patrineptn · 6 months
Netflix's YuYu Hakusho
Must say I'm enjoying, although I miss some things here and there. No nearly as bad as I expected when the first BTS shoots appeared
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patrineptn · 1 year
They just look so pretty 🥺🥺🥺
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patrineptn · 1 year
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Best albuns on Dislyte
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patrineptn · 1 year
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whatever show the girlies are obsessed with nowadays will never have as much sexual tension as this
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patrineptn · 1 year
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patrineptn · 1 year
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patrineptn · 1 year
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Kinda late but it had to be done 😭
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patrineptn · 1 year
The most amazing gift from this wonderful writer ♥♥♥
The Little Things
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This is just a little something that was inspire by the amazine crossover by @patrineptn, Far From Home. I highly recomend everyone go read it. It can be found on their tumbrl as well as their FF.net and AO3.
Kagome had been awake for a while now, catching up on finishing some house chores. Currently, she was humming and bobbing her head to the music that was quietly playing from the radio as she stood at the stove.
Bacon was sizzling in one pan while she was flipping pancakes in another. The scent of the late, in her personal opinion, breakfast quickly filled the small space. While plating the bacon and beginning to do some scramble eggs, there was a quiet shuffling behind her causing her to smile when the sounds of the toilet flushing and then the tap followed after.
It was a few moments later when the bathroom door opened. “Hey babe, have you seen my shirt?” Eddie’s voice was the slightest bit slurred, no doubt from just having woken up.
Rolling her eyes in fondness, Kagome called back. “Which one?” her gaze did quickly dart off to where the washer was, listening to it squeak as it rocked slightly during its cycle.
“My club one.”
Looking down, Kagome bit her lips at the red devil on the slightly damaged and repaired shirt. Before she could answer, feet shuffled until arms slid around her waist from behind. “You… how long have you been up?” a chin dropped to her shoulder.
Managing to turn her head a bit, she pressed a kiss to his cheek. Well, her aim had been his cheek, instead she reached the corner of his mouth instead. She received a hum in return, and then Eddie began rubbing his cheek against hers. “Ack!” a hand reached up to sooth at her cheek. “I think you need to shave, you're getting a little prickly.”
“I don’t know, I think I could rock a beard.” he chuckled as he pressed his cheek against hers again.
“Mmm, and hide that handsome face?” she quickly slapped a hand attempting to sneak some bacon. “And you can wait a few more minutes.”
Shaking the slight sting away, Eddie placed a kiss to her pink cheek. “Babe, you’re such a tease.”
Blushing, Kagome muttered something under her breath, memories of the previous night quickly rushing forth at the mention of 'tease'.
A wicked gleam entered his brown eyes, Eddie ducked down, pushing some hair to reveal an ear as he presented it to her. “Huh, what was that?”
“Don’t be a jerk and set the table.” she gave a nudge of her elbow as he continued to press into her.
“Aw, but that’s now what you said last night.” he laughed when she finally kicked a leg out, yielding defeat, for now.
It wasn’t until after she was finished at the stove and began bringing the food to the table did Eddie finally notice. “Hey, you stole my shirt?”
Looking down once again, Kagome returned Eddie’s baffled expression with a slight huff. “Well, I wanted to shower this morning.” she put the two plates down before returning for the last two containing toast and eggs.
As for Eddie, he took the time to observe her current outfit, chin dropping to his propped up knuckles. Said outfit consisted of his stolen shirt, a pair of panties, and socks. He didn’t even bother to hide his appreciation and how he was checking her out, a goofy smirk in place. “What does you wanting to shower this morning have with you stealing my shirt instead?
Taking a seat, she raised a brow. “I stole your shirt, after realising that someone had finished my shampoo.” the pointed look she gave him had Eddie snickering.
In typical Eddie fashion, meaning dramatic, he flicked some hair over his shoulder, preening. “My hair really does feel thicker and stronger. I’m sure you agree, with how tightly you were pulling on it while I-!” he blinked when a bite of scramble egg bounce off his cheek, rolling bit as it landed on his plate. 
“Not at the table. Please.” her cheeks were flaming, her eyes on the task of buttering some toast, her plate already containing her portion of breakfast.
“Why? It’s just the two of us.” despite his teasing smirk and devious eyes, he too began to help himself to breakfast. “‘Fraid you’ll get hungry for something else?” brows waggled, expression warming when she snorted in an attempt to stifle her laughter.
“Really?” smiling, Kagome relaxed at the cozy atmosphere. It wasn’t the first time, and she doubted it would be the last, but she was glad that she took the chance and accepted Eddie’s affections. “By the way, was there a session today that you needed your shirt?” it was only then that she realised that he was currently topless.
Nibbling on her toast, she took in the spattering of scars, most of which were large, mixed with his tattoos. Despite everything, he still wasn’t highly defined. No, he was still slim and soft, with subtle muscle definition. “Enjoying the view?”
Snapping her gaze back up to meet with his, her cheeks once again warmed at the smug smirk on his face and waggling brows. Huffing, she pointedly returned to her breakfast. “Why can’t I? You took your time to enjoy what you saw.”
“Ain’t gonna deny that.” teasing done, they fell into comfortable conversation about their weekend plans as they ate breakfast. After, Eddie insisted on cleanup since she did everything else that morning.
“So, what else needs to be done?” his hip bumped into her knee, he had been persistant on her being next to him as he did the dishes. Even picking her up to sit her on the counter.
“Just finish the laundry really. Why?” she absently handed him the dishes, legs swinging and thumping against the cupboard.
Leaning against the counter and smiling up at her, Eddie let his voice drop low. “Well, if you want that shampoo, I’m gonna need my shirt back.” he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, smirking as he nipped at the curved capped causing her to shiver. “Everything else is in the washer.”
Looking down at said shirt, she hummed in agreement. Without another prompt, she removed the article of clothing, rolling her eyes as his smile brightened when his gaze lowered. His voice still low managed to carry his excitement. “There they are.”
A squeak escaped her when a sudsy hand left a dollop of soap on the tip of each breast. “Eddie, really?”
Instead of answering her, his head tipped to the side. “I think I’ll pick up some whipped cream too.”
Kagome paused for a moment, she huffed as she tossed his shirt back at him and hopped off the counter. “Just get some damn shampoo, I want to take a shower at some point today.” ridding the cooling soap and going to retrieve a new shirt.
Upon her return, the dishes were done, Eddie was dressed and ready to leave. Making her way to him, Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders, leaning up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “Be careful, okay?”
Hands on her hips, Eddie hummed as he returned her kisses. “Don’t worry. Nothing can keep my from returning to my girl.” he gave her one last lingering kiss before pulling away. “Looking forward to tomorrow’s session?”
Seeing the actual excitement on his face, Kagome giggled. He was such a goofball. “With the help you’ve given me, yeah, I actually am.”
“Great.” he snuck another kiss. “I’ll see you later then. Love ya, babe.”
Cheeks flushing, Kagome smiled up at him, heart-warming and filling her entire being. “Love you too.” hanging onto the door, she watched him make his way to his van, calling out before he hopped in and drove off. “Say hi to your uncle for me!”
A wide wave with a bright smile was thrown her way before he climbed into his van, turning it on. The engine was practically drowned out by the rock music that was blaring from the speakers. With a laugh, Kagome closed the door with plans to relax before finishing the laundry, and looking forward to finally getting her shampoo and shower later.
Eddie helped her appreciate the little things once again, in his goofy way, making her appreciate him all the more.
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 06
The house had nothing special about it. It looked like any other abandoned home from the fifties. They split into groups and had been roaming up and down, searching every inch of the house for a clue. Save for the Grandfather’s Clock, nothing stood out.
“What are we looking for?” asked Eddie as they left a room.
“We will know when we find it,” answered Kagome. “I don't know what we are looking for. It’s here, somewhere. You know when there’s something on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t remember the word? Or when you had a crazy dream but you cannot remember what it was about once you wake up. When you know you know, but you don't know what you know.”
