#Pidgey Answers
askteamsupernova · 1 year
What was Sheena's rescue team like? Is she still in contact with them?
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Sheena: I'm very glad Requiem and I moved to Treasure Town, but I will admit I miss seeing my old friends in person. Letters and photographs are excellent, but something about sitting down for tea with someone you love is so very healing.
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works-of-magic · 2 months
Plot twist:
My pokemon nicknamed Excalibur is NOT the Aegislash (sword ghost)!
It's my Pidgeot.
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ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
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Fuji: “Apologies. Nemo isn’t actually pregnant. You see, they’re stockpiling a mess of food inside of their body for when The Bombirdier arrives. Once it does Nemo will regurgitate all of the accumulated food as thanks for making the long journey and, in exchange, The Bombirdier will give them their sweet bundles of joy.”
Joyce: “Fuji…”
Fuji: “They get the scientific answer or the fairy tale answer, Joyce. It’s not my fault they weren’t taught about the Pidgeys and the Beedrils…”
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episode one
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[The screen seems to blink; first black then a flash of many colours, before focusing and settling on the scene the camera is filming. Seven people sit squished together on a couch – the paladins of Voltron. Some look particularly happier about the predicament than others.]
Lance, Allura (beaming): Hiya, everyone!
[Allura ducks her head to whisper something at Lance. She is not very good at whispering, so her words are picked up by the microphone.]
Allura: Did I say it correctly? Hiya?
[Lance makes a ‘perfect’ motion with his hands.]
Lance (whispering also): You nailed it!
[Both teens nod resolutely at each other and turn back to the camera.]
Lance: You guys loved that first episode. We got…so many space e-mails.
Hunk (amused): I think we can just call them e-mails, buddy.
[Lance sticks his tongue out at him, playfully annoyed, and then turns to Pidge, who is squished next to him and scowling heavily. He nudges her.]
Lance: If it’s in space, I say space. Space goo, space castle, space lions. Right, Pidgey?
Pidge (deadpan): You have three seconds to explain why I’m here or I’m tasing you again.
Lance: Yeesh, dude, fine.
[He turns to the camera, smiling, but it is significantly more mischievous than before.]
Lance: I mentioned that I got several space e-mails. Several hundred, really.
[Pidge taps her wrist.]
Lance: I’m getting there! Holy moly!
[He huffs at her, then turns his attention away, dragging something from his pocket and stuffing it into his hands before anyone can see.]
Lance: ANYWAYS. After I sorted through all the various marriage proposals for Hunk and some of the most insane strings of sentences that have ever been uttered thought or posted – and I’m a bisexual thot, so that’s saying something; some of y’all are horny – there were some genuinely interesting questions. So I thought we could answer some of them!
[He waves the thing he took from his pocket, which is now clear to be a stack of papers. His announcement draws a mix of emotions; whoops of excitement from the Alteans, an exasperated and fond sigh from Hunk, a look of resignation from Shiro, a groan of distress from Pidge, and a look from Keith that can only be described as the same wariness one might have when approaching a feral animal. Uncaring of any negativity, Lance primly straightens the papers, holding one in front of him with great fanfare.]
Lance: We’ll start with some group questions. Ease us all into it. Oh, I forgot to mention that I used one of Pidge’s programs to pick these questions for me based off a few parameters, so I genuinely have no idea what they’re going to be. I thought it would be more fun that way.
[He clears his throat.]
Lance: ‘To the Voltron team – what’s it like living with the same people every day? Is it fun, like a sleepover? Is there someone who’s a particularly worse roommate than the others?’
Lance: Oooooou, drama. 
[A moment of contemplative silence.]
Shiro: Most of us are pretty used to sharing spaces with people, I think. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve lived the majority of my life in a military facility since I was twelve, so.
All other humans: Same.
Pidge: Well, not that long. It is a little more new to me. But I lived with my brother and parents before all this, so I’m totally used to banging on the bathroom door in the mornings because someone is hogging it.
[She looks pointedly at Lance. He shrugs.]
Lance: I will not apologise for my commitment to looking beautiful. It pays off, and you are all granted the privilege of looking at me, so.
Keith (confused): You have to try to be pretty?
[Hunk chokes. Shiro whips his head to stare at his brother, wide-eyed. Pidge frantically digs around for her phone, then remembers the camera, looking straight at it with an evil grin. Lance’s jaw drops.]
[Keith continues to stare at the Blue Paladin in confusion, oblivious to the double meaning of his question.]
Lance (hoarsely): What?
