patriotex · 3 years
hi I love your Maji hcs 💖 if possible I would love a kinda silly one about Maji having to look after his s/o if they were sick (like with flu or something, nothing serious) I imagine he’d get SO flustered trying to make sure he’s doing enough for them, and he ends up doing so much that his s/o is like “can u chill” lol
also if it was the other way around - he’s almost certainly one of those people that doesn’t want to stop if he’s sick and has to be aggressively forced to rest haha
Ahhh so sweet 💙 
I share this headcanon for sure, Majima is the fretty type when it comes to his loved ones getting sick, to the point of being overbearing. He’ll insist that they stay in bed as much as possible, personally delivering them water, food and anything else they might need. For this he’ll even bring out a bit of his rusty customer service flourish - a platter for their tissue box, served on one knee, with a reverent incline of his head. All little in-jokes between them, since they know about his past. They serve to put a smile on their face and briefly take their mind off their runny nose... and off how annoying Majima is when he’s not home. 
Because you bet the man will call frequently to check on how they’re doing, sending Nishida or, worse, Minami over to help them with the most menial of tasks and to make sure they’re taking their meds as prescribed. Always coming back in the evenings with a different pack of pills or a syrup or some other kind of doodad the pharmacist managed to talk him into buying.
To Majima’s mind, the more zealously he treats it now, the faster it’ll go away, so you might even catch him trying his hand at... cooking. Soup is supposed to be good, right? He has an idea of the basic ingredients for a warming soup (ginger and spring onion seem to be favourites in Japan) but just those would make for a pretty boring broth so what if he added... fish fingers? A couple of sour plums? Potato chips? They all taste good on their own, surely they’re even better together! 😬
But listen, for all his clumsiness, Majima’s good at picking up on symptoms and, most importantly, being gentle. It’s normally difficult to glimpse his caring side, but now it shines through in the intimate moments where he takes off his glove to tenderly press a hand to their forehead, checking for fever. Or where he tries to spoon-feed them his “concoction” before having a taste of it himself and promptly running down to the Poppo to pick up some oden instead. 
To be this perceptive, he’s of course gotta hang around them a lot and hanging around a sick person, plus also snuggling and kissing them (he doesn’t even think to stop doing it, it’s a reflex by now) means that, well... he catches it too.
For Majima, the signs of a flu are easier to mask. Everyone knows he suffers from allergies, so they don’t think much of his sniffles and sneezes. Coughing is as well expected from such a heavy smoker. But there’s one thing he can’t hide very effectively: the way his voice deepens 👀 
The Majima family boys normally only get to hear their boss’ low tone when he’s really pissed, so they have an instant reaction of fear when Majima greets them one morning with a downright growl. His partner, on the other hand... they’re smitten. Who cam blame them? He could be recounting the most boring of stories, complaining about some clan meeting or another and they’re just hanging on his every word.
Though as irresistible as his deep voice is, the first touch of Majima’s skin will reveal he’s running a little warm, much more than usual. And here your guess is absolutely right - the only way to get him to stay in bed now is to offer some company... or better still, to tackle him and not let go 💙
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patriotex · 3 years
The Monster // Junpei Yoshino x reader
Chapter 5 // Confronting The Enigma
Chapter 1 // Chapter 4
"Wow you weren't kidding earlier, you got here in like fifteen minutes!" Junpei held open the door, his eyes were wide and his jaw slacked. "Do you live nearby?"
"No... no, I don't" I huff and puff trying to catch my breath while also attempting to maintain a steady composure.
"Then how did you...?" He trails off, questioning the logistics of my impossible act "Are you just going to gawk at me all night or will you let me in?" I raise a brow.
I could tell he was really flustered and disoriented: his cheeks were a light shade of pink, he was stiff and his eyes were jumping from place to place. My little remark didn't seem to help in that matter either as Junpei practically combusted into a stuttering mess "Oh! I- uh... ye- yeah, sure, come on in!" Junpei quickly jumped to the side to make way for me.
I took a good look around his home. It was spacious and warm, and... clean. I let out a low whistle. "Your house looks amazing, man! It's nothing like my tiny apartment." After locking the door Junpei walked up to stand beside me. He stared at the same view I was gazing at, not really getting what was so amazing about it. "I guess...? It's nothing special"
Junpei was awfully quiet, at least more so than usual. I peek a glance at him from the corner of my eye. He had his face turned away from me, but that didn't stop me from noticing his red ears. Was he nervous? I guess he isn't used to having friends over. I smile to myself, knowing exactly what will draw this shy man out of his shell.
"So what movie did you pick out?"
A hundred points for y/n! His eyes immediately lit up like shining stars, and the most adorable puppy smile spread through his features.
"Well...!" He practically jumped to the living room table and enthusiastically raised a DVD. Even from this distance I could tell what it was. I've seen this cover countless times, there's no way I could mistake it for anything else! "...since you like action I figured we could watch Thunder Gun"
"You know me so well! I'm touched..." I hold up a hand to my heart. "Psh- hahaha yeah right! That's pretty much all you talked about. Pretty hard to forget!"
I giggle and playfully hit his arm "Shut it, smartass," I skip over to the couch and make myself comfortable, tapping my feetsies in anticipation "now come on and pop it in! It's Thunder Gun time, baby!"
Hearing his hesitation I whip my head around to see his face. It was back to the same shy and embarrassed expression. I pout. And here I thought he had loosened up a bit...
"Just say what you need to say!" Junpei jolted "A- actually, let's watch it in my room!" He suddenly blurted out. The guy felt even more embarrassed by his words that he wound himself up into a stuttering frenzy "Er- uh, it's not because- I mean- I... My room is the only one that has a DVD player, so..."
Ah, so that's how it is. I want to make a witty joke at his sudden proposal, but I bite my tongue. Making the poor guy even more embarrassed would spoil the evening.
I just stood up and smiled kindly at him "Cool, your room it is then. Lead the way~" Junpei gulped and nodded carefully "Right... come this way"
I followed right behind him, looking around his house a bit more. It really was a pretty place
"Oh my! Y/n, what are you doing here?" I snap my head to the voice of Ms. Yoshino. She looked pretty surprised to see me here "Hello, Ms. Yoshino, hope I'm not being a bother"
She stared at the two of us for a good minute, to the point where it started to feel really awkward "Um... mo-" "Ohhhh! I get it! So that's why you were running around so much, cleaning your room, Junpei, haha!" His mom winked playfully at her son, but then she looked at me suspiciously "...And, y/n, aren't you grounded?"
"Why yes, yes I am" I smile at her innocently.  "Let's go, Junpei"
I take the boy's hand and lead him up to the second floor "Wh- y/n, wait! That's not even where my room is- Wait!" We halt at a hallway and I look back at him. He was looking at my hand clasping his wrist, his gaze was focused and careful. I noticed his lips were pressed together "I..."
My body tensed up. Did... did I overstep my boundaries? I loosen my grip on his wrist, feeling embarrassed if my careless actions. Barely holding on, my hand slowly went to slip away from his "I'm sor-" "Actually, my room is right over there" he slid his hand up mine, switching our roles and gently grasping my wrist. He then pointed to the room to the right. My heart beat picked up pace as I stared at him intently, my skin tingled as he gave my arm a gentle tug.
"Let's go, y/n"
I love Thunder Gun with all my heart, but honestly, it is the last thing on my mind tonight.
We're sitting on Junpei's bed and haven't said a single word during the whole movie. I kept noticing Junpei stealing glances at me.
"What do you think...?" He finally speaks "...of the movie I mean". I hum before turning my face fully to look at him "I've seen it like a hundred times. It's the best thing ever". He raises his brows "Oh!... I've seen it many times before too" we both chuckle lightly.
"Sorry if I've made you uncomfortable today..." I stare at my feet, fiddling with my fingertips. "Why would you say that?" I lift my gaze to see Junpei's confused expression, I found it strange. I could feel my cheeks heating up and in attempt to hide my flustered state I turned my face back to the tv. I'm kinda glad that the lights were turned off.
"Well... aren't I moving too fast? I mean I showed up here at night out of nowhere and we only started talking like... yesterday! Am I not making you uncomfortable?" My brows creased in frustration.
I want to crawl deep into my skin and disappear. I'm not used to feeling like this.
For a while nothing but the sound coming from tv was heard. I didn't dare to look at him. "I don't feel that way at all" ...What? I turned my face towards him, eyebrows raised. He smiled at me gently "actually I find this quite exciting! I never hung out with people like this"
I let out a huff and relaxed my shoulders "Really...? Then why do you keep looking at me?"
Junpei's eyes widened, his lips pressed into a thin line "Well... there were just some things on my mind. I- it's not important!" He waved his hand trying to dismiss my inquiry. The nosy bitch in me started to surface up as a mischief glinted in my eyes. "Come on, say it!" I bump my leg against his. Junpei was firm on keeping his mysterious thoughts secret, but after some pushing and pulling he finally fessed up.
"Okay, okay! I was... curious about you. I just have so many questions I want to ask!"
So that's what it was. I grin to myself and lean against the wall. I can't blame him for thinking about me though. I'm sure I must've been quite the enigma for this man ever since I showed up at that school.
"Hmm, sure, I'll answer whatever you've got..." however, my dear Junpei, you've been quite the enigma to me as well "...but on one condition: you have to answer whatever questions I have for you". Just like truth of dare, but without the dare part.
"Of course" Junpei shifts in his seat uncomfortably.
