parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Follow our other social media!
We will no longer be posting updates on tumblr in light of the current status of the website regarding adult content. Please follow us on twitter, Kickstarter, Patreon, or itch.io in order to view future updates.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/parivalgames
Kickstarter: https://kck.st/2Pigdy3
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/parival
Itch.io: https://parival.itch.io/1st-degree
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #17: Plot Update, Poll Results, Rei Preview, CG Previews
Hey guys happy Sunday! If you haven't already, make sure you read last weeks update! I know it was a bit off schedule but it was important since we finally cast our VAs!
On that note though, some unfortunate circumstances have opened the role for Osamu, so if you know anyone interested or are interested yourself, please make sure you check out this document for all of the details! http://bit.ly/2QU1pHS
You can also access the casting call as well! https://www.castingcall.club/projects/1st-degree-osamu-emergency-casting
Deadline is 11/24 if you're thinking about auditioning!
Anyway, onto the update!
What's happening: 1) General Plot update 2) Poll Results 3) Rei Preview 4) CG Previews
1) Plot Update
The plot is still coming along! We're just about finished with Aiden's route! We have one more ending to write for him which should be finished in a day or two, then onto editing for the common, Jun's, and Aiden's routes. After Aiden's, we'll be working on Minami's~
I think it's coming along pretty well. We've had a few delays along the way but we should still be on schedule to finish the routes in 2-4 months at the most. The script is already about 270k words and a few scenes still need to be written~ So you guys will be in for quite a ride when it's all complete!
2) Poll Results
Last update, I left you guys with a poll to fill out for censorship style. Most of the votes were for mosaic censorship; however, a lot of votes also added that mosaics were still NSFW. In that case, it's a little bit difficult to go ahead and say 'okay here's mosaic censorship!' when not everyone agrees on whether or not it is fully acceptable or not. And I'm not talking about like 5%, I'm talking about around 30%. I think the safest bet, in my opinion, would be the lens flares (tasteful of course) for lewd scenes and blackout/lens flare combination for gore in order to prevent the debate of if it is NSFW or not. I know it's not as aesthetically pleasing as mosaics though, but I think we can agree that it's better to be safe than sorry.
We also received a few optional responses of just putting underwear on the scene to censor it. The only problem is that it requires redrawing and money so it's not really a viable option. And those of who who stated you did not want a censor, uncensored is what the game is automatically set to, so you won't have to worry about turning the censor off. The game will have optional censors for gore and a separate one for r18+ scenes so you can pick and choose if something makes you squeamish or cringe. Just make sure you check your settings before starting the game.
3) Rei Preview
All of the expressions seen in the demo are finally finished! I even finished up a Rei outfit~ I bet you all can guess when it'll be used! All we've got to finish up are the CGs and voice lines then we'll be ready to put everything together! It feels like it's been forever since we started on a new demo, but I definitely think it'll be worth it~ Anyway! Enjoy this Rei preview!
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Cute and ominous!
Next update might be the twins~ Feels like forever since I've done an outfit update for them.
4) CG Previews
If you didn't get the chance to read last week's update, these are the rewards for Patreon this month:
$1: Our thanks! $3: Rei CG $8: Rei CG + Victim CG $13: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG $18: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG, Jun x Rei CG, 500 word NSFW written scene $25: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG, Jun x Rei CG, 500+ word NSFW written scene, 2x 1000+ word NSFW written scenes (building off the 500 word scene)
The written scenes will be a role-reversal featuring the Twins and Rei!
And as a treat, please enjoy two teasers this week! Aiden x Rei and Jun x Rei CGs.
Aiden x Rei (1 variation):
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Jun x Rei (1 variation):
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~~insert suggestive faces here~~
5) Questions
1) Thoughts on the censorship?
2) Would you go on a date with someone if they were dressed like Rei is?
3) Who's your favorite pairing?
4) What are you most excited about for each route? What are you expecting from each?
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a Patreon now! Any money will go towards furthering the game--meaning paying for CGs, BGs, and VAs!
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
1st Degree - Male VA Needed!
We are in need of an emergency VA casting for a minor/side character: Osamu!
