parchmentmischief · 2 years
Hey! Are you going to finish the “competition“ fanfic?
Hi! Probably not, I haven’t gotten any feedback from followers on it and my inspiration has kind of dried up for it.
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
The Dead Stay Dead
Theseus Scamander x witch!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Your mother tasks you with more readings as more customers flow into the shop, but your mind is elsewhere.
She scolds you, but you can’t help it. The woman you saw, Leta, was filled with such anger. You wished you could have helped more, in fact you worry you had only made the situation worse by interacting with Leta.
Who was it that she needed dead so badly?
Against your better judgement, you sneak out of bed late that night, and creep down again into the back parlor room. The air is freezing and you shiver despite yourself.
“Leta.” you say her voice quietly.
And she appears, standing before you in an almost solid state. She looks happier now than she did when you first saw her, her eyes a deep brown instead of pools of black.
“Leta, I would like to help you. Can you tell me who is still tying to the living world?”
“I’m dead.” she responds sadly.
“Yes,” you agree, “do you need help in moving to the next plane?”
Her face stretches inhumanly into a frown, but you keep your expression still and compassionate, still uncertain if Leta herself poses a threat to you.
Eventually she nods.
“You have to help him. He’s lost.”
“Who, Leta? Your friends that visited?”
Her hand reaches out suddenly, grasping at yours. It feels like cold air pressing down. “He’s lost. Theseus.”
You nod, gently guiding and sitting the both of you down on a bench. “I will help him in any way I can, Leta.”
She seems placated by this, and removes her hand from where it had grabbed yours. “Thank you.”
You have no idea what she means by any of this, but decide against agitating her further by asking.
She dissipates again into nothingness.
You decide to help.
Wizards are easy enough to track, given the right tools. A few herbs, a binding spell made with the help of the moon, and you’re quickly following after them, a light pull in your veins leading you in the right direction.
They’re resting at an inn near the center of town, standing out even with the bustle of early morning leading people every which way.
You make a beeline for them, ready to demand they accept your help.
Taglist: @generousrunawaydonut @yournewmommy @wanaexe
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
The Dead Stay Dead
Theseus Scamander x witch!reader
Strangers to lovers, Major character death warning
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Jacob Kowalski is nothing if not willing to expand his beliefs about the world. So when he hears Theseus and Newt talking about Leta… well, he suggests the cards.
After all, his mother had the skill and hers always seemed to come out weirdly right in ways you didn’t expect it.
You can see the dead, and even though the wizards standing before you would classify you as a muggle, you and your ancestors are magick practitioners, through and through.
The cards tell you anything you ask, but that doesn’t mean it’s always what the patrons want to hear as the answers to their questions.
Usually, the people coming into the tarot shop your mother runs are there for a laugh. Sometimes they’re here already looking for a specific answer.
Will he marry me?
Does she love me?
Is my loved one waiting for me on the other side?
Typical, run of the mill questions. The type of questions you didn’t have to pick up the cards to answer, really. It’s like they’re thinking so hard that the answer appears scrawled in charcoal in front of their face.
You’ve never had a wizard come looking for answers in a tarot shop before.
There’s firsts for everything.
Jacob Kowalski is nothing if not willing to expand his beliefs about the world. So when he hears Theseus and Newt talking about Leta… well, he suggests the cards.
After all, his mother had the skill and hers always seemed to come out weirdly right in ways you didn’t expect it.
“Hello, gentlemen. How can I, er, assist you?” You can smell the magic on the two brothers from almost down the street. Their third companion though was much shorter, and decidedly human.
“We’re here with some questions for your cards, if you have time.” the shorter man responds for the trio.
“Interesting. I do wonder what sort of question could bring two wizards and a human to my door.” You raise an eyebrow at them.
“Someone who’s,” one of the brothers begins but cuts himself short. He won’t meet your eyes. You wait patiently though; if it’s a question about a “someone”, your guess is someone has passed away they want to know about. An area where wizard magic was sorely lacking. Hmmph.
“We’re hoping you can check on someone for us, you know from the other side?” The shortest jumps in again, smiling a bit.
“Of course, I’d be happy to, Mr’s…” you pause, hoping for a name.
“Oh! Apologies, uh, I’m Jacob Kowalski, and this is Theseus,” he points to the taller brother, “and Newt.”
“Pleasure to meet you all. Come with me to the back parlor will you?”
You lead the way to the back, down the creaky hallway with its peeling paint, and into a room covered in runes. The lights are dimmed in the room more for a haunting effect than anything else, making the runes glow.
