phinalphantasy7 · 2 years
What a sweet fic and a lovely gift!
Looking After You
Summary: A few weeks before he’s due to go on tour, Dan gets sick. Luckily, his boyfriend is there to help make him feel better, even when Dan doesn’t make it easy for him.
Word Count: 1,505
A/N: This was written for the @phandomgiftexchange, and was written for @phinalphantasy7! A short and sweet sickfic, so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! I also haven’t written a fic for the phandom in quite a few months so I apologize if I’m a little rusty.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40188441
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phinalphantasy7 · 2 years
coast to coast
Dan is on tour and doesn't check his phone.
Pairing: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Rating: general
Warnings: none
Genre: tour fic
Word count: 1500
A/N:  Written for @phandomgiftexchange as a gift for @ttlmt.  I hope you enjoy this tour fic set in one of my favourite towns in America!
Read on ao3
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phinalphantasy7 · 2 years
Muscle Memory
A gift for @possumdnp for the Summer ‘22 @phandomgiftexchange 
I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
Summary: 5 times Dan and Phil found the right words and 1 time they didn’t have to
Rating: T
Length: 2k
Beta by @phinalphantasy7 (thank you so much for everything! You were actually my first beta and I was nervous but you were super nice and direct and genuinely helpful xx)
***Autumn 2009 —Train to Manchester***
Dan looked out the window at the moving landscape beside him. His headphones were in so that nobody would talk to him, but there was no music playing. He had too many thoughts in his head to let lyrics in as well. How could it be that he’d never actually been close enough to Phil to speak to him without an internet connection but his palms still itched, wanting to reach out and grab his hand, almost as if the muscle memory was already there. 
He looked at the time on his phone and messaged Phil once again: “nearly there, maybe 5 minutes”.
Dan began to worry, what if the whole time none of this had been real and nobody would meet him on that platform? 
Less than a minute passed before he got a response: “I’ll be waiting XD”.
Dan felt his stomach twinge and he couldn’t stop himself from smiling despite the nerves. 
The two boys were back at Phil’s. After the adrenaline had worn off from their initial meeting (a rush of limbs and hair and giggles colliding), the air had settled into a quiet comfort around them. Dan stared at Phil while he detailed his plans for their visit. His brown eyes kept flicking down to Phil’s hand, posed perfectly on the cushion between them, practically asking to be held. Taking a secret deep breath Dan reached out and interlocked their fingers.
Phil stopped talking for a fraction of a second before squeezing Dan’s hand and continuing. It was just as Dan had pictured, except a little more sweaty, and actually this angle wasn’t very comfortable, and oh god maybe their hands just didn’t fit together the right way. Dan quickly pulled his hand back to his lap and looked away. This time Phil did stop the conversation.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Dan mumbled, still refusing to meet Phil’s bright eyes.
Phil pulled his knees to his chest and gave Dan some space. “Okay.. well, you know you can talk to me, right?”
Dan didn’t respond. 
Phil tried again. “You tell me everything on Skype. It’s no different now.” And then after a moment, “We don’t have to hold hands if you don’t want.” 
Dan looked up then. Holding hands was the only thing he’s wanted for weeks now.
“That’s not it!”
Phil smiled, relieved. “Then tell me. Kind of hard to have a relationship if you don’t talk to me.”
Dan blushed at the direct ambiguity of the word relationship in this context. His stomach twinged again and he let it push him into boldness.
“Sorry, I just.. It’s stupid but I thought when I held your hand it would feel so natural and perfect and like we were, I don’t know, meant to be together or something. I know that’s bullshit. Especially since it’s actually really sweaty and uncomfortable.”
Phil giggled and Dan shoved him. “Don’t laugh, I told you it was stupid.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid, Dan. I think it’s adorable. Come here.”
Phil moved across the couch to sit right next to Dan. He took the younger boy’s hand and this time, intertwined their arms as well, upper bodies pressed against each other.
“There, how’s that feel?”
Dan, bright red now and whole body filled with butterflies, sank into the touch and buried his head into Phil’s shoulder. 
“See?” Phil said, softer now. “We are meant to be together, we just needed to be a bit closer.”
Dan barely breathed his response, scared to break the moment apart even with his own voice. “I want to be close to you always.”
“Me too. You have to talk to me though. Tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.. Or at least hold you.”
