pesterthecanid · 8 years
{{ I have not forgotten about this blog! Life's just been so hectic that my motivation to work on this blog has plummeted, it also doesn't help that despite how short lived the character is, I can't seem to bond with her? Or rather, her current story I had in mind. I'll probably revamp her before continuing on with the blog. I look forward to interacting with you guys soon! }}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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{{ I propose that we draw anons as medjed from now on. }}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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"Oh, thank you..there's a reason for my appearance actu-"
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"Gkh-! You seem rather excitable. You flatter me, but I'm actually not that gifted in terms of psychic abilities, the lack of said ability shows through my appearance. As you can see, I've got short ear tufts, my tail lacks a red tip and I don't have my own wand. A braixen's body matures through psychic abilities as they hone it, I was never able to do that so that left my body 'stunted'."
{ @askgothitelle @crescent-creature @that-gentleman-over-there }
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
{{ I've been neglecting this blog for quite a while due to lack of inspiration which is annoying as I recently opened it. I want to continue to answer the asks but I might only respond with b/w sketches, I'm sorry if that seems lazy of me. I hope that none of you mind, thank you for all the questions and interest; I really do appreciate it. }}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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{{ I didn’t want to answer anymore asks until I had a reference for Beirut, it’ll be on her about page with more information later. }}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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{{ Here are some doodles, the second jolteon belongs to a pal of mine. Some of these are REALLY old, so..please excuse the quality. }}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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“Pleased to meet you!”
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
Send a symbol to hear my muse talk about their
◌ Mother/Father
⌘ Guardian
▶ Sibling(s)
▣ Relatives
🔲 Best Friend
❥ Crush
◉ Dream(s)
◖ Ideal Partner
¡ Pet Peeves
☰ Occupation
✯ Perfect day
☂ Preferred weather
☢ Personality Flaw(s)
☑ A Favorite (book/movie/song/etc.)
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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A-ah..goodness, I rambled on about nana again. I'm sorry everyone, I get a little excited when it comes to this subject..
Basically, my job is to mainly assist nana Haidah with her work, she's a chemist and horticulturist as I've mentioned before. We grow food, make potions amongst other things for the pokemon of this district, it's not strange though to have customers/patients outside of the district though!
It's actually thanks to her that I'm even here talking to you all, I admire that woman quite a lot, heh..hopefully you might get to even meet her soon!
{ @askcherrytown & @murkbone }
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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I hope the chart helped you and people who feel the need to touch me in the future.
{ @ass-wolf }
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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"Uh..hello there, I've never seen you around this area before. I'd offer to show you around but my break is almost over, you can ask me anything you need or would like to know though in the meantime."
{Beirut is open for asks.}
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pesterthecanid · 8 years
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{{ Excuse the messiness! the main purpose for this blog is to help me draw more and I find braixen easy to doodle so I just..figured I'd combine the two into a mini project where I'll get to do what I enjoy and also interact with folks! Beirut is still very much in progress though so I'll work on an about page once I have enough information on her. Let's start! I'm excited to mingle with everyone. }}
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