Once seated around the table, you pull cards from a space beneath the table.
“What questions did you come here looking for answers for?” You spread the cards out smoothly in an arc in front of you.
There is a pause. A weight is in the air. All three of these men know what they wish to ask, however refuse to voice it.
How heavy a weight it must be, then.
“Ask, for the cards cannot help otherwise.”
“Can the dead be returned?”
You smile a sad and ancient smile. “The dead stay dead, Theseus Scamander. Or an incomprehensible toll will be exacted.”
“But you can see them, can’t you?”
“You do not want to see them,” you whisper. “They are past the veil now, you do not want to see them. They are not the same as they once were, don’t call the dead.”
You see her then.
A young woman, eyes a dark yawning pool, a hand placed on each Scamander brother’s shoulder.
“Hello Leta.” you say gently. “Why have you not passed on?”
The room darkens and chills, Leta screams a terrible scream that only you can hear, though it shatters all the glass in the room, startling your guests all the same.
You hear your mother yelling on the upper floor of the house, running footsteps down the main stair as she races for the back room.
“Leta please help me understand.”
You place your cards to the side, instead holding out a hand to her. She doesn’t move, rather appears in a mist at your side, right by your ear and leaning in to whisper.
Her nails are sharp talons, you can see whatever anger she has held onto in death.
“He. Must. Die.” The words are a whisper, raising the hair on your arms.
“Who, Leta?” But it must have taken too much energy to speak, because her form disappears even from your view.
You look blankly at these three men who have come into your parlor. What sort of danger were they in? What sort of danger were they?
Taglist: @generousrunawaydonut @yournewmommy @wanaexe
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
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Dancing in the Rain
Theseus Scamander x reader
A date goes horribly wrong, but your knight in shining armor shows up to save the day.
Someone makes a comment about you looking easy, and you decide enough is enough for one night. Your date obviously didn’t care about you, people at the bar were laughing at you, maybe you could just go home and sleep this whole thing off.
You feel foolish for ever agreeing to come.
What an awful day. The dress Queenie had helped you pick out, that for once made you feel beautiful, now felt itchy and awful against your skin. You must look ridiculous.
Theseus chases after you when you run out of the bar crying. You hadn’t even realized he was there, he must have come with Queenie to spy on your date.
Theseus chases after you when you run out of the bar crying. You hadn’t even realized he was there, he must have come with Queenie to spy on your date.
Theseus chases after you when you run out of the bar crying. You hadn’t even realized he was there, he must have come with Queenie to spy on your date.
He pulls you into a hug and just holds you.
“If you want me to go back in there and hex him into tomorrow I one hundred percent will. I think Queenie might beat me to it though.”
“No don’t,” you sniffle, “he’s just saying what everyone else was thinking.”
“Hey,” Theseus becomes serious. “He’s an arse, nothing he said is true. You look beautiful.”
“Don’t jest. We both know no one was going to ask me to dance anyways.”
“I will.”
You smile sadly. “Theseus I don’t want pity.”
He steps in close, pulling you to his chest. “Believe me, it’s not pity.” his lips are so close to yours, almost brushing. “Dance with me.”
You suddenly find yourself out of breath. “There’s no music.”
Theseus takes one of your hands in his own anyways, wrapping the other around your waist. The two of you sway together, in the rain.
moodboard credit
Taglist: @generousrunawaydonut @yournewmommy (unable to tag) @wanaexe
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Write Me, Will You?
Theseus Scamander x reader
Theseus realizes too late his feelings for you. You’ve taken a job transfer that will have you moving to America. He catches you just before you board a ferry.
Theseus is sure he’s never run faster in his life than this moment. He has to make it to you in time, he has to find you.
It had taken a mildly frustrating conversation with Newt for Theseus to realize why he was so upset with you. It’s not like he’s not happy for you, your new job sounds amazing and exciting, exactly the kind of job you had been dreaming of.
But Theseus misses you already.
“Maybe you should tell them how you feel?” Newt suggests, only half paying attention as he attempts to wrestle away something shiny from Teddy.
“Tell them that they should stay here because… I don’t even know why? Missing them doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for them to miss out on their dream job. What difference will telling them make?”
Newt pauses his tug of war with the Niffler, “I meant tell them how you feel, the other thing.”
“What other thing?”
Newt stares at his brother knowingly. “That you love them.”
Now Theseus is searching frantically for you at the ferry boarding. It’s set to leave soon; what if you had already boarded and he already missed you?
Your voice comes from just behind him and he turns, immediately pulling you into a hug. “Thank gods, I thought I had missed you.”
