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pawsthatcausechaos · 10 months
Today I found out that most of my human ancestors were witches and mediums
I wonder what they'll think when they hear that their grandchild has the soul of a cat and does spirit calling rituals:\
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Richard Harding Davis ‎- Vera, The Medium - Charles Scribner's Sons - 1908
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flameontheotherside · 7 months
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clemsfilmdiary · 5 months
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Late Night with the Devil (2023, Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes)
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mediumstheseries · 10 months
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ualthum · 1 year
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"Ashra Xo 'oj" - 2023
"Xo's Flesh", Acrylic paint and mediums on wood panel and frame.
This is my favourite work so far this year, and I have aims to keep up this use of raw texture and feeling. This work focuses on the Sul'voth rune of death, Xo.
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 11 months
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10/10 & ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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sysmedsaresexist · 5 months
Medium: It seems like you're struggling with some... issues--
Me: why did you say that
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tears-that-heal · 29 days
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100% in agreement!!! These tools and practices are what God hates, but never the people themselves. I understand the Enneagram is controversial, but like Meyers & Briggs personality test….it can easily feed into our human desire to be in control. The same goes with horoscopes & tarot cards, humans naturally fear the unknown, including the humanly unknown future. So we’ve created and use these things which is actually tricking ourselves that we can be in-control. That “security” is an illusion. True security and wisdom comes solely from God. Seek and Ask Him, He will answer you.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own (human) understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
‭‭- Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬ (emphasized)
Giving into the desire of personal control is rooted in Fear. Where there is Fear, there’s lack of Trust. Which leads to worry, stress and anxiety. As Christians, we’ve already received the gift of unearthly peace. So why are we still suffering these things? We continue to choose not to Trust Jesus with our lives. Yes, it’ll be a life long struggle until our human bodies die, but God still promises this peaceful relieve from the woes of this world. Simply choose to constantly give Him your trust, and I promise in the name of Jesus, you will see God’s promises manifest in your life. Thank you, Jesus! ☝️😌
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wednesdaywitchcraft · 11 months
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“Somehow the moon still remained, shining its wary life on the world, filled with pain and dread and unspoken secrets.”
- Bianca Viola, Dreaming of Hiraeth
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Opera Society of Washington - Menotti's The Medium - Vinyl - LP - Columbia rec. - 1971
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flameontheotherside · 4 months
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a-typical · 2 months
J.Z. Knight of the State of Washington claims to be in touch with a 35,000-year-old somebody called 'Ramtha'. He speaks English very well, using Knight's tongue, lips and vocal cords, producing what sounds to me to be an accent from the Indian Raj. Since most people know how to talk, and many - from children or professional actors - have a repertoire of voices at their command, the simplest hypothesis is that Ms Knight makes 'Ramtha' speak all by herself, and that she has no contact with disembodied entities from the Pleistocene Ice Age. If there's evidence to the contrary, I'd love to hear it. It would be considerably more impressive if Ramtha could speak by himself, without the assistance of Ms Knight's mouth. Failing that, how might we test the claim? (The actress Shirley MacLaine attests that Ramtha was her brother in Atlantis, but that's another story.)
Suppose Ramtha were available for questioning. Could we verify whether he is who he says he is? How does he know that he lived 35,000 years ago, even approximately? What calendar does he employ? Who is keeping track of the intervening millennia? Thirty-five thousand plus or minus what? What were things like 35,000 years ago? Either Ramtha really is 35,000 years old, in which case we discover something about that period, or he's a phoney and he'll (or rather she'll) slip up.
Where did Ramtha live? (I know he speaks English with an Indian accent, but where 35,000 years ago did they do that?) What was the climate? What did Ramtha eat? (Archaeologists know something about what people ate back then.) What were the indigenous languages and social structure? Who else did Ramtha live with - wife, wives, children, grandchildren? What was the life cycle, the infant mortality rate, the life expectancy? Did they have birth control? What clothes did they wear? How were the clothes manufactured? What were the most dangerous predators? Hunting and fishing implements and strategies? Weapons? Endemic sexism? Xenophobia and ethnocentrism? And if Ramtha came from the 'high civilization' of Atlantis, where are the linguistic, technological, historical and other details? What was their writing like? Tell us. Instead, all we are offered are banal homilies.
— The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark - Carl Sagan (1996)
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archivist-crow · 5 months
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Odds and Ends:
In April 1855, Daniel Dunglas Home returned to Britain, well on his way to becoming the most famous medium of the nineteenth century. Hartford Times editor F. L. Burr witnessed him levitate and was holding his hand when it happened. Repeatedly, the medium rose above the floor, one time reaching the ceiling. In over forty years of demonstrations of his abilities in front of society's elite, including Mark Twain and Napoleon III, fraud was never discovered. On the most celebrated occasion, English aristocracy watched as his rigid body sailed out the window of one room and re-entered through a window in the next room, eight feet away and seventy feet above the ground.
During frequent séances, the medium would go into a trance and sit, fascinated, in front of a flaming fireplace, conversing with the spirits whom he believed granted fire immunity. Eventually, he would wash his face with the burning coals, often ruffling his hair and laying his head on burning wood or coals. Often live coals were picked from his hair, and he would tuck them inside his shirt.
This fire immunity could be extended to others. With a glowing lump of coal, he would approach various gentlemen; some could feel the heat, and others could hold the coal as if it were scarcely warm. One time, as Home was returning the coal to the fireplace, he began to laugh, saying, "Why, just fancy, some of them think that only one side of the ember was hot." He got someone to cup their hands together, dropped the coal in, and then placed his own hands on top so that the hot core was completely covered. One skeptic asked to touch the piece and received a large blister. At one séance, five out of seven people present could hold the coal.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violins, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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