"I'll start first then." I adjust my seating position to make myself more comfortable "That day when I saved you from those bastards, there was something you did that completely threw me for a loop... I've gotten into plenty of fights like that one and the people watching from the sidelines would always make the same face. It was usually some form of terrified or disgusted expression... But you..." I pause for a moment, the memory sent shivers down my spine. Shaking my head I shift my gaze to look Junpei straight in the eyes. He looked nervous of my upcoming question "Tell me, Junpei, after seeing that brutal side of me, after seeing those guys' bloody, limp bodies... why did you smile at me?"
Junpei looked perplexed "...Is that what you wanted to know?" I nod bashfully. The boy silently scratched his head, thinking over of what to say "Those guys... they deserved every bit of what you gave them. Trash like those guys don't care about others, they abuse people weaker than them, knowing full well they will get away with it... But you managed to overpower them, and so easily at that! I was glad to see them in pain"
I was taken aback by his confession "I guess we both have some screws loose. You must have quite the vendetta against those guys"
Junpei raised a shaky hand to press firmly over his bangs, his eyes were distant as though remembering a painful memory, cold sweat was running down his pale ghastly face "Trust me, this all sounds tame compared to the things I had endured these past few years"
The truth had gotten clearer to me with every word spoken. My eyes traced the bruises on Junpei's arm, realizing that the real wounds go much deeper than that. I reached out to place a gentle hand over his trembling one "Tell me what happened. I want to understand your pain, Junpei" He lifted his gaze to meet mine. The boy looked scared and unsure of himself. In turn I squeezed his hand in attempt to reassure him "You can trust me"
With a trembling voice the terrible things those punks had done came spilling out of the boy like a waterfall. It wasn't just Junpei, there were many others who became victims of abuse. From what Junpei told those dickheads think they rule over the school, not that I can blame them when the entire school staff turns a blind eye to all their bullshit. I can feel my jaw clench, my stomach churn. Junpei described the way they tortured him... the burns, the beatings, the most cruelest of punishments... all of it for their own amusement...
As Junpei told his story the boy's entire body shook heavily. Feeling overwhelmed with sorrowful emotion I reached out a gentle hand to caress and ease his quaking back, the touch of which the boy pulled back from, but soon eased into my palm, his body craving the comfort and empathy of another human being.
I'm at a loss for words. Looking at his shaking figure was just too much for me. Neither of us said anything for a long while. It was when he gathered the courage to look me in the eyes with his glossy orbs that a sickening pain tugged at my heartstrings. Next thing I know my hands had moved to draw him into my embrace, an act that he didn't resist. He accepted the gesture fully as he wrapped his arms around my waist and burried his sniffling face into my shoulder. The two of us stay silent, I could hear his heartbeat and shaky breaths slow their rapid pace.
"Junpei... thank you for sharing this with me" we slowly let go of each other "Sorry, that was really uncool..." Junpei pulled back and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry about. I understand"
I look at the bangs covering his eye. That must be to cover up the burns... I want to reach out, push back his hair and soothe the pain, but I bit back the urge.
"You held up your deal of the bargain so I guess I should too. There was something you wanted to ask me, right?" I gently ask. He smiled sadly at me and breathed out a light chuckle "Yeah... I was actually wondering about that same day as well. Your sister said you don't involve yourself in such matters. But was there really no real reason that made you come help me?" I scratch my chin. Was there a reason? I was mostly acting on instinct, the thought of 'why' never really crossed my mind.
"Hm... I'm not sure... If you believe in fate, then I guess you could say it was destined for us to meet that day. Think of it however you like, be it blessing or curse that brought me there. Either way, you're stuck with me, pal"
Junpei laughed a little more light heartedly now "Yeah, I sure am... Oh and one more thing. What did you do that got you expelled from your previous school?"
Ah I thought no one would ask! I stand up from the bed, proud as I've ever been "I killed a kid"
Junpei looked at me as though he had just seen a ghost. "You... did you really do something like that?"
My intense stare only made his doe eyes even wider. "...Pff- nah hahaha!" My booming laughter echoed through the room. Junpei pouted as his cheeks tinted a darker shade. My laughter quickly subsided though as I remembered my time at that school "Nobody died. I'm not sure whether a crime was even committed. I was already known as a problematic delinquent, they were probably just searching for any reason to kick me out and so they just made up some crazy crime that they could pin on me"
"That's crazy! How are you so chill about it?!" I shrug my shoulders "Eh, I didn't really care for that school anyway, so it doesn't bother me that I had to leave" That still didn't ease the boy's mind "But- what about your criminal record? Does it really not concern you?"
I laugh yet again "Oh man! Trust me, my criminal record's a mile long, something as insignificant as that really won't change it all that much".
I look at the tv, the credits had started rolling. Dad should be on his way home right about now.
"Ahh that was wonderful film, I must say. I should probably get going now"
The boy jumped up from the bed looking pretty jittery "Wait! We didn't even watch this one properly! Wouldn't you like to stay for one more?"
I do want to stay but... "Junpei, I'm on house arrest remember? I shouldn't even be here"
He looked down embarrassed "Oh, right... can I at least walk you home?"
I laugh inside my head. Oh of course, if you want to go for a midnight jog! "I've got this, thank you," the guy seemed to deflate at my rejection "haha trust me, you do not want to find yourself alone in that neighborhood. Don't worry, I can handle myself!" I flex my bony bicep to show I mean business. Junpei only sighs at my idiotic exclamation.
"Whatever you say..."
We walked over to the front door, chatting about the insignificant things.
Ms. Yoshino who was in the kitchen asked me to stay for dinner. Oh damn this house of sirens! Tempting me to stay with irresponsible offers. My stomach whined a sad note as I declined the offer. As tempting as it is to misbehave, my dad's wrath is not a thing one should overlook.
"Thanks again for inviting me over" I smile and pat Junpei's shoulder "You basically invited yourself in!" He deadpans. I stick my tongue out before jumping out onto the sidewalk "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't~ well anyway, see you soon, Junpei!" I waved him goodbye.
"Be safe out there! And text me when you get home, ok?"
"Yes, moooom" I whine. I hear Junpei's laugh one last time before he closed the door.
I huff to myself before heading over to the nearest manhole cover. There's no faster way to get from point A to point B other than with sewer express!
AN: quite the lengthy one this time boys, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Let me know your thoughts on the story so far❤❤
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patriotex · 3 years
The Monster // Junpei Yoshino x reader
Chapter 1 // Chapter 3
AN: I'm not sure if the curse technique in this chapter is a thing in the Jjk series or if it could even be possible, but just roll with it :D
Chapter 4 // Jujutsu sorcery
I found this journal a long time ago, I think right around my elementary school years. It was in a dumpster of all places.
Who could've thought that I had landed my hands on a book about jujutsu sorcery?
And it's not like I don't know what all that magic shit is. Mari gave me a pretty basic summary of curses and the people who fight them, after I had exposed her as a lunatic for writing stuff about how she was attending a magic school... and in the process I unintentionally exposed myself for reading through her diary.
Any other person would think that their sibling was just taking the piss out of them. I mean, magic and invisible demons lurking in the shadows waiting to take your thought juice? That's just crazy! And I am crazy enough to believe it.
Mainly because I can see those curses. It's pretty hard to miss them, not with the area we live in. There are probably as many curses as there are people living in this apartment complex. I remember the times I would find one creeping on the kitchen floor in the night. I would always get so scared because my thoughts immediately would jump to 'Oh shit it's a burglar!'
Thankfully things like that don't  happen anymore.
I flip through the pages, searching for a certain symbol... There. A protection curse. It's simple enough but I might as well go over it one more time, maybe then I'll have it memorised.
I hold up my wrist so it rests parallel to the symbol on the page. Stealing glances at the spell I stretch out a single finger and ponder my course of action.
I think I've got it. With a careful breath heat forms in the pit of my stomach, it slowly bubbles up and rises up my torso and to my shoulder. My veins burn as the fire creeps down my arm, the sensation getting warmer and warmer the closer it got to my finger. Light red flames flicker from my fingertip, where the heat was most concentrated.
Here goes nothing. I glance at the pattern one last time before placing the smoldering tip of my long digit against my skin.
"Tss-" My flesh burned, the flames flickered and crackled at the sudden contact. I pushed back the feeling and moved my finger downward.
Steady... steady...
I can feel my wrist shaking, sweat dripping down my face, I could see the deep scarred line tinted red following right behind my finger.
"And... done" I release my twitching skin and let out a breath of relief. I look between my work of art and the image in the book. "Pretty close this time"
The heat in my arm vanished but I could still feel the tingling numbness where my brand new 'tattoo' rested.
I'm feeling pretty good with myself with how accurate to the original it was. The author of this notebook heavily emphasized the importance of getting the symbols just right. It says that the closer they are to the displayed images, the stronger the effects of the curse.
"Huff... let's move on to the next" I stand up and flip a few pages till I find a more advanced, area protection curse. Unlike the first one, which was a single symbol spell, this one consisted of five complex marks that seamlessly weaved into a vertical pattern.
I rub the back of my head and walk to my windowsill, studying the more intricate details of the markings.
*scratch* *scratch*
I lift my head from the notebook to see a small curse, about the size of a chihuahua, and about as ugly as one too, scratching at my window.
I set the notebook down on the windowsill so I can lift open the glass. Of course, it had to get jammed midway, but with a little bit of force it opened fully.
The curse and I make eye contact, neither of us moving. It had such big eyes that could stare deep into someone's soul, they looked almost friendly. I raise my finger and place it on the thing's forehead. Heat rushed to my finger once again and...
Curse exorcised.
I brush off the remains that were still clinging on the window, a distant splat could be heard from below a few seconds later.