***Summer 2011— the Manchester apartment***
Dan walked into the kitchen to find Phil, unsurprisingly, with his hand in a cereal box.
Phil jumped, caught in the act.
“You mean to tell me that I’ve been unloading our last box of stuff into the living room and you’ve just been in here eating?”
“Our last box? Really?”
Dan let a smile spread across his face. “Yup, the very last one. We are officially moved in.”
Phil set his snack on the counter and reached out to double high-five Dan.
“You know what this means?” Phil asked.
“That we are solely responsible for all of our bills and food and there is no going back now?”
Phil laughed. “I was going to say we can play all the video games we want and no one can judge us, but that too I guess.”
Dan’s laugh was a bit more strained. “Oh yeah, that too.”
Phil rolled his eyes. “Stop panicking, Dan. This is a good thing!”
“I’m not panicking! I’m excited!”
Phil just gave him a look.
“Okay, maybe I’m panicking. But I’m also excited, okay. I contain multitudes.”
“Excited-Panic? Exci-dic?”
Dan laughed hard. “We can NOT call it that!”
“That sounds like a disease.”
“Well it’s the best we got. How do we fix being panicited?”
Phil grinned. “I’ll grab the controllers.”
***Spring 2015 — Japan***
Phil’s heart was racing. In theory everything was planned out, but he knew a million things could go wrong. What if the cherry blossoms weren’t blooming exactly right? What if a fan recognized them and ruined the moment? What if all the words he had so carefully planned weren’t enough and Dan was even more overwhelmed than he was and this would never work? What if giant robot aliens came down from the sky and started shooting laser beams at everyone???
Dan laughed, bringing Phil from his thought spiral.
“You okay mate? You look like you’re about to pass out.” 
Dan said this jokingly, but Phil could hear the worry behind it. He opened his mouth to explain, but was stopped in his tracks as they rounded the corner by the sight of cherry blossoms. He grabbed Dan’s hand and ran forward into the sea of pink petals.
Dan followed in awe. “They’re even more beautiful in person.”
The wind blew and petals fell from the trees all around them. Phil watched as Dan’s eyes lit up and suddenly none of his planned words mattered. He only needed two. 
“Marry me.”
Dan’s eyes met Phil’s and held his gaze for a moment without answering.
Imagined responses flooded Phil’s brain: ‘What, now?’ or ‘But the institution of marriage is an inherently flawed system’ or ‘Hah, how much did you drink at that karaoke bar?’
But Dan didn’t say any of that. Instead his soft brown eyes became glossy with tears yet to make their way to his cheeks. 
“Are you going to answer?” Phil asked timidly. 
Dan shushed him. “This moment is all I’ve ever wanted. Let me enjoy it.”
“Is that a yes?” Phil laughed, though he was still a bit irrationally nervous.
Dan couldn’t contain himself any longer. He reached out and pulled his fiancé into a bone-crushing hug.
“Of course it is!”
***Winter 2017 — London Press Junket for Interactive Introverts***
“Can the two of you tell us a bit more about what makes this show so special?”
The reporter spoke politely enough, but the question took Dan aback. What makes it special? Of course there were the normal answers she was looking for, the answers Phil was thankfully giving her without missing a beat: a chance to meet the fans, comedy and musical spectacular, book signing, unique merchandise, etc. But the truth was it was so much more meaningful than that.
Dan spoke suddenly, possibly interrupting Phil in the process, he wasn’t sure.
“It makes it all real. This whole world that me and Phil and the subscribers have created together is a real and tangible thing. This show is proof that we didn’t just make it up, the people out there aren’t just screen names, and the first tour we did wasn’t a fluke. We are a whole-ass community out here creating together and nobody can take that from us.”
Dan looked over to Phil for reassurance and saw that he was smiling back. 
Good, Phil said with his eyes, that was good. I’m proud of you.
Dan exhaled and continued the interview. Just a few more hours to go. 
***Summer 2019 — London apartment***
Phil jumped up from the couch. He could tell from Dan’s voice that something was wrong, and today was the day after all. Running into Dan’s bedroom, Phil was met with Dan’s eyes the widest they had ever been. Dan was about 0.3 seconds from hyperventilating. 
Phil rushed to his side. “What is it? Dan, talk to me.”
“I hit publish.”
