phanbelina · 6 years
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Reblog in 20 seconds or this spider will appear in your bed tonight
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phanbelina · 6 years
hey hey, if anyone still follows me on here, I’ve decided to become more active on twitter, like you can stay up to date on fics I’m uploading and stuff :)
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phanbelina · 6 years
Hi. I wrote a thing check it out if you want. It’s pretty much just smut so enjoy!
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phanbelina · 6 years
It’s one thing for phil to call dan a “rat,” but i feel like calling him a “woodlouse” is just taking things too far
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phanbelina · 6 years
Basically it’s just my interpretation of their story but as if it was happening now, no one asked but it’s happening anyway
So I’ve just started writing a modern day Phan fiction about their meeting and I am obsessed with writing it
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phanbelina · 6 years
So I’ve just started writing a modern day Phan fiction about their meeting and I am obsessed with writing it
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phanbelina · 7 years
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I’m literally the last person to draw a Hogwarts AU but here ya go anyway. @danielhowell @amazingphil
ps. its transparent!
Eyy check out my other art?
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phanbelina · 7 years
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dan lost his voice so we’re playing charades
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phanbelina · 7 years
Phil saying Dan has a sexy voice. WHat a fucking time to be alive
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phanbelina · 7 years
hi i really like the prompt for "is that my shirt" if you have the time thanks in advance
Hope this is okay, typed it quickly this afternoon between Uni work!
Send in your prompts [x]
“Fucking FUCK” Dan screeched as he died duringthe middle of a particularly hard level of Crash Bandicoot. Throwing thecontroller roughly onto the floor he flopped back against the headboard of Phil’sbed “I fucking hate this game!”
Phil was sat next to him on the bed, hislaptop open, slowly in the process of editing a video. He smirked slightly tohimself at Dan’s tantrum but carried on clicking away not paying much attentionto Dan. The afternoon had mostly been spent like that. Phil had promised hisviewers that his video would be up later that evening so needed to make sureall the finishing touches were in place, while Dan had decided he would try andcomplete the original version of Crash on Phil’s PlayStation.
“I’m nearly done with this and then we’lldo something” Phil said grinning at Dan.
“That’s if this game hasn’t sent me completelycrazy by then” Dan muttered.
“No one told you to play it, Dan” Phillaughed as Dan’s lips pulled themselves into a pout.
“What are we going to do when you’ve donethat” Dan asked ignoring Phil’s comment and instead shuffling closer to Phil onthe bed, his voice had dropped a few octaves and he lightly rubbed his footagainst Phil’s.
“Stop trying to distract me Howell!”
Dan sighed and scooted away to the edge ofthe bed so he could retrieve the controller he dropped earlier.
“Phil Lester, is that my shirt?!” Danexclaimed. He had just poked his head under the bed slightly and out of thecorner of his eye saw a familiar looking t-shirt scrunched up right in thecorner. Dan grabbed it and sat up looking at Phil whose cheeks had slightly reddened.“I wondered where this had gone!”
“You left it here the last time you came tostay” Phil muttered clearly embarrassed “I was wearing it as a pyjama top,because it just smelt like you. But then after a bit it just started to smelllike me. I forgot about it to be honest” Phil smiled weakly, praying that Dan wasn’tgoing to think of him as some crazy stalker.
 “Who knew you were so cute,” Dan smiled droppingthe shirt back onto the floor “here you can have this one instead” he pulledthe t-shirt he was wearing off and over his head, throwing it towards Phil, whocaught it with one hand, closing his laptop with the other.
 “Well I guess I’m well and truly distractednow” Phil grinned as his eyes roamed over Dan’s now naked torso.
“Perfect” Grinned Dan leaning in to kiss him.
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phanbelina · 7 years
Holy fucking crap oh my gosh this is the content I didn’t realise I needed in my life
Dan, after he hasn’t seen Phil in like a week:
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phanbelina · 7 years
Not to be nsfw but I feel like that live show ended cus they legit wanted to fuck the living daylights out of each other
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phanbelina · 7 years
I love third wheeling Dan and Phil
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phanbelina · 7 years
Does it ever just hit you full force in the face that Dan and Phil are probably, right at this moment, snuggled up together on the couch, blanket covering them, watching some trashy anime together. 
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phanbelina · 7 years
'You look really tired' or 'youre a terrible cook' THANKS
Based off ‘You’re a terrible cook’. 
Send in your prompts [x]
Dan’s hair was sticking out at all kinds of crazy angles. Thesteam from the saucepan was rising directly into his face, turning it a lovelyshade of light red as his skin reacted against the steam, but never-the-less hestirred the pot furiously, determined that the food was not going to burn to thebottom this time.
