pidgelings · 6 years
Like to get New Blog’s Name
Hey guys.
So, due to a multitude of issues and a lack of enjoyment with VLD, I have decided to move to a new blog and start fresh. The blog would be my general interests as well as my writings and just basically my new personal blog.
This blog will stay up so you can continue to see my old works and AUs, but it will now be unused, so no new content will be added to it.
Thank you all so much for your support and if you wish to follow me to my new blog, please like this post and I’ll send you either an Ask or a DM with the new blog’s name. I’d appreciate it if you do not post the ask if that is what you receive.
Keep moving forward and thank you for everything.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Like to get New Blog’s Name
Hey guys.
So, due to a multitude of issues and a lack of enjoyment with VLD, I have decided to move to a new blog and start fresh. The blog would be my general interests as well as my writings and just basically my new personal blog.
This blog will stay up so you can continue to see my old works and AUs, but it will now be unused, so no new content will be added to it.
Thank you all so much for your support and if you wish to follow me to my new blog, please like this post and I’ll send you either an Ask or a DM with the new blog’s name. I’d appreciate it if you do not post the ask if that is what you receive.
Keep moving forward and thank you for everything.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Like to get New Blog’s Name
Hey guys.
So, due to a multitude of issues and a lack of enjoyment with VLD, I have decided to move to a new blog and start fresh. The blog would be my general interests as well as my writings and just basically my new personal blog.
This blog will stay up so you can continue to see my old works and AUs, but it will now be unused, so no new content will be added to it.
Thank you all so much for your support and if you wish to follow me to my new blog, please like this post and I’ll send you either an Ask or a DM with the new blog’s name. I’d appreciate it if you do not post the ask if that is what you receive.
Keep moving forward and thank you for everything.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Like to get New Blog’s Name
Hey guys.
So, due to a multitude of issues and a lack of enjoyment with VLD, I have decided to move to a new blog and start fresh. The blog would be my general interests as well as my writings and just basically my new personal blog.
This blog will stay up so you can continue to see my old works and AUs, but it will now be unused, so no new content will be added to it.
Thank you all so much for your support and if you wish to follow me to my new blog, please like this post and I’ll send you either an Ask or a DM with the new blog’s name. I’d appreciate it if you do not post the ask if that is what you receive.
Keep moving forward and thank you for everything.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Like to get New Blog’s Name
Hey guys.
So, due to a multitude of issues and a lack of enjoyment with VLD, I have decided to move to a new blog and start fresh. The blog would be my general interests as well as my writings and just basically my new personal blog.
This blog will stay up so you can continue to see my old works and AUs, but it will now be unused, so no new content will be added to it.
Thank you all so much for your support and if you wish to follow me to my new blog, please like this post and I’ll send you either an Ask or a DM with the new blog’s name. I’d appreciate it if you do not post the ask if that is what you receive.
Keep moving forward and thank you for everything.
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pidgelings · 6 years
New Year, New Stuff
Hey guys! Sorry for being dead for the past while on this blog, but I’ve been busy with a lot of other things and haven’t really been into doing my usual content for this blog.
So, I have a question for y’all. Would you guys be interested in an AU with characters from the game Kid Icarus: Uprising that I’ve been developing lately? Leave a like if you are! If there’s enough interest shown, I’ll look into making a fic for it! Thank you!
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pidgelings · 6 years
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pidgelings · 6 years
WIP Meme
Been forever since I last posted, huh? Well, I was tagged by @rueitae for this meme, so I might as well do a post for it to show I’m not dead quite yet.
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
Gotta say, I don’t usually keep files of my WIPs. I just vent them to either @nicollini or @myeverlastingship -- However, I do recall a couple of things I’m working on, both VLD and... not VLD. So, I’ll briefly mention some ideas I’ve been developing.
- Cyberpunk VLD AU (Working Title: “Feed the Machine”) (Features Hidgance and Sheith)
- Demons and Demon Hunters AU (Features Plance, Sheith, and Hallura) - Organ Donor AU (Working Title: “One Beat Away”) (Features Former Adashi and Future Sheith)
- Food Fantasy College AU (Features Various Pairings + Headcanons)
- Paranormal Roomates (Silly OC story involving a bunch of ghosts in a cursed apartment and one dude trying to deal with one ghost trying to protect him from a rather stupid demon.)
