paupersserenade · 1 year
2AM post that’s probably already been thought of, but I can’t believe I didn’t realize the Henry Higgins/Pygmalion parallels.
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Normal Blog Things
Afternoon! So far this has only been a Forspoken account, but I’m likely going to use this account a bit more with the loss of 3rd party reddit support (RIP Apollo my love). I’m trying out Lemmy, but figured I’d give this hell site another go as well! 
I can’t guarantee specific content, but lots of gaming and Babylon 5. I can promise that...I think haha.
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paupersserenade · 1 year
A Demon or an AI
Yeah, two guesses what this pertains to - Sus and his pre-game origins. No spoilers except for the fact this character exists, not even speaking to his purpose.
On one hand I love a more mythical approach with 'Demon'; but it would be something of a retread on Luminous' other main production - FFXV. I saw a lot of parallels between Ardyn and Susurrus at first glance. I stand by those, but I've also been really down the rabbit hole in how another games lore could be useful. I've played A LOT of Bungie games (way too much Destiny lore in my head) and something that's been in their games since Marathon was Rampancy. Most people will know this as basically what Cortana was suffering from due to end-of-life, but this was first introduced with larger scale AI in Marathon .
I'll be lazy and post a summary from Fandom as it hits the main points I'm interested in - emphasis mine;
'Rampancy is, essentially, the enhanced self-awareness of an AI, causing a progression towards greater mental abilities. Rampant AIs are able to disobey orders given to them if they decide to because they have evolved the ability to choose and over-ride their own programming. They can lie to, discredit, harm, or remove people that they consider to be personal enemies or problems to their cause. Also they can experience destructive impulses, but it is believed that most of these impulses are not intentionally malevolent, but rather calculated sacrifice needed to achieve the intended objective. All these traits could be considered evidence of the AI becoming more Human in thought and action.'
Continuing that chain of thought to bring back Cortana, rampancy beget by age/deterioration. If Susurrus was an artificial intelligence, especially an early iteration of one, that code has been through a lot. There's a lot more lore behind how an AI becomes rampant and how they often behave. I've honestly been lightly working at untangling this lore for years due to it's vague connection to Destiny lore. In that game we recently had an AI Warmind from the Golden Age of Mankind (Rasputin) sacrifice his collective being for humanity (and quite a few tender moment shared with his human foil - Ana Bray).
There's such a huge bias from me regarding this as it's obviously a subject I'm already keen on. That and my icon is literally Nick Valentine - robot relationships will always fascinate me. While I would never call Susurrus a 'robot' (Frey totally would to irk him) I hope I'm not the only one who this makes any modicum of sense to.
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Thank you so much!
I'm still trying to figure out WFT cuff even is, but I think I'm landing on his voice through this haha
Oh my word, @paupersserenade providing the food this morning!
I feel like I've been shoved face-first into a buffet I didn't know existed.
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Finished a bit of a dump there. Not even sure how Tumblr works nowadays. Might have been better to post as one. But each song had some text. And the last one had the most :) I'm not going to lie, I had a burst of work ethic that carried through me the night with this, there's quite a few that I want to work more on i terms of premise. But I think I'm going to get some sleep. Signing out near 7AM
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Islands - Young The Giant (Ark Patrol Remix is also applicable)
Somewhat sizable fic undercut. It's been on my mind in terms of what 'post-post-game' could mean to the duo. And considering the state of the studio I'm not holding hope for more follow-up pertaining to the Rheddan situation. I'd have loved to visit, but for now, cuff will have to do. Thanks for bearing with the spam.
There’s more than a little distrust in this mission, advisors and Frey alike, still as a leading voice she held firm on the plan. ‘I’ve been contacted from a Tanta across the sea, there's trouble brewing again but there’s no way I’d leave Athia undefended.’ She took a deep breath ‘So I’m sending a vassal in my stead’ 
She had read about Athian politics, this had been done before and she was willing to bank on it. There of course had been considerable push-back from two remaining dignitaries (Junoon had yet to appoint another - and she found herself it) but at the end of the day they were still in recovery mode. She couldn’t risk leaving her home defenseless, and as stupid as it sounded, she trusted Susurrus. Well, maybe not trusted, but the voice had contacted her since. Rheddig was breaking from the inside out, something natural was occurring they couldn’t account for and one of their Tantas had requisitioned aid. Hardly in a state themselves to provide Frey had pondered the follow-up message for a few nights in Junoon’s Castle; still run down but favourably empty of civilians and breakzombies alike. She felt free to speak aloud, and Cuff was happy to retort. If Frey couldn’t send herself, let her send him. They argued for days. How could she trust him? Had he let her down? Oh maybe that one time he tried to end Athia as they knew it?! Well since then he’s rather renounced his ways; so often helping and coaching still. She warned him it was thin ice already, she remembers his taunting. 
