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December 31st
Can't believe the year is over already! Celebrating the night in our usual fashion-- a continuing buffet of finger food. And champagne (eventually).
My new years resolution: Continue taking pictures!
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December 30th
Went into the city today with my parents to see The Magic Flute at the Met! I've been dying to see this production since its first run in 2006 and it was certainly worth the wait. (Even better, one of my favorite roles was performed by the same person!)
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December 29th
Dedicated the day to going through one more big revision session on my portfolio for grad school.....I still haven't tackled my remaining personal statements, but hey, I did some work! XP
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December 28th
I didn't really do much of anything yesterday, and I've been feeling a bit under the weather today, so the only picture I have is one of my cat joining me for a nap earlier today. 
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December 26th
Went to a friend's Boxing Day party and brought my old Polaroid along-- took this picture of my friend getting his hair french braided. (I printed this out and he stuck it on his cup as a quasi nametag XD)
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December 25th
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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December 24th
Early Christmas for me! So many packages arrived waaaay earlier than I expected them to (thank you, postal service, for being so damn efficient this time of year ;P)
One was a dress from Modcloth using some more of my Bday gift card (please ignore the fact that I'm standing in the shower XP), and then a few more records! My parents are getting such a kick out of how much I love buying vinyl.
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December 23rd
Happy Festivus! Didn't really do much today, just pretty much stayed in bed and worked on various projects. The Welcome to Night Vale canvases are coming along really well!
(If I was thinking about selling some like these would anyone be interested?)
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December 22nd
Working on a new embroidery project-- a series of Welcome to Night Vale tweets on six 4x4 canvases. I can't wait to see how they turn out! (I'm a little nervous working on this small of a scale with so much detail, but I have high hopes.)
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December 21st
So while I was away at school my mom bought a new record player (our old one had no more needles and frankly was on its last legs), and I completely had forgotten about it until I got home for break. I got very curious about whether they still made records anymore (I had an inkling they did) and was pleasantly surprised to find I was right! Using some of the gift cards from my birthday, I went ahead an purchased some records of new music, ones that I knew my parents didn't already have. (Nowadays most albums come with free MP3 versions, so I'm able to put the music on my computer and take it back to school with me too-- win-win!)
They arrived today! I'm pathetically thrilled about starting a record collection of my own, and have barricaded myself up in my room like a typical '50s girl, intent on lounging on my floor and listening to records for the rest of the day.
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December 20th
Kayla's been referring to her mood as "a grumpy koi blowing grumpy bubbles," so much so that she drew me a doodle of it. Things were so slow at work today (almost everyone left early for the holidays) that I was free to print it out and hang it in my cubicle ^_^ It's too adorable. 
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December 19th
FINISHED! The project that they hired me for two weeks to work on is done-- now I just hope they find other things for me to tackle when I come back for another week next year XP
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December 18th
Stopped by the holiday market at Bryant Park after work today.
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December 17th
Some quick snaps from my route to Port Authority after work. Is there anything prettier than New York during the holidays?
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December 16th
Desk sweet desk :3 Back at HarperCollins!
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December 15th
(Sorry, I forgot to post this after I took it yesterday.)
I balanced a toy on top of Sonny's head, and he walked around, befuddled, like this for a few minutes. 
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December 14th
Huzzah! The stuff I bought from Modcloth on my birthday (thanks for the gift card, parents!) finally arrived today! I'm absolutely in love and I especially can't wait to wear the jumper to work next week!
(Pardon these pictures; my point-and-shoot is being quite annoying.)
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