Kagome felt like suffocating inside there. The spider and dust webs falling from the ceiling didn’t make the house any more inviting. Every crack of the others’ steps echoed as if there were a dozen more people inside. She doubted they would find anything useful there at the same time she knew the place was the key to something. With the overwhelming need for fresh air, Kagome asked Eddie to meet the others while she waited outside. 
By herself, the house felt much bigger and menacing, almost like an evil entity itself. She dashed to the front door. Her senses were so focused on finding Vecna that she missed the auras waiting outside.
"Oh, Higurashi, right? I saw Wheeler's car over there. Is she here with you?"
"Why?" Her fingers closed around the knob.
"I'm looking for Dustin Henderson and I've heard they are friends."
"Can't help you. Sorry." She tried closing the door but he put his foot in the way. "What?"
"You know. Don't you happen to know where Eddie Munson is, do you?" She mentally cursed, hoping her mask didn't falter. Lying was never Kagome's strongest trait. "The word around is that the freak is fucking someone that isn't from here."
"Funny how people spread the most absurd rumors, right? Now, if you excuse me." She tried to force his foot out but he didn't flinch. 
Jason made a sign with his head. Andy grabbed her by the arms and locked her neck while Jason slammed the door open. Kagome struggled in vain. As a last resort, she screamed:
Jason punched her in the stomach. The air left her lungs. Kagome coughed and spit, trying to recover from the sudden aggression. Patrick followed Jason inside and Andy dragged Kagome to the car, forcing her face against the hood.
Kagome heard the movement inside and prayed Eddie would get away and the others were safe.  She cursed for her inability to help, for being weak, for not being useless against simple humans. 
The pressure on her arms and head disappeared. 
"Get away from her, you wanker." It was Eddie's voice. "Are you- Holy shit, you're crying. Did they hurt you? I'm gonna teach that Jason-" Kagome silenced him with a tight hug. He hugged her back, pressing her forehead on his shoulder as he calmed her down. "Come on, let's get outta here."
Eddie grabbed Kagome's hand. Before heading to the woods, he stopped by Jason's car and pressed the horn until he looked through the window on the second floor. Eddie gave him the middle finger and then ran with Kagome to the woods.
Kagome didn't let go of Eddie until Jason was out of her radar. They ran for a few more minutes before taking a break. She panted, her chest burning from the exercise.
“Inu- Inuyasha must be- laughing his ass off from somewhere. We used to walk for hours. Jump, shoot and dodge from hordes of demons. Now, I can barely keep up with a fifteen minutes run.” 
Kagome snorted as she tried toning down her laughter. Breaking the tension, Eddie followed her not long after. He tapped her shoulder in a calming gesture.
“You really liked this Inuyasha guy.”
Kagome looked away with a goofy smile. Had this question popped a few months back, she would freeze and refuse to answer. These memories she cherished and wanted to keep for herself would cause a raise in her anxiety, feeding her hopes of going back. Now, while it still stung, she could think about it without bawling.
“He was my first love. And best friend. I thought our story was a fairytale and I would get my happily ever after in the end. No need to feel bad. It’s part of my past, but I must live in the present. And in the present, we have to find a way to stop Vecna.”
“That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard you say. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of getting cramped inside Harrington or Wheeler’s car. We should get my van. I left it at the lake. Are you up for some walking? I know a shortcut through the woods.”
The sun had almost set when they reached Lover’s Lake. The house was still dark and Eddie’s van was parked near the front porch, partially hidden from view. Kagome waited outside, keeping a look on the road, while Eddie entered Reefer’s Rick place to grab his keys. A flash startled Kagome. A slam on her back sent Kagome down.
“Hello again, Higurashi,” said the voice she recognized as Jason’s. Patrick stood by his side while Andy pressed a knee to her back and her face against the ground. She didn’t know why she couldn’t detect them, even when they stood right by her.
Jason directed the flashlight to her eyes. Kagome closed them. Her pupils hurt. “What’s your problem?”
“Why are you standing by the freak’s van?”
“What are you talking about? Which freak?” The taste of dirt filled her mouth.
“Don’t try to protect him, Higurashi. Where is Munson?”
“Fuck you.”
Jason growled. “You’re lucky I wouldn’t beat up a woman.” ‘My stomach disagrees,’ she mentally answered. A splashing sound called their attention. Jason told Andy to keep Kagome while he went after the sound with Patrick.
Kagome struggled, pushed her arms and tried to get up, but Andy was much stronger and heavier than her. Trying to resonate with him didn't work either as he just mocked her attempts. Jason yelled after Eddie in the distance.
The moisture already penetrated her clothes. Half of her body was covered in mud. On the verge of frustration, Kagome felt a shock running down her spine as her senses came back and Vecna's presence was noticeable. And close. The screams came not long after.
"If you don't let me go now your friend is gonna fucking die."
"Jason would never lose to that freak." He pressed hard on her back. It cracked. Her limbs were getting numb from the position.
"The name's Eddie, and he wouldn't hurt a fly. What killed Chrissy and will make another victim if you don't fucking let me go!"
Her pleas fell deaf on Andy's ears. He didn't even stir no matter how much Kagome insisted. Only when Jason called for Patrick in desperation did Andy free Kagome.  
Kagome couldn't get up immediately. Tears cascaded down her face. Patrick's suffering felt like a knife stabbing her chest over and over again. She barely acknowledged when Eddie picked her up in his arms. She wept on his shoulder as he carried her to his van, hopped on the other side and drove away. 
Kagome noticed the subtle glances Eddie sent her, full of worry masking his dread from what he must have seen. If it was anything near what she felt, she was sorry for him. Yet, couldn’t bring herself to comfort her friend because all she wanted was a warm embrace and the assurance that everything was gonna be alright. It was silly, she knew, even childish after everything she went through, but Patrick, Fred and Chrissy didn’t even reach their adulthood before having their lives taken away in the most painful and heartbreaking way.
They have been parked in the dark for a while. A few times Eddie tried to initiate a dialogue, but the words died before they left his mouth. Kagome wanted to console him and thank his attentiveness. However, Eddie was the first to pull her into a side hug and placed a kiss on the crown of her head. He smelled like the lake and his clothes were still damp. Only then did Kagome realize her state.
“Gee, I’m stinking. And ruining your van.”
“You’re fine, babe. My wet ass already stained the cushion beyond repair. And after everything… It’s not that important anymore.”
“You should take off these clothes before you get sick.”
“You’re trying to get me undressed before we even go on a date? What kind of boy do you think I am?” The exaggerated gestures made Kagome snort. “I’m not the only one in need of a change.”
Eddie knew exactly where they were and how to get to Kagome’s place without using the main road. They left the van behind under the reasoning that Jason would probably put the blame on Eddie and the vehicle would be a giveaway of his location. About half an hour later, they arrived.
Eddie borrowed a pale pink robe - the only piece of clothing anywhere close to fitting him - while his only set of clothes dried. They sat side by side eating instant noodles, enjoying the silence and the comfort of being clean and somewhat safe. Only a candle was lit and the curtains covered the windows, giving the impression that no one was home. While Kagome didn’t think Jason knew her address, she wasn’t taking any chances for the night.
It took some time, but Eddie ended up talking about what he saw. The panic in Patrick’s eyes reflected the fear Kagome felt and the pain came as his bones broke. With the previous victims, she wasn’t so close. This time, her senses absorbed Patrick’s aura in a way that caused her physical pain. That fuelled her resolve.
“I know that if he was Jason’s friend there’s a high chance he was very much a prick like him but… no one deserves to die like that,” said Eddie.
“We will stop him.” Kagome grabbed Eddie’s hand. “I won’t let Vecna take another life.”
"That's my girl."