Due to some unfortunate circumstances, he is being recast. The role is open for about a week. Please see this document for all of the details and share if you can!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #16: Cast, Expressions, Patreon Rewards
Hey y'all! Week early with the update but I hope you guys don't mind! Our casting call ended a little more than a week ago, but we've cast the roles and we'd like to share them with everyone! Not to mention, Aiden update! Yay! And I'll also give you a little preview of the patreon rewards, letting you know what'll be in each tier.
What's Happening: 1) Cast 2) Aiden Update 3) Patreon 4) Poll
1) VA Cast
After debating for a few days, we managed to pick the VAs that we thought would best fit the character. Please make sure to check our their twitter and give them some support! Some of the VAs have stuck around since our first demo, so welcome them back and welcome the new VAs!
Rei: Joey Ghost Aiden: Peaches&Dream Jun: Johnny "Lord Psytronix" Castillo Griffith: Steven "Loki" Wang Leo: Daniel Acosta Minami: Evan Lee Mido: Kiyoge Osamu: Mako Chipotle
Characters not in the demo: Dave: Kevin Couto Director Shunsuke: Phil Song Hodgins: Kevin Couto Lucas: Kuyalaw Extra Males: Spencer Bedlam Extra Females: Riley Jones
We may hold another casting call in the future as we still have a few characters that we will need a voice for!
2) Aiden Update
Aiden just has a small update today, seeing as it's not the main update, but basically all I did was just give him a little less wrinkles in his clothes and lightened it up a bit. I think it looks a bit more put together. Also enjoy a few expressions!
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3) Patreon
So this month for patreon, we'll be showing early previews of the demo! Each tier will get a variation of the CGs in the demo, each outlined per tier as follows.
$1: Our thanks! $3: Rei CG $8: Rei CG + Victim CG $13: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG $18: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG, Jun x Rei CG, 500 word NSFW written scene $25: Rei CG, Victim CG, Aiden x Rei CG, Jun x Rei CG, 500+ word NSFW written scene, 2x 1000+ word NSFW written scenes (building off the 500 word scene)
The theme for this month's writing is Role Reversal and will feature the Twins x Rei! Please note that if you're interested, our patreon is set up as 'pay per post' so you do not get charged when you become our patron, and you get charged the 1st of every month. You can set a limit for how much you want to spend, but we will only be making the one paid post per month either way.
The more we get from Patreon, the more CGs we can have! So, please check it out and become a Patron if you can! Even $1 helps! https://www.patreon.com/parival
4) Poll
I've been debating what form of censor to use for the CGs, so I'd like to get your guys' opinions. We've narrowed it down to full blackout, lens flare, or mosaic. If you have the time, please take 30 seconds to answer the three poll questions about censorship! There is an option for gore, r18+ scenes, and just your opinion about mosaic censors.
Thank you!
5) Questions
No questions this week, so feel free to just comment if you'd like!
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a Patreon now! Any money will go towards furthering the game--meaning paying for CGs, BGs, and VAs!
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #15: Plot Update, Expressions, General News, Small CG Preview
Happy Sunday y'all! I hope you guys had a good Halloween and a good week! I sent out the cosplay wallpapers for you backers and those that purchased the add-on, so I hope you guys enjoyed them! Again, if you did not receive your wallpaper, please email me with your KS username, backer number, and how much you pledged for! A few emails did not go through so it could have been yours!
Let's just get straight into the update!
What's Happening: 1) Plot Update 2) Expressions 3) General News 4) CG
1) Plot Update
Phew! We're pooped! We've been working hard on writing and we're about 80% finished with Aiden's route. (If you don't include the lewd scenes and dates, we'd probably be about 95% but we figure those are better left to be written last.) We are also simultaneously working on Minami's and the Twins' route, though in general, it should take us about another 2 months, maybe 3 to finish the script. Now that doesn't mean the release date will come any sooner. Please remember that all of our partners have their own lives so we can't realistically force them to do like (for example) 10 CGs a week or 10 BGs a week. However, if everything goes as planned, we should be able to get the game out in October of next year. I will be setting a final release date about 1-2 months before hand. We will be trying to get the game on steam as well as itch.
2) Expressions
So honestly, my favorite part about doing sprites is the expressions. Also, the benefit of doing them myself is that I can make as many as I want! So for today, we've got a Jun expression preview aaaaaaand a Minami one! These are just some expressions that will be in the demo and full game.