I sigh and take the notebook, furrowing my brow, my fingers traced the wooden frame of the window.
This curse in particular was quite a bother because not only did it have a complicated design, the pattern also had to be repeated across the entire length of whatever window or door frame you were cursing.
I momentarily thank the universe for the small windows of this apartment complex.
"Let's get to work..."
"Y/n?... y/n! Wake up, brat!"
I suddenly jolt my head up and jerk it around "Wha- whut- what!" My eyes were squinted, my mind disoriented from the sudden wake up call. "Dad? What the hell are you doing here?" My vision clears and I am faced with the expression of my annoyed father.
"I could ask you the same thing. Now get your ass off the couch, the game's about to start"
I look around to see I had passed out on the couch. So much work for a couple months of protection from some spirits... is it even worth it? Who knows... I guess you could call it good practice. One thing bothered me though...
"Wait, isn't the tv broken?"
Dad takes a moment and looks at the tv dumbfounded, then back at me with wide eyes "I completely forgot about that"
"Psh! Hahahahaha!" I roll over clasping my stomach "That's just- haha amazing!"
The man's cheeks redden and he walks away. "Be more respectful, you little rat! This just comes with the age..."
"Whatever you say~" I giggle and sit up properly. A few seconds later he came back putting on his dirty oil stained jacket "Well I'm not missing the game. I'll be over at Makishima's. You're still on house arrest so you better behave while I'm gone" he gives me a stern look.
I sit up straighter, putting on my most innocent smile "Like a little angel!"
Dad huffs before flashing me a tired lopsided smirk. He takes a step closer and ruffles my hair with his big, calloused hand. "You better watch it, kid"
Soon after, he left. It got awfully quiet in the apartment. I wait a little bit... and a little bit more.......
UGH! Man it's super boring without a working tv...
"Oh!" Suddenly an idea pops to mind. If dad's hitting up his friends to watch some tv, then I'll hit up a friend of my own muahaha! I pull out my phone and enthusiastically type away with my sore fingers.
"Hey hey hey! You have any good movies?"
Eraser boy:
"You know I do. But what's with thisall of a sudden?"
"I'm coming over to your place. Now. Give me your address and pick out a movie"
Eraser boy:
"Wait what?!"
"Isn't this moving a bit fast?"
"I'm bored out of my mind! Just do it :D"
Junpei waited a good moment before responding with an address. I smile triumphantly.
"I'll be there in a flash"
I jump off the bed and run to my room for a quick change of clothes.
I really do try to avoid being a troublemaker, I could attempt to make every excuse imaginable, but the truth is way more simple: it's in my nature.
A giddy laugh bubbles up from my throat as I rush out the front door.
Better not be late for my movie date with Junpei.
Chapter 5
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patriotex · 3 years
The Monster // Junpei Yoshino x reader
Chapter 3 //A Day In The Life Of y/n l/n
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2
Three day suspension and home arrest. Not bad.
Yesterday Mari dropped me off home and inflicted her 'punishment', which actually was just a congratulatory can of tuna in honor of my heroic act.
Mari doesn't live with us. She's in her late 20's and has a steady job, which she doesn't like to talk about. But even when she tries to be secretive with me, she can't change the fact that she's an open book to me.
That's because I read through her diary.
"Meow~ mraaoooooow~~~" I grunt at the sound. Who needs alarm clocks when you have fifty cats wailing outside your window?
I lazily open my eyes and stare at the seiling for a good few minutes. My eyes trace the deep crack piercing the surface, like lightning. I notice the flaked off paint and the water stain in the corner.
I sigh before mustering the will to rise my torso up from the mattress. Dropping my legs to the floor I sit up on the edge of the bed. I waste a couple more moments just staring at the floor, feeling too tired to move my heavy, still sleepy body. I feel as though I could stay like this forever, until my body turns to stone. But...
"Hnnnnnn!" I suddenly jolt my body upwards, stretching my arms out to the ceiling, head drooping back. Air fills my lungs and I can feel my ribcage lift from my stomach. "Pff- uph!" I exhale and fall on my back, hitting the firm mattress with a thud. My lazy body begs for more time in comfort but I muster the strength and roll back forward, jumping off the bed.
"That's enough exercise for today, let's get this party started"
"Y/n, finally you go your ass out of bed! Come sit, I've made eggs and toast," I walk into the kitchen to be greeted by my father sitting beside our tiny table enjoying his coffee and newspaper. "And guess what, there's a super secret ingredient!"
I tilt my head and smirk. There's really only one other thing he could've put on the menu "Canned tuna?"
He laughs heartedly into his mug "Haha yeah! The same one your sister brought!"
"Ha! Starting off the day in luxury, I like that!" I rub my hands together and practicality jump into my seat.
Both the eggs and toast were burnt to shit, but the tuna managed to mask the charcoal flavor.
My fancy meal, however, was soon interrupted with buzzing in the pocket of my shorts.
"What's that?" Dad rose his head from his newspaper. "I got a text" It was an unknown number, but I did not have to wonder who the sender was.
"Hey, y/n! It's Junpei from school. Just wanted to say good morning. Hope you got home safe yesterday"
A smile subconsciously makes it's way up my cheeks as I set down my breakfast, so that I can hold the phone with both hands. How cute of him. I quickly save his contact id.
"What's up, eraser boy. Miss me already? How's class?"
Eraser boy:
"Stop calling me that! And yeah, kinda, it's really boring here"
"Everyone's talking about your suspension. Speaking of that, how's being grounded?"
I snort, of course they'd be buzzing like crazy over the sudden disappearance of the infamous transfer student. I take a photo of my glorious breakfast and send it.
"I'm living the high life"
Eraser boy:
"I'm sorry but that looks disgusting"
"Don't knock it till you've tried it"
Eraser boy: 
"Maybe not..."
"Anyway, I was thinking of going to the theater to watch this new horror flick. It's premiering in 2 days. You wanna come?"
"I think you should pay attention to class"
Eraser boy:
"Oh, sorry"
"I'll think about the offer though"
Eraser boy:
I place my phone down with a satisfied hum. I can finally finish my breakfast...
"Wha- hey! Did you eat my toast?!" The man sitting across the cheap foldable table gave me a side glance, half of his face hidden by the paper he was reading "It was getting cold! Food doesn't wait till you finish texting your boyfriend"
"I only looked away for two minutes! Argh- God damn it, dad!" I slap a hand over my face and stand up "Fine, you do the dishes then"
Dad grunts in disgust "I don't wanna do that!" I stand up and walk towards the door "Well then you should've thought twice before betraying me!" He scoffs "Mhm. Hey! Where are you going?"
"Back to bed"
I close and lock the door behind me and scan the contents of this small messy room. My eyes finally land on an old and worn leather cover journal. I grab it and sit down on the cold floor.
I inspect the simple cover, brushing my fingers over the carved swirly symbol on its surface. My chest tightens in anticipation and I don't notice the breath I was holding.
Carefully I flip to a random page in the journal. Images of complex symbols and detailed descriptions filled the pages.
If I'm gonna stay these three days stuck at home then I might as well learn some sorcery.
AN: heyooo! Thank you for all the love, you guys <3<3<3 I feel so relieved to know there are people who enjoyed this story. This chapter was all about burnt eggs and toast, next one will be all about magic, babyyyy~
Chapter 4
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patriotex · 3 years
## jjk boys reaction when you receive an anonymous love letter… 🗯
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N0T35 (^-^ ) pls take this shit while i work on reqs ok ty ilu <3
P4IRING5 (^-^ ) itadori yuji x gn!reader, fushiguro megumi x gn!reader, gojo satoru x gn!reader, nanami kento x gn!reader, inumaki toge x gn!reader, yoshino junpei x gn!reader
M45T3RLIST # R3QU35T # RUL35
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# it’s not that yuji doesn’t care, but he’s just so… casual about it?? he sees you pick up another letter on your desk and he’s like “oh cool, another one?” bro. what. idk why but himbo yuji<3 just popped into my head if he catches your secret admirer placing the letters on your desk, it’ll be a complete accident like nanami’s. yuji will just tell them - “hey, you know that’s my s/o’s desk, right?” SO plainly and casually LOL, might even ask if they want him to pass on the letter to you, yuji. baby. ..however! if at any point you’ve expressed that you really don’t like these letters or just feel uncomfortable because of them, yuji will go out of his way to stop it - he cares about your feelings more than anything. i don’t see yuji as a jealous or insecure person, and plus, he thinks his s/o’s beautiful, he obviously knew other people would see and feel the same way. again, at the end of the day, all he cares about in this scenario is your feelings.
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patriotex · 3 years
The Monster // Junpei Yoshino x reader
Chapter 2 // Parent Teacher Meeting
AN: yay part 2 is out^_^ thank you to everyone who read the first chapter. I know that the action is building up slow, but I need to set some things up before I can get into the juicy stuff ÒwÓ
Chapter 1
I'd say I beat a record... I managed to beat up a group of people not even half way through my new school life.
Now flashforward a day - I'm sitting in the teacher's room, being yelled at by every adult present. You know, for acting so tough, they sure cried a lot to their mommies and daddies.
I'm barely even listening to the words being said to me, it's all the same shtick anyway: how could you hurt my baby? Who let this monster in the school? Etc. Etc. There's nothing quite as headache inducing as parents who are willing to throw away all common sense to prove their child was in the right, even if the evidence of their wrongdoing was shoved right in their face.
Just sit and endure.
