. Luckily, the Loyd GC has a HUGE gun arc available to it; a little biased to the right hand side, but totaling an impressive 45 degrees.
The armour on this thing is literally worthless, but because of the unusual shape of the tank, you may experience tanks missing you from the front, I wouldn't count on that though.#
Overall, this tank looks like it should be a good introductory artillery with its adequate gun and excellent gun arc.
Fun: 4 ZURAs. I haven't actually used this tank, but this is about where I would rank it; about on par with the T57 which I have actually used since I reviewed it! (Pre 0.8.6 however.)
Scary: 2 ZURAs. Like most T2 artillery, the only real scare factor is being chain tracked.
Tune in tomorrow for some more tier two based excitement!
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panzerbilan-blog · 11 years
Tier One Double Bill Extravaganza! (Part The Second)
Diving straight into the Renault NC-31, a Chinese clone of the Renault FT-17! The question is, do I hate it as much as I hated the FT-17? Short answer: almost!
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Well the easiest (and also most sensible) thing to do here is to straight up compare it to the FT-17.
The NC-31 is better or equal to the FT-17 in most regards; higher top speed (though it has a weaker top engine), higher vehicle traverse, same stock and upgraded radio range, same view range, same hull and turret armour (for both turrets) and the same turret rotation.
They even have identical stock guns and machine gun upgrades, although the weights do differ a little for whatever reason. In terms of top guns, though, there is no real clear winner. The FT-17's 25mm and NC-31's 37mm both have a very similar RoF, with the NC-31 having a little lower penetration but slightly higher damage. The French 25mm gun also aims very slightly faster and has .01 better accuracy.
So in conclusion, it's basically exactly the same as the FT-17. Which I hate and is shit.
Fun: 1 ZURA. I guess? Apparently I elited it in a single battle and also got a kill. My accuracy is 14% though. I dunno, I hated the FT-17 and this is basically the same so I refuse to rate it higher.
Scaryness: 0.5 ZURAs. ahahaha get out.
Tune in next time for some more tier twos!
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panzerbilan-blog · 11 years
Tier One Double Bill Extravaganza! (Part One)
So once again it's been a while. Currently I am very much enjoying World of Tanks again partly due to the LUDICROUS special that's going on right now in the form of the anniversary missions. Since I stopped doing these, a bunch of new tanks have been added and some existing ones even got shifted around (mostly arty), but as I never got above tier two in my reviews this makes basically no difference to the blog thus far.
Anyway, I'm going to try my hand at this blogging thing again. I can do it for reals! So, picking up where I left off (sort of), here are some thoughts on the new tier ones!
Edit: I AM SORRY FOR HOW SQUASHED UP AND CRAPPY LOOKING THE STATS AND TECH TREE IMAGE IS. I FORGOT THAT TUMBLR OUTPUTS POSTS IN A TINY COLUMN. To get a better look at it, just copy image location and look at it in a new tab. Future posts should look a little bit less ass (at least for the tank overview window).
As a Brit myself I REALLY looked forward to the British tanks joining the fray on WoT. I didn't know a huge amount about most of the tanks on the release tech tree at the time, but I was really excited when I saw that the tier one was to be a medium! I thought that perhaps I might end up with a tier one keeper to sit in my garage as I own far too many tank slots because I'm an idiot (more on that another time!). IT WAS NOT TO BE.
The Medium Mark 1 is a medium in name only. It has less armour than your average garden gnome. It's also a HUGE target for its tier, and while it does admittedly have higher health than other tier ones (because its a "medium", it doesn't help and it can easily be destroyed by stern glances in its direction.
It also has a few other things working against it: low top speed, low vehicle traverse, average view and signal range. However it does have a decent HP per ton ratio with its top engine, so its acceleration is decent.
Where the Medium Mark 1 makes itself known, however, is in the gun department. Novelty machine gun notwithstanding. It's stock gun is a decent 47mm weapon, a caliber you may recognise as being the same as the MS-1's top gun.
This is its stock gun.
The Medium Mark 1's top gun is a 6 pounder (57mm) cannon that will turn any and all tier one tanks it meets into a hilarious red paste. Its a damn shame the rest of the tank is pretty poor honestly, because with the 6 pounder it can easily take on tier two tanks. Admittedly thats probably a large part of the reason it sucks.
I've decided to condense my rating system a little; the exp and money charts seem a bit pointless as they will mostly come down to player skill anyway.