“You what?!” Phil jumped back. “We were supposed to do it together, for moral support!”
“I know, but I was scared I wouldn’t do it and you always enable me to wait until it feels right and what if it never feels right??”
“You published a coming out video without waiting until it felt right??”
“You aren’t helping, Phil!”
Phil finally recognized the hysteria in both of their voices and began to laugh at how ridiculous they were being. 
Phil smiled and pulled Dan close. “It’s okay, love, it’s going to be okay.”
Immediately Dan’s breathing began to even out, but his body was still tense. Phil ran his fingers through his partner’s curly hair.
“Talk to me Dan, what are you feeling?”
“I think I’ve talked about my feelings enough for one month, don’t you think?”
Phil chuckled. “I suppose so. Then tell me what you need.”
Dan thought for a moment, snuggling closer into Phil, then suddenly sat up and raised a mischievous eyebrow. “A distraction.”
Dan leaned in and kissed Phil roughly. Phil’s stomach filled with butterflies even still, but he pulled away, gently holding Dan at arm’s length.
“Okay, but I just want to tell you how proud I am of you. And I know everybody is going to be supportive, but even if they weren’t I would still love you. And I know that would be enough because when you love me it’s enough.”
Dan stopped what he was doing to roll his eyes. “Only you could be so annoying and endearing at the same time.”
“Sorry,” Phil grinned.
Dan’s face softened. “No, you’re perfect, that was perfect, thank you. Now kiss me back, damn it!” 
“Yes sir,” Phil responded cheekily and pulled Dan’s lips back to his own. 
***Winter 2022 — home-owning homosexuals***
“Really, Phil? Another slice? We’ve only just said goodbye to your family and you’ve already gone back for another?”
“Hey! It’s my birthday! I’ll eat the whole thing if I want.”
Dan laughed. “Alright, go on then. Don’t let me stop you.”
Phil gladly took another bite as Dan served himself a slice as well. They munched in quiet for a couple moments until Phil suddenly felt something cold splat across his face. Dan had flung a glob of icing at him and was now doubled over laughing. Phil did not take time to think things through. Instead he grabbed a fistfull of cake directly from the tray and threw it at Dan. Chaos had officially erupted. The entire fight was a blur, and lasted not nearly as long as it seemed. Within seconds the entire cake was spread across the kitchen and both of the men who were now slumped over on the floor against the cabinets, catching their breath.
They glanced over at each other and made eye contact just as they both happened to be licking icing off their own faces. This discovery sent them into another fit of giggles. 
Eventually Dan made his way over to Phil. He wanted to tell him how proud he was of everything Phil had accomplished, and how much it meant to him to be sitting on the floor of their forever home with the man of his dreams, and how improbable it was that they would even find each other in the first place, and how even though he absolutely didn’t believe in the supernatural, Phil gave him proof, not just evidence, but proof that soulmates really do exist and how unfair it was that he, a person who never wanted to believe in soulmates, had actually found his and so early in life at that, but just because it was unfair didn’t mean he would trade it for the world and oh look, now it’s Phil’s birthday and Dan’s making it all about himself again but Phil doesn’t mind and he knows that because they know absolutely everything about each other. In fact, Phil knew all of that already, because he felt much the same and because Dan had said it to him a million times before. 
So instead, still sitting on the kitchen floor, Dan leaned over against Phil and held his hand. Even through the stickiness of the icing and the soreness of their limbs, their hands fit together with ease, like muscle memory.
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phinalphantasy7 · 3 years
2021 Dan and Phil Survey Results
We received a total of 3,360 responses to this year’s survey. Thank you to everyone who participated! Due to the length of the results, rather than posting it all into one post, we are separately publishing each section in a Google Document and linking to them from here.
Section 1: Channel Questions
Section 2: Preferences
Section 3: Video Preferences
Section 4: Phan
Section 5: The Phandom
Section 6: Social Media
Section 7: Interactions with Dan and Phil
Section 8: Dan and Phil Products
Section 9: Survey User Demographics
Requests for additional analysis of this year’s survey results can be submitted here.
Results from past surveys: 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019
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phinalphantasy7 · 3 years
The TRC Big Bang is proud to introduce TEAM 35
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Depending on where you began the story, it was about billywixxan   Artist ❦ @billywixxan​ • Billywixxan on AO3 • technobabbl on Insta How did you come up with the idea for this project?