Let's start with Jun! I personally find him absolutely adorable and his expressions are some of my favorite to make.
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And Minami's! His are also super fun to make because I feel like I can get a little more creative with him since his features are slightly more feminine.
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Aren't they cute???
3) General News
Demo progress is going smoothly! We just ended our casting call and are currently going through each audition to make sure we can find a voice that we like! It should be just a few more days. In the next update, I'll announce the voice actors for the characters we had to recast.
In other news, if you're interested in watching some of our art streams, make sure you follow us on our twitter or tumblr (both parivalgames)! Our CG artist has been doing a few art streams and you'll get early previews of some of the art! I'm not sure when the next stream will be, but I will be making an announcement whenever it starts.
I will be making an announcement with the Updated demo release date a week or two before we launch it! We will also be trying to get it on steam as well as itch. It looks like we will be waiting until the holidays are over to release it, so look forward to it in early January!
The demo will have around 9 backgrounds and 5-6 unique CGs depending on a choice you make! However, if you count variations, the CGs in the demo will be 12-15! Please go into the demo with a fresh mind, it is completely different from the old one.
4) CG Preview
Unfortunately, I can't show you the full preview as it will be available to our patrons, but enjoy this small part of it! This is the only redone CG in the demo, the rest will be completely new and given as previews to our patrons!
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If you can, please support us on Patreon! Anything really helps and if we can make even $200 per month, it would basically cover everything we need.
The higher tiers even get written scenes privy only on our Patreon! This month's theme is Role Reversal and is shaping up to be Rei x Twins.
5) Questions
1) Did you dress up for Halloween? If so, as what?
2) What would you like to see in the new demo?
3) If you purchased all of the wallpapers, which was your favorite?
4) If you only got one wallpaper, did you think the outfit suited the character?
5) Favorite expression so far?
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a Patreon now! Any money will go towards furthering the game--meaning paying for CGs, BGs, and VAs!
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
1st Degree Stream - Live!
Stream time! Come join us as our CG artist works on some CGs for the updated demo! 😍
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
1st Degree Art Stream 11/02! @ 8pm EST
Join us for another 1st Degree art stream this coming Friday, 11/02 at 8pm EST!
Our CG artist will be working on some Demo CGs~ 
I'll make another post as soon as the stream starts!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Art Stream! (Over)
Our CG artist is currently doing a 1D content live stream! Come watch, hang out and enjoy the sneak peek!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #13: Aiden, Casting Call, Patreon
Hey guys! Hope you're having a great weekend! Thought I'd make an update before dying by midterms!
What's happening: 1) Small Plot Update 2) Patreon 3) Casting Call 4) Aiden Preview 5) Questions
1) Plot Update
Just a small update for today! We've finished the demo script and are currently working on the other elements for it! The next update may be focused on expressions rather than another outfit preview. The demo has quite a few needed expressions so I'll be busy working on them! After expressions are finished, we'll return to the regularly scheduled full body previews~
What we're working on now is going back through the common route and editing out all the kinks and what not. After, we'll do the same with Jun's, then start writing Aiden's!
Regarding the demo, it may be a little jarring if you're expecting the same characters from the first demo. Personality wise, the characters are far more solidified and present in the updated script. We wanted to write them how they would appear later in the plot rather than just, for example, cute on the surface with nothing underneath. So, when the new demo is out later this year or early January, please go into it with an open mind!
2) Patreon
For those of you who didn't see our last update, our Patreon is now LIVE! We'll be posting CG previews on there and even have some bonus written scenes on there~ (Yes that means naughty ones.) Our first paid post will be at the end of October, meaning you can become a patron any time before to get the rewards. You will not be charged upon joining, only when we make a post for the tiers.
October Patreon Rewards: $1 - Our thanks $3 - Rei Cosplay Wallpaper $8 - Rei and Aiden Cosplay Wallpapers $13 - Rei, Aiden, and Minami Cosplay Wallpapers $18 - Rei, Aiden, Minami, and Jun Cosplay Wallpapers + the 500 word scene $25 - Rei, Aiden, Minami, Jun, and Twins Cosplay Wallpapers + the 1000 word scenes
All of you backers will be getting your wallpapers at the end of the month as well~
Anything we get from the patreon will be going back into the game! The money will help with paying for the CGs and BGs - more money = more art!