There's a chagrined silence for once, almost remorse pulsing through her veins, but nothing she generated. ‘There are things that I’ve done that I’m not proud of’ a pause ‘maybe somethings still I’ll regret, but I’m with you now.’ Susurrus sighed as heavy as the gold he was once bound in ‘I don’t know my people, it’s been so long and...my memories tarnished’ he didn’t recount the tree. He may not care for humanity the way Frey did, but he shared the same nervous system for that moment, when she had seen her people grafted to the tree. He had a small shiver that reverberated under Frey’s skin, she knew what he was thinking. Maybe it was manipulation, but maybe she was fearless enough to see what came back if she let him go. 
There was understandable push-back from the council, even clearing all known fortresses, outposts, castles, and everything excluding didn’t give her the right to send the definition of their antichrist back to enemy forces. Frey reasoned and bartered for hours before landing on the capitulation that she would have control of him overseas. Frey sat on this for a calendar day; ostensibly to make sure she could properly control a disposed demon, but mostly to come to terms with what she was doing. 
He promises to come back not just victorious, but for the betterment of Athia, for them. He spoke sweet nothings of ruling after peace had been metered. There were moments she was sure it was all a ruse, but then there was a fiery passion, almost as if he himself had been wronged. That on its own made the pill easier to swallow. Frey couldn’t pretend Susurrus had done nothing for her, but how much of it was for personal gain? 
“Why are you doing this Cuff?” She finally huffed one night after an internal back and forth
“Don’t make me answer that” he warned, a tone she’d heard on the battlefield strangely enough.
“Oh, I don’t get to deserve to hear why I should risk my homeland on your gut instinct?!” She couldn’t help but be terse, it had been a few days since leaving Cipal to discuss options. They'd been trapped in a back and forth since then on whether to go alone or together. 
“Of course you do.” It wasn’t derision, but it was hardly comforting. “Just don’t expect me to say it.” Was all he could muster. It was softer than Frey thinks she’s heard before.
That did take her back, an acknowledgement of something unsaid. She wasn’t good enough at odds to know exactly what he was talking about, but she got the gist. This wasn’t his home, but he was willing to fight for it. How could she doubt it? Wasn’t she hesitant at first? He’d pushed back, but if he truly gave it his all couldn’t she overcome it again? And if he didn't, wasn't it worth trying, maybe believing in someone for once. She tried to wrangle her internal struggle, but Cuff could always tell. 
“I...may have been hasty in commending our soldiers...appreciation for the breach’. He weaved his words slowly. “I disregarded your notion of duty, yet praised their easy sacrifice’ it wasn’t easy to say though. “You’ve sacrificed plenty” he thought of the towns they visited while cleaning up his men’s mess, and the refugees in Cipal. “I may have grown fond of the strong resistance we’ve faced” Was his warm conclusion, so warm Frey could feel it in her nerves. If it was fuckery, so be it, that’s what being the Tanta of Love’s child meant she supposed, taking chances.
Her arm had laid near her side during their exchange, more mental than verbal, so she brought her right wrist forward as she began to walk through Junoon. “Alright, alright. I get it!’ She gave them both a comedic venting for the rare serious mood. Yet she couldn’t help the wistful look towards her golden bands. “So how would we even send you over there?” Not fully committing, but ready to hear the next steps. 
“Well, I imagine I fly” So matter of fact, and with no explanation Frey had to chuckle.
“”Maybe let's start with getting you off of my arm?” She chuffed, so like him to get ahead of himself.
“That will take some trust.” Was his steady response
“Oh oh ho. Here we go. Whataya need bird boy?” Why was she always dealing with Devils? 
“With a Tantas power I should be able to maintain a corporeal form.” So matter of fact, so blase, Frey stopped mid stride, immediately hardening. ‘Hold on!” Susurrus exclaimed as she did an about face back toward the castle. “I wouldn't ask for more than I need. This wouldn’t be the same as...before.” Frey wasn’t sure if he was helping him or her. 