Adam strikes me as someone that can do magic, but doesn’t believe in it. Gansey is a guy that believes in magic, but cannot do it. Throw in the theatrics of the 1920s and tadaa! You’ve got the concept.
Depending on where you began the story, it was about daleyposts Writer ❦ @daleyposts​ Why did you join this project? What are you looking forward to creating?
I fell in love with the art, with the idea of Adam and Gansey in the 1920’s, of discovery and adventure, of mystery and magic - both real and simple sleight of hand. Exploring the world that was created by this lovely art and getting to write about its magic has been such a thrill that I’m so happy to be able to get to do. One concept I’ve been especially excited about is the underlying story within the story. Where the larger story is the mystery surrounding magic, while the story within is about Adam and Gansey sharing knowledge and learning each other’s secrets and how it makes them grow as people while also helping them come together. Also, writing Adansey is always just good fun!
Depending on where you began the story, it was about phinalphantasy7 Beta Reader ❦ @phinalphantasy7​ What drove you to joining this team?
After spending a lot of time writing/beta'ing in another fandom, I wanted to jump into the TRC fandom.  I love the story and art my team are creating, and I’m having fun offering beta suggestions!
Please enjoy a sneak preview of Team 35’s work!
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phinalphantasy7 · 3 years
Dan and Phil Survey 2021 in here!
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The survey is now out, find it here! It will be open from today, April 2nd to Friday, May 14th. Please note the form is run via Google Forms and you will need to sign in to complete the survey - this is to help ensure it is only taken once. No information will be collected from your account.
Since 2015, we have been running the Dan and Phil Survey to find out more about the phandom, and this is the fifth time we have done this. We have had a truly overwhelming number of responses over the years - over 60,000 responses between the four previous surveys combined!! And now we’re back to dive into our amazing community again and get an idea of who we are, and how it’s changed since 2015. The survey is for everyone who considers themself a fan of Dan and Phil - whether you’ve been here since Day 1, have a room covered in their merch, or just watch them casually, we want to hear from you!
Once the survey is closed, the results will be posted sometime in summer 2021 - follow this blog as we will be posting all the results here.
You can find us on twitter at @danphilsurvey, instagram at @DanandPhilSURVEY, and tiktok at @danandphilsurvey.
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phinalphantasy7 · 3 years
I had so much fun beta’ing this! <3
Under The Midnight Sun
Chapters 1 and 2
Summary: Every night in London, a midnight circus pops up under the ringmaster Phil Lester’s command. Many of the performers are runaways, looking for a new start at life. One of them is Daniel Howell, a young man who is looking for a new excitement to his life. But slowly, the secrets of the midnight circus and Phil Lester became shown and Dan realizes that he may be in a situation he’ll never be able to get out of.
Warnings: blood, death (not main character), fantasy themes, violence, sexual content, swearing, explicit content, circus au, grim reapers
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 50k in total: two chapters each day for a total of 15 chapters
***READ ON AO3***
Written for the @oldschoolpbb with help from my beta’s @thoughtathought and phinalphantasy7 (lilactreesinwinter) on Ao3! You should check them out because they’re both fantastic! Also special thanks to K ( @filisaceaf) and Yani ( @jorzuela), the whole discord let’s be real lol, and Alex ( @upintwenty) because you guys got to hear my pain the entire time I was writing this! Also please check out the amazing art @candanandphilnot did because Cal did an amazing job and I’m so happy with how the art turned out! I’ll reblog the art later!
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phinalphantasy7 · 4 years
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my artwork for the @phandomreversebang !! it’s a stranger things phan au. i will add the fic links along with the authors and betas onto this post as soon as they are posted :)
here are the fics:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Nightmare by the incredible @succubusphan, and betaed by @thoughtathought and @artlessdynamite !!
Lost (And Found) by the amazing @dxnhowell, and betaed by @phinalphantasy7 !!
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phinalphantasy7 · 4 years
Lost (And Found)
Summary: PJ suddenly goes missing, and while Phil, Chris and Louise are out looking for him, they happen upon a boy who seems to be troubled. Phil just wants to help, and vows to protect the boy from the bad people who hurt him.