Keith: I mean, you get the soap and wash your face and hair and body and go. How do you…make yourself pretty? That’s just something you are or are not, right?
[Shiro places his head in his hands. His shoulders shake.]
Shiro: Oh, dear God.
[Hunk is biting his lip harshly to keep from laughing. Pidge and Allura offer no such courtesy, giggling openly to themselves.]
Lance: Keith, tell me you’re not washing your fucking hair with bar soap.
[All embarrassment seems to be forgotten in favour of disbelief.]
Keith: Of course I am. I actually do wash my hair, you know. Frequently.
Lance: With fucking bar so – 
[He takes a deep, calming breath, bodily moving himself away as if proximity to Keith will somehow make his own hair-washing habits degrade.]
Lance: I am done talking about this. You are the worst roommate.
Keith: What? How? Because I wash my hair like a normal person?
Keith: At least I do it fast! You’re the worst roommate because you take four billion years to brush your teeth!
Lance (screeching): This mouth is plaque and gingivitis free, you skanky hoe! I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom, you’re just a knobhead!
[Before Keith can argue back, Hunk reaches over and places a placating hand on Lance’s head.]
Hunk: Sorry, buddy, but as your roommate of almost six years now, you spend an insane amount of time in front of a mirror. I don’t have enough time in the day to count how often it would make us late.
Keith (emphatically): See? Worst roommate.
[Coran hums disapprovingly.]
Coran: I’m not sure that’s true, Number Four. He does more chores than the rest of you.
[Various mutters of agreeance.]
Shiro: True. Who’s the worst, then?
Pidge: Well, Hunk is always sneaking into my workshop and rearranging my shit.
Hunk: First of all, shared workshop. I am simply meandering over to your half. Second of all, I wouldn’t have to snoop if you simply indulged my curiosity. 
Lance (deadpan): The same curiosity that inspired you to build and code a device to break into my phone when I wouldn’t tell you the name of the person I was seeing?
Hunk: In my defense, you generally have bad taste. You’ve been mugged four times.
Lance: Privacy, Hunk. Snoops are the worst roommates. 
Allura: But he makes us treats! Surely that must count for something.
[Hunk looks at her, adoring and playful.]
Hunk: Allura, you are my favourite.
[Allura beams.]
Allura: Thank you!
Shiro: Hm. I suppose we all have annoying habits, but we’re all pretty helpful, too.
Coran (teasing): How diplomatic, Number One.
Lance: Taking that as a cue to move on. 
[He looks down at his stack of papers.]
Lance: Uh, a couple of these are pretty straightforward. ‘What is the best part of being a paladin?’
Keith (immediately): Helping people.
[No one voices protest.]
Lance (quietly): Next one.
Lance: ‘Do you have to train a lot?’
[Three humans groan in unison. Shiro looks amused. Allura looks huffy. Keith looks a little bit like a teacher’s pet.]
Pidge: All fucking day!
Allura (primly): That is a gross exaggeration.
Hunk: The only gross thing around here is how sweaty I get after the bajillion thousand years of training every morning. It is agony.
Lance: Agreed. I got so sweaty I broke out the other day. Broke out. Me. I had to be consoled.
[Hunk and Pidge both nod very seriously. Pidge places a reassuring hand on his shoulder.]
Hunk: It was a very difficult night.
Shiro (smiling): Next question, you dorks. 
Lance: This one is for Allura! ‘Were you friends with the mice before the cryo pod or did you only befriend them after? If the former, how did you end up becoming friends with them?’
[Allura lights up, either at the first directed question being to her personally, or because she is excited to show off her pets. She immediately pulls the mice out of her pockets, where they had been peacefully sleeping, and they blink and yawn as they wake, scampering up her arms to rest on her head.]
Allura: These friends are new! They were little stowaways. If I had known they were on the castle I would have befriended them much sooner.
Coran: She is very fond of animals. She would spend hours as a child building careful and gentle traps for any ‘pests’ that roamed the castle and disturbed the residents, so she could safely free them. 
[Lance feigns an arrow to the heart, collapsing dramatically backwards. Everyone else simply smiles fondly.]
[Allura barely notices, attention turned upwards to her pets, where she strokes them gently.]
Allura: I love my friends very much. They make everything…
[She pauses for a moment, expression saddening.]
Allura: They help me keep a piece of home.
[Shiro reaches over to squeeze her shoulder. She smiles gratefully at him. After a moment she turns to look at Lance, indicating for him to continue.]
Lance: Two more. 