Fun: 3 ZURAs. I elited this and never used it again after 3 battles. The gun is pretty funny but I don't think it makes up for the fact that the rest of the tank is subpar.
Scary: 3 ZURAs. For a tier one, a giant paper box that can twoshot you is a little scary (sorta comparable to running into a KV-2 with the 152 derp at T6), but the fact it has no armour and is a giant target kinda negates any intimidating potential it had.
Join me next time as I take a look at the Chinese T1, the Renault NC-31 and find out if I hated it as much as the Renault FT-17!
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
So it's about time I logged in and did this again.
Panther Quest has been temporary completed; I bought a Panther M10, got my hands on a Jagdpanther II months ago and finally got and kitted out an E-50 Ausf. M this morning. IT'S GOOD SHIT.
Since I got lazy, there's been two new T1's and a bunch of other T2's added, so in theory I will talk about those and then make a start on some T3 tanks, hopefully without getting bored this time around.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
We now return you to your scheduled broadcast.
It turns out daily updates were just too much for me, and I just burned out on the project. I'll be resuming these articles from today, with the intent of updates twice per week (Saturday and Wednesday). We were almost done with tier two, but with the addition of some new tier two french tanks, I'll be discussing those before the remaining tier two tanks. This is also partly because I cannot remember which tier two tanks I hadn't discussed (other than the Tetrarch). So without further ado, here is the Renault FT AC!
The Renault FT AC shares many, many characteristics with its the predecessor, the FT 17, because it is simply an adaptation of the already existing chassis in an attempt to modernise the tank. Does this mean it is a dreadful lump of useless metal like the Renault FT-17? HELL NO IT DOESN'T. At least, not with a little investment.
You may or may not already have the unlockable engine from the FT-17, and if you don't it really doesn't matter much at all. Same for the radio, it's nice but is basically a secondary addon and you should focus on this tanks selling point first: GUNS. Obviously due to the weight limit, you do need the tracks first.
It's stock gun is merely ok, for reasons that will be apparent very soon, but the true prize of this tank is the 47mm gun; an excellent all rounder gun. Accurate, low aim time, good rate of fire damage and penetration. Because of the vehicles low speed, it is very, very easy to get used to the camping TD role with this vehicle. The actual traverse arc for the gun is fairly poor, but it does rotate quickly, and the vehicles traverse isn't too bad. Couple this with the good aiming time and it means with a little skill you will be able to hit most moving targets fairly easily.
But the real reason this TD is so good, is that its matchmaking is skewed such that it can be matched against tier one tanks. Yes, you read that correctly. The 47mm makes absolute MINCEMEAT out of tier one tanks, and it can pose a sizable problem to tier two and three opponents if the tank is positioned well. Naturally, that 16mm of armour does not fare well against tier two and three tanks, so it is a little bit of a glass cannon in those situations.
Fun: 6 ZURAs. - This tank is actually a really good introduction to the role of a standard TD.
Money: 4 ZURAs.
Exp: 4 ZURAs.
Scary: 5 ZURAs. - Absolutely should not be underestimated. The gun has deadly potential with its penetration and rate on fire, and it is easy to get killed by it due to analysing the vehicles poor armour and low speed and going in for the kill.
That's all for today, come back on Wednesday when I will have actually gotten around to trying out the French tier two Arty and will be discussing that!
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
A wild Panther appears
So the new German tech tree has been unveiled, and in addition to the E-50 Ausf. M and the Jagdpanther II, there is now a new tier 8 TD that I must own and know nothing about, the Waffentrager Panther.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Ok so this is not the video I mentioned in my last post. That will be coming in A WHILE because I will be away from my main PC for 3-4 weeks after today. HOWEVER, ENJOY THIS ANYWAY.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
I have been quite lazy with this recently, but by no means have I forgotten about it. I've been trying out the new T2 French tanks and will be making a double post for them, as well as working on a new (not entirely satirical for a change) video!*
*Soundtrack not guaranteed to be appropriate.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Todays tank is the M2 Light Tank!
The M2 LT is the tank used as the base of the T2 LT, the tier two premium version, but the two differ in a number of ways. Firstly, the M2 has a lower top speed, as well as slightly slower acceleration than the T2. It also has a lower turret traverse, even with the upgraded turret, as well as vehicle traverse. The T2 is simply more maneuverable than the M2, and also better at circling targets. Where the M2 really shines over its premium cousin, however, is its armour and choice of armament.