Please feel free to check it out by clicking the link below!
3) Casting Call
We're starting a casting call! Unfortunately, the problem with delays is that not everyone will respond when progress is finally showing, so we are having to recast a few characters. If the previous voice actors are still interested though, they're welcome to audition again!
We have 10 roles open: 9 males, 1 female
We're having to recast Aiden, Leo and Griffith, and Mido
We added: Lucas, Dave, Detective Hodgins, Director Shunsuke,  random males, and random females
The deadline is November 2nd! Audition if you'd like! The roles are paid~
Please click the link below if you're interested: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/1st-degree-recasting
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4) Aiden Preview~
Time for a little preview of our slightly neglected pup--Aiden! We've got a nice shirtless preview for you today. Oh and yes, this preview has some cute little ears and tail. I really couldn't help myself--Should I take his pants off next time??
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oh boi oh boi
5) Questions
1) What kind of rewards would you pay for on Patreon?
2) How do you imagine the characters to sound?
3) Will you mute the character's voice if you don't enjoy listening to the VA?
4) Will you take Aiden on a walk for me so I can laze on the couch? Just make sure he's back in the morning, I can't have him getting lost.
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a Patreon now! Any money will go towards furthering the game--meaning paying for CGs, BGs, and VAs!
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Here's a flower to show my appreciation to you for being such a wonderful person 🌹i hope you're enjoying your day!
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Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Hey, I was wondering whether the main character was a top or a bottom? Thanks.
Depends on the route~
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
New CG Artist!! - 1st Degree
It’s been sooo long but I finally found a new CG artist! It’s taken so much stress off of me! I can finally focus on writing and sprites instead of worrying so much~
Please welcome 1st Degree’s new CG artist: Jake! You can check out his NSFW tumblr here: https://frickledickledoodles.tumblr.com/ 
Enjoy this NSFW fanart sketch he sent us in his application~ I’d say it’s preeeeetty good!
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #12: Minami, Neato News
Happy Sunday! Paradise here with a more text filled than normal update but definitely worth the read! First, some updates from this point on may be delayed by a few days, but I'll still try to keep to the Sunday schedule. School is freaking hectic and heck it, takes too much time!! But yeah, delayed updates would just mean I'd have an exam or something to study for! Anyway, enjoy the update!
What's Happening: 1) Plot News 2) Important Update 3) Minami Outfit Preview 4) Questions
1) Plot News
More plot news! Jun's route is practically finished! The only thing left for his to write are the endings and the sex scenes (yes that's right, SCENES). I'll update his final word count when everything is written out, but right now it'll most likely be around 100k. All of the other routes should equate to about the same within a 10k-15k difference. And yes, that's ATOP the common route word count which is around 65k words! So the game is going to be like--fucking massive.
However, don't worry! The final script will be completed in a couple of months and we should still be set to release in late summer of 2019, potentially even earlier if I can find a CG artist! (With school, it's almost impossible for me to do everything with the CGs, so we'll see how that goes. If I do have to do the CGs myself, the game may release a little later than we plan.) The game will still have 40-60 CGs and yes, we'll plan on CG previews. Unfortunately, the full CGs will most likely be available on patreon. Hiring a CG artist was not in the KS funds, so it is an excess cost that has to be accounted for. We'll plan on 4 CGs per month, including 1 NSFW CG. The cost on patreon will be between $3-$18 with 1-4 tiers. I really hate to do this but even if we get like $50 a month, that would help with costs. I wanted to keep the updates 100% free, but any additional income for the game will help with its progress. I'll make another update once CGs are in-progress when I do find an artist.
2) Important Update
So the majority of feedback of the demo has been positive, but there are always a few negative reviews and I've made it my business to address those issues. To some people, Rei's sarcasm is just that--sarcasm. However, some people take it as just anger or 'more effect than cause'. Yes, Rei can be brash, but I don't want him painted as just an angry young adult (because let's be honest, millennials already have a bad rap). Another comment has been about Minami's scene. Some felt like it drew out too long and some were just waiting for it to end. I really don't want people to feel like they need to skip through any scene.