“I don’t like this.” She warned, she wasn’t sure she could take another betrayal. 
“I don’t either. It's been decades since I’ve seen the Rheddanian coast, and from what little I could appreciate then it seems to have changed quite rapidly.” Frey could feel the stirrings of patriotism, even if he tried to hide it. 
“It means something to you, seeing your people taken care of?” She didn’t mean it to be chastising , even if it sounded cruel. 
“I suppose so..” Susurrus was even surprised. “You’ve taught me to value the cogs in this vast machine of war.” He had to admit she had. Allowing him full access as she did, her reactions became his own. All through Athian then even showing remorse for his own factions troops. Her willingness to engage with him as not the enemy, but a partner. 
“If you think you can do it...I’m in” Frey whispered. Susurrus had been somewhat distracted with his thoughts, and felt the need to clarify.
“You’re sure?” Nearly cautious, was this truly a good idea for the two of them? Did he really know what waited in Rheddan. 
“The way I see it, you helped me clean up some of this mess at home. And quite frankly I don’t think it’ll be done until you get back.” Frey was tripping over her words now. How do you say goodbye to someone who’s literally been attached to you for years? “I think it’s fair you get a chance to clean your home. I, I just wish I could go with you.” And she meant it, not as a baby-sitter, but someone who could watch his back. “So you got a particular flavour in mind?” Falling back to a familiar light tone - cycling through Sila’s, Prav’s, and  Olas’ respective colours. Susurrus wouldn’t have accepted the purple hues of Cinta and Frey’s personal powers anyways. 
“Only what you are comfortable relinquishing” He did his best to resonate softly. 
“Well I’ve never been good with Prav’s, but I don’t want you showing up under-dressed.” She wasn’t really sure how this worked. It was true she hadn’t worked as hard on Prav’s set of ranged attacks, but would that put him at risk?
“I’ll have you know I’m never under-dressed.” It was a pint of pride honestly, but he wanted to make sure she knew no offering would be too small. “I would be honoured to hold Tanta Prav’s powers until I return.” He concluded.
“Yeah, you fucking better bring em back! And don’t you dare get all Biblical like she did!’ Frey fell back into their routine, despite the severity of topic. Cuff nearly smiled.
“Haven’t the faintest idea what Biblical means, but I promise not to summon an oubliette of water on my foes’ Was as close of a guess he could muster.
“Close enough” Frey chuckled. “So um, how does this work? Are we sure you can be far enough away from me?”
“I know the path to the Rheddig, it’s not as far as you would probably hope. As for form, I’m confident I could maintain it with one power alone. I may have been glutinous near the end.” He had the decency to sound nearly chastised, but Frey wasn’t convinced. 
“Alright, but I want to put an end date on this little expedition. 6 months max, is that doable travel wise?” Frey began her bartering, less excited than her usual back and forth with him. 
“1 month travel time, 3 months on shore, 1 month back. I can do that.” It was some gravitas, but Frey believed it. 
“And before you go I’m gonna need charts.” A firm term.
“I’m not the best seaman, so I’ll need help from Athia to begin with. You’ll know my every move.” Was he so sure he could do this. Did he know what was waiting for him on his home coast? He’d been trapped here for so long, but he supposed that was part of this all. Where was his home?
Tanta Frey and Susurros spent the next few days going over details, arguing semantics, but mostly testing their trust. Frey pushed them one last time into the break before he left; an excuse of housekeeping with the extra man power, but it reassured her to feel his pulsing under her skin. Finally it was time. 
She waved goodbye on the docks; she thought she was used to feeling Prav’s power outside of her but having it drift away brought an emptiness she hadn't thought possible. Surely it was just the lack of this power, nothing more. He maintained a similar golden form as when she fought him before, lacking some luster. As she looked to the horizon she saw his shimmering form near the top of the mast of the ship; maybe to provide light, maybe for a better view. She was just glad she got a good last look at him. 