Genre: AU (Stranger Things crossover)
Word Count: 5,086
Trigger Warnings: swearing (they’re kids so), bullying, threats of violence, minor injuries
Author: @dxnhowell Beta: @phinalphantasy7 (lilactreesinwinter on ao3) Artist: @softphiily (link to the artwork!)
This is my fic for @phandomreversebang! 
Also, a quick little thank you to my artist and beta for being so patient while I wrote the fic and didn’t finish it until the last second. I got very busy with work irl but I was determined to finish this fic so I’d also like to apologize in advanced if the ending seems a little rushed, but I hope people will still enjoy the fic :)
link to ao3
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phinalphantasy7 · 5 years
This is a difficult read, but well done, and I enjoyed beta’ing it!
Loving You Is All I Need (student x teacher au)
rating: teen and up audiences
archive warnings: major character death
other warnings: mentions of suicide, depression, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts/actions, major character death
Teacher (Phil) x Student (Dan) AU. Phil is Dan’s English teacher at Uni. After Dan finds himself daydreaming over Phil, he finally works up the courage to give him his phone number. They text late into the night until finally, Phil asks Dan on a date. It was all nerves, butterflies, and innocent loving. They were two young boys discovering what love was. They made sure to be careful, for the most part, until one day, they make a mistake and everything changed.
word count: 14.1 k
author’s notes: This was for the phandom fic exchange!! I’m not sure what their tumblr is, but it’s for AntisocailIntrovert on Archive! (if you know their tumblr, please let me know!)  Also, I’d like to say that I really really enjoyed writing this and hope that you enjoy reading the fic! (please don’t read it if you’ll be triggered by suicide/depression/major character deaths) 
A BIG THANK YOU TO @phinalphantasy7 FOR BEING MY BETA!!!
[read on ao3]
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phinalphantasy7 · 5 years
Read the awesome fic that was written for me!
Twisted Dichotomy, Synthesized Society: PART 1
Title: Twisted Dichotomy, Synthesized Society
Rating: T (For swearing and brief mentions of alcohol)
Word Count (So Far): 4199
Summary: Dan is Pastel. Phil is Punk. They live in a world where the Punks and Pastels despise each other. Each city, including London, has a Pastel Side and a Punk Side. They’re star-crossed lovers. You know how this goes.
Read Part 1 Now!
I completed the first part of this fic for lilactreesinwinter/ @phinalphantasy7 for the @phandomficfests holiday fic exchange, but got super busy with school work along the way. This story will be with us a little longer, so look out for the updates soon!
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phinalphantasy7 · 5 years
2019 Dan and Phil Survey Results
We received a total of 4,672 responses to this year’s survey. Thank you to everyone who participated! Plots of all results are included below the cut, and interactive plots for all results can be viewed here. You can also click on any plot below to open an interactive version. (This will be necessary to read the full answers to some questions, which may be cut off in the plot images below.)
Requests for additional analysis of this year’s survey results (e.g., relationships between questions, direct comparisons to results from past years, filtering of the results of one question by the results of another, etc.) can be submitted here.
Results from past surveys: 2015, 2017, 2018
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phinalphantasy7 · 6 years
try new things really reminded me of a scene from the show perfume
Interesting! I haven’t watched that, but I’ll bump it up my Netflix queue :)
try new things
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phinalphantasy7 · 6 years
Phanfic Finder Fest! :D
so, i’ve really had so much fun with this fest, all the searching process was something i really didn’t do since i started reading fic back in 2016. i discovered so many good stories that really made me happy in so many ways! 
thanks to the phandom phanfic fests! this was an amazing idea! :D
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i) musician au
Golden Dandelions by @mylionbabe!
my heart was so full of love after reading this one! is a short story but the way it flows is really amazing. a really sweet musician au, i’d love to read more about this universe! 
ii) pinof filming
Lioness by @phinalphantasy7!
gosh! there’s something i love so much about an outsider pov and this story just went and made me love it that so much more! the narration was just so lovely, following the amazing year of 2009. so sweet, everyone needs to read it! 
iii) snow
Pacing by @dan-howells-tongue!
this story had me crying of happiness! the interaction between dip and pip is just so sweet, and how the whole situation was narrated! gosh! so atmospheric! for a second there it was like i was there sitting with dan while it was snowing outside. oh, all my heart goes to this story!
iv) set in 2019
you’re the choice i’ll keep making by @maybeformepersonally!