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 05
Max got antsy as the time passed. She avoided everyone and kept to herself, only glancing through the window as Steve drove. Kagome, Eddie and Lucas tried to give her space, even if it meant being squeezed on the other side of the backseat. Being smaller, Kagome ended up sitting on her side, with her legs crossed over Eddie's knee. He kept a hand on her waist for stability and to avoid pressing her back against the handle. When Steve stopped by the cemetery, Kagome released a breath - her hips were starting to cramp and her back had seen better days.
Kagome didn't look around much. Graveyards always housed spirits that needed guidance or that were still tied to the living world and wanted to share some words with anyone capable of noticing their presence. She wouldn't be able to help them at the moment. They also held a heavy grievance atmosphere that dampened her mood. Westerns had a different way of dealing with death and she was still getting used to it.
From a distance, Kagome worried about Max. Her aura was turning sour. Dustin told her the short version of what happened in the previous summer - about Max’s step-brother’s death saving her and Eleven, and how it caused her mother’s divorce and made Max much quieter and withdrawn. Dustin also disclosed to Kagome and Eddie the events around Eleven's arrival and Will’s abduction, which included Barbie, Nancy's best friend; the Demogorgon, Demodogs, and the Mind Flayer; then finally about the loss of Bob and Hopper. All of it left a tear in the group as Joyce moved away with Jonathan, Will and Eleven/Jane to try starting over somewhere else.
Kagome’s heart grew heavy. These kids were so young and fought for their lives and their friends' safety not only against monsters but also against the government and people with selfish and evil intentions. It gave her a sense of proudness for their courage at the same time it felt wrong for them to be in such danger. She wondered if that’s how her mother felt every time she came back from the past having to replenish her first-aid kit and covered in cuts and bruises. She tried hiding the worst injuries but her mother always knew. Ms Higurashi would often reassure Kagome how proud she was of her daughter, but deep inside she probably hoped it would end soon.
“You’re quiet,” said Kagome to Eddie. "What's bugging you?"
“It all happened right under my nose, under everyone’s nose. If I hadn’t seen Chrissy… breaking like a straw doll, I’d think you’re shitting me.”
“No wonder no one mentions it, duh,” mocked Steve. “It’s so crazy that I still cannot believe some things I’ve seen. And I was there!”
“Without your friend, Eleven, do you think we have any chance against Vecna?”
“Probably not, but I’m not going without a fight.”
“And we have Kagome now!” said Dustin. Kagome felt Eddie shift and stand closer to her. “Vecna cannot enter her mind. If her powers work against him as they did with demons, he will regret ever coming back to Hawkins.”
“GUYS!” Lucas screamed, “MAX ISN’T ANSWERING!”
Kagome, Eddie, Steve and Dustin ran to Billy Hargrove’s grave. Max’s eyes were wide and her blue irises turned white as she looked at nothing. Her face twitched but there was no indication she heard them. Lucas and Steve squeezed her shoulders and yelled her name. There was no response other than the tremors over her body. Lucas looked at Kagome, pleading with her to do something. Kagome already had Max’s hand between hers.
“It’s different this time. I can’t find Max, as if she's out of my reach. I think Vecna isn’t letting me get in.” 
Kagome pushed more of her power into Max. Her hand stung as small cuts appeared, feeling as if she was clutching barbed wire. Sweat rolled down her face as her breathing became ragged.
The screams stopped. Everything near Kagome was frozen, including her own body which was still kneeling by Max. She tried touching herself, but her hand passed through her head - not even a strand of hair moved. Kagome looked around, but no matter the direction, it was all covered in a dense fog.
Kagome walked away from the unmoving group, following her instincts rather than any logical sense. Her surroundings changed colors. She kept her march, not seeing an inch in front of her until the smoke dissipated. She found herself inside a house. 
The wooden floor, dated furniture and floral wallpaper gave the place a vintage air. She stood in a corridor, with a staircase on one side and an archway on the other side. The only source of light came from a door in front of her. Kagome tried turning the knob but it was locked. The stained glass of the door didn’t let her see through it but sounds of steps came from outside. Vecna’s voice filled the room, taunting Max. Kagome punched the door and yelled the girl’s name.
“You cannot save Maxine.” Kagome gasped. The door opened to Vecna’s gruesome face looking directly at her. The door closed again. “Who are you, Kagome Higurashi?”
Kagome put some distance between them, never losing him from her sight. “Why are you killing these people? What are you trying to achieve?”
“You’re not like us.” His head bent to the side. “Yet I cannot enter your mind.”
Vecna’s figure vanished as Steve, Dustin and Lucas’ voices came calling for Max along with the melodious singing of Kate Bush. Meanwhile, Eddie’s voice entered her ear. Kagome inhaled. When she opened her eyes again, she was back in the cemetery, with Max dropping by her side right after. The group rushed to check on Maxine, who finally reacted to them.
Vecna’s aura still lingered, like a shadow on the corner of the eyes. Kagome expanded her aura, not really expecting to find anything. Only the wildlife answered her call. She finally noticed the pair of arms surrounding her. 
“Welcome back.” He winked. Kagome smiled before the tiredness took over and everything was black.
In the dreamland, Kagome was back in the old house. The adjoining rooms were still dark and the light still came from the stained glass. However, this time the door was open. She crossed it to a world covered in red.
Bricks floated around while several buildings falling apart decorated the surroundings. Totems with corpses of people she never met emerged from the ground. Their faces contorted in pain and fear. Their eyes were hollow. She found Fred and Chrissy and her heart constricted. Their expression of pure horror brought tears to her eyes. 
Creatures lurked around, following her every step. She felt but couldn't find Vecna. He was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Kagome walked aimlessly, aware that it was happening outside the physical world. Somewhere else, her body was safely tucked in warm arms.
A creature got closer. It was the size of a large dog, without any recognizable facial features. It crawled behind the covers, but Kagome noticed its presence long ago. Not for the first time in her life, Kagome was saddened for not having a complete priestess training to create a proper barrier or summon shikigami like Kikyo did many times. She brushed the feeling away. The last thing she needed now was a breach of her mind protection.
More creatures arrived as she walked. She must be getting somewhere important, she thought. That's when tentacles appeared. Several of them went in the same direction.  Kagome quickened her steps. The creatures got agitated. They no longer tried to stay in the shadows. 
Vecna stood above the ground, connected to the tentacles. His eyes were closed and he didn't seem fazed by her presence. Kagome tried getting closer but the creatures jumped on her. At the last second, she closed her eyes and severed the connection.
Kagome almost fell from the couch when she woke up. Had it not been for Eddie's arm around her shoulder keeping her in place, she would be kissing the floor. He didn't stir when she removed her head from his lap, and neither did the other occupants of the basement. 
Not long after, Nancy came down the stairs with Dustin, announcing they were going to the Creel’s house. They asked Kagome how she felt after being out cold for so many hours, but she didn’t find the right words to comment on her thoughts yet. There was too much and too little information to work with.
“Are you sure you were here?” asked Eddie once they separated into groups of two. 
Stained glass with roses. Creel’s house front door. Kagome gasped when they mentioned it. She recalled the previous day; seeing Vecna, hearing Running Up That Hill, then walking through that red-painted world. The same locations Max described Kagome have been at. Now everything clicked. Somehow, when Vecna was trying to absorb Max, he found a way to block Kagome from reaching the girl, but the path was left open once Max got away. 
“Yeah, it’s exactly the same, minus all the dust,” she answered. 
Eddie removed a spider web from a door before Kagome crossed it.
“That, my friend, is bait. Vecna is trying to bring you to his realm where he has the upper hand. Hear me out: you are the wild card in his game. He wasn’t expecting that someone could sense him, much less someone that isn’t scared of him or affected by his powers. He’s either trying to figure you out or removing you from the picture.” Eddie stopped and turned to face Kagome. “I don’t wanna see you getting hurt.”
“I could feel you." Kagome smiled. "When I went back to Vecna’s domain, I could feel your hand on me. I just know that if something happens you will be able to pull me back.”
“You shouldn’t put so much faith in me.”
“Why? Will you leave me behind?”
