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Nap time is going fantastic... I have had radio silence for a few months because life has taken off! The latest struggle is the 9 month sleep regression, a bout of strep (and all the diarrhea that comes with the antibiotics), and let's not forget the 4 top teeth she has coming in at the same time. To say I was tired would be an understatement... Today I was extremely hopeful for a nap but as you can see it wasn't in the cards. I could get angry, upset or succumb to the exhaustion but instead I am trying to find the humor in life with a 9 month old that never sleeps. Someday she will, and I will miss being the mommy who cuddles her all night and who she cries for during the day. Stay perfect ❤️. #momlife #sahmlife #stayathomemom #sleepregression #sleepregressionsucks #charlieclaire #naptime #assholeparent #reallife #girlmom (at Chicago metropolitan area)
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The mamama cry... A couple of days ago my peanut got her shots and hasn't been feeling well. My mom and dad are in town helping me out and I am so thankful for the time with them because it is a break from the silence I often spend my days in. Today peanut has been extra cranky (I suspect slightly over tired) and my mom offered to help and calm her for a bit so I could get some house work done. She got peanut down for a little bit but she woke up again and then came the mama mama cry. The deep sobbing, I don't feel good I want my mommy cry. I was slightly sad that my productivity was cut short but I took my baby girl and held her and rocked her and sang to her and after about 30 minutes she drifted off into a deep sleep over my shoulder. There are times I wish I could get stuff done, times I want ten minutes to myself, times I wonder if I will ever be able to do house chores again... But then your baby cries mama mama and you take her in your arms and she buries her head in your shoulder and falls asleep and you feel so blessed to be the mama mama she wants. ❤️❤️❤️ #charlieclaire #lovemylife #lifewithjeff #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard #blackandwhitephoto #momlife #blessed #mama
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Date night... Once upon a time date night meant doing my hair and make-up and getting dressed up to go out with my husband to a nice dinner. Today, date night meant cheap (yet good) sushi and driving around until the peanut fell asleep so that we could sit in the driveway while our neighbors stare and just enjoy some music and down time. Lots of things have changed since having our baby girl but I wouldn't change any of it. Even if it means that we are the weirdos in the neighborhood that sit in their running car in the driveway for hours at a time :) stay perfect! #charlieclaire #lovemylife #lifewithjeff #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard #spitup #eww #ismell #momgoals #mom #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #stayperfect #stayathomemom #sittinginthedriveway #carpictures #daddysgirl #daddydaughter #datenight #blackandwhitephoto #momlife #thisismetime #dadlife #momanddad (at Minneapolis, Minnesota)
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Today I am enjoying a regular coffee and a chocolate brownie. I am sure that I will pay for it later when I have a screaming baby but for now I am feeling slightly more human thanks to the caffeine. I will post something not @starbucks or @target soon but I am sure most moms can relate to the humanity these places bring to parenting. If only for a moment you are whole and stress free :) #momachievements #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard #spitup #eww #ismell #momgoals #mom #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #poopproblems #target #starbucks #targetrocks #breastfeeding #charlieclaire #lovemylife #lifewithjeff #photographymom #daddysgirl
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Another day, another reason I love Target... There is always the debate about breastfeeding in public. Some people see no problem, others seemed determined to condemn women feeding their children to the firey pits. All I know is that when I see my daughter start to get all fussy and screaming hunger isn't far off I start to panic! Especially on a day like today where a blizzard means running out to my car just to feed her really isn't feasible. Well today when the grunting whiney pre hunger routine started I happened to be in Target. I started to panic, and then I figured I would shove us into a tiny dressing room and try to give her enough until I could get us home. What I found was a roomy "family dressing room" with a very nice bench and plenty of room for my stroller and even a space for my coffee! It almost felt luxurious. So once again I want to shout out to Target for being a haven for mothers. You made what is usually an anxiety heavy event something I dare say I enjoyed! #momachievements #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard #spitup #eww #ismell #momgoals #mom #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #poopproblems #target #starbucks #targetrocks #breastfeeding #charlieclaire #lovemylife #lifewithjeff #peace #motherhood
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Pit stops... Having a baby, and especially a crying one means that my husband and I often find ourselves in new and interesting places changing diapers or feeding or both. Tonight we pulled off on the side of the road and I measured out the dreaded reflux meds while my husband used what was left of the back seat to change a stinky diapers. Road trips to family sure aren't the relatively quick adventures they used to be but they are adventures none the less! Stay perfect! #charlieclaire #lovemylife #parenting #parentingishard #daddysgirl #daddydaughter #gopackgo #photographymom #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #poopproblems #blowout #babyfeet #ididit #perfectday #momlife #parents #parentperfect
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Blow outs... Today was a fantastic day with peanut. We went to the arboretum and walked around for hours just looking at the trees. After a couple of hours I decided I should take peanut out of her carseat and let her stretch a little bit before we went back home. I reached down to liberate her from the restraints and got a handful of warm yuck on my hands. Uhg. I hiked up a hill to a picnic table and dealt with the worst blowout we have encountered yet. After filling an entire poop bag with wipes and neatly putting her dirty clothes in another poop bag I paused to laugh at how much life has changed, and of course... Take a picture. ❤️❤️❤️ #charlieclaire #lovemylife #lovemydaughter #myworld #parenting #parentingishard #eww #ismell #momgoals #mom #photographymom #photography #parentinglife #momsofinstagram #babiesofinstagram #poopproblems #blowout #babyfeet #ididit #perfectday
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This week has been a long one.  Sick baby, late nights of work for my husband, constant rain, and as always 2 naughty puppies.  While each of those things invoked varying levels of frustration, it is the complete disaster zone our house has become that has been overwhelming me the most. It was during one of my beautiful attempts to gracefully twirl my little one off to calmness this week that I…
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It takes a village...