The M2 has a much more resilient hull than the T2, and the upgraded turret not only increases its traverse speed, but also its view range by quite a lot, as well as bringing the armour up to match the hull. Because of this, the M2 is much less likely to die immediately if sneezed on by another tank, like the T2.
In terms of guns, it starts out with a very poor 50 caliber MG with a hilarious rate of fire. It's basically a novelty gun in this game, though. The first upgrade is almost identical to that which the T2 mount: the only differences are a slightly lower rate of fire, and slightly longer aiming time. The M2 can, however, mount a regular 37mm cannon. This is probably the most optimal gun to be mounted, as most tanks beyond tier two can't mount flak cannons (or if they can, there are generally better options available), and it is important to practice with regular guns to ensure you can hit anything at all. The gun does have higher penetration than the 20mm flak cannon, and the damage probably means the DPS of both guns is basically the same anyway.
Fun/Exp/Money: N/A.
Scary: 2.5 ZURAs. - I really don't view these as a threat, though I don't actively hunt them down like some other tier two vehicles.
This one was a bit late in the day, but tune in tomorrow for one of the few remaining tier twos! Although tomorrows review may possibly be delayed until Tuesday as I'm hanging out with a good friend ALL DAY.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Todays tank is the German tier two artillery - the (Sturmpanzer I) Bison!
Ahhh, the Bison. At stock, it's a hilarious killing machine. And then it gets a slightly better traverse speed and acceleration, and remains a hilarious killing machine. The fear inspiring feature of the Bison is its ridiculous cannon. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILIMETER. TIER TWO. What this translates into is preposterous damage and penetration. Artillery are considered one tier higher by the matchmaking (ie. a T57 is considered a tier three vehicle, as it's a tier two artillery). The Bison is considered a tier FOUR vehicle because it is SO GOOD. Even so, you will occasionally get put into matches against tier two and three vehicles, and you will one shot them to hell and back. Basically anything in tier three is going to be penetrated by you horrifying murder-launcher and take the full brunt of the shells damage, usually outright slaying them forever.
That's not to say the gun doesn't have drawbacks. It has REALLY bad accuracy, as it's a huge caliber round being fired out of a TINY barrel. It also has a VERY bad horizontal arc, 10 degrees in total. This means you are going to bloom your reticule SO OFTEN. The third and final drawback is it doesn't have great range, meaning you will need to keep pushing forwards, a risky strategy as you have very low armour and vehicle traverse, despite having a good top speed. It also has less than half the rate of fire than the other two tier artillery.
In order to play the Bison well, you should play it similarly to the SU-18. Stay in your second offensive line, push up towards the opponents and try and one shot anything in sight. ALTERNATIVELY, DISREGARD THAT ENTIRELY AND PLAY THE BISON PROPERLY: AS A TANK DESTROYER.
Bison TD is an art form that should not be taken lightly as you are extremely frail. As such, you DEFINITELY should not be attempting it if there are tier six or higher vehicles in the match. Don't try it against tier five vehicles either, except for TD's. If you hit anything tier four and below though at close range, they are going to explode in a cloud of hellfire.
Fun: 6 ZURAs. - This tank is a FANTASTIC introduction to the hilarious destructive power of the artillery.
Money: 3 ZURAs. - The gun is inaccurate and the shells are expensive for its tier. It still earns decent credits, though.
Exp: 4 ZURAs.
Scary: 5 ZURAs. A Bison in the open is a fairly easy target to slaughter. Having one ambush you as you drive around a corner is a legitimately terrifying and very real possibility. Even when not played as a TD, they can put some serious hurt on most things they can be matched against, and should not be underestimated.
Well I'm now caught back up properly with my schedule, and we're almost done with tier two!
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Cleanfest 2012 phase one (and sleeping) took longer than expected. As such, there will may be two updates today at some point in the near future to catch up.
Yesterdays tank was the Russian tier two SPG - the SU-18!
The SU-18 is based on the hull of the MS-1, meaning it has the same armour values, though it has a lower top speed. It's vehicle and gun traverse aren't great, and it's acceleration isn't too hot either. It also has a quite low horizontal arc, meaning you will need to take care when positioning yourself, so as not to bloom your reticle continually while aiming.