Another thing is, so many of the characters sprites have changed and I feel like the demo does not represent the game any longer. For example, there are the purple twins, Jun's updated sprite, Mido's sprite, etc. I don't feel like the demo shows the complete quality of the game at this point.
What I'm changing: 1-How Rei interacts with some characters 2-Minami's scene 3-Sprites in the demo 4-CGs in the demo 5-Demo Script 6-Basically, the demo
Yes, that's right, the demo is getting an update! Not right away of course, but we will definitely be releasing a brand new 1st Degree demo by the end of the year! (I know I said there wouldn't be an updated demo but I literally decided on it like yesterday.)
Unfortunately, not everyone will be pleased, but that's a fact of life. Just know that not every voice will NOT be the same. We will be reopening a casting call in the future to fill in some voices (that includes a few female side characters~). We know it's not expected of voice actors to stick around a project for over a year of not working for them, so I will be in touch with the voice actors to get things rolling to see if any of them are still interested. Looking back, I definitely wish I was a bit more prepared, but hey, can't turn back now. Live and learn. I'll be more prepared for our next game, so I hope you'll be patient as we finish up 1st Degree!
3) Minami Outfit Preview
Yay! Minami's getting some attention! Been awhile since he's been in an update~ This week, he's got his cute little school uniform! Now his friend Lucas usually wears the standard gakuran, but Minami definitely prefers the shirt and tie approach. Can't help but be a classic cutie!
Now based on the other sprites, I now feel like Minami's BASE sprite is out of place. The super spunky colors don't really fit the aesthetic of the game, so sorry, it's being scrapped. Minami's new base sprite will be either variations of his school uniform. (I also feel like he looks more innocent.)
Either way, I hope y'all will still adore the little ball of sunshine!
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Definitely gonna be feelin' up that waist memeu!
4) Questions
1) What do you think makes a route good?
2) Are you looking for more drama and angst, or something more oriented towards JUST porn?
3) Anything you didn't like about the demo? Things you did like? Now's your chance to really break it down!
4) What do you think Minami's favorite position is? huehue
Finally, someone in our discord server has been making fucking 1D memes and I love them.
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Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a ko-fi! Any money will go towards furthering the game, buying merchandise, and maybe even going towards an optional narrator if we get enough~
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you! 
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Merch Update!
Hey all! Just a small update for today~
We got some more merch!
These icons will be featured in the game and will replace the icons on the phone. Please make sure to check out our redbubble to purchase! There are over 50 items for each~
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Check out the chibi artist Kiri (Toxicmilkk) on tumblr~ http://toxicmilkk.tumblr.com/
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #11: Rei outfit preview, Script preview and more!
Happy Sunday y'all! Paradise here with another update! I hope everyone had a great week, I know I didn't because heck now I have two exams this week so that's great. Don't you just love school? Anyway, heck school and work, take some time for yourself and enjoy this update!
What's happening: 1) Plot Update 2) Character Interviews 3) Plot Preview 4) Rei Outfit 5) Merch Update + CG News 6) Questions
1) Plot Update
The plot is coming along, though a little bit slower because of school. Aside from editing, the common route is 100% written. Right now, we're finishing up Jun's route! It's about 85%-90% complete (again without editing). The other routes are coming along as well! It's a little more difficult to get the progress that I want on it because of school, but it's coming along as much as it can with the current situation.
Right now, we're pretty set on being able to release the game in Summer of 2019, hopefully no later than early Fall. We don't have a set release date yet, but as soon as we do, I'll let you all know.
2) Character Interviews
CHERRY JUN: What costume would you love to see Rei dressed up in? nurse, cat etc. JUN: “When it comes to Rei dressing up, let’s just say I prefer to see him dressed down as much as possible. I mean really--does he need anything more than a collar?”
PAOLATHEGREAT REI: What aspect of Jun attracted you the most at first? REI: “I know you’re probably expecting something deep and meaningful, but in reality, I just couldn’t ignore a face like that.”
DEV: How did you come up with the idea to make 1st Degree? After a bad experience with another company, a few of my friends and I realized we had enough people to make our own visual novel. So that's how we got started. Then came the brainstorming for ideas and everything of that sort. We thought of a school setting, yakuza, then eventually came to the thought of that game 'fuck, marry, kill'. So yeah--1st Degree started off of that concept. However, over time and through a few rewrites, the plot is much more than that and has gotten away from that concept and is now more emotionally based to challenge the player. But you are still playing 'fuck or kill' with actual plot and not just having sex or murdering someone.
