pcuspy · 1 day
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Ok so let me add my two cents to this and say how it isn't a good reference to Ororo and Scott's dual or history.
To do that I'll also compare McKay's reference in Avengers (2024) #18, which is a just the proliferation of a fanon cliché at best, with Hickman's reference in House of X and Powers of X, which actually understands the context of the source material.
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Storm and Scott's dual in issue #201 of Uncanny X-Men happens in a very specific context that both modern writers and fanon either forgot, don't know or misinterpreted it over time.
I-The necessary context:
Jean grey dies
Scott is deeply hurt by that
Over something like a dozen issues he decided to actually leave the X-Men as he doesn't feel up for it anymore.
The leadership of the team is naturally passed down to Storm that has always acted as a second in command to Scott. He often asked her opinion on plans and she often found last resort solutions when he was backed up against a corner.
On his "hiatus", Scott meets Madelyne Pryor. They fall in love, get married and Maddy is pregnant with a child as we learn when they reappear on the team in the mini: Alpha flight Vs X-Men.
Storm acts as leader of the team but goes through many changes, like losing her powers, which rattles her to her core and gives her some insecurities about her place in the X-Men and as a leader.
An Asgard adventure tells the story of Storm and the new mutants getting kidnapped by Loki.
This emergency makes the rest of the X-Men call Scott back to the team's leadership for a rescue mission.
Madelyne is brought to Westchester to wait for the return of her husband.
After the X-Men's comeback from Asgard, The trial of Magneto is happening in Paris, where they are attacked by evil Mutants. They're immediately teleported to that emergency.
Charles Xavier almost dies, but is at the last minute rescued by the Star Jammers and his love interest Lilandra in order to get emergency care.
Charles is stranded in space, and no X-Men knows if he's even alive
This hurts Cyclops enormously.
During this long absence on the X-Men, Madelyne gives birth to their child, Nathan, alone at xavier's mansion as Scott is gone fulfilling his momentary duty.
After their return, Madelyne feels like this huge absence from Scott and his half frequent comebacks to the team is making her lose him bit by bit.
So, with Charle's status as presumed dead, Scott, very paranoid and depressed, does the only thing he sees fits at the moment. Come back as leader because the team needs him without Charles around. This is Scott's pathetic attempt at regression to familiarity as Charles being dead and him becoming a father is a COMPLETELY new and very scary situation he's not sure to handle.
Becoming a leader again is a delusional idea considering he has pledged his presence and loyalty to his wife and newborn, in ALASKA, and Storm is already leader of the team.
Madelyne, with her insecurity over her husband's presence in their family, begs Storm to challenge him in a duel in order to banish the thought of leadership from Scott's head.
Storm didn't initiate it! She did not challenge Scott because she thinks she's a better leader than him or because she wanted to prove herself or gain the leadership for the first time.
She was ALREADY leader and completely agreed with Madelyne that Scott had to stick to his new family and responsibility as a father and husband.
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Thus, she complies with Madelyne's request and beats Scott in a duel for leadership.
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#201 Uncanny X-Men
He snaps out of his delusional state ( in which he couldn't even bring himself to communicate with Madelyne or be happy about the birth of his kid). He feels completely lost and dejected and comes back to his family. His relationship with Madelyne becomes distant and strained.(This plot continues in X-Factor).
Storm continues being leader of the X-Men and goes through her own hardships and journey for self determination.
So, no. Mackay's vision as this moment in time being "Storm can't go back to being under Scott's leadership because she's better than him or too cool to be a part of an X-Men team she doesn't lead" is utter bullshit.
III-Text, meta and fanon:
This fanon vision of the duel and later history between the characters just further carves the drift between storm and her friends that is already prevalent because of how many writers like to dehumanise Ororo as a character and limit her personal relationships to the X-Men to a maximum.
Her and Scott have a deep friendship built out of mutual respect and their shared grief over Jean's passing.
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God loves, man kills
She doesn't believe that her and Scott "can't go back to getting orders from one another" that's just a misconception....
The truth is, neither one or the other would mind taking orders from each other considering they work insanely well as co-leaders. (As they did during their time on the team as leader and second in command from #94 to Scott leaving the team)
The Meta problem :
The issue, of course, is meta-textual, and shouldn't be baked into the text.
Storm hasn't "outgrown" being on an X-Men team or being submitted to hierarchy. This is just mixing up meta textual and text.
Yes, as a character, Storm deserves to be pushed forward as a leader. It's a spot that suits her and puts her in a very interesting head space. It would be unfortunate for FANS and for the journey of the character to keep her subordinated to other leaders.
HOWEVER this isn't a feeling she has in comics. That just makes her relationship with Scott more bitter when in actuality, there is none of that.
Not to say they both don't enjoy a little fun teasing competition as "who's the best leader?" But it isn't that deep. It's not something they actually querelle about.