[He takes a moment to read the first, then grins, sharp and teasing.]
Lance: ‘For Hunk: so did you and Shay ever become an iiiiiiteeeeeem?’
[Hunk flushes red. The rest of the team snickers, teasing and poking at him.]
Hunk: I doubt there was that much emphasis in the space e-mail, Lance.
Lance: No, there was.
[Keith crawls over the back of the couch to lean over Lance’s shoulder. He turns to Hunk, smirking.]
Keith: It definitely does, dude. Big and bold.
Lance (smugly): Thank you, Keith.
[Hunk scowls.]
Hunk: Funny how it’s suddenly easy for you two to work together when it benefits you.
Hunk: But whatever. We’ve been in contact. We have to follow up with people, you know.
Lance: Oh of course, of course.
Keith: Exactly the kind of kindness we expect from you, Hunk.
Pidge: Standard procedure.
Shiro: I would even say it’s protocol. 
Allura: I’d be disappointed if you weren’t following up, truly.
Coran: Astounded by your commitment, dear boy.
[Hunk sighs, long and heavy.]
Hunk: I hate all of you. Move on, Lance, or I’m leaving.
Lance: Okay, grouchy.
[He turns to the last sheet, reading it carefully. Suddenly, his face blooms bright crimson, and he flips the page over, slamming it onto his knees.]
Lance (hurriedly): My mistake! Misprint, there’s nothing on this page. That’s all for this episode, everyone, tune in for the next –
Keith: Oh, no you don’t.
[Keith leans over and snatches the paper from Lance’s lap faster than Lance can stop him. Lance screeches, lunging after him, but he is too fast, and besides everyone else but Coran piles on top of him, barring him from tackling Keith to the ground. The Red Paladin perches on the back of the couch, paper in hand, hair mussed and wild and smile victorious.]
Keith: ‘Do you really not remember the Bonding Moment –
[Lance lets out a scream of emotional agony.]
Keith: – or were you just faking?’ Bonding moment is capitalised, by the way. In case you wanted to pretend you didn’t know exactly what this is talking about. 
Lance (stubbornly): I don’t.
[Three people pinch him at once.]
Lance: Ouch! This is extortion!
Pidge: Deserved extortion, you liar.
Lance: I had brain damage! I don’t remember jack about shit!
Keith (voice cracking) (again): I cradled you in my arms!
Lance: No way! Don’t remember –
Keith (threatening): If you say ‘didn’t happen’, McClain, I swear to God –
Lance: – didn’t happen!
Hunk: One day you are going to piss off the angry knife boy just so and you are going to get stabbed. And I might not stop him.
Lance: This place is the worst. None of you love me. Only Coran.
[Coran gently pats Lance’s ankle.]
Coran: I don’t believe you either, dear.
Lance: Well, that’s fine. I will simply wallow away in agony and despair.
Coran: You do that.
[Lance sighs loudly, then squirms his way out of his teammates’ hold so his head his peeking out, glancing at the camera.]
Lance (sagely): Remember this injustice, Lance stans. I know you’re out there. Avenge me.
[On that dramatic note, the video cuts.]
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A Little Ghost in a Bowtie (@livmadart's Phantump Conan AU)
(Chapter 2 of 4) (Prev) (Next)(Ao3 link)
Heiji and Lucie caught the first bullet train to Saffron City the next morning, with only a brief ‘goodbye’ to his mom and a note explaining where he was going left on the kitchen counter. He’d get an earful for his recklessness later, but that was nothing new.
Paying admission for Tropical Land was annoying, but worth it for the juicy evidence he was sure to find there. After all, no pokemon had been found at the scene, but that didn't mean that none of them had witnessed it. The police would never think of questioning wild pokemon- it was one of the best advantages Heiji had.
Even in the daylight, the space behind the ferris wheel operations building looked like a place where shady stuff would happen. One side of the area was just a cold, concrete wall, and the other side was enclosed by foreboding trees, reaching out over the grass with wooden fingers. Still, creepy or not the presence of nature here was good for his chances of finding something.
Heiji peered between the trunks- soon spotting his prize. A Pidgey nest sat there, neatly nestled between two branches- in perfect view of the clearing.
“Hey!” Heiji called. He could barely see the top of a feathered head- so he knew it was occupied. “You over there! Feel like talking for a sec?” The feathers moved, but the pidgey didn’t respond.
“Let me try,” Lucie said, stepping forward.” “Hey,” She growled loudly. The pidgey jumped, standing on the edge of its nest defensively.