DUCKYMOMO REI: What could Jun do to make you consider going out with him again? REI: “Act like a civilized human being for once.”
JUN: “God, is that what you want from me? I’d rather drop dead.”
REI: “That wouldn’t be hard for most people, Jun.”
JUN: “And how do you define ‘civilized’? I made you breakfast, I fed the cat, we have dinner--absolutely mind blowing sex--what more could you want?”
Flustered. REI: “Well you could start by keeping our private life just that--private.”
JUN: “I was just giving examples of how I was civilized. I didn’t realize that you were embarrassed by our relationship.”
Sighs. REI: “You’re impossible.”
JUN: “And you’re impossible to please!”
Under his breath. AIDEN: “It’s not that hard.”
3) Plot Preview
Enjoy this small plot preview! This week features Rei and the Twins. This time it's the endless debate: Pineapple on pizza--Yes or no?
[What awaits me is beyond anything I imagined. To my left, the bar is stocked with all kinds of liquor, and that doesn’t count the ones literally covering the counter. Bags of snacks are piled on the coffee table and the gaming console is set up and ready to go.]
LEO “We were gonna order pizza before you came but we didn’t know what toppings you liked anyway so we decided to wait ‘til we started drinking! What do you like?”
REI “Just pepperoni.”
LEO “So boring! Extra-pepperoni!”
REI “Sure, extra.”  
GRIFFITH “Leo’s going to try to convince you to put pineapple on that.”
REI “No.”
[I point at Leo, trying to be as serious as possible.]
REI “No pineapple.”
LEO “Oh come on! It adds just the right amount of sweetness!”
REI “I don’t want sweet pizza! Who eats that anyway!?”
[Leo raises his hand completely unashamed.]
REI “You will not be ordering the pizza.”
GRIFFITH “I told you.”
REI “What? Are you a pineapple fan?”
GRIFFITH “I like my pizza like I like sex, a lot of everything.”
LEO “That’s strangely accurate.”
[I laugh and shake my head.]
REI “Wait--how are we going to get pizza at this time of day?”
LEO “Oh--Griff knows a guy.”
REI “What kind of--guy?”
GRIFFITH “Someone who owes me a few favors. Plus, you could say he used to be a regular.”
REI “Do you mean what I think you mean?”
LEO “With Griff--it’s always what you think he means. But it’ll be nice to see him again! It’s been awhile since we had the pleasure of his company? What--senior year Griff?”
GRIFFITH “Sounds about right.”
REI “Wait wait wait--we’re ordering pizza, right? Not some kind of--stripper.”
LEO “You want him to strip for you? That’s actually how we met him!”
REI “Okay--I think that conversation’s over.”
LEO “So, what’re we doing? And really, what’s the occasion? I had to pinch myself half a dozen times to believe you were actually coming over.”
REI “I guess you could say I just need a day off.”
LEO “Days off are for staying in bed, not coming over to your students’ place to drink yourself stupid.”
REI “Yeah well, it’s what I’m doing.”
LEO “I’m game! Griff! Get the booze!”
4) Rei Outfit
Time for another outfit preview! Let's go back to our roots for a bit with Rei. This week is something a little more--well--seductive. Let's see a few versions of Rei with a boyfriend shirt on and in underwear~ There will be multiple color variations of this look, but please enjoy these three!
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Hmm...I wonder whose shirts those are?
A little side note, I'm still debating on whether or not I should have naked sprites. As this is our first project, I'm working out the kinks and still figuring out exactly how I want to do things. I might make the sex scenes with just the headshots and expressions and then having a CG or two per instead of having a sprite that's like--well, crossing his arms when he's supposed to be thrustin' for lack of better phrasing. Let me know your thoughts!
The sprites will still pretty much all have underwear versions though, so that's a plus.
5) Merch Update + CG News
New merch will be coming soon! These will actually be featured in the game as well! The merch will be in the form of icons and will also be on our redbubble in the next few days (I will be posting another small update when they are available). Please see our Redbubble link at the bottom of the update!
We are still potentially looking for a CG artist. Please see the following document for the requirements! If you feel like your are qualified or would just like to apply in general, please check it out!
