peroty · 5 months
Slow Vacation
As an experiment, I did a vacation recently where I went somewhere warm with bodies of water and did basically nothing but read books by those bodies of water the whole time. I know many people had figured out this kind of vacation long ago, but it was my first time, and I can report that it ruled. Try it if you haven’t. Maybe you don’t like reading and it’s an all-video-games vacation. You do…
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peroty · 7 months
Have you ever pet a pig?
My wife was taking to her sister today and she was recently in the Bahamas and went somewhere with pigs. That swim. Or something. My wife said, “I am not sure if I’ve ever let a pig before.” And without missing a beat I said, “You must have pet a pig at some point in your life.” And she said No… I don’t think I ever have. Some days I forget she grew up in a city and not on a farm where pigs…
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peroty · 8 months
“Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the ‘creative bug’ is just a wee voice telling you, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please.” — Hugh MacLeod
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peroty · 9 months
Flashers Exist
I left my house tonight to grab a few things from the grocery store. As I drove down the road, I saw a car blocking the end of the street at a busy intersection. I thought they had broken down as they were pulled just out of the intersection but blocking the lane as there were cars parked along either side of it. No lights were on outside nor inside the car. No lights on and no flashers going.As…
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peroty · 10 months
On Thanksgiving, I commend you
For all of you who have to go to Thanksgiving day, I commend you. For all of you who have to deal with family who don’t raise you up and celebrate you for who you are and what you’ve done, I commend you. For all of you who wake up in the morning filled with dread, whether you’re getting into a car getting on a plane or simply opening your bedroom door and traversing the stairs into the din of…
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peroty · 10 months
Lips & Pencil Tips
Thoughts disentangle themselves through lips and pencil tips. — [Journaling & Focus – Focused podcast](https://pca.st/tb3e61n9#t=3562.0) One of the most eloquent way I’ve heard “get thoughts out of your head” stated.
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peroty · 10 months
It *should* just work
Steam Deck OLED review: better, not faster – The Verge Still not a stable platform for the “it should just work” crowd I was interested in the Steam Deck but this is precisely why I prefer console gaming after playing on PC in the 90s and earlier 2000s. I compute for work. I want to play games, not troubleshoot them.
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peroty · 1 year
[They taught a monkey to play "Minecraft"](https://www.garbageday.email/p/they-taught-a-monkey-to-play-minecraft)
Twitter has actually become a morbidly fascinating case study in what a social network looks like in an environment of pure, unfettered capitalism. At a certain point, apparently, the whole thing just devolves into a series of micropayments and stock photos. Weren’t NFTs stock photos and micropayments?
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peroty · 1 year
[They taught a monkey to play "Minecraft"](https://www.garbageday.email/p/they-taught-a-monkey-to-play-minecraft)
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peroty · 1 year
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peroty · 1 year
Testing Wordpress!
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peroty · 1 year
Testing Wordpress!
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peroty · 1 year
Don’t start a new thing
Find a way to put the new thing inside the thing you’re already doing. Don’t make a new thing. Don’t split attention.– Analogue: The Fast and the Curious I’m paraphrasing Myke above.This is advice I need to hear again and again. I continue to want to make new things then split my efforts between the new thing and the current thing. Then I get confused where I should post what so I just… never…
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peroty · 1 year
Digital Social Distancing
Digital Social Distancing: the act of distancing yourself from others on social networks — by unfollowing, muting, etc. — with the goal of preventing anger from infecting your mental health. Digital Social Distancing Good advice for every social network. Just because you agree to follow someone doesn’t mean you agree to everything they share. Disabling boosts and retweets are often the first…
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peroty · 1 year
Have we forgotten what games are for?
Game definition 1. an amusement or pastime: children’s games. 2. a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators. I love to play video games. I have spent many, many late hours rolling about the streets of Saints Row, leaping to my death in Crackdown…
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peroty · 1 year
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Loved seeing the multigenerational movie goers. Mothers and daughters and grandmothers all Decked out in pink and reveling in sharing in a part of their life that transcended decades. 
Loved the acting and musical numbers. The plastic doll movements. Loved the songwriting. 
This is a movie I want to watch over and over because it feels like something that only get better with each rewatching as you catch a subtext or a movie reference or a song lyric.
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peroty · 1 year
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Great Gerwig said watch it for Barbie prep so here I am.
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