peaceparadise · 3 years
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By Yolo Akili on twitter
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peaceparadise · 3 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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peaceparadise · 3 years
By all means let ur kids dress up however they want, fuck the homophobes who say that letting ur five year old son where a dress is the "gay agenda" or "degeneracy" or whatever, I think it's really healthy to let kids choose how they wanna express themselves
It's not a fucking heartwarming moment omg its super voyeuristic to put your fucking five year old in the position of being exposed to homophobic judgements online it's fucking disgusting why am I seeing videos of someone filming their very young children experimenting with gender expression? Why are you people sharing that? It's using your kid for clout while also exposing them to extremely harsh criticism from bigots, it really is not charming at all.
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peaceparadise · 3 years
There are people out there, dumber than you, with higher paying jobs than you
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peaceparadise · 3 years
The moment you hold your tongue back is the moment you lose the fight.
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peaceparadise · 3 years
Y'all, I graduate in May and I'm wanting to move to Florida but my crush (we'll call him Blake) is staying here. And I want to stay to see him and my family but I also want to leave to find out who I am and not who I try to be for everyone else. So that's my update 😂
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peaceparadise · 3 years
I feel like my life is falling apart and I cant do anything about it. I want to talk to someone about all the things inside my head but I don't know how to explain it. All the people I miss and barely see anymore don't know who I have become. And I'm not sure they'll like the new me. I don't know what to do and I feel like if I talk to someone and open up I'll be vulnerable and they'll leave. I miss my family so much it hurts and makes me ache. I want them to know I'm here but how can I look at them and tell them I'm not who they wanted me to be? I am working on my happiness and it scares me that they might not accept. I cry most nights wanting to see them but how can I? Who do I turn to and how do I talk about all that's going through my head without them turning on me?
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peaceparadise · 3 years
I hate that I miss you and I still love you. I know we were just kids at the time but you still broke me. You broke me and then dated my best friend. I thought I hated you, and so I blocked you. But what I didn't realize was i never got over you. I just distracted me from you. And when I saw you again and looked you in the eyes. I knew, this isn't what i wanted anymore. And i felt so happy, because I know I don't think of you as someone who broke me. But someone who I have always been friends with. I love you, but not how I used to.
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peaceparadise · 3 years
You deserve someone who admires you the way the stars admire the moon
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peaceparadise · 3 years
So I'm good now, almost done with school. I'm not fighting with my mom anymore. And things are going good. All except for my other family members but I try and stay to myself so I don't get caught up in their drama.
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peaceparadise · 4 years
I'm going to be honest, my mom and I had a fight. I was making cereal because I didn't want to my step dad's bad spaghetti. And she yelled at me for it. And then she said, "For now on you eat what we eat, or don't eat at all." And I said "I'm a recovering anorexic, I'm going to eat." And she said "I know but still, you're not going to eat unless you eat what we make." Like guys, I'm almost to my healthy weight and my mom doesn't care that if I don't eat I can easily go back into not eating the calories I need to. And I'm almost willing to see if I do stop eating if she would care at all.
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peaceparadise · 4 years
What is beauty? Is beauty the appearance of someone's face? Or possibly their choice of style that makes them unique? I think the definition of beauty is: the light in someone's eyes when they talk about something they love. Or their smile when something good happens. Even when they zone out and smile to themselves. The little things about someone, is what makes them absolutely beautiful. And the most amazing thing about noticing them, the person doesn't. They are so clueless about all the beautiful things about them. And I find that fascinating, this one person has many beautiful traits and doesn't know. I truly wonder why this person only focuses on the flaws. I question many things, but one of them is always, how someone can be so blind to their own beauty? How can I help show them? Can they see their beauty, but deny it to themselves? I know someone said mean things to this person, and that's why the person says it to themselves. Let me tell you something if you relate to this. You are beautiful, even though you can't see it❤
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peaceparadise · 4 years
It's just I dont get why good people choose bad people to be in relationships with but i dont get why bad people hurt good people like are they that hurt to hurt someone else and why do people get back with their exes like that's dumb they'll just do the same crap they did last time especially if they cheated or listened to rumors about you and why do people criticize people just for their looks like that's not ok at all I hate people who do that and I dont hate easily and why do we look for validation in people who know nothing about us but they say one hurtful thing and we immediately wanna cry or die and it makes us insecure the only person we should look for validation in is ourselves otherwise our lives are not our own and our lives are being controlled by people who don't know anything about where we come from and how we feel or anything at all and I hate how people assume they know everything about you when all they know is the things you told them theres so much they dont know yet they think they know everything about you
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peaceparadise · 4 years
It’s hard, I’m not going to deny it. Sometimes it takes you weeks or months to pluck up the courage to finally put yourself out there. To speak up and give your voice to things that mean something to you. To take matters into your own hands. To finally make a choice and to act on it. But once you've done it, you'll feel relieved. Allow yourself to be proud, even for things others would deem small. Insignificant. Be proud of yourself for making that phone call. For sending that text. For saying "no" for once. Surprise yourself. Who knows, ten seconds of being brave could change your life.
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peaceparadise · 4 years
I’ve learned a lot this year. I learned that things don’t always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think they should. And I’ve learned that there are things that go wrong that don’t always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I’ve learned that some broken things stay broken, and I’ve learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones, as long as you have people who love you.
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peaceparadise · 4 years
People have stories, stories that either created who they are. Or destroyed who they wanted to be. When people have too much pain, it gets ugly. They use sex, drugs, fire, and alcohol. Anything to not feel anymore. Everyone isn't who they seem to be. The happy ones are broken, the broken ones are lost. Not lost from home, but lost from themselves. Sometimes so lost they dye their hair, peirce their bodies, or cut. Anything to find themselves again. Then there are the people who use people for a temporary happiness. They do this because hurt people, hurt people. They don't mean to, they just want the pain to go away. People will use anything to not feel pain. Then there's the ones that write,draw, paint, sing, or play an instrument to let everything that's hurting go. We have to choose who we are, not the situation we are facing. We can't let the opinions of others control the life we live. Otherwise our lives are not our own. And that's a life wasted. Be you, and nothing less. Be angelic.
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peaceparadise · 4 years
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I can’t believe they oblitered straight men like that
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