CG Requirements: Google Doc link
6) Questions
1) What route are you most looking forward to playing? Do you think you will play more than one route?
2) Are there any questions you think I need to answer that I have not already answered thus far?
3) What did you think of the plot preview? Do you read them, or do you think it's too much of a spoiler?
4) Thoughts on naked sprites? Do you think it's tacky or needed?
5) Whose shirt do you think Rei wears the most often?
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a ko-fi! Any money will go towards furthering the game, buying merchandise, and maybe even going towards an optional narrator if we get enough~
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you! New items will be coming soon~
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Who are the voice actors for each character?
At the end of the demo, the voice actors are credited how they would like to be known. Some of the voice actors are using aliases, so I’m not at liberty to share their social media unless they specifically say that they would like to be known.
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parivalgames-blog · 6 years
Dev Update #10: Chibis + Merch + Dev Demo Commentary~
Hey guys, happy Sunday! Paradise here with a nice little update. First off, let me just say that I'm so done with school and it can go heck off. It's only been a week and I've never felt so exhausted. (aka give me a break for not having a character preview this week)
Anyway though, I hope you'll all still enjoy the update nonetheless! I will say that I didn't have the time to go through the interview questions this week, but feel free to submit any more! We're gonna run out eventually and will be going back through the ones we haven't answered yet in the next update if we don't get many more submissions.
Click the link to submit a question! https://goo.gl/forms/FZybtIrnTrfP2H4t2 You can submit more than one or only one!
On the menu today:
1) Chibi Preview/Merch
2) Dev Commentary Vid
3) Script Preview!?
4) Some random shit (Job Position???)
5) Questions
1) Chibi Preview/Merch
Y'all know we were looking for a chibi artist in the last update--and good news, I managed to find a few that were adorable. I first want to say thank you to everyone that submitted an application. Even if you were not hired, I really appreciate the time and effort you spent to send us an email or message and especially if we commissioned you for a sample!
One person we commissioned was Meguru-sama , please check out their dA and follow them if you have an account! Thank you so much again for the drawing!
Another person who we commissioned was Kiri (Toxicmilkk) , and I have to say, the chibi is absolutely adorable! We'll be using this chibi on merchandise ranging from phone wallets, to t-shirts, to even laptop sleeves and notebooks!
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We may do a whole line of the characters interacting with Kii. This obviously means dad jokes like Kii-shirts and Kii-chains.
If you are interested in purchasing any item of the following:
Shirts, Hoodies, Dresses, Skirts, Phone cases, Phone Wallets, iPad/Laptop skins, Laptop sleeves, Wall art, Clocks, Pillows, Mugs, Travel Mugs, Bags/Pouches, Stickers, or Notebooks
Please head over to our Red Bubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/parival
We'll also be producing keychains and buttons in the future!
If you have any idea for what might look cute on this type of stuff, I'd love to hear.
2) Dev Commentary Video
Before y'all complain that I sound like a child, I'm well aware. (Don't heckin call me smol i s2g I'm looking at you Poke.)
But yeah, I hope you all enjoy. It was really fun to make with my friend, Grab Shiny. Please make sure to sub to him, he works really hard on his videos and he's a really great person! Definitely deserves more recognition!
Throughout the video, I tried to answer things to the best of my ability and I tried to explain what was going to happen to the demo (obviously not spoil script changes), but I tried to explain what would change and what would stay. We also talk about the research process and the work that went into the game. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and I'll try to answer in a way that makes sense!
3) Script Preview
Just a small sample we thought you guys might enjoy! This features just a short conversation between Aiden and Rei, out of context obviously. It's a simple interaction, and nothing a little more carefree than say, oh I don't know, Rei literally torturing someone.
[The elevator dings as soon as I press the button. Unfortunately, I realize a little too late that I don’t exactly have a ride home. The elevator takes me to the bottom lobby, so I stay in it to once again travel to Aiden’s floor.]
[I swing open his door and walk in, trying to be serious while also hiding my embarrassment.]
Embarrassed/Angry. REI “Drive me home.”
Chuckling. AIDEN “Didn’t you just storm out of here because you were angry?”
Embarrassed. REI “Shut the hell up, I still am. But I need a ride.”