“Aw, did you come to see me off at the ferry? That’s really sweet Theseus, thank you.” You smile brightly at him, and Theseus feels like he might melt.
“I did- um- well I came to see you off but I needed to tell you something.”
You blink. “What is it? Is everything okay?”
“Yes! Yes everything is fine! Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.” He scratches at his head awkwardly.
“Theseus,” you bump your hip against his gently, “it’s just me, there’s no need to be nervous okay?” You’re confused but also worried that Theseus seems so stressed.
“I just needed to tell you something, before you leave.” he takes your hand.
Just then the ferryman yells for last call for boarding.
“Theseus I have to go.”
His grip on your hand doesn’t loosen. “Please, it will just take a moment, or I’m afraid I won’t be able to tell you.”
Now you’re really worried. “Tell me, Theseus.” You bring both of your hands up to the sides of his face, meeting his eyes. He rests his hands gently over yours.
“I’m in love with you.”
It feels like the world has slowed, like everything has frozen except for this space between you two.
“I know that you’re leaving, and I know that my timing couldn’t be any worse, but I need you to know. And I’m hoping that there’s some small chance you feel the same.”
You pull Theseus down into a kiss in answer. “Your timing really is terrible.” you whisper against his lips, unable to stop a smile from forming.
You kiss him again, and again. His hands are in your hair, cradling your head so gently.
“Theseus I really have to go.” you say softly. This moment feels magical and you want to stay in it forever.
“I know.” he replies.
Neither of you move away from each other.
“You’ll write to me, won’t you?” You ask, hugging Theseus tight one last time.
“Of course. Every day, if you won’t get sick of me.”
“I won’t, promise.”
Taglist: @generousrunawaydonut @yournewmommy (unable to tag) @wanaexe
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
I’m working on the next part of Competition, but in the meantime I have another Theseus x reader fic coming out today!
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Theseus Scamander x reader
Enemies(rivals) to lovers
The head of the Swedish Ministry has sent you, their Head Auror, to track down a dark wizard. The British Ministry happens to have sent an Auror of their own. A very annoying, distractingly handsome one who keeps getting in your way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
“Kalai is not getting away this time,” you mutter to yourself, bored to tears waiting around at one of his usual haunts.
This was the second watery beer you had choked down, trying to look like any other patron of the seedy bar you were in.
Why couldn’t Kalai hang out in upscale restaurants or gardens or something? You’re aware you’re pouting but don’t care enough to stop. It had been hours and nothing had come of your stakeout. Just awful beer and an itchy disguise that smelled too much like sewer water.
The front door opens suddenly, almost slamming into the wall.
In walks Theseus Scamander, Head Auror of the British Ministry of Magic blah blah blah. You resist the urge to roll your eyes. He was not one for subtlety it seems.
Everyone in the bar was watching him now. He was too well known to go walking around in this part of town doing…whatever he was doing unnoticed.
Already you can see wizards in the bar slowly reaching to pull out their wands.
Well, this was a day wasted. You sigh to yourself.
For a moment everything is absolutely silent, then multiple people jump into action.
There are curses being shot everywhere, bouncing off of mirrors and random surfaces in the bar. One whizzes by so close that it singes your hair.
You should send Theseus a bill.
You slide off of your stool to sit cross legged on the ground, tilting your wand and easily stunning patron after patron, all of them falling like dominoes. You’re lucky they’re all drunk, none of them even seem to see you from your position.
Well, not quite lucky enough. You’re forced to stand to stun someone reaching over the bar to grab you.
You stun someone drawing back to cast a hex at Theseus, spinning on your heel to stun a man approaching you with a knife. Rude.
You turn again, coming face to face with the end of a wand.
His expression is one of anger. Well, that makes two of you.
“You just ruined days of work for me, Mr. Scamander.” An exaggeration? Only a little, if you counted the hours you spent researching the places Kalai often resides.
This seems to throw him for a second, his wand lowering minutely. It’s enough for you to reposition your own wand, now aimed directly at his solar plexus should he try anything stupid like stunning you.
“Do we know each other?” He asks, his voice more accusatory than anything.
You huff, pulling off your disguise. “Indeed. You’re Head Auror for the British Ministry, yes? I’m Head Auror of the Swedish Ministry. I’m here tracking a dark wizard and I would appreciate if you would lower your wand.”
“And which dark wizard would that be?” he asks, not lowering his wand even a little.
You want to roll your eyes. Professionalism be damned.
“Vincent Kalai.”
His eyes narrow further. “What does the Swedish Ministry of Magic want with Vincent Kalai?”