- The ANDERS Project ( [REDACTED] ) 
So, yeah. Those have been my main focuses lately. Don’t know who to tag, so if you wanna do this, just say I tagged you.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Gonna need to turn off anon for a while.
@ that anon, if you’re who I think you are, you better fuck off right now. I don’t know how you found me, but I will not allow you to continue stalking me.
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pidgelings · 6 years
Your AUs are so cringy, my god. You're just a wannabe edge lord. Don't tarnish our Garden with your shit. Go back under the rock you crawled out from. No one wants you here.
I wasn’t going to post this at first and just delete it like the other hate message I got in light of S7, but based on what you said, I’m guessing you’re either a Plance shipper or someone pretending to be a Plance shipper.
Whatever the case, what makes you think that sending stuff like this is okay ?? Does it make you feel better ?? Does it help you in some way ?? Because, if so, you really need to find better coping mechanisms.
Anyways, I don’t need to deal with your kind of crap. Bye.
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pidgelings · 6 years
One of my friends said I should actually post this, so that's what I'm doing. So, I went to Anime Expo not too long ago, doing cosplays of Haggar and Pidge. On Day 3, I got to meet two Voltron VAs, Kimberly, the voice of Allura, and Bex, the voice of Pidge. Bex had scared the crap out of me (in the best way) by coming over to me while I was in line for Kimberly. Based on the length of the lines and how long it takes to get through them, I honestly thought I wasn't going to be able to meet the VA of my favorite Voltron character, but she made my entire life by coming up to me and talking with me for a short bit. I was even able to give her the Rover I had made out of perler beads !! This video was recorded by someone I had talked a bit with at the con, who also was waiting in line for Kimberly. When she found me on Insta, she shared this little clip she had recorded of me meeting Bex. I actually was able to to Bex's signing, to which she happily pointed out that I made it too before hugging me again (she gives REALLY STRONG hugs). I got her to sign my favorite Voltron comic and take a few selfies with her (which I might post here if people are interested)! All in all, @bext-k is an amazing person who almost made me cry with joy upon meeting her. XD 11/10, would do again.
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pidgelings · 6 years
The Galra Saved Shiro Theory
Okay, so, I’m trying to recover from the bombs that have been dropped today, but I need to write this while it’s still in my head.
So, it’s revealed that Shiro (our amazing Gay Disaster™) was terminally ill and seemed to have problems with his arm. He only had a few more years to live in peak health and he really wanted to go on the Kerberos mission.
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After being captured by the Galra and forced to be a Gladiator, he sacrificed himself to save Matt, which might be because he knew he didn’t have much time left anyway. He probably expected to die in the arena.
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However, he probably showed amazing battle prowess, as we see a bit of his fight against Myzax and my guess is that the Galra decided they had more uses for someone like him.
This is when they find out he’s disabled.
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My theory is that they removed his bad arm and replaced it with the cybernetic one to removed his handicap and most likely used Quintessence to heal him of his illness. Perhaps this is part of the reason why Shiro had a white tuff of hair. It wasn’t just stress that made it, it was Quintessence too.
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Shiro ending up with completely white hair after his essence is put into the clone’s body. He was pure Quintessence at that point and the effects of it are shown on his body.
Idk, I have a lot of feelings about what’s going on and I needed to get that one out of my system. Thank you @myeverlastingship for getting me the screenshots!
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pidgelings · 6 years
Imagine Pidge just talking about something not-so-serious, like a video game or how her day went, and Lance is just kinda listening and not listening because he's just fondly looking at her like she's his whole world and she catches him doing this and asks him what's up and he just replies "Do you know how much I love you?" and they both become soft, flustered beans.
This is such a lovely idea.
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Yes… imagining this felt really good. Thank you for the inspiring thought
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pidgelings · 6 years
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“Missed you!”
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pidgelings · 6 years
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The last poll drawing from [instagram]! Today, we’re working on Hunk!
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pidgelings · 6 years
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“early birds”
Lance is an early bird. Pidge not so much.
@adelinehatter baited me with fanfictions ;)
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pidgelings · 6 years
After so much preparation, I am so happy to present to y’all this animatic!!! It was such a great challenge for me to accomplish, and it’s the longest project I’ve ever working on.  I had a blast and I really hope you guys like it!!
Thank you all for your support and nice comments, it means the world to me!!! :D
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