It only has one gun available, a 76mm howitzer. It has an excellent rate of fire (for an artillery gun) and its accuracy really isn't too shabby either. Its damage is also plenty good enough for the things it ill be matched against (Bilan note: I know in my T57 review that I said the damage was low, and the SU-18's gun is almost identical damagewise, but this was entirely my fault for using the Bison as a comparison, /cackle.) , and its penetration means you stand a decent chance of actually going straight through the targets armour and dealing full damage per shot. Unfortunately, the biggest drawback to this tank, in addition to its low horizontal firing arc, is it doesn't have great range either. Coupled with its low top speed and frailness, relocating on the battleield is a lengthy and dangerous process, particularly as our low view range means you could be sniped to death by bushes; an unpleasant scenario for any tank.
In order to be effective in this tank, you will need to remain in your teams second offensive line, pushing up or withdrawing as need be. Your (relatively) accurate gun means you should be able to support effectively, but due to your low horizontal gun arc, you will need to position your tank effectively in order to do this. If you are engaged at close range, and weren't anticipating the direction/completely prepared for the ambush, you will probably die horrible as you are frail and your vehicle traverse is appaling. In short, stick behind your main line, preferably in cover so you don't get sniped to death while providing fire for your main attackers, and try not to get flanked.
Fun/Exp/Money: N/A. - Due to its accuracy though, I imagine this artillery is actually quite profitable to play once you have the knack for it.
Scary: 3 ZURAs. - Much like the T57, the only real scare here is being stunlocked to death by one. It has 1 less ZURA because unlike the T57, it is slow and has no armour.
Hopefully later on this evening I will be bringing another review in, but this does rely on me not passing out like a brick when I return home from all of the cleaning.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Today I will be discussing another tier two German light tank - the Panzer 35(t).
The Panzer 35t is very similar to the Panzer II. The 35t has an increased vehicle traverse speed, as well as much better acceleration than the Panzer II, at the expense of lower front and side armour on the hull, and lower frontal armour on the stock turret (although it does have one additional mm of protection on the rear of the hull and turret, for what it's worth!). It also has a lower turret traverse, even with the upgraded turret. The payoff for this, however, is the 35ts upgraded turret boasts more frontal armour than the Panzer II, meaning if it is the only part of your tank the enemy can see, it may be difficult for them to damage you at all, especially if they are tier one.
Where the two tanks differ in particular, is in the choice of available weaponry. The Panzer II is only capable of mounting flak cannons (although the L/112 is FANTASTIC), while the 35t is capable of mounting the 2cm L/55 and the L/112, as well as a 3.7 cm L/47 (It begins with a 3.7 cm L/40).
Basically this gives you two distinct playstyes: taking careful, high damage shots, or hilarious flak cannon bursts. The penetration of the better 3.7 is not really much higher than that of the 2cm flak cannons, and although the damage is roughly equivalent to 4 penetrating hits from a flak cannon, you can probably fight more effectively by unleashing volleys of shots, then taking cover while you reload, before popping out to finish off your prey. I'm fairly sure that when I used this tank, I just mounted the L/112 on it and played it like a slightly slower, frailer Panzer II, and that seemed to serve me well enough!
To combat one of these, basically just don't shoot it in the front of the turret, as that is it's most heavily armoured point. It's entirely possible that it could be toting a flak cannon, so be aware of that when moving out of cover to engage one. Finally, because of its slow traverse speed, in a fast enough tank, you could probably circle strafe it to death.
Fun: 6 ZURAs. - It's basically a not-as-good Panzer II. It is still a very capable tank when played well.
Exp + Money: 5 ZURAs.
Scary: 4 ZURAs. - Again, I have the same issue here as I do with the Panzer II: I don't really view people driving this tank as a threat, even though I am well aware that they could be armed with an L/112. I find this tank easier to blow up in a straight up fight though, due to the weaker frontal hull, which is why it is slightly less scary than a Panzer II.
Tomorrows review will also likely be quite late in the day, as tomorrow marks the date of Cleanfest 2012 of my student house.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
The tank for today is a Russian light tank: the T-26.
Much like the BT-2, this tank actually has weaker armour than the MS-1. However, unlike the BT-2, this tank does not compensate by being very fast. I found this tank absolutely dreadful to play, but I stuck with it long enough to elite it without using free experience. It's weak armour and low speed means you are a sitting duck for multiple tanks, and as your hull armour is identical on every side, the vehicles incredible traverse speed (which can be further increased with the unlocklable treads) is mostly wasted, as there is almost no reason to rotate your front around to face enemies. The frontal turret armour also drops to 15 if you mount the second turret. This does, however, increase the trurret traverse up to 46, which is very high, and also slightly augment the view range. As no one is going to aim at your turret anyway, it is a worthwhile upgrade.