"Miss l/n, where are your parents? We've been waiting for over 20 minutes!" I could tell the teacher's patience was quickly running thin. "Should be here any minute". One of the moms scoffs "Well of course! There's no way decent parents could raise such a criminal! How irresponsible!" "Who knows what kind of people they are..."
Just sit and endure. She should come any minute now...
"I'm so sorry I'm late! Work kept me up all the way on the other side of the country, and in my heart of hearts couldn't have made it on time..."
And there she comes. The bantering in the room seized, as it always does, and everyone looked towards the flustered figure of my lovely older sister.
Mari - the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Tall, curvy, her silky hair always flowed over her shoulders like ocean waves. She always carried herself in an elegant manner and radiated the aura of a lighthearted, friendly saint.
The teacher cleared his throat, his cheeks tinted a darker shade. I almost erupted into laughter then and there. I've seen this play out with many different teachers, but it never got old! Fat bastard didn't expect to see an angel come through that door, now did he? "It is no problem at all miss! You're right on time! You are y/n's...?"
"I'm y/n's older sister Mari l/n. Our parents couldn't make it, so I will be taking their place... I hope it is alright with you, sir" she spoke in that gentle, soft spoken tone she always put on for people like them. No one ever noticed how fake and disingenuous it was. I guess with practice she's gotten quite good at it. "I heard my dear sister had caused trouble for everyone... what happened?"
"Your savage sister assaulted my beautiful child! Such behavior should not be tolerated under any circumstances!" "Brat doesn't even look sorry for any of it!" Voices demanding justice fill the room yet again, until silenced by the teacher to let Mari's voice be heard.
God... can you get any more pathetic, old man? She entered the room only like a minute ago.
"This is a pretty serious situation..." Mari scratched her chin, as if she were in deep thought, her eyebrow slightly creasing. "... y/n, why did you do all that?"
Finally. In a room full of screaming lunatics she comes to make way for me to speak for the first time, ever since this whole circus started.
I take a moment to glance behind me. The boy who I saved yesterday was here too. He was with his mom and looked visibly distraught. We make eye contact and I give him the tiniest of smiles to reassure him. What the hell do you look so scared for? I'm the one who's getting ass blasted here.
"All I did was stand up for the boy over there. Those jerks were bullying him pretty bad. Just walking away seemed like the coward thing to do" It was the truth, however the truth is never satisfying.
"Nonsense! My boy could not have done that!" Yeah as if any of you assholes will simply accept the fact that your precious little angels did any wrong.
"Why didn't you report the students to the school staff?" Chimed in the teacher "Even if there was bullying happening, there's no need to settle it with acts of violence!"
I shrug "It looked pretty severe, so I wanted to help him immediately. And I'm not familiar with the school grounds all that well... Didn't want to waste all that time running around school when someone was getting badly hurt... Though I did get carried away a bit."
"She threw a rock at me!" Whined the only other girl student here. "Oh yeah, that kinda happened in the heat of the moment. My bad for that one!" I let out a lighthearted hum, smiling the slightest bit. However, the girl only scoffed disgustingly at me.
"Well it seems like y/n's intentions came from good heart," interrupted Mari, her face bearing the apologetic expression of a knowing mother. She then looked over to me "But it was still handled in a very uncivilized manner. To say you'd go unpunished would be unfair to everyone. We'll have a long talk about this once we get home, we'll think of a way to discipline you as well... for now, you'reinder home arrestor three days"
Three day home arrest is really insignificant, but the way she said it made it seem like it was far more severe than it really was, her confident proclamation reassured and satisfied the parents. It always amazed me how she so effortlessly could control the situation wherever she was.
"As expected! She will also receive a three day suspension on top of that!" The teacher inquired, satisfied with the conclusion of this situation "Now if nobody has anything else they'd like to add, I'd say the meeting is over"
"God what a drag!" Whined Mari as she stretched her arms.
We were currently walking down the sidewalk of the empty city. Emo boy and his mom were walking with us too.
"Thanks for having my back, sis, doubt I would've gotten out of there in one piece if you hadn't been there" she smiled and ruffled my hair "Of course, anything for my little pumpkin!" I swat her hand away and playfully hit her on the arm.
The black haired woman walking beside us giggled at our sisterly exchange "Thank you... y/n, was it? For standing up for my little man" The man in question in turn let out a whine about the embarrassing remark.
"It was no problem, ma'am. Anyone would've done it... though maybe not as violently"
I look over to my sister who was now pouting at me. She always did that whenever there was a question swirling around in her head about someone. I snort "What is it?"
"I'm just curious... do you two know each other? Y/n, you're not one to butt into matters like that"
"Nope, never met him"
The boy who was, for the most part, walking silently besides me, let out a loud gasp and looked at me wide eyed "Wait what?! Seriously?! You sit right next to me in class!"
Now it was my turn to stare back at him with wide peepers "Oh shit! Sorry I must've missed you somehow" This did not ease the boy's horrified expression though "But...! I lent you my eraser! You don't remember that?!"
"Oh... yeah, I sorta remember eraser boy..."
"Eraser boy...?" He deadpans.
Both Mari and the boy's mom erupted into hyena-like laughter.
"Don't judge me! That class was boring as hell! What's your name anyway, eraser boy?" He laughs "It's Junpei Yoshino"
"Pleasure. The name's y/n l/n"
The walk from here on was a lot more light spirited. Mari and Junpei's mother took a few steps back from us and were having their own conversation, so the two of us were left to chat for ourselves.
We tried not to talk too much about the idiot fiasco from earlier, or even his relation with those freaks. Now I'm not sure how, but the conversation somehow managed to derail to the kind of movies we liked.
"It's gotta be action all the way!" I muse "There's nothing quite like a good blood pumping fight scene!"
"I'm not surprised. The fight from yesterday looked straight out of a movie! It was amazing, if not a little bit scary haha. Did a movie inspire you to fight like that?" His eyes sparkled like never before. The mere subject matter of cinema seemed to excite him. It was cute.
"I guess somewhat. I have tried out some moves I've seen in film... Haha! I even remember once trying to do a wall jump just like in the Matrix! I hit the ground so hard haha!... But if I'm being serious, most of my fighting technique has just naturally developed from getting my ass kicked so goddamn much" I glance at him to see only the look of pure admiration. "Y/n, you're amazing!" I rub the back of my head bashfully "I guess... Anyway, you didn't tell me what movies you liked"
Like a happy little puppy he perked up at my words and went on an endless monologue about his favourites. It was mostly horror and thrillers, very fitting for him. The monologue soon turned into a heated discussion about the latest films.
"So have you seen anything new lately?" Junpei asked giddily. "No, our tv broke so I can't play any DVDs. I did rent Fight Club about a month ago though"
Junpei paused for a moment "You... can come over to my place. We could watch this great movie I got not too long ago!"
"Hmm, intriguing but I am on house arrest..." Then all of a sudden Mari grabbed my shoulders from behind "That's ri-iiiiiiight~ a criminal like yourself must repent for all the bad naughty things you did! SO REPENT, SINNER!"
Mari stops in her track, bringing me to a halt as well. "This is where our paths split" she hums and wishes safe travel for the other two.
"Wait, y/n!" Junpei shouts nervously, he then quickly shut his mouth, embarrassed of his sudden outburst. "Here," he gives me his phone "let's keep in touch"
The thought of exchanging phone numbers barely even crossed my mind, but it was a great idea. I typed in my digits and saved it under a nickname.
I hand him over the phone and smile enthusiastically. "See you in three days, Junpei"
With that we parted ways, though before I could've gone far I heard Junpei laugh loudly. I try to resist the smile from spreading onto my features, my efforts being a failed attempt. I knew exactly why he had laughed.
"What is it?" Asked Mari, intrigued by my attempt to hold in my laughter.
"I named myself '👑Knight in shining armor👑' in his contacts"
Chapter 3
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patriotex · 3 years
fingers in his ass sunday
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patriotex · 3 years
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patriotex · 3 years
My beautiful baby boy 🥺💖
Cover art I drew for my Junpei x reader fanfiction
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patriotex · 3 years
## jjk boys reaction to your skirt riding up ! part two. . . 🗯
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R3QU35T (^-^ )
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N0T35 (^-^ ) hello love!!thank u for the request <3 SO sorry this took a while, i wasn’t sure how to write kamo but i hope i did him some justice !
ignore the fact that junpei’s is longer LOL
P4IRING5 (^-^ ) noritoshi kamo x gn!reader, todo aoi x gn!reader, junpei yoshino x gn!reader
H34DCAN0N5 + SC3N4RI05
M45T3RLIST # R3QU35T # P4RT 1
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patriotex · 3 years
It been a long time since I requested for something!! Can you do a hc with the Jjk boys reacting to their s/o doing the break up prank
A/N~ I chose a few of my favorite boys for this, I hope you enjoy!
Remember my requests are open read my rules here and submit a request here!
JJK boys reacting to the break up prank! ~ Junpei Yoshino, Satoru Gojo, Yuji Itadori and Ryomen Sukuna
Junpei Yoshino
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You set up your phone on the back of his bed
When he walked in with the books you two were about to read you stopped him
“Hey, Junpei..I think we should break up.” You sighed
He stared at you for a moment in shock
Poor baby gets so upset
Please tell him it’s a prank before he starts to cry 
Don’t do this to him unless you want to get the silent treatment for a week
Satoru Gojo
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He goes on Tik Tok quite often, so he is familiar with the prank
You set up your phone on a table with a plant in front of it
Gojo was just sitting with you, massaging your feet when you said it
“I think we should break up.”
Fucker starts laughing cause he knows what's going on
“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing!”