“No! Never.”
“Then I have nothing to worry about. Anyway, you shouldn’t be worrying about me when you have Jason and his minions hunting you down. My powers don't work on humans.”
“He will have to find me first, princess.”
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 04
Kagome’s house wasn’t prepared to receive so many visitors. The couch was too small and there were barely enough chairs to fit everyone. In the end, Kagome decided to stay standing and had enough freedom of movement to pace around.
The others waited, some more patiently than others. Lucas worried over Max. Dustin looked ready to jump from his seat. Eddie, Steve, Nancy and Robin followed Kagome with their eyes. 
"I was fifteen when a demon attacked me for the first time. I was looking for my cat when a youkai - that's what we call some types of demons in Japan - Mistress Centipede, ripped open my side to take out a magic jewel I didn't know I carried." She lifted her top until the remaining scar showed up. "It was the Shikon no Tama, the Jewel of Four Souls, that vanished from the world five hundred years ago." Dustin bent forward, his mouth open to question something, but Steve stopped him. "From that moment on, nothing was the same. I was dragged down a well into a portal that took me to the past, to a time when demons roamed free and people were born with powers to fight them. I'm the reincarnation of the former guardian of the Jewel, who was fatally wounded when protecting it. I was born a priestess but was never trained to be one. At first, all I could do was keep the Jewel pure by touching it. Then, youkai found out about the return of the Shikon no Tama and came after it.
"The Shikon no Tama could increase any demon's power by infinite folds and it was believed to grant a wish. I've met a hanyou, half-human half-dog demon, that wanted to become a full youkai. The sister of the previous guardian helped me to subdue him. Then a crow demon tried to steal the Jewel. In an attempt to stop it from getting away, I shoot an arrow that broke Shikon no Tama into hundreds of pieces.
"This half-demon was called Inuyasha. We joined in a quest to get back all the shards. He wanted his wish, I wanted to fix my mistake. In our journey, we met a fox demon, Shippo, whose dad died because he had a Shikon shard; then a Buddhist Monk called Miroku whose family had been cursed by Naraku, the same demon that cause the death of the former Jewel's protector. Finally, the last members of our ragtag group were a demon slayer, Sango, that had her entire village slaughtered by Naraku, and her loyal companion Kirara, a two-tailed cat demon.
"My life was split in two. When I jumped down the well, I was a warrior priestess in training, searching for the shards and fighting against Naraku to stop his reign of chaos. Here, I was a student that missed most classes due to mysterious illnesses. I would come home every once in a while to take tests, but studying isn't a priority when you are fighting for your life. My grades sank, I failed that year and barely got into high school in the next.
"In the past, I had to learn how to shoot a bow, how to hide, how not to be a hindrance. They were my second family, brothers in arms, as you say in the west. I loved them so much." Tears cascaded down her cheeks. "Once all the shards were located, we found Naraku. We had gotten powerful enough to defeat him, but he had one last trick. He trapped me inside the Jewel and tried to deceive me into wishing to be free, but Inuyasha found me and I knew I had to make the right wish. I wished for the Jewel to disappear from existence. A blinding light surrounded us and the next thing I knew I was in my room. 
"My mother told me Inuyasha brought me unconscious and that the quest was over." She took a break. No one said a word. "For three years, I waited. I went to the well house every day, hoping to feel a slight hint of magic, hoping to go back to where I thought I belonged." Kagome closed her fists and gritted her teeth. "I… All I have left are my memories.” Her face softened. “And my powers.”
The glow started on Kagome’s hands and spread through her body. The lilac shine was fascinating and terrifying. At the same time, it could soothe someone's soul and burn them to death if they were corrupted enough. Kagome walked and stopped in front of Max. Lucas tensed but the ginger girl held him back. Kagome placed a finger on Max's forehead.
"A demon once tried to control me. He used my fears and insecurities to trap me inside my mind. I could break out once I accepted they were part of me and that there's nothing wrong with feeling that way." Max lowered her gaze. Kagome stepped back.
The people in the room stared mutely at Kagome. Dustin had his mouth open, with the corner of his lips turned up. Nancy, Steve and Robin just winked a few times. Lucas squeezed Max's shoulders. Eddie bit his nails, his face reflecting a hundred questions running through his mind, but he said nothing at the moment.
"So…" said Robin, "what can you do, exactly?"
Kagome put a hand on her chin and looked up. It has been a while since she really had to use her powers other than the eventual meditation and some aura expansion. “I can infuse my powers into an arrow, but I’m not sure how effective it can be against these things from the upside-down world.” ‘And I hope I won't have to test it,' she mentally added. "Oh, and don't fall for illusions, magic barriers or mind control. One of the perks of the holy powers, you know? Mind-related stunts usually don't work on me."
"Maybe that's why Vecna was so interested in you," said Max. "Perhaps he tried to enter your mind like he did with me and failed. Now he's wondering what makes you different."
"We can use it to our advantage," said Kagome. "How long between the symptoms and the attacks with Chrissy and Fred?"
"They died less than a day after seeing the clock." Max shivered. "I don't have much time."
"What about Viktor Creel? He survived the curse," said Nancy. "I have a plan. Robin and I will talk to Creel in the morning and find out how he made it alive."
"Only the two of you?" Asked Steve. "I'm going too."
While Robin, Nancy and Steve discussed, Eddie pulled Kagome aside. Concern splashed over his face, with his eyebrows in a constant frown.
"How are you? Everyone's worried about Max, but you've been there with Vecna too."
"I've survived much worse." Kagome patted his arm. "Thanks for asking."
"You didn't tell us everything."
"It's complicated," she said. "I never expected anyone to believe it, so I never prepared myself to tell the whole story. Not even my mother knows all the gore details. She would freak out if she did."
"You can tell me. I'll believe every word, no matter how absurd." Kagome looked at him, questioning. "You are a gold mine of ideas for my campaigns. I am already planning the next Hellfire Club adventure. A cursed stone being chased by friends and foes alike. How good are your drawing skills? You will need to tell me all the details about the folks you've met. Kagome Higurashi, I deem you my muse."
Kagome released a heartfelt laugh. For the first time since her adventures ended, she felt normal. She was around people of her age who had experiences somewhat similar to hers. That alone gave her the strength to do her best to help this group she just met.
It was morning again when the group moved to the Wheeler’s basement. Some of them were able to take a short nap, while others stayed in vigil. Neither Dustin, Lucas nor Eddie stepped outside during the night in case Jason happened to drive over. Before leaving, Kagome grabbed the bow she had carved and some arrows. When asked about it, she said it never hurts to be prepared.
Once Nancy and Robin left to meet the Hospice’s Director where Viktor Creel was being held and try having a talk with him, Max handed Steve, Dustin and Lucas a letter, with three more to be given to Eleven, Mike and Will. She insisted for them to open it only if Vecna’s curse got her, much to their groans and reassurance that everything was going to be fine. Kagome and Eddie were left out of the moment, not wanting to interfere with their friendship.
“I wasn’t expecting Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington to be like this,” said Eddie.
“Like what?” 
“Like a nice person. He had quite a reputation before graduating. The typical high school jerk. Henderson idolizes him and I always second-guessed his heroism. Now I’m second-guessing myself for judging him without actually knowing him.”
“He is a nice guy. His aura shines whenever he’s around the kids. It feels warm and comfy, almost fatherly. And I don’t think he’s any jerkier than any good-looking guy of his age.”
“Good-looking? So you’re falling for Harrington too?”
“Not at all. I’m into guys with long hair.” She winked and stood, following Max, who headed out with the others on her tail. 
Kagome checked the surroundings before signaling Eddie to come out too. Max wanted to visit some places in case it was her last day alive. They cramped Steve’s car, with Eddie keeping his head down. They reached the trailer park and Max went inside.
From the distance, Eddie saw his uncle by their front door.
“Don’t even think about it,” warned Steve.
“Come on, Steve. Uncle Wayne must be dead worried. He's the only family I have.”
