picklingsalt · 6 years
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Let's not get things twisted. First and foremost, we are animals. I am a predator. A monkey with many genes. ... I am a meat suit. I am a vessel, a vehicle, a tool. ... and yet this body is not me. I, eye, go beyond it. This vessel is my vehicle. I am charged to care for it and protect it, so that I may experience this journey to its fullest. I must protect the meat suit. ... It takes work, and it is not easy. We are born with the monkey in the driver's seat. Make friends with your animal, ask it to let you drive, maybe even wrench the wheel from it's greedy little grip. Do what you must, and you must let the soul drive. Don't hurt your creature, you need it to survive. ... Protect the meat suit. Feed and indulge the monkey. Let the soul drive. ... #apewoman #messybutmighty #yogaoffthemat #meditationmonday  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma #thoughtsfrommymat
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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We are made in the fire. The bits of us that are uncooked, burn as they peel away under the stress of the flames. Do not run from your difficulties. Walk into them. Step into the fire, let the parts of you, that are not you burn away into the cinders. Feel the pain. Know when to stay in it. Know when to walk forward into the cooling waters of paradise on the other side. ... "Humans are inherently good. We always make the best decisions with the understanding we have at the time. As our understanding grows, we may do things differently. Life is a loving teacher. I may not always like the lessons, but they are always for my highest good. .. I am curious to see what happens next. " - Babaji  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma #babaji
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Sunday breakfast. Absolutely Fancy and fabulous, yet so simple. Leftover roasted beets and carrots. Leftover curried onions and sauce. Add a fried egg. Put on top of lettuce. #sundaybrunch #imsofancy  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma #recipes #cleanketo #ketorecipe #20minorless
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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I don't workout. I play. ... Living this way has created more consistency in movement. My body responds quickly, and has a strength that seems to now be embedded into my tissues. I feel trapped when I dont move. I love weights, the gym, and routine.. But I don't take to it easily, and the internal fight to get there sucks. ... This past fall/winter I laid down. I was focused on some deep inner work. I moved softer, slower. I did more restorative work. My body stiffened, as my heart melted. I needed the typical "exercise" shit to get the motor started back up. ... Getting back into the lifestyle that truly brings me joy, I rubbed up against my ego. My practice "fell short", and I had to remember the more basic poses. I needed to meet my body where it was at. For a few weeks I fought against it, and little progress was made. I wanted to pick up where I left off. But that place no longer exists. ... I am meeting myself where I am at. Only from there can I move forward. ... Body movement that challenges you is vital to health. It is not about being able to do the handstand, it is about the growth that comes from taking the challenge to get there. You sit too long and everything stagnantes. Start to move, and everything flows again. Workout for you mind. Workout for your organs. A beautifully sculpted body is just the bonus. Just a side effect. ... What kind of movement helps you feel alive? ... #bjjgirls #cycle #weights #tabattaAtMyDesk #jumprope #swim #surfbetty #sup #yoga #playgrounds #justmove #run #jump #play  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
Sweet golden elixir. Honey is straight up magic. Quality honey can be used in place of Neosporin on cuts and scraps. Did you know that? Just one of the reasons it is a favorite medicine, i mean food, of mine. 😋 ... I am sure that you have heard about the pressure on bees and their declining population. How can we protect this precious gold and the honey bees that make it? GMOs have been cited as to one of the primary causes for the honey bee crisis. Save the bees.. go GMO free. ... #takeyourprotesttothegrocerystore Eat to save the world. #notogmo #nongmo  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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We cannot make other people see. We are not here to "wake" anyone else up. We are here to wake ourselves up. #wokeaf #manywaystoskinacat #keepsleeping  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Coffee creamer addiction is real. Almost all of it is complete crap. Literally a viscous chemical syrup that will advance any disease. ... While supporting my clients to make effective dietarty changes t is one of the hardest things to quit. When I see it come up in food journals I put it in a list that includes cigarettes, gum, candy, alcohol, and tv in bed. I dont touch it until we have been working together for a while. ... There is almost no way to substitute it out for a healthy version because they too all have food derivatives and additives. Not clean. This one #nutpods is #carageenanfree proving to be one of the best so far along with #califa . Canned full fat coconut milk is good too. The best substitute is #ketocoffee . ... Put your hot coffee in the blender, with grass fed butter, and coconut oil. Add cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla extract, honey, and so many more options. Blend and enjoy your at