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McKay's reference just feeds into the misconceptions about them and it sucks because they love working together! And this vision of their relationship just puts a useless drift between them that would, in the long run, take away their interactions from us.
Hickman's reference though is quite good! Not perfect, but it holds an overall good understanding of that spot in their relationship. (And their friendship in general)
In hoxpox Scott says "Once, I thought I was strong -- a leader of mutants. And then you showed me what strong was."
This line stays up for interpretation. But for me, it's Scott recognising that at that time, because of Jean's death and Charle's presumption of death, he wasn't in the right headspace to be a great X-Men leader. He was still dealing with a lot of codependency of Charles and jean and didn't just yet actually stand on his two feet in a way that wasn't fragile, strained and harmful for HIMSELF.
Meanwhile, Storm had lost her powers! She was going through a very very hard identity crisis. Dealing with imposter syndrome and overall depression. But that didn't completely hinder her leadership like it did Scott. She rained in her problems and handled the team the best she could.
Scott running away from his responsibilities as a father because of how complicated his bond to the team's leadership and members is, wasn't real strength. But Storm dealing with these life changing moments and still holding her ground was strength.
And that duel taught him this lesson. And that's why Hickman's reference is great. Not because Storm is an objectively better leader than Scott or whatnot, but because the two of them learned lessons about personal strength and perseverance from each other.
Storm responding with "I learned it watching you" is the cherry on the cake because she did. To a certain extent, on a tactical aspect, Scott taught her a lot about leading missions and that's undeniable.
Anyways, ted talk done.
Stan Ororo and Scott! The greatest leaders of the X-Men! Don't pit them against each other and leave their friendship feeling odd and distant for no real reasons. They'll never grow over cooperating.
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pcuspy · 1 day
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What X Men Autism does to a motherfucker.
This started as just a joke and then I had to find shitty doodles to draw everyone as.
Also I know no one knows the character in the right hand corner, say hi to my oc Haunter/Serenity everyone :3!!! OC X CANON STRIKES AGAIN.
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pcuspy · 4 days
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Recently got my Huntlow commission from the ever amazing @funneylizzie! It came out looking so good! I opted for two versions, the first based on their notable colors from The Owl House in general, and the second version is more based off of what I would have these two be in my own Ranger AU when comparing them to the characters and personality traits from PR Mystic Force.
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pcuspy · 8 days
How do you do ? I hope to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.🙏🙏
Vetted By Femme intifada on telegram.
This is the link if you would to read our story well 👇👇
Thank you all
please reblog/share/donate!!!!!!
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pcuspy · 13 days
I am so so sorry for being very fucking MIA on here
Thats mainly cause of art block but i must ask cause its very fucking important
Please help out my Wife anyway you can
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pcuspy · 15 days
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Cyclops & the X-Men in Marvel Heroes MMO: Opening Cinematic
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pcuspy · 15 days
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X-Men//Russell Dauterman
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pcuspy · 15 days
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hello, if you would like to make an impact, consider donating to alaa [ @alaakh99 ]. she is a mother of two and is raising money to evacuate her family from gaza. she has been displaced many times and has been affected by hepatitis.
[verification]|[telegram channel for alaa]
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pcuspy · 15 days
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rewatching toh
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pcuspy · 18 days
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pcuspy · 18 days
Reblog to put one of these in your mutuals’ pocket when they’re not looking
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pcuspy · 18 days
Night Party CompaIFTune
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IF's design was based on a girl that I seen on facebook, but the black on black was pretty on character for her
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Compa design was the most complicated and simple at the same time since she didn't have a direct inspiration, but after some research it was easy to find something that fit her.
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Neptune's design was the first one created, being inspired by Kiryu Kazuma's look in Yakuza 0. The intention of this design was for her to look mature and sexy without being ultra feminine or masculine. The sneakers help maintain that Nep Nep vibe in the design.
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pcuspy · 21 days
X-men but foods
I got this idea at like 10 pm yesterday and spent ages drawing them all so have fun(some of the foods make sense, some were just cus they looked cool)
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List if anyones curious:
Logan:Durian(stinky spikey man)
Scott and Jean: Cherries
Remy: Dragonfruit
Rogue: Coconut
Kurt: Blueberry
Jubilee: Pop rocks(specifically bubblegum)
Morph: Yellow pear
Storm: Star fruit
Cable: Mangosteen
Hank: Blue plum
Ft jean and Scott connected
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pcuspy · 21 days
Have you read Champions? I think you'd really like it!
Also I just went through some of your blog and I adore all your Scott Summers art!! You draw him so well (:
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yes, I read champions and it was a very cute read!! I love his friendship with Miss Marvel. It was very cute and I love that adult Scott still cherished their friendship. I am glad you enjoy how I draw him! He is a fun character to draw :)
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pcuspy · 1 month
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i wanted to join that twitter meme
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pcuspy · 1 month
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pcuspy · 1 month
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[All comics in order here]
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