You just stare at him like 👁👁 cause like who says that
Anyway, you still upload the video and it goes viral because everyone is screaming about how hot Gojo is-
Yuji Itadori
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It had been a long day of schooling for the two of you and he had invited you two over to his dorm
You set up your phone while he was in the bathroom, making sure it was covered by a book
When he came back in he saw your sad face and was worried
“Yuji..I think it’s time we break up.” You said softly
“W-what? Did I do something? I’ll make it better! Was it Sukuna? I-”
You start laughing and now he’s really confused
“It’s just a prank bro, there’s a camera there, and there, and there.”
He starts to laugh as well because you guys are crack heads
Ryomen Sukuna
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Oh god, please don’t do this because he’s kind of a bitch lmao-
You were painting his nails when you got the idea
OFC you couldn’t record it because uhm- mans got four eyes and has black markings all over
But you sit there while he’s patiently waiting for his nails to dry when you say it
“Sukuna, I think we should break up.”
“No.” He says back sternly
“Uhm- Yes?”
“No. You are a mortal and I have the right to keep you as long as I please.”
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patriotex · 3 years
a demon’s promise | (18+)
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summary: You didn’t want to spend your Friday night trying to summon the king of all demons in your tiny apartment, but here you are with your best friend by your side reciting an incantation from a strange book. To your utter relief, the spell doesn’t work or so you seem to think.
pairing: sukuna ryomen x f!reader
words: 4.2k
warnings: explicit sexual content, slight dubcon, smut, explicit language, choking, overstimulation, rough sex, pet names, not a particularly happy ending
notes: read on ao3 here! first sukuna piece and i don’t have much to say except aahhhhh!! i initially planned it to be more of a cute, fluffy story but obviously that didn’t happen oops. well anyways thanks for reading!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask hesitantly, watching your best friend finish drawing a pentagram on your living room floor. Kimi dusts the chalk off her fingers, admiring her work with a satisfied smile.
“Oh, come on,” she says, a little exasperated at you. “Don’t bail on me now. Aren’t you the tiniest bit excited?”
“About summoning a demon from a weird book you found in the back of a sketchy thrift shop? Yea, I’m absolutely thrilled,” you deadpan.
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patriotex · 3 years
hmm whenever you have time (please don’t prioritize this request lol i’d feel bad) but can i ask for sukuna’s fem s/o gets injured and he basically just goes rampant. ugh i love the thought of sukuna protecting and fighting over his lover! HC’s or a one shot, honestly whatever you prefer to write! thank you!!!
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Don't feel bad about making a request! I'm personally a sucker for a Sukuna who is only soft for his s/o.
I mean we all know if someone hurt you whether it was on purpose, or on accident, there would be hell to pay. He would literally burn down entire villages to get revenge for you.
This man has zero restraint and you would probably need to remind him in some situations, that you would rather he comfort you instead of unleashing his fury on everyone else. 
If you were to get more seriously injured, or god forbid, almost die. Sukuna would go full-on rampage mode and not stop his destruction until he was satisfied. 
He probably doesn't even know what kind of satisfaction he's seeking from the destruction, but he can't stop. 
At the end of the day though, you would take top priority over everything else.  
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patriotex · 3 years
— Gojo and Nanami | Their Insecurities
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pairing : insecure gojo x gender neutral reader, insecure nanami x gender neutral reader warnings : unedited, probably some misspellings, maybe some cursing, i probably dont make sense at all wordcount : 1703 a/n : this is so bad dear god please forgive me for deeming this as content
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patriotex · 3 years
SENDING ALL LOVE TO YOUR BLOG i'm reading all your fics at the moment, thank you for feeding us 👉❤👈 if you don't mind i would like to request a fic with porco ❤ where he meets his girl during the war, saving her and happens to have an interest in her after that, to the point of always wanting to see her, always looking for some information about her, until he finally creates courage to talk with her and then after a friendship, confess to her, something friends to lover, please 😰❤
lacuna. ✨| porco galliard x reader
lacuna. (noun) — a blank space, a missing part.
summary (set in 1940’s au) : you are a nurse conscripted in your country’s army. the word has gotten out that your country’s troops are stranded on a beach across the channel, setting your nation into a deep panic. your mind is instantly brought back to a memory of a certain captain you had met months prior - capt. porco galliard.
a/n: hi bb! sure thing, ur in luck cause i already made a draft for this. anyway, i hope you enjoy and i appreciate all the love and appreciation, and for those who inboxed me for a speedy recover when i got hit with the virus. thank you all very much! 🥰😘 love lots xoxo
a/n: ALSO PLEASE LISTEN TO THE TRACK WHILE READING, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!! ❤️❤️❤️ so you get a better atmosphere of the story! ❤️
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“(Y/N)!” An excited voice rings out from outside your office. You sigh and put down your pen, cracking your knuckles. You were catching up on a few medical reports of a vaccine to be administered to the troops before deployment. You were just about ready to pull out your hair, when the doors to your office fly open. “Good morning, (Y/N)!” A smile instantly lights up your face.
“Pieck!” You exclaim joyfully, you push off your chair and run over to your friend, engulfing her in a tight hug which she eagerly returned. You release her, and sigh, “Sorry, sweetheart. I still have an hour before lunch.”
“Who ever said you’d need to leave your office for lunch?” She holds out two paper bags in front of you. “Take your pick,” She grins. You chuckle and point to the bag in her right hand. You take the brown bag, and set it down on your desk. You pull out a chair for her, beckoning her to sit down. She obliges and plops right down, opening her lunch – well, dessert rather because she brought out a piece of Lazy Daisy cake.
“You’re going to ruin your teeth eating sweets all the time,” You tease Pieck, who merely pouts at you before taking a big bite of the pastry. You lean back and take out a small lunchbox, you smile when you open the container to find a generous slab of meatloaf and a single serving of mashed potatoes. “Thanks,” You dig your fork in and start eating. “By the way, shouldn’t you be at the airfield?”
“Not today,” Pieck says. You raise an eyebrow. Your best friend, Pieck Finger, is an airplane mechanic – though, you prefer to call her an engineer, since she has the degree to from the University of Milan to prove it – arguably, the best one in the country. Her intel is greatly valued by the Royal Air Force, thus, surprising you that they decided to let her take the day off. “I’ve already given my assessment to the brass, and we’ve just confirmed that all planes in the fleet are air-worthy. They’ll be ready for first strike, next week.”
You nod in understanding, “That’s great.” Pieck hums in agreement. “I guess I can clock out early, so we can hang out for a bit.” Your best friend’s eyes widen and she squeals happily. “No drinks, though,” You tell her.
“That’s fine! It’s been so long since we went out,” Pieck twirls around, her skirt gracefully flowing with her movements. “I’m in need of some good ole dancing!” You giggle when she makes you put down your cutlery, and takes you by the hands in a mock dance of the swing. “Maybe we can find a special someone for you.” She sets you into a dip, and winces when you fall down clumsily. You shake your head and laugh with her. “Well, maybe someone who’s a better dancer than both of us combined.”
You pick yourself up and dust off your skirt, smoothing it down. You pick up your desk’s telephone and dial the number to the main office. Your department picks up at the second ring, and you ask them for permission to take off early tonight. You hold your breath for a moment, and sigh in relief. You thank the department head and you hang up. Pieck looks at you expectantly, “Okay, I’ll meet you at the Royal Oak, at around six in the evening.”
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The work day goes quickly, with your newfound energy. You speed through files easily, such that you had enough time to even do your rounds. As soon as night falls, you leave your office, and pick up your clothes from the locker room. You pick out a red shirtwaist, and pin up your hair. After skillfully applying light makeup, you make your way downtown.
You pull your coat a bit tighter around you as the night air nips at your skin. You approach the saloon, and see Pieck standing outside, wearing a floral dress. “Pieck!” You call and she spots you immediately, waving to you. You run towards her. “Sorry, I did a few rounds in the hospital,” You apologize, she waves it off easily and smiles at you.
“I was early anyway,” She takes in your outfit. “Now, you look stunning.” You fumble with your dress, smiling sheepishly. “I mean it, it’s nice seeing you out of your uniform once in a while.” She pulls you towards the door, and you both enter the pub.
The space is lively, completely overrun by soldiers, nurses, military officers. You take in the sight of military officers dancing with bashful girls, groups of soldiers drinking merrily, and even some civilians dancing near the live band. You spot a vacant table, and you wave to Pieck, “I’ll get us a seat.” She gives you a thumbs-up sign and motions to the bar, telling you that she’s getting your drinks. You make your way to the table, weaving through many uniformed personnels. You reach the table and grimace when you see a coat perched on a chair, indicating you that the seat was taken.
“You can sit on my lap, lass!” A soldier who has had a few too many drinks teases you, patting his lap. His friends guffaw behind him, and you roll your eyes. The indecenr soldier whistles, when you move past his table, searching for any more vacant seats. “Aww come on, love, you’ll be real comfy here right here,” He continues, stepping towards you and running his hand down the small of your back, you bite your lip angrily and grab a water glass from a bar maid, and pull your hand back, ready to drench the vile man. A hand stops you.
You turn around to see a tall soldier, sporting swept back, burnt golden hair, a button nose, and what would seem to be a permanent scowl on his face. Your eyes fall to his sleeve, and you note his rank. “Stay behind me,” He whispers to you. You freeze, and he puts you behind him. The offensive soldier’s fists clench.
“Hey nosey, back away from the whore, she’s mine,” He spits. You attempt to rush forward but the captain does not budge from his position in front of you, effectively keeping you behind him.
