paquitotuntun · 9 years
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✊✊✊…#CrownsUp #Repost @rommyyy123 ・・・ New sticker that will probably be made available either for free or on donation sometime in February. 2016, you came delivering agonizing blows to un pueblo that’s been holding out for so long for a sign of relief y alguna esperanza- puros chantajes, politicos de mierda playing with our lives. Ya basta. Tired of patrolling my anger- que se pudra la migra. In solidarity with all the folks and fams feeling the fear, anger, frustration, sadness and violence that comes with being targets of la migra and the bigger systems at play. Resisting, surviving and healing in any and all the ways we know how- for ourselves, our parents, our children, our partners, our fams, our communities. Nunca nos rendiremos. Somos seres divinos and you will feel our wrath #FuckLaMigra @culturestrike #art4 #art4change #artivism #artivist #activist #politicalart #humanrights #socialjustice #immigration #migration #migrantpower #pinchefrontera #borderlands #Not1More #undocumented #unaccompaniedminors #undocuqueer #woc
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
You're welcome to as many and as much as you need. Please let me know if you need anything.
will do. i’m just going to be on IG for the next few months or so.  
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
long hiatus from tumblr. be back whenever. 
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
Masculinity existing for men isn’t something we talk about or discuss much and frankly I think we should. But the idea that we should condemn femininity as being designed by men to keep women in check (let alone the fact that this problem could presumably be solved by the overthrow of corporations responsible for selling the “proper woman” package) is that men perform masculinity as a way of keeping themselves and other men in check as well. We just don’t discuss it that way because we see masculinity as natural.
But the father who tells his son not to cry, the boss who tells a male underling not to take paternity leave, the drunk man making a joke at the bar about gay men, are all effectively social police regulating how much social capital other men are allowed to have. There is nothing I can think of in this world which isn’t -for- men because we live in a misogynist world. If dresses are -for- men to see and get off on then ties are just as much -for- men to see and to look for to determine who is worth his time and thought as a human being. And men who refuse to play the game or are to GNC to be allowed in the club pay the price with their salaries and their connections. But men policing other men in fact forms the entirety of masculinity the way it is done by men.
I don’t think any particular presentation is radical in and of itself but the particular potential for radicalness (???) in feminine and masculine gender presentations is that they divorce these social scripts (which YES OF COURSE exist before us) from their heterosexual contexts and make them not the natural realm of heterosexuals but a construction which can be fallen into, hopped out of, adapted for social use. Idk about anyone else but I am extremely uncomfortable with any conversation about how femininity affects women that doesn’t include listening to currently femme identified lesbians because tbh almost everyone is on board with “Butch lesbians are not monsters and disgusting and men” so I think we should question why we are unwilling en masse to acknowledge that femme women are not babies, are not uninformed, are not stupid - that they too are trying to live in a world that doesn’t want them to be lesbians and there are millions of ways to deal with that.
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
Consensual hugs and lots of queer love.
please, yes. i will take all of them. they’ve been in very short supply and are so very much needed. thank you, friend
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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do not delete caption.
art by rommy torrico, they/them/theirs pronouns, www.rommytorrico.com
looks like it’s going to be a series. a really really sad series :/
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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This is an illustration I did for the August 2014 issue of Popular Science Magazine. The assignment was to show a scifi take on human aging in the future. I wanted to do something relatively positive, so I drew a lady whose life has been been prolonged through cybernetic enhancements and augmentation, so she gets to spend time with her great-great-great-great grandchildren. 
Thanks to AD Michelle Mruk!
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
Not all toxic people are cruel and uncaring. Some of them love us dearly. Many of them have good intentions. Most are toxic to our being simply because their needs and way of existing in the world force us to compromise ourselves and our happiness. They aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people for us. And as hard as it is, we have to let them go. Life is hard enough without being around people who bring you down, and as much as you care, you can’t destroy yourself for the sake of someone else. You have to make your wellbeing a priority. Whether that means breaking up with someone you care about, loving a family member from a distance, letting go of a friend, or removing yourself from a situation that feels painful — you have every right to leave and create a safer space for yourself.
Daniell Koepke (via themindmovement)
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
understand that everybody ain’t got the same heart and mind as you.