home fancy coffee drink guilt free. ... #coffeecreamer #sugarfree #ketocoffee #chemicalfood  #10minsorless #easyrecipes #eatseasonally   #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Sleep... Full moons are notorious sleep disruptors for those already living out of balance. I go in and out of periods where my sleep is solid, and others where i need constant help. The nights where nothing works, always fall on a full moon. ... Sleep is one of the 3 pillars of health. If sleep is out of whack, healing is impossible. When I can't sleep i have things I can take. They need to be rotated because after a while all of them will stop working if relied upon too heavily. The key is to fix what is out of balance in your life and practice good sleep hygiene. This is how you cure insomnia. Nothing to do during the sleepless night but calm and sedate. It is what we do during the day, on a regular basis, that creates a healthy sleep pattern. ... BTW if you get under 7 hours of sleep a night on average. You are under slept. A very tiny percentage of people... very very tiny.. have a gene that allows them to function with 6hrs of sleep. Miniscule. ... If you have sleep issues, I can help. Schedule a free 60 min consult to get started. ... My favorite sleep aides right now are #passionflower #shankapushpi #dashamoula #banyanIsleepSoundly #chamomilelavendertea #lavenderessentialoil #vetiveressentialoil #awarmbath #indicacannabis #legsupthewall #schooltextbooks #boringliterature  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Smoothie tongue, If it ain't green are you really doing it right? ... I heard Spirulina might be the next big thing. It stirred a weird reflection in me. I was introduced to this green algae superfood in 2002. I have never looked back. There are "healthy" things that i have slipped in and out of my life. Very few things stick with me year after year. ... I can't even tell you what it does for me exactly. I just instinctively grab for it. It just brings a boost to my day. I find that I crave it. The color of my smoothie lights up my eyes, and i feel love for it. Like OOOOHHH look how green!! ... I could run through the benefits, its history of use in nutritional studies and applications.. but that would be a different post. ... What food lights up your life? ... Not in an addiction wild grabby hands, stuff face kind of way. What truly lights you up when you eat it? ... That just may be your medicine. ... #spirulina #smoothietime #veganprotein #livingfoods #bloodcleanser #heavymetaldetox #essentialfattyacids #eatseasonally #imakereallygrosstastingsmoothies  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma (at Ocean City, New Jersey)
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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My brother's BDU Top, My AF pin, a step mom, an uncle, 2 grandfathers, and many many from all the generations of scottish,, german, french, and native american.. I come from a family of warriors. To fight for freedom, in a battle that never ends. ... To all of those that fight for this country, I am eternally grateful for you. We must continue to protect our freedom from both enemies foreign and domestic. ... We must continue to fight for freedom, against the enemies in our heads. Make peace. Use compassion. Know when the time is right to kick em in the teeth. ... #kickemintheteeth #warriorfamily
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Gods and Goddesses... they are not entities to be worshiped as separate supernatural beings. They are archetypes, that represent different aspects within the human condition. ... Kali. The great destroyer. The goddess that cleans house, cuts of heads, and asks you to rid your life of the bull shit. She is not a deamon of violence with no purpose. She is a protective mother. ... A mother that will use all her ferocity to protect her children. To meditate on this, we ask ourselves to have the strength, to let go even though it hurts. We pray and meditate, to find the mother within our own hearts. To be a ferocious mom, protecting the child within. So that someday soon, the clouds will part, the sun will shine, and it will be safe to play freely once again. ... The vibes of this full moon, ripple upon us. What are you being asked to face? What is sitting in front of you that needs to be addressed? ... Pray to Kali, Durga, Mother Mary... for the strength and power that can only come from love to help you do what must be done. Be the mama bear. #ultimateactofselfcare #kali #durga #mamabear #letitgo #personalpower  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Heart openers are always intense... the body will stiffen in fear and hesitancy. Expand through the rib cage. Create more space to breathe in through the nose. This calms the nervous system, and will allow the muscles along the spine to soften. Make your legs and glutes strong, so that when you need to, you have the power in your foundation to exit the pose. Lift you diaphram, pulling the guts up closer to the heart. This creates more space for the lumbar from hip to rib to in which to move. .... Opening your heart is always an intense and scary process. The body and mind will naturally stiffen with fear, hesitancy, and doubt. Breath. Open your chest cavity. Open your heart. Find the edge of what your nervous system can take. Breath to calm it, breath to stimulate. Let your shoulders relax. Love while holding a good posture. Make your legs and glutes strong, so that you are able and ready to exit the situation at will. It will not be easy. Pull your guts up closer to the heart, for it needs all the support it can get. You will want to be flexible, not