“W-what do you want?” It squawked back.
“Information,” Lucie responded, her voice returning to a low, cool rumble. “A few months ago a human boy was killed here- do you remember?”
“Oh yeah, nasty stuff,” The pidgey chittered, calming down a little. “The blood made the grass stink for weeks!”
Finally, a new lead! Heiji felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as the thrill of the case rolled over him.
“Did you see it happen?” He asked eagerly, taking a step forward. The pidgey just looked at him blankly. Ah, right. By now, most Pokemon in Goldenrod had figured out that he could talk to and understand them- but anytime he went anywhere else, there was a bit of a learning curve.
“He understands us,” Lucie shrugged. “Answer his questions too,” She ordered.
“Oh! Uh, yeah, yeah I did,” The pidgey nodded, and Heiji clenched his fists in anticipation. This was all he could have hoped for. “Two guys wearing black clothes bonked him on the head, and then fed him something weird.. And then they left. A few of us got worried about the other guy, since he was screamin’ a lot, but by the time we got to him he was already dead,” it twittered sadly “But it’s not so bad, since-”
“You said they fed him something?” Heiji cut it off, focusing on possibly the most interesting bit of that.
“Wha- oh, yeah, they did,” It nodded again, and Heiji put a hand to his chin in thought. So, Kudo had been poisoned. That made sense- but what sort of poison didn’t show up on such a thorough autopsy?
“There were two culprits?” Lucie added, bringing them back to the other important tidbit.
“Sure was,”
“Can you remember anything else about them? Other than the fact they were wearing black clothes?” Heiji prodded. The color of clothes honestly wouldn’t be that helpful in tracking them down.
“Uhh… One of them had really long hair. I remember being impressed- well, at least until he killed that guy,” The pidgey said, making a sort of pantomime gesture of how long it was with its wings.
“That I can work with!” Heiji grinned, noting down the new information, and its source, in his notes app.
“Happy to help I guess, but if you really want the good stuff, you should be asking Conan- not me,” The pidgey said, ruffling its feathers and settling back down into its nest.
“Conan?” Heiji blinked at it. That was a western name… the name of another pokemon, maybe?
“Yeah- he’d know a lot more about the situation than I would,”
“Where would we find this guy?” Lucie interjected.
“I’m pretty sure he said he was gonna go live with that girl- the one the humans in blue brought here, uhh, I think her name was Mouri? Yeah, find that girl and you find Conan,” The pidgey nodded, mostly to itself.
Ran Mouri- the current Kanto champion, and the only witness to the murder of Shinichi Kudo. Of course they’d have to go to her. Heiji hadn’t really wanted to bother her- but he’d also known that they would need to. Other than the surrounding pokemon- she was their best chance of answers.
“So you question the girl, and I find and question this pokemon of hers, right?” Lucie growled at him, confirming the obvious course of action.
“Yeah, I guess,” Heiji sighed. Hopefully she wouldn’t be too upset with them- they were just looking for justice for her friend, afterall.
They left Tropical Land, mourning the admission cost for only a moment before carrying on. Though, that place looked pretty fun. Maybe he’d have to take Kazuha sometime…
The Mouri Detective Agency loomed large over them, foreboding and cold. Speaking to people who’d just lost loved ones was the hardest part of the detective job- in Heiji’s opinion. This one was almost worse, since two months had passed- Heiji felt like he’d just be ripping open a newly closed wound by being here.
“Can I help you?”
Heiji jumped at the voice, and Lucie rumbled in a laughing way. Behind them on the sidewalk was a girl riding a venusaur- her long brown hair pulled into a ponytail, with a green headband positioned fashionably behind her bangs- possibly to hide the strange way her hair stuck out closer to the front- almost like a horn. Heiji recognized her; this was Ran Mouri, exactly who they were looking for.
“State your business,” The venusaur rumbled threateningly.
“Uhh-” Heiji tried to answer Ran-chan’s question, but Lucie cut him off to answer the venusaur first.
“We’re here to investigate the murder of Shinichi Kudo- A little pidgey told us we’d find a pokemon here called Conan who would give us more answers,” Lucie nodded- and for some reason, the venusaur seemed to find that funny.
“Right, uh-” Heiji tore himself away from the pokemon’s conversation to pursue his own. “My name is Heiji Hattori, I’m… I’m a highschool detective, and I thought-”
“Oh, you’re here to ask about Shinichi, aren’t you?” She sighed, and slipped off of her venusaur.