“I think the lady wants to be left alone,” The captain growls firmly enough that the man backs away from you both, not without giving you a stink eye. You gaze at the man who just protected you. A frown paints your features. The chivalrous man turns to you, almost as if he’s expecting a thank you.
“What?” You cross your arms over your chest. “I had it all under control, before you stepped in.”
The stranger quirks an eyebrow at you. “Where I’m from, people would usually say thank you for the help.” You feel a finger tapping on your shoulder and you turn to see Pieck, who gives you a bottle of beer. She notices the person next to you and squeals.
“Hi, Pock!” She runs over and practically topples ‘Pock’ down. “You didn’t tell me you’d be here!”
“Hey, Pieck,” He deadpans, yet you see a hint of amusement in his eyes. He pries her off of him and gestures to you. “You came with her? She got into a bit of trouble.” You huff and look away, completely infuriated.
Pieck comes back over to you and throws an arm over your shoulders. “Yup! This is my friend, (Y/N) (L/N). She’s the head nurse at Princess Grace Hospital. And (Y/N),” She pushes your hand towards the middle of you and her friend. “This is Group Captain Porco Galliard of the Royal Air Force.” Before you could withdraw your hand, Porco takes it in his own, shaking it firmly.
You blush as he holds on just a bit too tightly to your hand. You instinctively pull back, your annoyance at him melting only slightly. “A pleasure, Mr. Galliard.” He hums, and you can’t help but notice that he’s staring. You look away and take a swig of your beer.
Your party moves to a table and you watch Pieck and Porco chat away while you continue your quest of avoiding his gaze. The night drags on, with Pieck prompting conversation between you and her friend. While Porco answers the icebreakers enthusiastically, you basically huff out answers. After a while, you stand up and bid the two good night, as you had an early shift in the morning.
“You sure you don’t want a ride? I can drop both of you off at your places,” Porco offers politely. You shake your head and force a grateful smile.
“I’ll be fine. Good night, Pieck,” You wave at your drunk friend, who was now talking — well, slurring — about getting a few more drinks. You chuckle. “Watch her for me, yeah? Good night, Mr. Galliard.”
“Good night, Ma’am,” He gives you an easy smile. You feel your cheeks heat up and you practically bolt for the exit. Unbeknownst to you, after you have left, Porco pulled Pieck up, “Alright you, tell me everything you know about her.” The raven-haired woman only hiccups in response.
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You scribbled away on your clipboard, as you made your rounds with Dr. Ackerman. You two were standing over by the bed of a patient who was pulled off the battlefield. “Tch,” Dr. Ackerman expresses his exasperation. “He’s shell-shocked, he shouldn’t be here.” You nod and immediately call for the patient’s transfer. “(Y/N)?” You whirl around to face your boss.
“Yes, Sir?”
“Again, you don’t have to call me Sir,” Dr. Ackerman waves you off. “That would mean you think I’m your superior, just because I busted my ass off to be a doctor. There’s honor and authority being a nurse also, (Y/N).” You beam at him, Dr. Ackerman had always been supportive of you, from your littlest endeavors to enormous responsibilities such as being a war-time nurse. The man could spit venom at just about anyone, including you, but you knew that deep down, he has a heart, and he did stand as your big brother when you first worked at the Princess Grace Hospital. “It’s just Levi. Anyway, I think we’re done for today. You could go home and rest.”
You sigh and nod at him, “Thanks, Levi. I’ll see you around.” With a final nod and wave, you head back to your office, until you collide with someone at the hallway leading to the lobby. “Oof!” You scramble to pick up the papers, and pencils that had fallen to the ground when you hear two familiar voices from across the hall.
“Are you even sure she likes chocolate?” You hear Captain Galliard. You hurriedly gather the doctor you had collide into’s supplies and stand up. You hide behind a pillar, and listen in. “Or this wine? Are you sure?”
“Pock, don’t tell me you’re nervous,” You hear Pieck teasing her friend. “She may seem frigid, but she’s really nice. I’m sure she’ll love these.” You could feel yourself smile when you hear Captain Galliard let out a shaky sigh - but you quickly stop yourself.
‘Surely, she must be setting him up with another nurse,’ You feel your heart slightly sink at the thought. “Pieck! Porco!” You hear someone else come in from the other end of the hallway. You peek from your little hiding spot and see Hitch approaching them. You start walking away when you hear, “Are these for me? You’re so sweet, Porco!”
You didn’t stay long enough to hear: “No, these are for Ms. (L/N). Will she be coming out soon?” You walk to your office, and do your nightly routine - you fix your desk, and turn off the lights. You start trudging home when you look up from your feet. “Hi,” Captain Galliard stands from the lobby bench and moves toward you. You are startled when he clumsily thrusts out the box of chocolates he had bought for you. “For you.”
You stupidly point to yourself in shock, and accept the thoughtful gift. He nods at you expectantly, and you open the box. You are instantly hit by the smell of fresh summer raspberries. “These smell heavenly,” You whaft in the scent appreciatively. You smile at the blushing man in front of you. “Thank you.” He, then, lifts up the bottle of wine he’s holding. “Cabernet Sauvignon and raspberry chocolates - all in one day? You spoil me, Captain Galliard.”
“Please, just call me Porco,” He murmurs. “Or Pock, or Porky or-“ He goes on and you giggle.
“I think Porco sounds lovely.” Porco smiles at you, as if you had just passed a test, and he leads you out the doors. He sits you down the stairs leading to the hospital. “Oh, no fancy dinner or whatnot?”
He shrugs and rubs the back of his head. “Nah. I didn’t want to scare you away so, I called off a reservation at the 34 Mayfair.” You gasp and turn to him.
“What? You didn’t have to do that, Porco!” He jumps at your voice, startled. “I mean,” You tone down, and clear your throat. “I’m not really one for fancy restaurants anyway, I prefer the pub or this,” You gesture to you and him. “This is fine.”
Porco grits his teeth, while he struggles to open the bottle of wine, not daring to look at you while his face looks like a squashed tomato. “Pieck told me it was a good idea!” You shake your head earnestly. The cork pops off, and Porco yelps, “SHIT!” You shout in surprise, and he contorts in pain, clutching his nose. “Ow, ow, ow.”
You jump into action, and you try to remove his hand from his face. “Let me see,” You instruct Porco, it takes a little convincing but he eventually gives in. You chuckle a bit when you see blood trickle down his nose. You reach into your bag, and fish out a handkerchief. You apply pressure on his nose, and he yells out yet another profanity. “Oh for heavens’ sake, it’s not that bad.”
“Yes, it is!” Porco argues, and you merely laugh. You let go of his nose, and you tell him to keep applying pressure and to release as soon as the bleeding stops. “Sorry, this isn’t going very well.” You shake your head, and sit back down. He reaches for your hand, you squeeze it tightly and flash him a reassuring smile. You pat your lap. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’ll help stop the bleeding if your head is elevated.” He carefully rests his head on your lap, and looks at you, awe-struck. You play with the strands on his hair, as you return his gaze. “What are you thinking about there, soldier?” He shrugs, and uses his free hand to cradle your face.
“You,” He says quietly, and you blush.
“Funny, I’m thinking about you, too.” Porco gives you a toothy grin, and snuggles closer to you. “So,” your whisper breaks the serene silence. “You’ve been asking Pieck about me, huh?” Porco blushes. “What kind of things did she tell you?”
Porco hums in thought. “Well, she told me about how you love raspberries and dark chocolate, and red wine,” He stops to think again. “And you go to the cinema often to watch a nickelodeon, and you adore cats,” He breathes before smirking. “And that you like me.” You cough.
“Sounds like you know everything about me,” You flirt with the captain. “And what are my favorite flowers?”
“Lilies,” He answers confidently. You quiz him a bit more, and he correctly answers all of them. “So?”
“So?” You return, drawing out the word.
“Do you like me or not?” He sits up, and moves closer to you until your noses nearly touch. You look into his eyes, and you could swear that you could get lost in those golden eyes forever. You could dive deep in it, and still never quite reach its rock bottom. “Well, Ms. (L/N)?” In response to his teasing, you finally pluck up the courage and peck his lips. You pull away, and giggle before kissing him again.
The kiss heats up and Porco pulls you closer to him, abandoning the blood-soaked cloth, his hand tangling through your (H/C) tresses. You put your hand on his arm, and smile against the kiss. He teasingly sinks his teeth onto your lower lip, and you almost pull away but he keeps you steady. You continue to pour your heart to the wonderful man in front of you, as you were in any way, good with words. A deep moan rumbles in Porco’s throat, and you sigh in complete abandon. Finally, you release the kiss, both of you breathless, both your eyes gleaming, “Does that answer your question, Mr. Galliard?”
Porco laughs, overjoyed, and crashes his lips against yours again.
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Another siren sounds in the middle of the night, you and Porco immediately get up from your bed, and run for the door. “(Y/N), flashlight!” Porco gives you his torch, and right on cue, the lights go out. You are caught in the darkness, powerless. You hear the first explosion shake the city, and you brace for the tremor just as how Porco had taught you. You stay completely still, until you hear the next explosion detonate farther away. “Let’s go!” You turn on the torch, and you run downstairs. A stray blitz goes off just a few streets away from your home, and you lose your balance when the force of impact rocks the block. The living room window shatters. “Go, (Y/N)!”
You nod and continue to the kitchen, and grab the first aid kit that hung on the wall. You make it outside, and you both dash to the bomb shelter. Screams of terror surround the neighborhood, the shadows and roars of fighter planes bathe the ground. It feels like an eternity but you throw the bunker’s door open, and pull Porco inside, both of you landing with a thud on the ground. You stay like that for a moment, and get up. “You okay, Porco?”