“And he might be the only Munson left if Jason catches you. He could be hiding anywhere just waiting for you to show up. If you want to get beaten up so bad, you can do it after we leave.”
Kagome was already halfway when they stopped discussing. She rushed to the older man’s location, feeling the intense malice coming from inside the house. It overwhelmed her senses that she had to stop and take a short break before approaching him. She was still getting used to the upside-down world’s energy signature.
“Mr Munson? Wayne Munson?”
“If this is about Eddie, I’ve told everything to the police. I’m not talking to reporters anymore.”
“Don’t worry, Eddie is clean. The Sheriff knows he was with me that night. He can’t leave the city for now, but otherwise, it’s fine.” Wayne Munson finally looked at Kagome. “Do you see that car over there? Eddie wanted to come, but some guys still think it was him who killed Chrissy so it’s better if he stays under the radar.”
“Who are you? My nephew never mentioned fancying a girl.”
Kagome plastered a thin smile. Her cheeks burned under the stare he gave her. “We have some classes together. I’m Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.”
“Listen, Kagome,” he toned down his voice, “I know Eddie came home that night. Please, let me talk. And I don’t know why you lied, but I have a feeling that Eddie won’t be safe if he comes back now. Can I trust you to keep my nephew safe?”
“You can count on that!
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 03
Finding Nancy turned out to be impossible. She wasn't at home and none of her parents knew of her whereabouts. The Weekly Streak was also closed and no one who worked there had seen her since much earlier. On her own, Kagome expanded her ki and tried to locate Nancy but the exhaustion took a toll on her abilities. In the end, they decided to call it a day. 
With the trailer park being under surveillance by the police, Kagome suggested that Eddie should go home with her. She lived in a small cottage in a secluded area, close to the former Byer's house. It gave her enough connection to the woods and the right amount of privacy. The fact a child was abducted not far from there made the location quite undesirable, therefore the rental agency was happy to give her a good price for the lot without mentioning it. 
Upon entering, Eddie saw the living room, which consisted of a couch, a bookcase and a TV. The walls were painted in pastel colors and were mostly bare, except for a few framed family pictures. On one side, there was a small kitchen and dining area. The doors on the other side led to the bathroom and bedroom. The simple decoration kept the place tidy but cozy.
Kagome took off her shoes by the door and Eddie followed her lead. She handed him a pair of slippers and then headed to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I'm starving," said Kagome as she opened the refrigerator. 
"Yeah. I haven't had a proper meal since yesterday. I've been living on whatever I had at my van and that Rick had left at home."
"Hmm, I have rice, eggs, some veggies, leftover chicken." She looked up. "Do you like fried rice?"
"Can't say I've tried it before, but I'll take anything. Do you need help? I'm not a good cook, but I can cut the greens or wash dishes."
Kagome accepted the help and Eddie joined her behind the counter. She asked him to cut some green peppers and whisk the eggs. She explained how to season the eggs while she heated the wok. Eddie tried once to stir the frying rice but almost dropped the pan, much to Kagome's entertainment. Half an hour late, two steaming bowls of fried rice were ready. 
“Itadakimasu!" Kagome beamed. The delicious scent was making her stomach growl. "That’s what we say in Japan before meals. You put your hands together and be thankful for the food,” Kagome explained. She didn’t expect him to do the same but somehow wasn't surprised when he did.
“This is really good!” Eddie said. “Neither my uncle nor I know how to prepare anything but the basics. We live on whatever is easier to prepare. I haven’t had something so good since Jeff’s mom banned me from their house.”
Kagome giggled. "This is nothing compared to my mom’s oden. It’s delicious, perfect for the winter. It’s what I’ve missed the most since moving here.” Her smile grew as she saw him munching another spoonful of rice. "I know some easy but delicious food. I can teach you some other time."
Eddie nodded. “You live here by yourself? Isn’t it lonely?”
Kagome's eyes softened. She put down her spoon and looked away. “Not as much as being avoided by everyone because they think you are a biohazard,” she murmured. Noticing his worried stare, she added, “I have had some circumstances where I was forced to skip school periodically for weeks back when I was fifteen. My grandpa would make up diseases to justify my absence. Even after I ‘miraculously’ recovered, people would still treat me like I was contagious.”
Eddie said nothing, but it was clear he was weighing his next words. He chewed the food while never taking his eyes away from her. For a moment, Kagome regretted sharing too much with someone she had just started to befriend until he finally spoke.
“Well, too bad for them that they missed the opportunity to get to know you, but now here you are, saving Hawkins’ number one freak’s ass and I’m happy for that.”
The following morning, Steve was by Kagome’s door with Max, Robin and Dustin. Eddie was finishing a piece of tamagoyaki, struggling to hold the egg roll with the chopsticks. He was freshly showered and his clothes were clean. Kagome wore comfortable clothes and had a yellow backpack packed with supplies. When Eddie asked about it, she said she wanted to be prepared for anything. Kagome had a feeling they would run into trouble sooner or later and decided to be safe.
“What’s this smell?” asked Dustin once they entered Steve’s car. With four people, the backseat was cramped, with Dustin almost sitting on Eddie's lap. He sniffed the older boy's hair. “Did you use a girl’s shampoo?”
"I hadn't showered for two days. My hair needed some love."
"He spent almost an hour in the bathroom last night," teases Kagome. "I had to knock to make sure he didn't fall asleep in the tub."
"The label said 30 minutes," his tone was serious. "Next time I want to try out that Jasmine scented one. It's supposed to make your hair fuller."
"Did you read all my hair products?"
"I was bored."
"At least you will make it believable that you guys spent the night together," said Robin. "You are already picking on each other like a couple. Did you practice holding hands and touching each other too?"
Kagome blushed. "What? No."
"If you have been intimate," said Steve, earning a blush from Eddie too, "then you can't be shy around each other. The sheriff will be suspicious if you don't look like you're dating. Oh, you didn't think about it, did you?"
"Well…" Kagome scratched her head, her cheeks burned and she couldn't meet anyone's eyes, "I didn't think that far…”
"That's easy. Let's create a background story. Hmm..., right. I’ve been checking her out for a few months, she joined my D&D night and I took the chance.” Eddie flashed a lopsided grin and winked at Kagome. “Right, babe?”
They didn’t have much time to discuss the details after this because several police cars blocked the road. They finally saw Nancy, who was talking to some cops not far ahead. An officer came to them and upon seeing Eddie, asked for sheriff Powell. With his best acting skills, Eddie pretended he wasn't aware of the previous day's event as he had been at Kagome's house since the night before. Powell looked at the girl, exchanged a few words with Callahan, and then asked both of them to go with him to the police station.
At the police station, Eddie and Kagome were split into two rooms. The girl didn’t say a word other than accepting the coffee offered, which she sipped unhurriedly. Gray walls, a metallic table and an equally unimpressive door were the only ornaments to look at. Officer Callahan kept her company until Powell joined them. 
“Hello, Miss Higurashi, I’m Sheriff Powell and you already know Officer Callahan. I see that you are not from here. How long have you been in Hawkins?”
“Since last summer, sir.” He wrote it down.
“Where do you live?”
“In a cabin near the road to the Lover’s Lake.” She gave him her exact address.
“Do you live alone? Where are your parents?”
“My father died when I was a kid and my mother is in Tokyo, Japan. And yes, I live alone.”
“Where were you two nights ago, around 9 pm?”
Kagome looked down and forced an embarrassing memory into her mind. Once she felt her cheeks burning, she answered, “Home...”
“With Eddie," she murmured.
"Edward Munson?" She nodded. “How did you meet Mr Munson?”
“We attend the same school and share some classes.”
“What is your relationship with Edward Munson?”
“We are… getting to know each other. His friend Dustin Henderson invited me to their game and we clicked off, you know?”
“I see." Powell took some notes. "That's all for now, Miss Higurashi. Please stay here for a few moments.”