In terms of speed and acceleration, even with the top engine I seem to remember this thing being dreadfully slow, despite it having a top speed of 36 kmph. Maybe it felt slower than it actually was, seeing as the tank is so small, but I'm not going to be purchasing it again to find out.
In terms of available weapons, it has quite a choice. It's stock gun is adequate enough for fighting tier one and two tanks, but may have a tough time penetrating some of the tanks found at tier three. One of it's available upgrades is the 23mm VJa, a flak cannon. Despite my love for the 2cm L/112 on the Panzer II, I would not recommend the 23mm VJa over any of the other guns on offer for this tank, purely because it does not have the maneuverability to be a hit-and-run style attacker.
The two contenders for gun of choice on this tank are the 45mm 20K, or the 37mm ZiS-19. Both guns have the same aiming time, however, the 45mm gun is slightly howitzer style: higher damage, lower penetration, much lower accuracy than the ZiS-19. Because of my preference for consistency, I would probably use the ZiS-19 on this tank. Coupled with the tanks low maneuverability, you are unlikely to be near the front line, and thus the extra accuracy will be very useful. On the other hand though, the tank does not have a particularly high view range, so the 45mm 20K may still be an acceptable choice.
In order to play this tank effectively, it sounds as though you basically need to play it like a turreted TD of sorts. You are not fast enough to zip around the battlefield, offering support where needed, and you are not heavily armoured enough to be involved in a frontal push towards the enemies lines. As such, you should remain further back, using your accuracy to help dent or pick off unsuspecting targets. Unless you're using the 45mm, in which case you should be slowly trundling forwards, preferably using something with more armour than you for cover, and trying to derp people with your mini-howitzer.
To combat this tank, just shoot it literally anywhere and it will disintegrate.
Fun: 1 ZURA. - I don't remember this tank very well, except that it was slow, died easily and didn't hurt things very much.
Exp: 0.25 ZURAs. - I have an average exp in this thing of 88. For reference, I have an average exp of 173 in the MS-1.
Money: 1 ZURA. - It's a tier two but based on my inability to gain any worthwhile exp in it, I very much doubt it was particularly profitable.
Scary: 1 ZURA. - Shoot the T-26 until it dies.
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Todays tank is the Hotchkiss H35 - the tier two french light tank!
The Hotchkiss H35 is the non-premium version of the last tank discussed, the Panzer 38H735(F) (or Mini-Maus). So, how does the standard version stand up to it's captured, premium cousin? Long story short: it really doesn't.
Both tanks have the same armour values, however unlike the German variant, this tank is COVERED in weak spots. The H35 is worse than the 38H7s5(f) in literally every other regard: even down to the best gun, it can mount which sports identical damage and penetration to the german one, but a lower rate of fire and lower accuracy.
Again, another short review, because this is just a bad variant of the last tank reviewed, which really discussed the tank in incredible depth. All that can really be said is that the Mini-Maus is good, and this tank is not.
I did actually use this tank for a couple of battles and found it dreadful, so I used free XP to skip it very quickly. My experiences with this tank were being slow, not really hurting anything, and being killed by basically everything. In order to combat this tank effectively, you basically just unleash a hail of bullets into it and some of them are probably going to go through one of its assortment of weakspots, though, like basically any tank, it tends to be more effective if you shoot it in the rear.
Money: 2 ZURAs.
Exp: 1 ZURA. - I'm pretty sure I was so slow and ineffective that I basically earned no exp in this thing.
Scary: 2 ZURAs. - In a straight up match, on paper this tank SHOULD be able to outgun most other tier twos because of its armour. It doesn't play out like this, though. I actively hunt them down in my Panzer II because they're a pretty easy kill.
As always, tune in tomorrow for another review!
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panzerbilan-blog · 12 years
Pretty much ever since I started playing WoT, my goal in the game has been to own all of the Panther tanks.
Currently, this includes the Panther, Panther II, GWPanther, JagdPanther, and the E-50, as that tank is basically the Panther III.
Two days ago I finally elited my Panther II and immediately bought my E-50, and though it loses money and doesn't earn great exp currently, I was prepared for this as I'm basically using it stock right now. Having said this though, I'm still having tremendous fun with it, but that's for another review entirely.
I already knew that the JagdPanther II was a thing that is going to exist at some point, as it's included on the full German tech tree that can be viewed over on the WoT home page, but earlier today there was a new announcement adding a new Panther to the list of tanks that are coming out soon that I must own, the E-50 Ausf. M.
I think the URL really says it all.
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