It takes a village…
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Some days… this is my village… When I was 18 I packed my bags for college and went off to pursue my education about a 7 hour drive away from my family, friends, and everyone I knew.  I never really thought about how this choice would affect the rest of my life.  There was no reason for me to go so far away, I wasn’t trying to escape, it just happened to be the school I got into and that’s where…
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Me time... Got to my hair appointment a little early and bought a coffee next door at caribou. The woman laughed and said I would have to wait a little bit. I smiled and assured her that I don't mind. Today is a lot of firsts. First time I have left Charlie with Jeff for a long time, first time I have had caffeine in about a year because Charlie is getting a bottle while I am gone, first time I am excited about waiting in a waiting area, and first time since becoming a mom that I have taken time alone to do something for me. I am looking forward to recharging over the next few hours. #momlife #thisismetime #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #parenting #parentingishard #newhair #cariboucoffee #alonetime
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Spit up... Today I spent a while picking out an outfit that made me feel good. I ended up leaving it on the bed opting for a t-shirt and my husband's boxers as shorts because I am all too familiar with the attack of the spit up. Without fail here I am, covered in the uncomfortably warm regurgitation of my 3 month old. My nice clothes will have to wait a while longer I guess. #momlife #thisismetime #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard #spitup #eww #ismell #momgoals #mom
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Starbucks... This has become my lifeline as a mother in a way I don't actually comprehend. I don't particularly like the taste, I don't drink caffeine, it's not even convenient but somehow my daily trip to Starbucks marks some kind of moment of peace in my day. A warm beverage with which to cling to as the world moves all too fast. #starbucks #photographymom #momlife #thisismetime #sahm #sahmlife #stayathomemom #newmom #girlmom #parentinggoals #parenting #parentingishard
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Ten years ago my husband and I got bored one weekend and drove out into the middle of nowhere corn country and ended up coming home with two wonderful puppies.  For the last ten years we have spoiled them rotten and were all too guilty of being the obnoxious furbaby parents as proud of our puppies as most are of their children.  This all changed when my daughter was born.  It wasn't something we intended.  Even as I was in labor I was telling my husband how much I missed our buddies in-between contractions.  I was sure that I wouldn't be one of those dog parents that suddenly changed when we had a baby, I couldn't imagine not loving my furbabies more than anything.
However, I have to say that when we finally returned from the hospital with our new peanut in tow, and my two furbabies ran up to greet me, my first instinct was to protect my new bundle.  I pushed them down muttering something about, "later" and went about taking care of my daughter.  It didn't take long for the dogs to realize that this new presence was here to stay and so started the acting out.
Our littlest dog Leroy, decided he was going to become a barker, it's now his favorite thing to do... all... the... time.  The wind blows, bark.  The sun is bright, bark.  The moon is shining in the window, better bark.  You can imagine how fun that is with a new baby in the house... Charlie is sleeping... time to bark.  If that wasn't bad enough, our other dog Quincy, decided that he was going to reclaim his kingdom by peeing all over everything.  This is a ten year old house broken dog, I did not anticipate having to go back to house breaking with an infant... but here I am.
Needless to say most days are spent with me trying to soothe a baby and deal with barking and peeing, it can get pretty ugly.  We have started trying to spend more time with the dogs alone and let them know we still love them, and things are slowly improving but every day remains a struggle... and then there's today.
I had been playing with Charlie and trying to also include the dogs.  I got up to grab a cup of coffee and as I turned the corner I saw harmony for the first time since bringing our newest family member home.  Dogs and baby asleep... quiet... not peeing, not barking, not screaming or crying.  As I sat there sipping my coffee, I was able to imagine for the first time life simplifying again.  Dogs, baby and us all curled up watching a movie or enjoying an evening together.  It was a glimpse into the future I needed because the day to day can seem overwhelming.  Catching a moment of what all your hard work is creating, makes it all worth it.
Today was a good day.  Today I learned that I need to celebrate the victories when they happen and try to remember them the next time I am cleaning up pee or trying to get the barking to stop.  Today I learned that I have to hang onto the knowledge that things will get better.  To all the parents out there who are dealing with dog jealousy with their new baby, you aren't alone <3.  Stay Perfect!
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