the narration! the sentences of context in between! all of this story is just breathtaking! i love soulmate AUs, but this story is just the next level! a really sweet narration that shows how phil felt at their beggining of their whole relationship! a whole rollercoaster of emotions! a little look on how dip and pip have grown together along all this time! this story has everything! i loved it so much!
v) ft. an original character
Home For Good by @hygge!
oh! good good good! some good parent phan for the heart! kinda, is a good angsty story with some really amazing words that made a more amazing story! and a little good original character that made me cry at the end, to be honest this story made me cry in a really good way! 
vi) coffee shop (non-au)
at a coffee shop by @huphilpuffs!
you gotta love a review on how dip and pip had grown together all these ten years, and this story has this! has this growth story along coffee! oh so good, good for the heart! 
vii) blackpool
always having your hand to hold by @tobieallison!
young love! young love! you have to love a story about young love! i have to admit that i didn’t know anything about the whole thing with blackpool. and this story just shows how doesn’t matter the place, dip and pip have each other! oh my heart!
viii) song fic
missing words by @heartfeltfangirl! 
there is something so special about this to me. a little inside view into the machinations of dan’s mind in this weird time that was the start of 2018. it’s so beautifully narrated, and you can see! you can see all the thoughts and how you can get dragged by your own thoughts! also some sweet song that goes along to the story, amazing truly!
my friend was in a coma and all I got was this lousy t-shirt by @heartfeltfangirl!
i just had to put this story, too. this time we have a little inside view into phil’s mind and his fears. its so good and i cried a lot, in some way this story hits close to home for me. it’s so beautiful and offers so much comfort at the end. i love it a lot!
ix) supernatural elements
The cauldron of life by @TheOrangeAurora!
this story! my heart was just so full of sweetness at then end! i love stories full of magic and this was just so amazing and wonderful! an amazing narration about feelings and magic and amazing phils who want to meet lonely dans. so sweet! i love it so much! 
x) doing shots
Inebriation by @scifiphan!
there’s something i love a lot about this and it’s the playfullness! some dip and pip being drunk and high in the love for each other, just flirting and being playful with each other in such a place like they are in. its so sweet and great! 
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phinalphantasy7 · 6 years
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sex tape: danandphilKINKS (notably ch. 9) by @snsknene​ - I think it somehow came to pass that I hadn’t read this fic until now. Hard to believe, but I don’t think I’m cheating. There are too many great things here that I would have remembered (and I would’ve left kudos at the very least). It’s deceptively simple, but so firmly rooted in character and in the dynamics of their relationship. It’s so tender and playful and yes, a lot of other things too.
featuring Jimmy: Three’s Company by @tobieallison - This is such an interesting canon divergence take on poly fic! I love the communication and nuance of it, and the way Dan’s feelings about Jimmy and the situation evolve. I just love the way it blends the ideas of threesome fic, poly fic, and 09 fic into a canon divergence that’s fresh and compelling.
de-aging/aged up: Won’t Even Wish For Snow by dandrogenous - There’s something to be said for a sweet Christmasy fic with some uni AU innocence. The writing in this one lured me in, the voices and details and just fondness, even as things are just beginning.
hot tub: Broken But Not Bent by @allthephils - This is half charming romantic getaway fic, seeing D&P playful and relaxed away from it all… and half supportive injury hurt/comfort. I would have been happy with either by itself, but they fit together well and give us the chance to see this D&P’s dynamic in good times and in hospital. The balance was perfect for me.
creepshot wars: In Any Light by DryCereal - I love this take on Phil’s goofy selfie poses and Dan’s view of photos of Phil. I love how it addresses branding and audience while delving into emotions and their dynamics together, the teasing and encouragement behind the creepshot war, and the ways they see each other when no one else is looking.
fic set in 2010: forever plz by @phinalphantasy7 - The return from India fic deserves to be a genre, and this would be a perfect start. It has a lovely specificity and blends the eagerness of the moment with the sort of nervousness that comes when the surreal – like a video valentine – is met with the reality of sweat and jetlag and train stations full of strangers.
bakery AU: Syrup and Froth by rey_of_sunlight - This is a potentially-abandoned WIP on which I was the first comment. Also a sweet, light scene of Dan and Phil preparing to open a bakery-and-coffee-shop together. I hadn’t really thought about how often this kind of AU is associated with getting together fic, but here we get the domesticity of all the setup and dreams (and only having the first chapter of an established relationship fic is a lot more satisfying than of a getting together fic).
