||Starter call~ Like for one, and I’ll get to it soon. I owe some greeters and replies too, those’ll be done soon as well.||
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reblog this post if your muse is a serial killer, murderer, psychopath, etc.
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Send (ง’̀-‘́)ง to punch my muse and see how they react.
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Originally posted by ignitetheliight
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Diary 10/12/15
Today I thought about my parents. 
For a few moments, I wondered if things would be different if I had been different. I don’t think they would’ve changed much.
If I had grown up normally, if I didn’t have Jess and my...hobbies, would I still be as  cynical? Could you imagine if I was some sort of preppy girl, with blonde locks and blue eyes? What if I trusted people, had relationships.
What if I was married?
Ew. Gross. 
I’ve seen what human interaction and ‘affection’ is like. It’s disgusting. 
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If you expected anything other than vague posts and self loathing you’ve come to the wrong place.
I’m April.
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||Gdi. I’m making icons for April...and I just noticed the way I make them is over done. Oh well. ||
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Being social is over rated, in my opinion.
Yet...here I am.
Funny how that works. 
I’d say it was nice to meet you, but I don’t like to make assumptions about peoples personalities. You could be a complete and utter douchebag....we’d probably get along better then. Honestly. 
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Well. Another one of you. I’m not used to any sort of social interaction, but I suppose I should offer some sort of greeting.
Hello. I’m April.
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Well. Another one of you. I’m not used to any sort of social interaction, but I suppose I should offer some sort of greeting.
Hello. I’m April.
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Diary- 9/25/15
It’s been...I don’t even think I remember how long---
It’s been days, April. 
I’ve gotten so distracted, there hasn't been much time to write down my thoughts. I’ve found that the longer I go without getting them out, the more my mind eats at me. 
Jess...well, Jess has been in control for most of the time I’ve been gone. To my surprise, it’s been okay. She’s cleaned up after herself, stored the meat in the freezer like I asked her to. She’s even fed the dogs. 
I’m slightly proud.
Though, I’m sure things’ll go back to normal. 
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“I suppose. I do enjoy sweets…though I rarely ever receive them now that I’ve left childhood behind.”
“It’s not often that I get them myself, they’re not really in my ‘budget’.”
“Holidays are pretty stupid in general. Though I do enjoy Halloween to some extent. Free candy is always a plus.”
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365 Showtunes DAY 294: NEXT TO NORMAL - I’m Alive
You spent all day looking at pictures of him care of my dashboard, so tonight’s song should come as no surprise.
Happy birthday, Aaron Tveit! 
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Someone broke all the lights in the warehouse, save for the ones in the workroom. I know it was her. I guess I'm not staying here tonight, it gets entirely too dark once the sun goes down. Hm...I can't get into a shelter at this hour, but the lights in the park stay on all night. I haven't slept on a bench in so long, this is going to suck.
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"your opinion on ______"
can be a blog, a trend, a meme, an object, a person.
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Diary 9/9/15
Well. The work room is clean, I’ve spent most of the last few days scrubbing it from top to bottom. 
At least is smells like bleach and not rotting meat now. 
Jess has appointments tonight, I’m dreading the backlash....The thought of what she does with those men makes me sick to my stomach. It’s disgusting. 
Their skin on hers...on ours. That’s the least of my worries. I know that much more than skin on skin contact will be going on. 
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This song though. 
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