Porco looks at you, a blank expression on his features and helps you up. “Yeah, just shaken,” He laments, and sits down on the makeshift bed inside the shelter. The airstrike continues outside; you set down the emergency kit on the mattress and sit next to Porco. He leans on your shoulder, and you hold him in your arms, despite the fear in your heart. “It’s getting worse.”
“Yes,” You agree. You sit in silence, while you mentally debate on whether to spit out the question that has been poisoning you since the war took a turn for the worst. Porco breathes in and out, steadying his beating heart, and your eyes well up. “You’re leaving soon, right?” You couldn’t stop yourself even if you wanted to.
“Yes,” Storm clouds over Porco’s demeanor. “They’ll give the order at any day now.” A pit forms in your stomach at Porco’s next words. “We’re losing the war. The rest of the continent has fallen. It’s only a matter of time before...” Porco stops himself, and your head spins. “The brass doesn’t want the country to know – they want to bullshit their way through this – peace talks and luncheons and all.”
Fury ignites within you. “You mean we’ll surrender?” You steady yourself. “To the Nazis? Fat fucking chance. We’ve lost too many good people in this war - if we give in, then they all died for nothing! You need to say something, if the armed forces could just band together and protest against the PM’s plan we’ll-“ Anger fills Porco’s heart - the stress, the fear and the grief overcoming him.
“We’ll what? Send more of our boys across the sea?” Porco yells over the chaos outside. “Rip them away from their mothers, their wives, their children? Carry on with this bullshit? Die fighting? (Y/N)!” You flinch at his tone. “What would you fucking know about this war?” You open your mouth to make a rebuttal but Porco cuts you off. “If we surrender now, I’ll get to stay here - I’ll still be alive for that stupid garden wedding you keep pestering me about!”
“Stupid?” You ask, stunned at his heinous words. “How is the wedding we’ve been planning for almost four years now stupid? And I’ve never pestered you about anything! Even when you act up, I put up with it! I’ve put up with so much, Porco! I abandoned my family to live with you-“
“I never asked you to do that! You always stick your stupid nose into these things and run your mouth like you actually know something! Guess what? You don’t! You don’t know shit about this war, (Y/N). Absolutely nothing!” You shrink in your seat. “Just stick to wiping your patients’ asses, and keep your brightass ideas to yourself!l
Porco doesn’t speak again and you both ignore each other. You don’t bother arguing, for deep in your heart, you’ve already made your choice, ‘I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.’
Three days later, just as Porco predicted, the conscription notice arrives at their mailbox, and within a week, Porco was gone; he left with nothing but a kiss to your cheek and a wave as he boarded the bus in his RAF uniform. Once he was out of sight, you begin packing your bags and in an hour, you were gone.
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Two years later...
You step out of your little flat, and retrieve your mail. You yawn and stretch, you open your mailbox and accept the letters and notices inside. You were going through them when you feel someone’s eyes burning into your back, you look over your shoulder and you see Pieck, wearing her navy uniform and holding a written notice. You finally come across the newspaper:
‘300,000 soldiers stranded in Calais, surrounded by enemy troops’
You look back at Pieck’s tear-stained eyes, and she approaches you. She trembles and holds her hand out to you. You pick up the opened envelope and you nearly faint when you read its contents:
‘Capt. Porco Galliard, Crashed at 13:54 PM today in Calais, France. MIA, presumed dead’ You fall to your knees and bawl, Pieck kneels beside you and pulls you in for a hug. She pulls out another thing from her satchel, and hands it to you. “I found this in yours and Porco’s house over by Baker, the mailbox was flooded, so-“ You look at the letters, and your heart breaks when you see that each one of them were signed by Porco. “He never stopped writing to you, (Y/N). He never stopped looking for you even if it almost drove him mad.”
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“Group Captain, we’re in position,” The radio in his aircraft alerts Captain Porco Galliard. Porco sighs into his radio, and fishes out an old trinket from his pocket. He solemnly places it on the edge of his fuel level indicator with a soft kiss. He turns off his radio for a bit, as he whispers a few words before takeoff - others had done the same - praying before a dogfight. Porco’s prayer wasn’t a “Hail Mary”, no, he was never the kind of man to care for such things.
“Hey, (Y/N),” He whispers to your picture that completely captured your radiant smile. “Wish me luck, love. I’ll need it,” He laughs brokenly when reality hits him - he wasn’t speaking to you, and if he were, you were only but a dream. “I love you,” He repeats again as he has done everyday in these past two years. His prayer is interrupted by the roar of the siren, Porco pushes his aircraft forward leading the diamond shaped group into the sky. When he reaches the channel, he barks into the radio, “Break! Spare some fuel on the way back, we’ll only have an hour of fighting time. Provide cover to the departing destroyers.”
Hell greets the young pilot when he crosses the border into Calais - the images of the burning ocean, and the terrified land troops scarring him. Suddenly, an enemy aircraft comes from behind him and he banks to the side easily outrunning it, he pushes on the fire button to send in bullets from behind the aircraft. He sends out an order for cover, and one plane makes its way behind them. Shots ring from behind and he hears an engine stall. A held breath releases when he sees the enemy plane tumble into the ocean. “Cap, you alright?”
“Thanks, Bertholdt,” Porco thanks his comrade. He looks through his window and he seas the destroyers leaving the mole, but, just then, out of nowhere, the ship takes a devastating blow. “Damn torpedos,” He curses and looks up again. “Enemy aircraft ahead, I got this one.” He chases the aircraft in front of him, full throttle, sending bullets to their engine. He nearly celebrates when he takes out another plane, but then, a stray bullet penetrates the metal in the cockpit, the shards hitting him on the side. Porco groans in pain, blood seeping through his navy blue uniform.
“Captain?” He hears his men call out to him. “Captain, are you going down?” Porco doesn’t reply as he puts on his life-vest, securing it tightly across his waist to apply pressure on the wound - just as how (Y/N) taught him. The plane jolts violently, and free-falls. “Captain!”
Porco could only watch in horror when he sees the water getting closer and closer. ‘Shit, maybe I should’ve just gotten that factory job like Mum told me to,’ He thinks, making use of his final seconds to remember the people that held his heart. ‘Maybe I could’ve given Dad more money for his medication.’ The plane’s engines groan out its remaining strength and he hits the water, his body whipping forward, straining against his seatbelt and his wound. Just before darkness overtakes him, he looks to your photograph once more in his locket that had now fallen to the floor of the cockpit. ‘(Y/N), I’m sorry.’
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You cry and cry as you read through all of Porco’s letters. “My god, Pieck. I didn’t know,” You cry and your friend holds you. “I was just so upset with him, and-and I didn’t mean to- God, I’ve killed him!” Pieck tightens her hold on you and hushes you gently. “Surely it’s a mistake, Pieck? Right? It’s just some sick joke, right?”
“He’s Porco, isn’t he?” Pieck cradles your weeping figure, trying to put your pieces back together. “If there’s one thing we know about him, he won’t die without a fight. He’ll raise hell for death, even.” Your friend pushes your hair out of your face. “Come now, he wouldn’t want to see you like this, (Y/N).”
“That night,” You stifle sobs. “Before we went to sleep, I should’ve held him, told him everything was going to be alright. Tell him how much I love him.” You feel tears fall from Pieck’s eyes landing on your hair. “I should’ve danced with him, if I had known that that would be the last time.”
That night, you and your friend return to Baker Street, and were surprised to see that your old home with Porco had been mostly untouched all this time. You open the front door and you break down as images dance in your head - you and Porco slow dancing in the living room as the world burned outside, making a fool out of yourselves while drinking ice cold beer in front of the TV, laughing hysterically - slinging batter on each others’ faces while making pancakes. “I’ll be outside,” Pieck whispers and holds your hand. You wipe off a few tears before smiling weakly at her.
She steps outside, and you wander over to the little side table near the telephone and pick up a frame. You smile at the picture, memories leaving you defenseless. This was one of your favorite pictures with Porco, you had taken a picture with him while you rode horseback on the cliffs of Dover.
He had dragged you over to the end of the country for a day trip and though you initially protested, you grew to love the idea of having Dover as your ‘special place’, the place where land meets the horizon and the sea. “We should get a house here,” You hear Porco’s voice echo in your mind. “Once this war is over, we’ll spend the rest of our lives here. What do you say?” You remember staring at him, incredulously for such a long time it worried him. “Don’t you want to live here? By the sea? With me?”
“I do!” You throw your arms around him and he laughs with you, your hearts full. You are drawn back to reality and you open the side table’s drawer. There, you pull out a wee little box. Your hand trembles when you pry it open, the shine of the ring Porco bought for you, staring right back at you - speaking to you, even. When you left, you didn’t bother bringing it, and if it is true that Porco had been killed on the field, you’d never forgive yourself for abandoning him without a single word.
“(Y/N)!” Pieck calls for you, and within seconds you find her in the living room. “I completely forgot to tell you, but there’s a call for nurses and doctors to head over to Dover.”
Your blood runs cold. “No,” You shake your head. “I’m not going.”
“I’m afraid it’s mandatory,” Pieck tells you. “I can’t head to the South with you, I still have to report to the airfield.” You bite your lip, your nerves getting to you. “Listen,” Pieck kneels down next to you. “If Porco had died, (Y/N), he would want you to carry on, continue the struggle. In the end,” She smiles at you, despite her own tears. “We’ll all see each other again, and he would love to hear all your stories about how you lived your life - how you never gave up on it.”