Sometime later, Kagome met Eddie again at the entrance. They hugged and she assured him she was fine. Powell released Eddie under the condition he wouldn’t leave the city until further notice. As they walked away, Eddie held her hand and intertwined their fingers, squeezing it until they were far from prying eyes.
Kagome released a breath. “How did it go?” She asked.
“They kept trying to find a way to make me fall for their trap, having the same questions said in different ways to see if I would change my story. Despite it, seems that no one but Max saw me arriving with Chrissy. I had to name everyone that was in the game that night. I doubt they will drop their suspicions anytime soon, but couldn't keep me there if they can't find a connection. For now, you saved my life.”
“It was nothing.”
“On the contrary, it was everything! You are risking yourself helping someone like me. It’s just- I don’t even know how to repay you.”
“Stay true to yourself,” she said. “People don’t like who differs from the norm, but you shouldn't change for them. Just be you.”
“You talk from experience. Will you tell me about it?”
“You wouldn’t believe me.”
“I’ve seen someone being killed by an invisible force while floating in the air. At this point, someone tells me this is the work of Cthulhu, I’ll believe them.”
Kagome laughed and shook her head. “Don’t ever change, Eddie.”
Meeting the others was be easy since Steve drove by them. Kagome teared up at listening to Fred’s fate. The others reassured her there was nothing she could have done and that they would find a way to stop the monster - which they named Vecna, after the death-defying D&D spellcaster - and avenge them.
Max only needed a few minutes with Ms Kelly to snatch her office’s key. She dashed to the car before the counselor realized she was missing and they drove to the school. On the way, Lucas Sinclair contacted them, warning that Jason Carver was out for blood and believed Eddie was responsible for Chrissy's death. They told him to meet them at the school.
“Chrissy and Fred both talked to Ms Kelly,” said Max after checking the files in the drawer. 
“What else?” asked Steve. Max was immobile.
“Max!” called Dustin. He shook her shoulders.
“It’s here!” said Kagome. Her eyes widened. 
“What is here?” said Eddie.
Kagome grabbed Max’s hands and squeezed them. “Max, listen to me. Don’t let him trick you. It’s all in your head. He has no power over you unless you give it to him.” She closed her eyes and concentrated. Lucas, Nancy and Robin arrived. Despite the noise, Kagome didn’t break her focus. A faint glow appeared on her hand. It spread through her and Max’s bodies, covering them in pink light.
With her mind’s eye, Kagome found Max wandering in the school’s corridors. Fear stamped her face. She yelled for her but the girl didn’t hear. She tried knocking on the doors and slamming the lockers but only the sound of an old grandpa’s clock echoed through the halls.
“Who are you?” A guttural voice said. It came from everywhere.
“Let her go!”
“Answer me.”
“That’s none of your business, you creep.”
A humanoid creature appeared in front of her. Its face was covered in what looked like burning scars and tentacle-like things came out its back. It raised its clawed hand and grabbed Kagome’s chin, forcing her to face him.
“Why can't I enter your mind?” Kagome twitched until she realized she couldn’t move. Vecna remained unfazed. “What makes you different?”
Kagome growled. She could hear and feel the others’ worry and Max’s apprehension. Grappling for powers that stayed unused for years, she shouted, “let us go!” 
Kagome opened her eyes and met Max's stare, who had also just recovered. She heaved, her chest burning at each air intake. She let go of Max's hand and turned to look at the others. 
"Well?" Dustin broke the silence. "Care to explain what the fuck just happened?"
"I heard you," said Max. "I heard him talking to you."
"Who?" Asked Steve. 
"Vecna. He said he couldn't get into Kagome's mind. He was intrigued like he couldn't figure her out. Then Kagome yelled and I woke up."
Everyone turned to Kagome. Eddie put a hand on her shoulder and frowned, his eyes full of worry. She looked at him and gave him a stretched smile. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised trouble followed her so far from home. In fact, she grew suspicious of the peaceful years that have passed since Naraku’s defeat. 
Kagome assessed her current audience. For years, she feared anyone who heard her history would call her mental or think she was making up things. However, the people surrounding her had had adventures that she could relate to and certainly would at least partially believe her. Travelling back in time wasn’t that far from an interdimensional portal; demons and Demogorgons had similarities; and what were her holy powers compared to telekinesis?
“If you promise to believe me, I will tell you my history.”
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patrineptn · 2 years
Always feel free to brinks the cocks
hi it’s devon
i am (was? only time will tell) @ devongiehl on twitter
i write on the dragon prince
and also a lot of fanfic about elves
still mad there aren’t dicks on this website tbh
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patrineptn · 2 years
For those of you watching the death spiral of Twitter in real time THIS IS WHY us fandom olds always defend AO3 and it’s donation drives.
Twitter is an incalculable loss for artistic expression, news, and so many other facets I can’t even begin to count.
This sort of loss of information is impossible with AO3 and how it’s set-up. Obviously an AO3 style model isn’t sustainable for every site bc the moment images get involved the server costs skyrocket exponentially, but now more than ever the theory applies.
AO3 is an archive of our own, donators have direct say via vote about what happens to the site, you help shape it.
As long as AO3 has donation drives and doesn’t rely on advertisers it will remain around as a foremost place of art and freedom of expression. What happened to Twitter can’t happen to AO3 as it currently exists. And that is why we fight tooth and nail to protect AO3 from corporate interests and out of touch billionaires like Musk.
I hate that Twitter is dying and that anyone has to experience it, but please learn from this experience!
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patrineptn · 2 years
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12K notes · View notes
patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 02
The cold of the tiles on the bathroom’s floor and the sour taste of bile on her mouth woke Kagome up. She licked her dry lips and blinked a couple times before finding the strength to assess her surroundings. Her head hurt from hitting the floor and there was a remaining strain on her muscles. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of puke and dried sweat. The light coming from the window stated that many hours have passed.
Kagome took a warm bath, using the water to relax her mind and limbs. There was still a lingering malicious aura, although now it was barely perceptible. She could feel it but not locate it no matter how much she concentrated. Eventually, she gave up and got dressed.
It was late in the morning when she turned on the TV. The breaking news was that someone had been murdered the night before. The details given were vague, only that it happened at Forest Hills Trailer Park and that it was a female student from Hawkins High School. A name popped in her mind: Chrissy. Then last night’s memories came back and dread filled her.
Kagome mentally cursed. She remembered seeing Eddie sneaking out to his van with Chrissy not far behind. They were careful about not being seen together, but the dreading aura surrounding the cheerleader was impossible to overlook. She didn’t think much of it, though, it wasn’t her business. However, now it got her thinking. If something happened to Chrissy, was Eddie safe? They only mentioned one victim, so he must be missing or running away - which didn’t help his situation because he would be the first suspect.
As much as she trusted her guts that he wasn’t capable of mauling someone, Kagome would only be sure when talking to him. She assumed - and believed - in his innocence, but there was always the possibility she was being naive. 
The priestess stood on the border of the forest, closed her eyes and concentrated. She expanded her ki the farthest she could, reaching the Trailer Park and Downtown. She found Jeff and Gareth; a group of people near she didn't recognize - which she assumed was where Chrissy died and the unknown people where journalists; people coming and going from their appointments, but no Eddie. She huffed. She didn’t know him enough to guess where he could be hiding. However, she knew someone who could help.
Kagome found Dustin inside Family Video with Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. She rushed through the door in time to listen to Dustin complaining that Steve wasn’t helping enough to find Eddie.
“You don’t know where he is!?” The words left Kagome’s mouth before she could think properly.
“Kagome! What are you doing here? Oh, and these are Steve, Robin and Max.”
Kagome smiled and gave them a short bow. Steve frowned, Robin waved lightly and Max just stared at her. “I was hoping you would know where Eddie is.”
“Why do you want to know?” Dustin’s instance got defensive.