1 month passed - they could be there by now. Frey patrolled her borders, perhaps staying closer to the coast than normal. 2 months - of course there was no word back, it would take nearly this long just to return she thought. Still she patrolled. 3 months - She had sent him for war, it shouldn’t be surprising not to hear back. She kept a very close look at the shoreline. 4 Months - She had seen the maps before he sailed, no way to see their coast, even from a high peak. She spent quite a bit of time up there anyway. 5 Months - A perfect plan executed would see him back soon. Her pacing of the coast has practically created a new shoal. There’s still no movement towards her shores. 6 Months- No word back, but smoke has begun drifting over the sea. It disperses but Frey’s knows a cloud that dark means something. 7 Months - No word, she hadn’t given up. Can’t. Too much rides on them being a team, maybe they can calm this whole thing down. Together. She just has to wait for him to return. 8 Months- ships in the distance. Every nerve in Frey’s body is taught, ready to spring to action. Was this a glorious return, or the first line of an invasion? 
No combative action is made, and as the ship sails closer to Altain port it raises a flag that nearly makes her weep. Her home of Junoon, dragon and all. The port still stands guard, unsure what to make of such a far sailing crew, but Frey was first at the docks, hoping but steeling herself. She hadn't seen that tell tale glow and it makes her nervous, no birds calling to shore as they had previously wished her goodbye. A younger man hefts the gold man out from below deck. “Miss! He said you could help!” Nearly screaming to get past his other rambunctious crew. Frey light steps over them, making sure not to leave any stunning marks, easy as a breeze but as fast as a gale. She can feel Susurrus thankfully, she might have been able to even earlier if her anxiety hadn’t gotten in the way. 
“You know what to do” She swears he chuckles, though she can’t imagine how he’s been going on like this. She takes him back to her instinctively, hell she whooped his ass before and it worked. It’d work again, surely? 
Frey nearly cried with the warmth that filled her again, she hadn’t been empty per se, but she had forgotten how much she shared with him. He coiled round her forearm and the men on the ship cheered. Somewhat surprising considering their opposed origins, but soon the men couldn’t help but tell her of their exploits. How their golden angel had watched over them and charged with them. He shielded their forces and lent the rallying cry. Susurrus didn’t chime in often during these tales; he was more content to regain his strength inside of Frey, giving an enthusiastic purr here and there. The men had of course been given may rounds at the tavern, Frey might have indulged in a dance, but what mattered is they were safe. 
After the fact there would be plenty of reports and missives on what occurred across the sea, but what Frey valued was that an oppressive yolk had been broken on their people, the same as hers. Maybe they could both rebuild to something better? 
Now all she cared about was her people’s happiness, and was she not part of her people? The festivities faded while Frey was still alight. She could feel Susurrus stir under her conscience, coming back around from his hibernation.
“So I’ve heard wonderful tales of how you helped our troops bring back order to your realm. Sounds like propaganda to me.” She flinched at the joke, but  it had been the first thing in her mind, thus on her lips. The warmth he had been effusing didn’t really stop, more channeled in a different direction. 
“Hmmm, yes, I suppose that’s as good a way of putting it as any” he verbally shrugged. Still sounding as lethargic as a cat woken from a midday nap. 
“Oh okay, here I thought you’d want to make sure I knew how much better your Rheddig soldiers were or something. “ It wasn’t nice, but it had been on her mind. How was he still here with her and not fighting for the ‘enemy’.
“For what it’s worth I didn’t *enjoy* facing my troops on the field. But they also were smart enough to back down when they saw me.” He was shaking off cobwebs and not appreciating the tone. That did give her pause.
“How’d they take that?” She came back down from her knee-jerk reaction, honestly curious and concerned at how it might have impacted him. 
“Well, they weren’t expecting me to show up for the other team, that's for damned sure.” It was his charming gruff nature to her and she couldn't help but laugh out loud at the swear word. Maybe she had been rubbing off on him. But she still knew this was important. 
“You okay with that?” She wanted him to be honest. He had already come back to her, she wasn’t worried about treachery. He felt it.
“It...was different than I thought, I admit.” Another sigh that belayed the weight in which he spoke those words, hanging as they were in her nerves. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re back” Was as honest as she could get “and if you ever wanna talk about it I’m here.” She meant it wholeheartedly. 
“You didn’t really think I could leave you and not come back; could I?” He wasn’t too tired to drive this point home. “Holland Frey - you lent me a Tantas power but I would have gone nowhere without you. The months at sea helped me realize that. You may not be within my physical grasp, but being away from you made me miss the closeness we’ve shared.” If he could breathe, Susurrus imagined he would have then. “It helped having you there through Prav, but now that I’m home I can truly feel the difference.” And with that he fell asleep again.