“Well, Chives seems to like you guys, so I’ll humor you,” She said, her voice colored with a deep exhaustion, even as she gave her venusaur- Chives, a fond pat on the head.
“Conan should be inside- I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to talk to you,” Chives said, a wide grin splitting across his face.
“And I’m sure we’ll be thrilled to talk to him,” Lucie raised an eyebrow at him.
“Should we go inside then?” Ran-chan asked, recalling Chives into a pokeball.
“Oh, sure,” Heiji nodded. He wondered just what kind of pokemon this Conan was.
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davekitties · 3 months
geez, your mom let's you have TWO????
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yeah, 2 shiny Pidgey!!! I was just messing around in gen 2 to answer some questions I had about the game mechanics (google sucks so bad now it can't answer shit) so I was leveling up a Pidgey from Silver on my Crystal and I got a shiny Pidgey at around 50-60 eggs(?) while breeding with a shiny Ditto, and then, while hatching the 4 eggs I had left in my party, the last one was also shiny!!!
also, to answer myself: yes, if you catch a pokemon in one game, then trade it to another, level it up, and trade it back, it WILL remember you, and it WILL obey you, no matter your gym badges, because you caught it lmfaooooo sooooooo
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I cast level 48 beater Pidgey who obeys me with only one (1) gym badge
now, onto the second part of my question (sorry if it's confusing, idk how to word this): if you have a shiny Ditto via the Ditto Mimic trick in gen 1, and then you breed a shiny with said Ditto, can you then take the new shiny (in this case, Pidgey) and do the Ditto Mimic trick again, will offspring from shiny Ditto 2 breed with shiny Ditto or its offspring? or will they recognize each other as family from their DVs?
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zedpercyfan · 11 months
Pokeshipping Week '23 - Day 4 - Ash's Hat
For Someone Special
ASH KETCHUM sighed as he opened the door.  “Spring cleaning…” he grumbled.  He’d been busy helping Professor Oak with research when Tracey reminded the Professor that it was time for spring cleaning.  It was most unfortunate that his Mom heard and instantly demanded that he clean out his closet.
Ash found several things he no longer had any use for or had replacements for, it seemed his Mom was right on the whole spring cleaning thing in his room.  “Huh, the old Voltorb alarm clock…”  He held the device in his hands and chuckled.  The old seams were still there from when his Mom had repaired the broken device for when he and his friends returned after their journey.  Now at his bedside was a more sophisticated version of it.  The animatronic Pidgey now more refined.
He had a spare of the same device too, he figured it’d be best to junk it.
He found some old tin lunch boxes from the League.  Didn’t need them…but he figured they could be sold…maybe keep one or two.
He paused when he pulled out a hat, the hat from the Pokémon Indigo League that he’d worn during his first few years journeying.  Now it was old, dirty, and while it still fit, Ash couldn’t help but feel it had seen its day. “Hmm, I wonder…”
He checked a site that Brock had told him all about and gaped at the prices for the hat.  “Damn, that’s a lot.  This could earn me a lot of yen.”
“I wouldn’t really recommend selling,” said Tracey.
“You’re sure?” quizzed Ash.
“Yeah.  The problem is the simplicity of the design.  The Pokémon League’s symbols have gotten a lot more complicated since this and even though a collector will pay plenty for these, all those used ones online have been there for months and months.”
“Man…” grumbled Ash.  The door opened and Professor Sammuel Oak wandered in.
“Oh, hello, what’s all this about?”  The two boys greeted him.  “Oh, your old hat, Ash?  Looking to sell it?”
“I thought about it, but Tracey just told me it’s impossible with the market right now.”
“Hmm…there is one buyer I know who’d be interested.”
“Really?  Who, Professor?”
“Your old friend Misty.”  Ash blinked in response but before he could say anything…
— BRINGRING-RING – Tracey’s phone went off.
“Oh, speak of the Giratina…”  He hit the answer button.  “Hello?  Still haven’t found the right price for that edition… Not too surprising given the state of the market… Yes, well people have to make their yen somehow.  By the way, Misty, you just happen to be in luck, Ash wants to sell his.  He’s here right now, you can bargain with him directly.  Here.”  He turned the speaker on and handed it over to Ash.
“…Hey, wait!  Tracey, DON’T—”
“Hello?”  He heard a gasp and what sounded like words getting caught in her throat.
“Tracey tells me you’re looking to buy the ‘98 edition of the Indigo League caps.”
“Well, as Tracey said I want to sell mine.  So…how much do you want to buy for?”
“What’s your price for it?”