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
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Rest in POWER
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
*holds it together on the streets, has an existential crisis in the sheets*
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
concept: us, whispering little kindnesses into the night. sending out love to no one in particular and everyone at once.
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
Things I love about the Signs
Aries: You're so passionate about things. You manage to get to me when you talk. You leave something in my head, you know. You inspire me, influence me in a good way. You're like the rising sun. Your face is a piece of art. You're such young souls, so full of life. You fight your battles and you win. There's something about you that attracts me so much. You speak to me like no one else does. You're so intelligent.
Taurus: Your will is stronger than a thousand armies. You are so trustworthy, reliable and adorable. This little smile you give people you like when they walk by. You are honest. You can sense when I'm about to make a mistake and you try to keep me from doing it and when I do it anyway you say "I told you so" but you're still there for me. You're so pacient. You're know how to enjoy life. You're both; a young soul and a wise person.
Gemini: If someone knows how to make things 100% better then it's you. You literally grab the dark clouds and push them away. You're the sunshine. You brighten every day. Your way of thinking is really inspiring and the way you see life is the way I wish I could see it. You never really get mad at me although I mess up so often. You just understand people as if you could see what's going on in their heads. You're a walking mess but you're such a beautiful combination of many messes at once.
Cancer: You're so strong. You pick yourself up when you're on the ground. You never bother people, never ever. It's so easy to talk to you, so nice to spend time with you. You're so kind and caring and loving. And you know how to treat people right. You know what someone deserves but you're willing to give them more than that without being naive. You yell at me when it's needed and this is something I can never thank you enough for. You kick someone's ass in order to make them get up again.
Leo: You sometimes have these moments when you randomly point out someone's good traits. You never forget to say something good about someone but you're also not afraid of saying something negative about someone. But you're never really mean and if you are, you apologize. You're honest. You know when someone needs to talk and you always manage to keep something private. If you promised something, you keep it. Sometimes life gets really tough for you but you just keep fighting and you never run out of power. Seriously, you're so powerful.
Virgo: You're a good friend. You may hold a grudge for long but that's okay. You realize something is wrong long before anyone else does. You encourage me to go for the things I dream of. You give me motivation when I'm not even willing to breathe. You're brutally honest and you can cure every wound that's been caused so far. You have healing powers. You know that words are powerful weapons and you use them wisely.
Libra: You see the good in all the bad. You find light in the dark, art in the things I threw away. You inspire me and you never stop. Your cheekbones are goals. You know the most beautiful places and you're a beautiful person. You always try to make me laugh and you never fail. You understand things I didn't even know that existed. You're a genius in your very own way.
Scorpio: I just cannot look away. You're so interesting and magnetic. You never reveal much of you but you always drop hints. You're passionate and strong willed and your roaring is louder than a lion's. Your heart is bigger than the ocean and please, don't see this as a weakness. It's your strength! You can literally move something. You have so much power, so much will. You find a way. Always. Your soul is dark but your stars burn bright.
Sagittarius: You stand for the things you believe in, even if you stand alone. You're not afraid to speak up and you won't lower your voice for anyone. You don't accept a "no" when you know you deserve a "yes". You don't depend on anyone. You're so colourful, creative. You are a beautiful creation of many mixed colours and you can paint with words.
Capricorn: You're almost never wrong. You can literally predict the future. You give better advices than anyone else and you're never afraid to take the blame when you know you made a mistake. You stand for what you did or what you said. You're very honest and intelligent. You know more about people than you should and you share your life with all your loved ones.
Aquarius: You combine the most beautiful melodies inside you. You're so full of life and kind of wise at an early age already. You don't care what others say, you do what you think is best for yourself. But you're not reckless. Your door is always open for those who want to come in and also for those who want to leave. You don't play games. You don't love with half your heart only. You're whole. And you love with all your heart.
Pisces: You seem so innocent but you're so strong and so powerful. You're the kind of person that people go to war for but you're also the kind of person to lead an entire army. You know that you're usually being underestimated and you play with that, you surprise. You have such a beautiful mind and your heart is gold. You fight hate with love and you win. You tell great stories and your presence is really calming and comforting.
Lots of love to you all 💜
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paquitotuntun · 9 years
If you let anger into your heart, it will push out your ability to love.
Bree Despain, The Lost Saint  (via humanseoul)
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