AIDEN “Right. I can take you on my lunch break. Can you wait another hour?”
REI “Whatever, I’ll be at my workspace.”
[I slam the door and run again to the elevator.]
REI [God dammit that was so fucking embarrassing…]
[After reaching my floor, I rush to the break room to buy whatever snacks I feel like, hoarding them around my desk and eating them.]
Blushing. REI [I really need to learn to trust strangers to drive me places. I could always take the train I guess but it’s so uncomfortable.]
[I spend the next hour waiting for Aiden to come to my office.]
Irritated. REI [He’s taking his sweet time.]
[A knock on my door startles me--it’s Aiden, finally gracing me with his presence. I stand up and discard the rest of my snacks in the trash bin before walking over to the door, bag in hand.]
AIDEN “Sorry, got a little hung up.”
REI “Sure you did. Hurry and take me home.”
[Passing him, I chuff, hopefully to distract him from my apparent embarrassment.]
Amused/Sarcastic. AIDEN “Yes, Your Majesty.”
REI “Damn right.”
4) Looking for a CG artist (potentially)
It ain't a lie when I say I'm busy. This semester, I'm at school every weekday from 8am-6:30pm, 10am-6:30pm, etc. When I get home, I have to balance writing and homework and it's a lot of work! I'm a little afraid for the future if this is how my schedule will be next semester as well so I'm thinking about hiring a CG artist. I'm not 100% sure yet, but it would definitely speed up the process for the game's release.
Right now, we're looking at over 40+ CGs so obviously the price will have to be fair for both the artist and myself. That's why it was convenient when I was set on doing CGs since I wasn't going to pay myself for them. But I know my limits. Therefore, if there is an artist who can replicate something similar to my style at a decent price, then I may hire them.
-18 Years or older
-Have a flexible schedule
-Reliable and available on short notice
-Can meet deadlines
-Understand anatomy
-Can take critiques/direction
-Operate on a FIXED price (hidden rates will immediately cause you to be released from service)
-Images must be HD
-Allow the purchased art to be used for commercial purposes including but not limited to merchandise and use in-game
-Cannot resell the images/products once created for Parival, LLC
-40-60+ CGs
-Sex Scenes--BxB
-Date Scenes
-Murder/Gore/Killing Scenes
-Etc. (More information throughout)
-Cell/hard shaded (some soft shading acceptable)
-Flowing poses rather than stiff
-Able to draw backgrounds in the CGs
-Able to draw different body types
-Have experience with BxB (r18+ especially)
-Able to draw NSFW
What to Send us:
-Portfolio with your most recent work (must have fully lined and colored samples)
-Hours of availability
-Commission page if you have it
-Any previous commercially released work
-Experience with BxB
-BxB samples
-(OPTIONAL) Sketch of Rei and another character in an r18+ scenario
For payment, we may have to work in batches and some might have to be paid for after the game is released. We did not receive enough from the Kickstarter to offer over $100 for each CG, so if your prices are over that, we can talk and work payment out if the team likes your style.
Again, this position MAY OR MAY NOT be open. If there is a style that I love and think would better the game, then I'd be more than happy to hire someone for that position. It would take a lot of stress off of me and let me work on the sprites and script in my own time instead of trying to push myself. We shall see though! Top priority is quality!
5) Questions
1) How are you guys? What's been going on with you? School starting? How's work?
2) What do you think of the merch/chibi style?
3) Is there anything you'd like to see on merch? Of what characters?
4) Did you watch the video? What're your thoughts on it? (Pls don't tease my voice, I am but a meager nerd.)
5) What did you think of the script preview? Would you like to see more? Of what characters?
6) Thoughts on hiring a separate CG artist?
Thanks again for reading and I hope you liked the update! If you have the time, please feel free to respond to the questions section! As always, if you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]
Feel free to join our discord! You can chat with me and the other devs, as well as a bunch of other weirdos~ Previews are also posted earlier on our discord!
Remember, we have a ko-fi! Any money will go towards furthering the game, buying merchandise, and maybe even going towards an optional narrator if we get enough~
Want to buy merch? Now you can! Here's an easy way to access our merchandise. Please visit red bubble and search for anything that interests you! Right now, we have a chibi Rei playing with Kii on multiple items~
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