She walked to the balcony and signaled them to get closer. “I’m worried. Something happened last night,” Kagome whispered. They nodded. “And everyone will assume it was him just because he’s different, you know? But he’s not a bad person, I know he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“See? Kagome has known him for a day and already agrees with me.”
“How do you know it wasn’t him?” asked Steve to Kagome.
"My instincts said so." Steve rolled his eyes.
"And we are supposed to blindly trust your instincts?"
"No, but you should trust Dustin. Aren't you friends?" Dustin looked at Steve with puppy eyes. 
“How can you doubt such a cute face?” pleaded Dustin.
Steve bit his inner cheek. “Whatever. It’s not as if we know how to find him anyway.”
“Maybe we do!” Robin blurted out. “Max said he stays at Reefer Rick’s house sometimes, right? If this Rick has ever rented a movie here, his address will be in the system.” After some guessing game, they found the most possible match, Rick Lipton, who lived near Lover's Lake.
The ride to the middle of nowhere took some time, and they arrived in the evening. The house had no lights on, and no one answered when ringing the bell or calling Eddie’s name. The flashlights through the windows also didn’t detect any life signs. Dustin kept slamming the door and calling for Eddie, Rick or anyone who would answer.
They gave up on Rick’s home and moved to the dock house, where a lamp was turned on above the door. Inside, it was dark, and nothing could be seen through the holes in the walls. Robin cracked the door open, talking out loud to alert anyone who could be inside of their presence. Only silence answered. 
In the middle of the room, there was a boat with a tarp inside. With an oar, Steve jabbed whatever was hiding under the tarp a few times. Max located some food packages and candy wraps over a table. 
Meanwhile, Kagome’s headache had returned. She knew Eddie was around, but in her state she could barely stand, much less talk. Hidden under the darkness of the shack, Kagome sat on the floor as her body grew heavy. Drops of sweat rolled down her back and chest. She closed her eyes for a moment and jumped to her feet when screams filled the room.
Eddie had pressed Steve against the wall, a broken bottle held too close to his throat. Dustin shouted Eddie’s name, begging him to stop and claiming their friendship. Steve let go of the oar. Eddie turned, the sharp edge still on Steve’s neck, and assessed the newcomers.
“We’re here to help,” declared Robin.
“We are friends. There’s Kagome; you remember her, right? From yesterday? Cool. That’s Steve, this is Robin, from the band, and Max, that friend that never wants to play D&D.” They smiled and waved as Dustin listed their names. “I swear on my mother that we are on your side.”
Eddie finally released Steve, who ducked away in a blink. Dustin gave him time to recompose before asking for his version of the events. What impressed Kagome was that the others just listened, unfazed, as Eddie described how Chrissy’s bones snapped and her eyes exploded inside their holes. 
Eddie’s voice cracked as he recalled the previous night. Tears pooled in his eyes. His face contorted as the memories of Chrissy's gruesome death resurfaced. Kagome, ignoring her distress and the audience, hugged Eddie.
“It’s not your fault,” she whispered in his ear. “There was nothing you could have done. I’m glad you’re safe.”
Eddie stayed motionless for a moment. His held his breath before hugging her back. He weeped on her shoulder. No words were exchanged until he murmured his gratitude. 
“We believe in you.” The others said. Eddie scoffed. Kagome took his hand on hers and squeezed it.
“Look, Eddie, and Kagome, since you are involved now.” Kagome frowned and mouthed ‘me?’. “I know it will sound crazy, but hear me out. Hawkins is kinda cursed. You know the tragedies that plagued the city in the past few years?” The duo nodded. “They aren’t just a morbid coincidence. There’s another world packed with monsters that we thought to be gone.”
“But if they are back, we must know,” said Max.
“Did you see anything? Dark particles, like dust?
“No. I haven’t seen anything, only Chrissy- Hey, you okay?” Kagome’s body trembled. Her hand squeezed his. “Kagome?”
“Do you think it’s happening again?” said Max.
“The lights are normal,” answered Dustin.
“What did you say? She’s mumbling something,” said Eddie. “I can’t understand you, babe.”
A shocking wave passed through Kagome. She snapped her eyes open, let go of Eddie and ran, barely crossing the door before she spilled her stomach’s content. Robin hurried after her and held back her hair as she puked. 
Several minutes passed in silence as the group waited for Kagome to recover. The pain rescinded as the evil energy disappeared from her senses. With Robin and Max's aid, she came back to the house and sat on a pile of boxes. Steve handed her a tissue.
“I think…” said Kagome between breaths, “someone else died.”
“What the fuck?! How do you know?!” Shouted Dustin.
“Last night, I felt energy just like now. I wasn’t prepared for something so malicious. It was overwhelming with murderous intent. I remember someone calling Chrissy’s name and a lot of fear. Then everything was black and I woke up with the sun already up. When I saw the news, I put the pieces together. I knew it wasn’t Eddie, but I had no doubt he would be the first suspect. Then I found you and we found him. This time, however…” Kagome’s eyes watered, “no one called for this guy. He was so scared…” Tears ran down her cheeks. “I don’t know his name, but I remember him from school. Fair skin, glasses, a scar on his face.”
“That’s Fred Benson! I’ve had some classes with him before. Nerdy, always after Nancy,” said Robin.
“Anyone knows where he lives?” Asked Steve. “No one?”
“Maybe Nancy knows. I think they work together,” suggested Max.
“What are we waiting for? Let's go.”
“What about me?” asked Eddie.
“You’re coming with me,” said Kagome.
“But the police are probably looking for him! He should be hiding!” said Steve.
“That’s why we are giving him an alibi. If anyone asks, he was with me last night,” proclaimed Kagome. “And we spent the whole night together.” Eddie’s cheeks colored.
“And the cops will just believe you?”
“Yes, because Dustin saw us going home together after the game.”
‘I did?” asked Dustin. Kagome nodded.
“And what was Chrissy doing at Eddie’s place then?” asked Max.
“Who knows? That’s the sheriff’s job to find out.”
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patrineptn · 2 years
Far From Home
Summary: Kagome is never too far from trouble, it seems. After moving to America to start over, she ends up in Hawkins just as strange things start to happen. Fandom: Inuyasha x Stranger Things (Ch 4) Crossover
Also available on FF.Net and AO3
Chapter 01
Hawkins High School, despite all the events that happened not a year before, was as normal as any other school. There were the typical popular kids, the bookworms, the nerds, the athletes, the extroverts, and the introverts. And there was Kagome Higurashi.
Kagome Higurashi moved from Tokyo to Hawkins right before the start of the school year. A long list of fake diseases and a missed year - congratulations to her grandpa and her adventures fighting an evil half-youkai 500 years in the past - turned into a shadow on her history. Because of that, finding a decent high school was hard; and graduating from it was even worse. The once somewhat popular student became an outcast, haunted by her ghosts of the past and present. 
Mama Higurashi watched her once bright child becoming a pariah, apart from everything and everyone. It hurt more than watching her face the unknown. Back then, Kagome had dreams of love and the support of powerful friends. Now, she had nothing but a loving family that couldn't completely understand what she went through. Once Kagome turned 18, Mama Higurashi had made up her mind and came with an unexpected offer.
“Why don’t you start anew somewhere else? Far from everything and everyone you know.”
Kagome was quick to jump. The idea had been living on her mind for some time, but she never gave it too much attention. It wasn't fair for her family if she just left. But Mama gave her arguments and after a night of hugs and tears, they designed a plan.
Kagome dropped out the school and spent the following months getting a better hang of English and working around getting her papers. She called several rental agencies in different areas until she found an affordable place in a small city called Hawkins.
There wasn’t much about Hawkins available in Japanese newspapers or books. The most recent piece of information was the closing of a national lab due to a chemical spill that caused the death of a teenager - which Kagome assumed was the reason for the below-average renting and living costs. After some calls, she landed a place and enrolled in the local school for her senior year.
Upon arriving, she found out that a sequence of tragedies resulted in dozens of deaths in a short period - the latest happening just a month before. The gruesome stories would have made her mother rethink funding her stay there, therefore Kagome never mentioned it when phoning home.