“Fuck” Dan cursed as he stirred a bit too enthusiasticallyand a spoonful of sauce came spewing over the edge of the pan, covering thesurface of the hob. While still stirring with one hand, he leant across the cabinettrying to grab the kitchen roll with the other. He only succeeding in knockingit further out of his reach “Shitting fuck” he muttered under his breath.
“This what you were after” Phil suddenly appeared handingDan the kitchen roll.
“Thanks” Dan grinned sheepishly “Carry on stirring while I cleanup this spillage, would you?” he handed Phil the spoon who dutifully startedstirring. Dan cleaned the surface and took back the spoon from Phil who jumpedup to sit atop the counter.
“So, what are you actually making Dan, aside from a completemess of my kitchen?” Phil asked smiling as he watched Dan get more and moreflustered, his hair was getting more and more hobbit like as the seconds passedby.
“Spag-bol, obviously” Dan replied glancing at the recipe, swearingagain this time under his breath, as he realised he’d forgotten to add thestock. Maybe that wouldn’t matter “Try this” Dan offered Phil a small amountoff the spoon. Phil grimaced at the contents, it didn’t look too appetising, helicked a small amount off and pulled a face, making a small noise of disgust.
“It tastes like mushed tomatoes” Phil muttered moving topour himself a glass of Ribena.
“Come on it can’t be that bad, I only forgot one thing!” Danmoaned. He bought the spoon to his own mouth and ate the remainder, pulling theexact same face of disgust that Phil had “Shit” he threw the spoon into the panand turned off the hob pouting slightly. He had just wanted to do somethingnice for Phil, Phil who had been ridiculously accommodating of Dan since he hadmoved to Manchester University. Dan who didn’t have any way of repaying Philfor all he had done for him had just wanted to make him a simple meal to saythank you.
“You’re a terrible cook, Dan” Phil laughed causing Dan topout even more “You should see yourself in the mirror you look absolutely ridiculous”
“Piss off Phil” but Dan couldn’t help but smile at the way Phil’seyes crinkled as he laughed
“Come on, lets order takeout”
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phanbelina · 7 years
the prompt thing? "You always this quiet?"
Finally got round to this with some 2009 Phan feels !
“I made you a bed up” Phil says gesturing to the makeshiftbed at the side of the room, Dan is standing awkwardly in the doorway, heglances at the sofa-bed and nods in acknowledgement. Dropping his bag in thecorner of the room he moves over and sits awkwardly on the edge of the bed.
“So, what do you want to do first?” Phil asks.
Dan shrugs.
“Well, we can explore Manchester a bit, head to the cinema,film a video it’s up to you”.
“I don’t mind” Dan replies, his stomach is knotting up, he’sbeginning to think that the whole trip had just been a mistake, now he was herewith Phil in person, he couldn’t understand why on earth someone like Philwould want to spend any time with someone like himself. Their skype calls wereperfect and wonderful and made Dan feel all sorts of things inside, so had seeingPhil at the train station. But then the sudden realisation that he was real wasjust a little overwhelming. He knew Phil wouldn’t think any different of him inperson but he couldn’t shake the idea from his head that Phil would be bored ofhim soon.
“You’re the guest, it’s up to you Dan” Phil could seesomething was wrong with Dan, only he had no idea what he could do about it, hewas trying to be confident, trying to make Dan feel at ease. The thing was, hewasn’t at ease himself. He was worrying. Worrying that Dan was being quietbecause he had realised that Phil wasn’t the same in person. Worrying that hewasn’t good enough for him. Worrying that he couldn’t keep him happy while he wasthere. His stomach dropped as he thought how he would feel if Dan just left, ifjust decided he didn’t want to stay the weekend.
“Anything” Dan shrugged again he didn’t mean to seem sodisinterested but the reality of the situation had just seemed to hit him fullforce.
“You always this quiet?” Phil asks, a slight lopsided grinplaying on his face trying to make light of the situation.
Dan looked up, a coy smile playing on his own lips, theireyes met and Dan realised that he was worrying about nothing. Phil was Phil nomatter where they were, be it through a screen or five feet apart.
“Well actually I know you’re not always this quiet I thinkour countless hours on skype prove that” Phil sat down next to down on his bed,lounging back against the pillows and putting his hands behind his head.
“That’s true, though that first one was a little awkward tostart with” Dan laughed as he remembered how they both just sat in silence fora good ten minutes, neither of them having any idea what to say to the other.They got over it though and once they had got used to each other theconversation flowed effortlessly, seeing each other in person would be nodifferent.
“Come on” Said Dan standing up and grabbing his wallet outof his rucksack “Someone once told me there was a pretty cool Apple store in Manchesterthat I’d love to check out”
“Awesome” Phil grinned
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phanbelina · 7 years
so dan went to phil’s apartment to do laundry
remember in friends when chandler and monica used to use “doing laundry” as an excuse to secretly have sex
idk it’s just interesting
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