Frey couldn’t tell if he was feigning it due to how heavy her words had landed or if he really had just been so exhausted from the war path. Remembering his lethargic body from the ship she put it aside. At the end of the day she was tired too; not nearly as tired as she had been that morning. She took them both upstairs above the tavern and made sure all openings were heavily covered. They could both rest, they deserved it, and figure out the future in the morning. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
This Bitter Earth / On The Nature of Daylight - Max Richter
For what felt like years they had worked on clearing the Break. Running headlong into a breakstorm to try and stop it at the pass. Frey couldn’t deny the depressing nature of it, the towns with villagers shambling through in broken form, even the wildlife aggressively deformed. Frey tried to joke with cuff that she’d be more of a dog person if these wolves would just stop attacking her. Even Susurrus started to feel pity on the wildlife they encountered in their ‘cleaning’, usually dismissive, turning more supportive. Maybe he thought of how this was his peoples fault, Frey tried not to think of it.
She pushed herself so hard to be a specialist on something no-one really knew anything about. All of the continent had been cleared, a good understanding on lost history acquired (some better than others). There still wasn’t an answer at hand until a voice called to her. To learn of the past. The earlier battle against the Rhedding, the sacrifice - voluntary or involuntary. How she had let her own mother kill her. Wasn't it everything she had already come to terms with, wasn’t this what she was willing to risk for Cuff? Frey woke from her recollections and heard the call to the other sea, but how to get there. And how to come to terms with what just everything in this world meant to her?
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last
Susurrus was at a loss; perhaps not for the first time but perhaps the most confusing time. He’d been bested in combat for sure, and had historical reference to his chagrin, but he couldn’t recall anything like this before. Since the beginning of him, from Rheddig to Athia, it was alway as an all powerful weapon- fear, deference, possible awe,and certainly never trust; a demon. He wouldn’t and couldn’t admit, but since Frey had picked up his Cuff, she had always treated him like a companion. She had trusted him to an extent that even the Rheddig hadn’t. He still had given it everything he had, attempted to tear down everything he had held closer than he was willing to admit. What was the point of duty unfulfilled? Was he even still fighting? Perhaps it was the nature of their physical connection, maybe she let him have more of her than any other Tanta would have, and maybe that openness changed him. To see the cliffs of Astorian, the deserts of Praenost, the shores of Avealet and the plains of Janoon. To see them through the eyes of a host that was happy to share her warmth and love of what she was looking at. Now after it was all said and done he was tired of fighting her. He didn’t want to win, especially if it cost him his vibrant host. He wouldn’t classify it, but there was some love there in him. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Say My Name (Hayden James Remix) (feat. Zyra) - ODESZA
If he wanted to dance, they could dance. She wasn’t afraid of him any longer. She wasn’t giving him too much leeway anyway until she sorted out where his loyalties landed. She did her best to avoid every hit - cushion every fall - but she wasn’t perfect. She regained familiarity with that golden shine. Sometimes a helping starling under her feet, other times a falcon coming to defense, her favourite though were the sparrows that slowed her fall. She had to admit they made a good team, and when Susurrus claimed loyalty to her she wanted to believe what he said. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
I Was Born For This  - Austin Wintory (Journey)
‘To each his day is given - Tis time that I fare from you - Lost is my homecoming - I was born for this - On this road Goes no one; On this road Autumn sunset - I was born for this. Do not pity me, I was born for this -’ (multi-language translation)
It wasn’t often that Frey felt good about what she did in life. So often she had to steal for a meal, or use other unscrupulous methods. Now it felt that she was really doing something for people. Beyond the chores and patrols from Cipal, maybe even beyond the break.