For most, the morbidity surrounding the city's recent history would be enough of a reason to stay away from Hawkins but Kagome had seen entire villages being slaughtered, with the corpses used as puppets and meat shields. She beheaded countless demons, bathed on their insides - although not willingly, had been on the brink of death, and faced things that tormented her dreams for years to come.
Kagome Higurashi was a survivor. She promised her family and lost friends to live her best life, and she would. 
Being somewhat older than most, a foreigner, and having joined the school in the senior year made it a few times harder to make friends. She found no use in joining any extracurricular activities when she would be leaving in less than a year. While not a complete castoff, Kagome spent most of her time alone, but she didn’t resent that. After everything, it was only a temporary nuisance.
Kagome stood by her locker, picking up what she would need for the day. After Jason’s speech earlier, which soured the mood of half of the students present while the other half got excited by his words, she sneaked out before anyone asked about her apathy. It wasn’t that she was indifferent to the tragedy, she just didn’t want to drown in the overwhelming feelings that always followed whenever these events were mentioned. 
Her senses had been all over the place in the past few days, especially towards certain students. Many times Kagome prevented herself from approaching them. How could she ask if something was wrong when she barely knew their names? Chrissy was a cheerleader, dating the basketball captain, and never spared her a single glance; Patrick, she only knew the name because it was stamped on his uniform; the red-haired girl was in freshman year and always walked with a headphone on, barely acknowledging when someone approached her.
Kagome closed her eyes and sighed. If there was one thing she learned the hard way was that most people don't want others asking about their problems, much less when they were strangers. If an opportunity came, she would surely act on it; if not, Kagome would just accept and move on.
Distracted by her thoughts, the Japanese student gasped when two younger students appeared by her side.
“Hi! ” The first boy asked. He had a cute baby face, with round cheeks and curly brown hair. On his side was a tall slender boy, with dark hair and pale skin.
“Hi?” She raised an eyebrow. It wasn't common for freshmen to approach her - or anyone at all.
“I’m Mike. This is Dustin.” The other boy said. “We are looking for a sub to join our game tonight. Do you like role-playing?”
“What’s role-playing?” The term didn't ring any bells.
“It’s like a stage play. You create a character and must act according to it. You attack, cast spells, fight monsters-”
“With a dice!” Interjected Mike.
“Do you throw a dice at each other?”
“No! We roll the dice and our lives will depend on the result!”
“You are scaring her, Dustin.”
Kagome frowned. “Sounds… interesting, but-”
“You should totally join us today in the old theater club room after classes.”
“-I can’t compromise today.” The boys’ spirits deflated. “Maybe next time.”
Kagome’s heart ached for them, especially Dustin. Their disappointment was a punch in her chest. They reminded her so much of her baby brother Souta she wanted to hug them and pet their heads, telling them everything was alright.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just don’t wanna let you down in case I can’t make it. You really should find someone else.”
Dustin rolled his eyes and huffed. “As if we haven’t been trying the whole day,” he murmured while walking away with Mike. The taller boy waved his thanks and they left. 
Kagome sighed and scowled, wondering if she honestly had to refuse. There was the basketball final, but she was sure she wouldn’t be missed there. If the Tigers won, everyone would be too excited to notice her absence. If they lost, the others would be too distracted to realize she wasn't there. Kagome used to be one of those cheering in the stands back in middle school and she vividly recalled having seen Eri, Yuka and Ayumi rooting for their school when they crossed paths a couple of years before. She just didn't find any joy in doing it these days.
Loaded with guilt and a trace of curiosity Kagome walked down the empty halls, following the echoing voices. She had seen Mike and Dustin hanging with Eddie Munson, a fellow classmate and an interesting character, always causing an impression. At the very least, it would be a chance to meet new people.
Inside a room filled with candles and props, Munson sat on a throne, partially hidden behind a book. Dustin and Mike, three other seniors and a younger girl that would often be seen in the stands when the Tigers were playing surrounded a table filled with maps, figures, charts and a dozen cans here and there.
"Come in, Higurashi, don't be shy." She was caught. Kagome flushed under Eddie's tease, "It's not every day that we have a lady spying on us."
The others turned and Kagome graced them with a gritted smile.
"You came!" Said Dustin. He nudged Mike. "Wait, do you know her?" He asked, looking at Eddie.
"We have some classes together, right?" Kagome nodded. "I wouldn't expect you to be interested in Dungeons and Dragons, Miss Higurashi."
"I don't know what it is, but Dustin and Mike mentioned something about role-playing?" She tried. "But I guess I'm too late. Seems you've already started. I don't wanna interr-"
"What?! No, come here, join us." Eddie promptly asked - demanded - Gareth to move, vacating a space between him and Dustin. "The more the merrier."
Dustin went to Kagome and pulled her by the hand until she joined the pack. Eddie handed Gareth his character's sheet and soda cans, cleaning up the space for the newcomer. Kagome took the chance to look at a board set on the table. The small characters were positioned strategically close to a dungeon while a monster stood above the ground in a menacing stand. 
"I will just be an observer this time, okay?" Before Dustin could interject, she added, "I don't have a clue about this and your game seems to be rather advanced for me to jump in. I would be merely a nuisance instead of helping. This way I can be more prepared next time." Kagome winked at Dustin, who shifted on his seat and nodded. 
Grinning, Eddie named Kagome the official Dungeon Master Assistant for the day. He pulled her chair until she was beside his throne, overwhelmed with the notes and all the plans he had for the group. As they played, he explained some of the basic mechanics, such as the classes and the races using the players as examples. 
Kagome understood enough to get anxious as they played. She pictured the group as their respective characters and got nervous at each roll of the dice. As an unbiased observer, she could see the effort Eddie put into making the campaign a pleasurable adventure, hard enough to create a challenge but not to the point of frustration.
The battle was fierce, with the warriors fearlessly facing each of Vecna’s minions. Every adversary left its marks, and the heroes got wounded and tired. The dice spared no compassion, equally provoking on them groans of dismay and cheers of glory. One by one, Gareth, Jeff and Mike fell, leaving only Dustin and Erica against the evil Lord of the Rotted Tower. 
As the group reunited far from the prying ears of the Dungeon Master, Eddie explained to Kagome the current table setup and their options: flight or fight. Whatever they choose, the dice would decide their fate. They would need a certain number to safely leave the battleground and loads of luck to land a hit powerful enough to kill the final boss of the adventure.
Dustin and Erica chose to fight until their last health point. Vecna could erase their existence in a single strike unless one of them landed the perfect blow. 
Dustin went first. 
He made up a prayer with lots of curse words and kissed the dice. The odds were against him and Vecna was implacable when the attack failed. The last man - girl - standing was Erica. 
Under the apprehensive stares of the Hellfire Club members, Erica grabbed the dice. Its twenty faces mocking each of them while Eddie squeezed his hands together and chewed his lower lip. Erica released the dice from her shaking hands. Every pair of eyes in the room followed the object as it rolled over the table. The success of the campaign depended on Lady Applejack's final action.
Kagome had only a vague idea of what was happening but their hollers and cheers said enough. The group of warriors celebrated the defeat of the evil boss. Eddie bowed, bearing his defeat and honouring the heroes. Kagome clapped, their euphoria washing over her. Even not having directly participated in the game, she shared their joy. 
For the first time since she moved, the past and loneliness didn’t plague her thoughts. She lived the moment with these new friends and went to bed wearing a smile that night.
Until she woke up.
Drenched, she heaved as the pressure of malicious energy constricted her chest. Waves of fear and agony filled her mind with pleas for help. Her vision got blurry, and a migraine felt as if someone hammered inside her skull.
Kagome took short and uncertain steps until she got to the bathroom. She knelt by the toilet and vomited. Her bangs were glued to her forehead. Her muscles ached. 
The last thing she remembered before passing out was the lights failing and a familiar name: Chrissy.
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