“I dunno, really.  I’ll give it to you for less than the current price they’re going for.”
“Er… I’ll give you 11,500 yen for it.”
“Wha?  I just told ya, Mist, I’m letting you have it for less than what the lowest price is on the secondhand market.”
Ash was left to stare at the wall for a bit as Misty seemed to go silent but soon she spoke again.  “Are you sure you want to sell it…?” she asked quietly.
“Well, yeah, that’s…that’s what I’ve been saying.”
“Yes, but you sent in 100 postcards for it, right?”
“I did and I know I got really worked up about it that one time but I’ve moved on from that.  I got plenty of hats to sell, actually.  Look, I thought you wanted to buy it.”
“Well, yeah, but… Can I call you on your phone?”
“Er – sure.  But why?”  Ash did a doubletake as Misty disconnected.  He sighed and gave it back to Tracey.  Then his phone rang, this time for a video call.  He grumbled as he answered.
“Hey, you can see me, right?”
“Well, yeah,” replied Ash.
“Good, here’s…”  Misty trailed off as she saw Professor Oak and Tracey talking to each other in the background.  She fidgeted onscreen a bit.  “…can I show you this privately…?”
“Ugh…”  Ash stood up and began walking toward the corral.  “Right, we’re alone now.”
“Good.  Take a look.”  Misty rolled on her chair in what seemed to be her bedroom and revealed a bookshelf with dozens of hats displayed on it.
“Whoa Mist, those’re…”  Ash slowly stopped himself and took a closer look.  The cogs in his brain began to go off.  “Hey Mist, a lot of those look like the hats I’ve been wearing.”
Misty froze up for a second before sighing.  “Y-yeah…I’spose they are…well…heh heh…what can I say?  They normally look good on ya.  Perhaps seeing them on you inspired me…”
Ash Ketchum thought that to be one of the weirdest explanations for something he’d ever heard of!  He was about to retort when her words finally processed in his brain.  His hats…she’s collecting them and a few others that he’d never gotten…looking for the hat he originally wore when they first met…immediately was willing to offer him the amount it goes for at current market price…also seems nervous and uneasy.
It's also true that Misty never really wears hats beyond sometimes a sun hat.  Ash wasn’t exactly bright but he wasn’t stupid either.  Cilan and Clemont had both made it their mission to cram his brain with as much information about life as possible – if there was one thing about girls they had both been very upfront about…
…he decided to play it safe.  “Misty…” he ventured, “this hat was my first ever League cap.  If I let you buy it, will you keep it safe?”
“Yes, of course.”
“It’s something that I really treasured, like…my heart.”  He noticed a slight redness growing on her cheeks.  “Can I trust you with it?”
“Yes,” she replied quickly.
“Good.  I trust you with it as a good and the bested of friends.”  He chuckled.  “Who knows, maybe it’ll be a sort of good luck charm for the both of us.”
“Ha ha!  Yeah!  True,” laughed Misty.  “Kind of like my fishing lure for ya.”
“Mm.  Hey Mist.  I really do trust it with ya.”  And before he hung up, Ash gave her a small wink.
“Ash dear, did you find a buyer?” asked Mrs. Ketchum when she noticed Ash boxing the cap in the living room.
“Yeah, I did, Mom.”
“Oh good.  I hope the lucky stranger will enjoy it.”
“It’s someone we know,” replied Ash vaguely.  “Someone special…”
As he taped the box up, a thought came to him.  “Hey Mom?  What can you tell me about a first date…?”
Author’s Note: Hm…not gonna lie, thought I had a better idea for what to do here but it wasn’t as solid as I thought.  I don’t know.  I struggled with this one.
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icarus-hasfallen · 6 months
Whoops, I may or may not have drawn my main persona as a Pokémon Horizons character?
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(Close-ups, more info, + an extra drawing below the cut!)
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More Info about Icarus:
He's, like, a year older than Liko? He's been in Indigo Academy for long enough to have caught a Pidgey and evolved it into Pidgeotto.
Is he academically smart? Sure. Does he have any kind of common sense? Not really. He's the type of idiot to think TOO much and overcomplicate a situation without ever seeing the obvious answer.
The one braincell he DOES have is shared between him and his two Pokémon....
Speaking of Pokemon, his Mudkip's at a high enough level to evolve by now, but it just doesn't feel like doing so yet. Maybe it'll evolve once it and Icarus are both ready to grow up a little more. Until then, it carries an everstone.
Gender: nonbinary! He uses he/him pronouns for the most part, maybe they/he on certain days, but he's comfortable wearing pretty much anything. Sweaters are ideal, though.