“Why is that important for you to know? Look, my credentials are in my pocket, you can verify who I am just please would you lower your want out of my face? You’re being awfully rude.”
He does lower his wand at that. “Vincent Kalai falls under our jurisdiction, there’s no reason for you to be here.”
“He murdered an entire wizard family in Sweden, he falls under our jurisdiction just fine.” Maybe you should hex him, just so he’ll stop saying stupid things. “And I hope you’re happy,” you huff. “Regardless, there’s no way Kalai will be coming back here any time soon. Thanks for ruining my stakeout.”
Author’s Note: I’m hoping to keep this to 3 parts! I will update the links at the top as I add parts to this fic.
Taglist: @generousrunawaydonut @yournewmommy (unable to tag ur user?) @wanaexe
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Teaser of my new fic…
Theseus x reader
The head of the Swedish Ministry has sent you, their Head Auror, to track down a dark wizard. The British Ministry happens to have sent an Auror of their own. A very annoying, distractingly handsome one who keeps getting in your way.
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
New Theseus fic coming soon because apparently he’s all my brain can come up with ideas for right now I ―
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
In Bed
Theseus Scamander x reader
18+ minors dni!
Some spicy thoughts… Theseus having a high stress job, being head auror, in charge of so many people, letting you take control is such a relief to him and he’s finally able to relax.
When you have a hand around his throat and apply just the smallest amount of pressure, the way his eyes roll back and let’s out a high pitched whine.
He likes when you strip him to the waist and cover him in bites that’ll leave marks for days after, shivers when you breathe against the hollow of his throat.
He won’t move until you give him permission but gods does he want to. Especially when you pull off his belt with your teeth, pinning his hips down and taking him into your mouth all in one go.
He makes the prettiest noises but sometimes gets shy because of how loud he gets. He needs encouragement from you, that he sounds gorgeous, how beautiful his moans are when you use just the right amount of teeth.
Sometimes you tie his hands together to the bed frame and tease him until he’s begging for you. And how can you resist?
Giving over control to you feels so natural to Theseus in the bedroom. You make him feel so good and cared for.
He loves the gentle cuddles after just as much. He curls into you, mumbling softly about how good you made him feel, quietly asking for you to play with his hair if you aren’t already.
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
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screaming crying throwing up rn
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Est-ce que tú m’aimes?
Theseus Scamander x reader
Theseus is shyer than he seems to be, at least when it comes to love.
After losing Leta… well… it’s been hard. He hasn’t been looking for love, he hasn’t wanted to love someone new. That pain was still so fresh, even after years.
But somehow, without his notice, you’ve made a home inside his heart.
Your smile, your voice, they pull him from that darkness he thought he would live forever in.
And you’re so beautiful, it’s like he’s really looking at you for the first time. How had you managed it? To take ahold of his thoughts, his mind, so completely?
You don’t believe Newt when he says his brother is in love with you. It doesn’t stop the traitorous flutter your heart does though, at the hope that it could be true.
But it can’t be true, can it?
Newt seems so confident.
“I know my brother, and I know how he is around people he’s interested in.”
“Well perhaps this time you’re mistaken. I don’t think he even notices me.” You realize your voice has shifted into a whine an cut yourself off.
“Wait- do you fancy my brother?” Newt’s eyebrows shift up so high they disappear. His voice is perfect shock.
“No!” You exclaim immediately, your face flushing pink in embarrassment.
Newt is grinning now. “Oh I think you do! Oh this is wonderful you should tell him!”
“Newttttt” you complain. “Even if I did fancy him-“
Newt’s face lights up again.
“Which I don’t! Stop looking at me like that.” You point accusingly at Newt. “Anyways, even if I did fancy him, why would he ever go for someone like me. He’s all handsome and a big shot at the ministry and I’m just… me.” Your voice has reached a mumble by the end.
“Well I think ‘just you’ is pretty great.” Newt says earnestly. It makes you smile a bit.
“Thanks Newt.”
But then you hear a voice from behind the two of you. “I also think ‘just you’ is pretty great, if you were wondering.”
You freeze, feeling ice cold dread roll down your spine. You know that voice. Already you’re kicking yourself. Of course you would say some dumb vulnerable confession with Theseus in ear shot. Of course.
You turn around slowly, feeling like you’re headed to execution. “Heey there Theseus. How long have you uh, been standing there?”
“I’m just gonna um, go be somewhere else.” Newt says before quite literally running out of the room.
You wonder suddenly if Newt had planned this. Sneaky.