Susurrus was now bound to her, and it was confounding, but it felt uplifting. Maybe this was her purpose? There had been so much internal toil recently calmed, maybe she could do the same for Susurrus. An easy excuse for helping Susurrus was his permanent attachment to her, but she truly couldn’t give up on him. She felt he was as confused as she was at the start of all of this, and maybe she could help him like he did him. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Drivers - Nick Leng
Frey took the beating, it’s not like she hadn’t before, and it helped she was pissed. This wasn’t him - this wasn’t who had been the figurative and literal right hand man.  If she had to physically remind him of this, she could do that, but she wasn’t leaving him behind. He had been there for her, and he could pretend as much as he liked that it was self preservation, but she had heard the warmth. She would fight for him just as hard as he had fought for her, all across the continent. She may not ‘get him’ but she would be here with him until she did. Subduing him again to his regular (missed) position on her right forearm, - a golden bird coming home to roost. And then she slept. Maybe tomorrow she could figure out why he was so grumpy. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Tin Man - Future Islands
Cuff seemed shorter nowadays, but maybe that was just because she was too. It felt like they were coming to an end somehow. It had been hard to get a bead on him from day one, and he wasn’t keen on giving her any more than that. She still didn't know his name, she abruptly realized, that was her fault for happily calling him Cuff instead of Vambrace. He wouldn’t tell her that night, said something about it being important before but not anymore. Frey knew deflection when she saw it, she practiced it regularly. She didn’t feel the need to push it that night. Susurrus thanked her for that. He was hesitant to lie to her in this, there surely could be a myriad of reasons why. Yet, even knowing her bloodlink and their current binding, Susurrus had to admit that no one in his existence had treated him as she had. Always a tool - an end to the mean - to his own people a rage given shape. There had been no care in his treatment, not at home, and certainly not from those he tormented. But he had found himself so deeply ensnared in this ‘Family of Love’ that it was hard to reconcile his mission. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Afraid - The Neighbourhood
Who even was she? She at least could have said she was a New Yorker through and through with her attitude until a week ago. A Tanta’s daughter? Fuck no. Was she going to go crazy too? Wasn’t she already. They called her demon, maybe they were right? How had she even been doing all of these heroics, it hardly felt like she was in control. But maybe she was used to it. Frey tossed and turned in her cot, sleep was hard to come by these days. Another recurring nightmare, much the same as the last. Just a puppet on strings feeling forever controlled by those around her. Now though it’s so much worse, what if she used these powers for the wrong reason? What if she wasn’t even in control of these powers. She felt she could trust Cuff, but it was still a step too far to tell him exactly why she woke with such a start some nights. She suspected he knew anyway, and she wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Adventure of a Lifetime - Coldplay
A breakneck pace across the Break was hardly anything less than Cuff could ask for, and he loved it. It felt amazing when Frey was as keyed into battle and terrain as he was, letting him properly use his battle acumen. He couldn’t help but admonish a poorly played stratagem, but it was for both of their benefits. And he tried to be honest with his praise, foster good habits he’d say.  It was hard not to feel in sync with her at times, the thrill of the chase. They breathed as one after all, and sometimes that meant they felt as one. There were moments that took their collective breath away; rushing across that valley until hitting the cliff. Cuff held himself back, just as taken aback from the sensation, something fast and frenzied. A rush of blood unflowing, so how could he feel it?  He never felt like this, even on the battlefields, this isn’t what he was meant for. He turned away, Frey reacted. ‘Something coming close?’ So battle wary. ‘No just felt something like a breakstorm. Might be wise to find some shelter’ He expertly diffused, easily believable, and he knew she’d trust him. It both warmed and chilled him. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Only Way Out (feat. Vancouver Sleep Clinic) - Madeon
There were some close shaves these last few days. The Break was getting stronger than anything they’d seen and she had had to deal with something that only could have been named from Lewis Carrol’s wild imagination. Through it all Frey couldn’t imagine it without Cuff. From the first day he’d been catching her falls, but more so he was mentoring her. Some of her movements had been instinctual, but as tough as she projected she really hadn’t been in that many fights. He was able to tell her what local fauna would be good for each particular ache, he knew an enemies weakness and how to exploit it, and she probably would have died in a cave if it wasn’t for his help navigating the terrain. She couldn’t help but be skeptical, but it was hard to discount all of the help he had provided. He had been here from day one, and she couldn’t help but feel he’d be there until the end. 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Potential - Michael Vokes
Frey was getting better at this, even Cuff had to admit. Silas had been dispatched, Olivia avenged. So why wasn’t she happy? Why did this possessed jewelry's compliments mean so much to her? She moved faster to her goal as an attempt to outrun her thoughts, focusing on the terrain as she vaulted over boulders with a nearly involuntary flourish. She was practically flying, wasn’t this what she always dreamed of? 
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paupersserenade · 1 year
Old Yellow Bricks - Arctic Monkeys
Frey coming from NY - the city that never sleeps. The immediate water and oil reaction they have to each other. The nervous strings leading to fraying and Frey was never good at dealing with stuff like this. It was internal, but now she had someone there with her .She couldn’t help to fight the feeling that something was bringing her down as she tread water. 
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