He spends too much time in his own head. Whether it's daydreaming, drawing his thoughts, or wondering how he's gonna manage to see that Latios from his childhood again, people usually have to say something really out of pocket to snap him back to reality.
He did see the airship flying over the academy, though, and immediately hopped on his Pidgeotto to go chase after it. Y'know, probably giving every school staff member in a 50-foot radius a heart attack. But it's okay, he ends up joining the crew on board and switches to online classes!
And of course, the promised extra drawing:
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He's drawing people he sees in the school yard that look cool!
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sonicasura · 2 months
A Trainer's Origin
• Trainer was raised by a flock of migratory Pidgey and Pidgeotto who were led by a Shiny Female Pidgeot. When Trainer asked Pidgeot where they found them, Pidgeot answered that they found them as a baby in the tropical region of Alola all alone in the Vast Wilds Of Poni Island, along with a Pokemon Egg which later hatched into a Torchic
• Around 2 years old Trainer spoke fluent PokeTalk
• All of the Flock loved Trainer and when Trainer eventually left to start getting to know humans better with a kind old man from the Isle Of Armor, one of the Pidgey went with them, which later became their Pidgeot
• At 6 years old they traveled too Hammerlocke with the old man where they ended up meeting a Impidimp who wandered into the city and ended up getting into some trouble at a local cafe. Trainer ended up cisiting that cafe and managed too get Impidimp to stop there mischevious rampage. Though this interactuon had the effect of making Impidimp follow Trainer back home to where Trainer lived with the Old man.
• Kubfu was introduced to them at 7 years old by the kind old man, Kubfu was incredibly tough and honed their martial prowess until they felt worthy of evolving. Something that didn't happen until an incident 4 years later.
• Around 8 they had headed back to Sinnoh to help Rowan with some Pokemon Research with their ability to speak to pokemon. When they got there they met some of the Professors Pokemon, one of them was Piplup who didn't get chosen from this years batch of new trainers and were going to be staying at a Poke Ranch next to the Professors house. Though Piplup took a very strong interest in Trainer and deemed them too be the perfect partner and joined them.It was also during this time when the duo went to research Pokemon. Rowan get tackled by a Turtwig, who ran off after spouting some angry words. After that they met Clara, an old woman who lived in the area who explained that Turtwig so himself as a hero to the local pokemon and attacked any who scared them. That same Turtwig soon appeared and made it clear that it didn't like them. Until Trainer started speaking to them and the Turtwig being shocked that a human understood PokeTalk. It wasn't even a minute after there conversation, when Turtwig decided that it wanted to be by Trainers side and bit down on Trainers head in a sign of affection. Turtwig joined Trainer on their journey which eventually gained a other companion, an excitable boy named Barry, who wanted to join in on the adventure. The story of Platnium takes place on this adventure.
• The story of Orre takes place shortly after with Trainer gaining the Snag 'em Arm and taking on Cipher. It was this adventure that they met Mewtwo who came to Orre after they hears of the Shadow Pokemon
• When the turn 9 years old they visit Alola and spend the year at the Trainer School like Ash did in the anime, and the story of Alola and the Ultra Beasts take place
• Paldea story happens when they are 10 and they meet Koriadon and the Paldea cast, along with Hoopa
• After the Paldea story they become a Frontier Brain and get there stadium in the Unova region
• When there 11 the adventure in Galar takes place and they battle Eternatus and explore the Crown Tundra
This is a brief timeline of events before Trainer goes to the Kaijuverse, any thing to add or change
That's honestly perfect in my opinion. You hammered out the main points pretty nicely plus there's plenty of room for shenanigans to take place. Also Trainer being found on Poni Island gives me a strange feeling that they were near the Altar of the Sunne/Moone to be precise.
The gang are definitely going to be shocked upon learning how long and far their young friend has traveled. Also Kafka accidentally reenacting a childhood incident of mine. Basically 4 year old me accidentally confused a napping sea turtle for a rock and sat on the big fella until it began moving.
Kafka does that but with Trainer's Torterra who likes napping in the dirt.
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krishgupt · 5 months
Ash Betrayed (Part - 9)
As Ash put the phone down, he heard Delia calling him from the Kitchen.
“Ash, who was it?” Delia asked from the kitchen, currently business cooking the breakfast.
Ash went to the kitchen and sighed, readying himself to have the talk (no, not the Pidgeys and the Beedrills).
“Mom,” Ash said.