“Listen, Theseus. I’m sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable, you were never supposed to hear any of that. I know we’re just friends and I’m completely fine with that! We can just pretend like the last ten minutes never happened and-“
Theseus has moved closer at some point during your outburst, taking your hands in his own.
“What if I don’t want to forget?”
“What if I don’t want to forget what you confessed, your feelings for me. What if I feel the same for you?”
Now you’re both blushing.
“Theseus Scamander are you in love with me?” Your voice is edging between incredulous and joyous.
He’s smiling shyly. “I am.”
“I’m in love with you too.”
“Quit staring at each other like that and kiss!” You hear Queenie shout from the other room.
You both take her advice.
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Theseus fics coming soon I can’t help myself
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Theseus Scamander Gifs
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Theseus Scamander Gifs, part 5/?
He deserves more screen time | like/reblog if use or save
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
You and I
George Weasley x reader
Your wand breaks in a duel against some Death Eaters, and your new one, and the pain of that night, is still hurting you. George is always there for you through it.
Content Warning: non graphic description of injuries, allusions to self harm
He stands between your legs with you seated on the sink counter. You’re so tired, he almost had to carry you here.
His hands are gentle, pushing your sleeve out of the way. There are old scars there, wounds from the war and others, as well as a new jagged red line, courtesy of your wand backfiring.
George is always so gentle with you. He has a soft spot for you, this at least you know. He never lets his brother tease you, always makes sure you’re doing alright. He’s always made you feel safe.
“This shouldn’t hurt, but I’m not the best at healing spells.” he murmurs. His lips are so close to your ear, you turn towards him and your lips almost brush. It’s intoxicating.
You blush, although George doesn’t seem to notice.
“Ascell, varillei.” A warmness spreads up your arm, almost burning, before subsiding.
The injury shrinks, mending itself into just a small scar. Just another in a collection on your arm.
He kisses your wrist gently, over the newly healed scar. It’s barely a brush of his lips across your skin. Still, you felt goosebumps rise along your arms.
Are your cheeks still red?
“You have to be more careful, casting. A new wand is bound to fit strangely for awhile.” His eyebrows are furrowed, concern etched into a frown on his face. His hands are tracing gentle patterns along your arms, almost unconsciously.
You wish he would hold you, suddenly.
“I know, I know George it’s just. I can feel the magic under my skin it’s like an itch.”
You know, suddenly, that all you want is his lips on yours, the heat of his body against you, arms wrapped around you. He looks gorgeous, you want to leave marks on his throat.
You can see it in your mind now.
He looks at you, your faces are a breath apart.
“Kiss me, please.”
Your hands find their way behind his neck.
And then his lips are on yours, gentle, tentative. Almost searching. You run your hands through his hair, pulling him closer.
Your eyes flutter shut as you feel his hand press to your back. You feel like gasping, your whole body trying to move closer. His lips move down your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses and bites.
His hand slides down, past your back, lower. And suddenly he’s picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. The pressure is delicious on your center, you gasp.
“Sorry, sorry.” He immediately pulls away. “Did I hurt you?”
“No,” you’re almost out of your mind with pleasure, dizzied. “Darling no, I want more-“
“Oh, pet names?” he has a grin on his face.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long. God I’ve been in love with you since year four.”
“That long?” Your voice is breathy, you can barely focus between the kisses you share. “You should have said something.”
You both lay together in his bed now, limbs tangled together, giggling like children. You can’t stop running hands over each other, kissing.
“This doesn’t feel real.” George breathes.
“Well you better believe it.” you give him a peck on the nose. “It’s real.”
You lay in silence for awhile.
“Have you really been in love with me since year four?”
He gasps with fake outrage. “Hey now! No need to put me on the spot.”
Fred comes in some time later. George is mostly asleep, your head rested against the crook of his shoulder.
“About time one of you made a move.”
He’s grinning, smug.
“Take care of him, or I’ll have to fight you to the death or something.”
You two don’t stop holding hands, gravitating around each other. Of course it’s not much different from before, having always been best friends. But the knowing, that warmth resting in your chest. That’s new.
Mrs. Weasley coos, and Ginny is overjoyed. You’re convinced one of the two are going to start planning a wedding behind your back.
George keeps a hand on your waist. You’re constantly dragging each other into dark corners, kissing and touching each other like you’re starved of it.
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parchmentmischief · 2 years
Buy me a Kofi? 💕
Theseus Scamander
Competition | Part 2 | Part 3
Dancing in the Rain
The Dead Stay Dead | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Est-ce que tú m’aimes?
In Bed (18+ minors dni)
Write Me, Will You?
George Weasley
You and I
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