fic with under 5 comments: Get drunk on the good life by midgetphan - I forget when I was looking for Mediterranean vacation fic, but this is such a lovely one, capturing the comfort and relaxation of being totally away, the four of them and also the two of them. It’s playful and sweet and so evocative in the details, I can feel the sun and the rolling waves and the peace they find there. Shoutout to @quercussp for introducing me to this author!
coming in pants: Grand Theft Autumn by @gorgeousdan - What I love about this is the voice. It caught my attention from the first line (”Okay, Dan’s not gonna lie here, it’s kind of surreal”) and kept it by really capturing the racing, overthinking, fanboying mind of 09 Dan (albeit in a virgin AU). It feels very immediate and specific and it channels the sort of frantic excitement of the moment really well.
nightmare: living in a dream by @capriciouscrab - I love the layers here, the immersion in nightmare and the way it plays with fear and relief and different types of fear. And then once things are really safe and we can sigh relief, it’s so lovely to see that dynamic of D&P and the dream Phil(s) really highlight the characterization once it’s the one we know.
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phinalphantasy7 · 6 years
Phandom Finder Fest
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This was so much fun! I'm going to list my answers in a different order than the card, to reflect the way in which I found them. I first spent some time trying to remember for each item a fic I had already read, which happily brought to mind some of my favourite fics and favourite authors. set in non-English speaking country My thoughts immediately went to this gorgeous fic by one of my very favourite writers in the phandom. Dan and Phil go on holiday to beautiful Lundu, and move into a new stage in their relationship along the way. Letters In Bold by @snsknene (snsk on ao3) Greek Islands This fic, by another writer whose every fic I eagerly read, has such a strong sense of place (Greek Islands!)—and a strong sense of where Dan and Phil can be alone. drown in the depth of you by @queerofcups (queerofcups on ao3) ft. Gleam youtuber(s) This is a fic about platonic Dan and Phil getting drunk-married on a Las Vegas trip with several friends (including Louise) and giving themselves a year before they get divorced. It's a clever device and a very satisfying read. A Map of My Heart and Mind by @cadensaurus (Cadensaurus on ao3) age difference Remember the Florida holiday in 2017 and Phil's photo of Pool Boy Dan? I remember this fic of married, middle-aged Phil and, well, poolboy!dan. In Paradise by domniall (domniall on ao3) wet dream Maybe this is cheating—because everyone has already read and loved this fic, and because maybe it's not quite technically a wet dream—but Phil's dream at the beginning of Chapter 3 captures perfectly a sex dream cascading into reality. teenagers (Chapter 3) by @alittledizzy and @waveydnp (dizzy and waveydnp on ao3) After I was done racking my brains for fics I'd read, I dove into the tags and found some fics I was glad to read! public sex This almost-public almost-sex has very strong imagery of a car ride through a moonlit night and how Dan deals with his feelings. what the moon doesn't see by @heartfeltfangirl (keeplovinanyway on ao3) Mario Kart There aren't many fics in the “Mario Kart” tag! This one turned out to be a totally hot story of strangers meeting in a bar and then going home to play. Rough (Phan) by Misha_with_wings (Misha_with_wings on ao3) meeting in a club This is first-person Dan meeting Phil in a club, where their inevitable attraction is woven through with song lyrics. Start a Fire by @tastelesskiwi (tastelesskiwi on ao3) unresolved sexual tension This is an incredibly fun phanfic about Dan and Phil playing a game based on phanfic—delightfully meta (and I enjoyed adding another level of meta by putting it on this list). The Phanfic Game by @knlalla (knlalla on ao3) coming out I've included one of my favourites of my own fics: it might be considered a time capsule of that era a couple of years ago when Dan seemed decidedly out and Phil seemed not all. Cover Your Eyes by @phinalphantasy7 (lilactreesinwinter on ao3)
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phinalphantasy7 · 6 years
Waterfall braid
rating: t words: 2k tags: discussion of gender roles, body- and self-image
summary: sometimes, Flo wonders if she knows how to be a woman thanks to @phinalphantasy7 (also to be found on ao3 as lilactreesinwinter #spon) for beta-reading <3 [ao3]
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