set on expectations. ... Love big. Hold boundaries. Become flexible. ... Breath. ... Have a beautiful Memorial Day Weekend! #yogaasana #homepractice #mobility #yogaoffthemat #camelpose #letitgo #personalpower  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Subtle therapies, are the techniques often easily dismissed, and the therapies that help create absolute shift. Anyone with high Vata, or connection to air and ether elements, will most likely already have their own set of crystals. Their body naturally knows how to tap into shifts in electrical and magnetic pulses. Once you teach your body to be able to sense it, it becomes loud and undeniable. I think many of us do feel it, we just don't know what it means. We need to be tought how to interpret the data, so that we may shift our environment and provide more comfort in our day to day lives. ... Crystals, mudras, mantras, and meditation.. when practiced regularly, can shift parts of the body and increase wellness in a way that it would take nutrition and psycho therapy months if not years to accomplish. Use these tools all together, and feel your whole day shift. Feel the way people around you respond to you differently. ... 40 days. I challenge you to be a sceptic. For 40 days I challenge you to sit. 10 minutes, with your hands in Gyan mudra. Skin contact, not on the nail beds. Connect the electical circuits of your #nadiis #meridians etc... .... Use a crystal to alter the frequency of the vibrations. Sit on a red, brown, or black crystal if you have high vata, or head in the clouds. Use clear, translucent blues, whites or purples if you are heavy and stuck in the mud with high kapha. Use both if ya got em. ... Sing mantra to put the vibrations into your chest, and to penetrate the bones. Wear head phones listening to the mantra, to pull the ether element deeper into the spine. Sing the words outloud to expand your influence and stregnthen the electromagnetic field that you carry with you. ... I dare you. Be a sceptic. Sit for 40 days. Tell me how you shift. ... #yogamudra #homepractice #10minsorless #letitgo #personalpower #tuneoutandturnon  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma (at Ocean City, New Jersey)
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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This is my Dharma. I never had a choice. This is my world peace manifesto. #yogaasana #homepractice #mobility  #10minsorless #easyrecipes #eatseasonally  #letitgo #personalpower  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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All you road warriors out there!! I am in the middle of nowhere Virginia, at a truck stop, eating grilled chicken, broccoli, and mashed potatoes. From the truck stop. #donttellmeitcantbedone ... I pack all my snacks. But i still need at least 1 real meal when I am out here. Chipotle is a good go to. I even found a great mom and pop bbq place of 81, but I only remember where it is on accident. When you see the goid stuff, vote with your dollar, and more good stuff will show up. #thatseconomics Use your money to make change.  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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I am a 90's kid. Therefore I am a yin/yang kid. I never knew what it meant. At some point I learned that it meant balance. Then something about sunshine vs nighttime, masc. vs femme. or some overly divided dichotomy. OH but those dots mean it is never white or black, but always a little light in the dark, and a little darkness in the light... I felt so wise. I meditated on it, and got out my old friendship charms. Told all my friends about my new wisdom. ... In 2011 a beautiful soul explained to me the cycle of samsara. The way that we need to pause before action to uplift the soul, and resist the wrong action that is reaction. This will rise one up in the spiral of enlightenment towards nirvana. ... Still with me? ... I then caught on to that ol' yin yang. Such a simple symbol, with so much to teach us. The middle path right down the center. We do not need to live in the rat race on the edges, in a constant up down cycle of karma. We can pause and enter the middle path. Slide along the center and become cradled in the bliss place. The center of our own beings. ... It is hard to explain what I do. It is hard to explain what Pickling Salt is. This was a client session today. We parted ways with homework about nutrition, meditation, and herbs. But for today, moderation was the lesson. Every session is different. Every client is unique. I meet you where you are. From there I teach the information you are seeking. What do I do? ... I teach about vitality. ... #yinyang #yoga #thedao #samsara #karma #nirvana #mobility #eatseasonally #letitgo #personalpower  #ayurveda #holisticnutrition #ayurvediccoucellor #digestivespecialist #lifecoach #healthcoach #yogi #instituteofintegrativenutrition #yogaoffthemat #thisismydharma #dharma (at Asheville, North Carolina)
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picklingsalt · 6 years
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Create your own work culture. Project meetings on the water between storms. .. Talking wild life, baby birds of all kinds, trash clean ups, collabos, reggae nights, and quality of life. Summer 2018 kicking off before we know it. .. Such a blessing to be able to experience this paradise before the crowds. .. I am proud to be a member of a growing tribe of south jersey entrepreneurs. Throw out the books of the old ways, lets make it our way. #thegoodlife #freedom (at Ocean City, New Jersey)
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