She leaves with an affectionate kiss to your cheek. You stay on the floor for a good while ‘till nightfall, the radio plays a song that Porco loved, “How many times a day do I think of you?” You stand up and open the cabinet as the song plays on, and you take out your white cap. “How many roses are sprinkled with dew?” You are left breathless at your reflection, the lines on your face smoothening, your cheeks lighting up with roses. You could almost imagine Porco standing behind you, wrapping his arms around you like he always does. “How far would I travel to be where you are?”
“How far is the journey from here to a star?” You sing along quietly to Porco’s favorite lines, as you put on your white cap. “And if I ever lost you, how much would I cry? How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?”
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The crowd triumphantly waves to the docking boats, some whistling happily, others shouting for joy. You smile and wave along with them to the returning troops, despite the unbearable chill of the night air, “Looks like, we’ve got the Prime Minister’s 3,000,” You say to Dr. Ackerman, who had accompanied you to Dover.
“I heard it’s a whopping 300,000,” He gives you one of his rare smiles. “Do you see him yet? Captain Galliard?”
“No,” You hesitate to tell him. “I don’t think he’s with them,” You don’t bother looking at the soldiers getting off the boats, knowing full well he won’t be among the lucky ones to make it home. You quietly spread some jam on pieces of bread, and you check on the kettle boiling away at a small makeshift furnace you and Dr. Ackerman bought from the town merchants. The first round of soldiers reach the food and medical stations. Dr. Ackerman waves over a few injured soldiers, and after examining and giving them first aid, he gave them blankets.
“Alright, you’re good to go,” He says to one soldier who had a shallow gash on his forehead, Dr. Ackerman wraps a bandage around the wound. “Go and get some tea and bread over there.” You wave to the troops and they flock over to your table. You pour tea and give out the pieces of bread with a warm smile, ice forming around you when you catch yourself expecting to see a soldier wearing royal blue and not army green.
“Welcome home, love,” You say to each soldier. “Good to have you back.” Some of them give you a curt nod, some smile courteously, while some ignore you altogether. And, for once, you understood. Porco was one of those soldiers - the few that felt that the humanity in them had been stripped away after spending long months in the trenches. You don’t retaliate when some men would sneer at you when you offer them a cup of tea. The crowd thins as the night drags on. You were packing up your station when another boat arrives. “Dr. Ackerman!” You call. “We have another boat!”
The final group of soldiers unload and you help wrap the men drenched in sea water in blankets. You brew a little bit of tea, and give it to them. “Sorry, we ran out of bread and jam,” Dr. Ackerman tells them.
“Can’t say I’m in the mood to eat after a day like that,” A soldier jests and his companions laugh. When the kettle finishes boiling, the small group walks over to you and thanks you for the warm beverage. You stack the empty paper cups when another man gets off the boat. You drop the kettle you were holding in your right hand at the sight of someone oh-too-familiar to you. The metal pot clanks as it hits the concrete.
The man walks over to you, limping, holding his side. You are frozen in your place, not believing your eyes. ‘No, it can’t be. He’s not real, he’s never real,’ You slap yourself mentally to wake yourself up. He points a finger at your table. “Say, you don’t have another cup over there, do you?” You turn and see that he is pointing to the paper cups with tea bags.
You run to him, closing the gap, and hug him. You pull away to look at his face. You first look at his golden brown hair, completely a mess but still beautiful, your fingers travel to the bottom of his eyes, skimming his cheek gently. Hazel orbs stare at you in the same disbelief you were feeling; you notice his ever familiar button nose, his chapped lips. Your hands travel to his soaked uniform - royal blue. “Porco?” He nods furiously and smiles at you, blinding you with a beautiful grin. “I thought I lost you, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You gather him into your arms, as you have always done.
“No, I’m sorry,” He says, inhaling your comforting scent, breathing into your hair. “I’m home, (Y/N).” He struggles to release you from the bone-crushing hug, he pushes a strand of stray hair behind your ear. You wipe the tears away from his eyes, and you smile when he kisses you like it’s the first time all over again. He spins you around the best he can, despite his wound. He puts you down after a while, and kisses you again and again - on your lips, your cheeks, your forehead, your nose - assuring you that he’s very much alive and real, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’m never leaving you again, I promise.”
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patriotex · 3 years
The Monster // Junpei Yoshino x reader
AN: Hi! This is my first time writing anything, so thank you so very much for taking the time to read it <3<3
Also, if anyone is interested the story is also up on wattpad
Female reader // Depiction of violence // Naughty words // Poor people
Chapter 1 //Off To A Great Start
"God what a pain..."
Today I start attending a new school. In all honesty I find the whole process of transfering so tedious... having to get used to a new route, new building, new people, the stupid student introduction, and of course there's that whole awkwardness of being a new person.
I let out a sigh and tried to straighten out the persistent wrinkle on my uniform shirt in hope's to make myself somewhat presentable.
I give myself one final run over in the dirty mirror. Same as always. My pale adorned with my trademark frown, that is both disappointed and completely indifferent to everything. My "new" uniform, that really was just a hand me down from a graduate, looks large and baggy on my skinny frame and yet my ever stretching limbs make it look as though it were a size too small.
All in all, not too bad.
I give myself two thumbs up and a toothy smile, my eyes still holding the same unamused expression.
"Let's get this over with"
"Everyone, I'd like your attention please! We have a transfer student in our class starting today and I'd like you to make her feel welcomed. Please miss, l/n, introduce yourself"
Here we go again. I take a strand of my hair between my fingertips and fiddle with the ends of it. "The name's y/n l/n. I look forward being in this class or whatever..." I stand silent, waiting for the teacher to move on to the seat assignment, but something that he said didn't sit with me right.
"...Oh and I didn't transfer. I was expelled"
The classroom falls into silent shock. Countless whispers and murmurs echo and rumble throughout the room, the sound I could closest compare to that of an agitated wasp's nest. I probably should've expected this reaction but I honestly didn't care all that much. I massage the back of my neck and lazily turn my head to the teacher, whose face had contorted in sheer horror at my sudden confession.
"I...Er ..uh... y/n you can go sit down in the chair over there..." No more words needed. I walked to the near back of the classroom, cursing it wasn't a seat next to the window... just one over. But it didn't matter because I zoned out of the lesson all the same. The nonstop buzzing was annoying though...
I walk around the lawn of the school campus, figured I'd get at least somewhat familiar with the area. Though it's more of an excuse to get away from the headache inducing school life.
"Come on, eat it!" I hear laughter in the distance "I can't believe he actually did it! Gross!" When I look to the direction the sound came from, I notice a group of people circling around a smaller frame. Before I knew it, my legs had started moving, picking up speed with the increase of the laughter's volume.
"Learn your place, jerk!" The laughter has escalated to the likeness of screeching crows. My eyes were fixed on the face of one of the bullies who was crouching infront of the beaten up boy.
*BAM* My foot makes contact. Right on target. The man topples to the floor with a loud grunt. All laughter stops. "W-what the hell?!" I stand up straight, making sure the cowering boy was safe behind me. "You know... ganging up on someone like that, it's pretty pathetic, don't you think?"
I burn my gaze into the group in front of me. I couldn't help the adrenaline rushing through my veins, the excitement evident on my face at the thought of a possible fight.
All thought suddenly leaves me, my instinct tells me to grab the nearest guy I could reach and toss him over. "What the hell are you doing, bitch?!" The others finally snap before running straight at me. One swings from the left, I dodge to the right. The other kicks, I jump to the side, I duck, kick the guy in the face, dodge, punch, twist his arm, kick and dodge, and slam, dodge again, I kick and grind a face against the gravel, I kick and punch, and break, and crack, and-
..........No one's standing anymore.
I take a moment to catch my breath. Reaching up to wipe the sweat dripping down the side of my face, I accidentally graze the corner of my curved grinning mouth.
"...This... This is insane!" A girl screeched and turned to run away from the scene. I recognized her voice. She too was one of the people laughing. I swiftly take a pebble at my feet and throw it, hitting the running girl in the back of her head with pristine accuracy. "Kyaah!"
A hearty laugh bubbles out from deep inside my gut. The tables have turned quite drastically. There's nothing quite like it... Though I might've overkilled it
Oh, right... I turn around to see the guy still sitting on the ground, the same as when I came. Now that it was just the two of us, the only two conscious at least, I take a moment to actually take a look at him. I immediately notice the emo-like haircut that completely covered his right eye. I wasn't aware people still got those... He was head to toe covered in bruises, god knows what else those assholes did to him. There was something else though that momentary caught me off guard...
"You look like shit" was all I said. He took a moment to process my words. His face, which at first seemed intimidated, eased and he slowly looked up to meet my eyes. "Yeah... Thank you"
I offer him my hand "Don't sweat it, those guys had it coming". He hesitates but takes my hand firmly. "Can you walk?" I ask, supporting his shoulder "Yeah, I think so" The boy looks over himself as though not sure himself.
"Good, though you should probably check in with the nurse anyway. Or at least get those assholes some help" I turn around and start walking.
"W-wait! Tell me... how did you do all of that?" I pause and turn to him again, this time the boy looked somewhat flustered. My dead cold stare softens and I give him a small but genuine smile "Years of being a professional troublemaker right here. These guys are all bark and no bite, barely had any kind of fighting ability". The emo boy looks at me starry eyed and whispers "That's amazing!"
"Ha! It sure is!... You better take care of yourself. I'm gonna go home and take a nap. See ya around, emo boy" I haphazardly raise my hand as farewell to which in response he awkwardly waves me back.
"...But school isn't over yet"
Chapter 2
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