“Yeah?” Delia asked as she continued cooking.
“It was Ilene,” Ash said. On hearing Ilene’s name, the Ladle felt from Delia’s hands.
“W-What?” Delia asked, turning towards Ash, who was walking towards her. Delia’s eyes were filled with Horror and desperation.
“H-How did she get the number,” Delia asked, to herself loudly, extremely scared.
“Mom………………………………………. I am sorry but it is time,” Ash said as he held Delia’s hands. Delia immediately understood what he meant.
“N-No!! No no no no no!!!!!!” Delia said as she left the kitchen.
“Mom!!!!” Ash said as he followed her. Delia climbed upstairs, saying no again and again. Ash was following her. She went to his room and Ash followed her. The Moment Ash entered the room, Delia, in swift speed, exited and slam and lock the door from the outside, locking Ash in his room. She slammed the door so hard that Pikachu, who was peacefully asleep on the bed, woke up.
“//What happened?//” Pikachu asked.
“Oh good morning Pikachu,” Ash said.
“//Did not answer my question but Good Morning to you too I guess,//” Pikachu asked as he went back to sleep.
Ash sighed as he looked at his situation.
“Mom let me out,” Ash asked.
“No!!! You are not going anywhere!!! Especially not to Rota!!!! You have are the World Monarch now! That is Pokemon Master in my understanding! Now you are not leaving!!! You are staying here me with!!!!” Delia said, standing infront of the door. Despite the fact that she had lock the door, the scared and desperate woman felt the need to personally ensure it remains shut.
“Mom! Come on this is not how things work and you know it,” Ash said with a sighed. He wasn’t worried about getting locked. He could jump from window of his room anytime he wanted to, but he wanted his Mother’s support in this.
“Don’t teach your Mom how things work young man!! I left Rota to ensure your safety and now you are telling me you want to join them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may have fun putting your life in risk but I want my child safety!!!!!!!!! The Entire Aura Foundation is a meat grinder!!!!!! The Royal Family itself have lost multiple members due to Aura Foundation’s activities!!!! I refuse you to go!!!!!!” Delia said as she sat on the floor, remember a dying Red in her lap. His face was red with blood.
“Mom………………………. You know na if the Aura Foundation stopped doing the things it do, so many people will suffer, so many Delias will lose their As-” Ash was interrupted by Delia.
“Don’t you dare you metaphors on me!!!!!!! You didn’t even knew about the Foundation reality till yesterday night and now you are an expert about it?!?!!! You are not going that is final!!!!!” Delia shouted, coming on the edge.
“Mom-” Before Ash could say something, Delia shouted.
“WHY ALL MALE FIGURES IN MY LIFE WANT TO LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Delia shouted before realising what she just said. She facepalmed, thinking what to say to Ash now.
Ash was confused when she said that. Yes, he needed to go to Rota but that doesn’t mean he was going to leave her forever. Suddenly, Delia opens the door and looked at Ash.
“Mom, W-What was that? What did you mean by all male figures in your life wanting to leave you?” Ash asked. Delia sighed and hugged Ash.
Ash and Delia were sitting on a coach. Ash firmly held his mother hand. Delia was rubbing her head, thinking what to say.
“Mom, you don’t have to,” Ash said.
“No, you have questions and as a mother, I should answer them,” Delia said as she looked at Ash.
“So, I did not came from a really good background Ash……………………………………….. In the Era of Kanto I was born in, the War with Johto had just concluded…………………………….. We have won the war but Kantonian economy was crippled. Poverty and unemployment ran high………………………… add that with the fact that I was born in a lower class family in Viridian City where my deadbeat dad did nothing but drank and gambled and my mom had to do three or four jobs as domestic help and pro-” Delia looked at Ash and then took a sighed.
“And Mom?” Ash asked.
“Nothing, forget it,” Delia said, not wanting to remember how her own dad forced her mom to work in the red light (Don’t search kids………………………… you are not ready to learn about the cruelty of the world and the crimes and indignities many women face every day. I am serious, you might think it doesn’t matter, it will, trust me)
“Anyways………………………….. So, even though he was a terrible father, he did taught me and Giovanni to be sharp and shrewd, albeit by swindling us of the money we had earn by doing odd jobs………………………… 5 years after my birth, Giovanni was born, and 5 years after that…………………………………. Arceus………….. that dreaded day,” Delia said as she wiped her tears off.
“Mom? What happened,” Ash asked.
“*Sighed* My Dad left us……………………….. he caught the eye of some rich chick for whom he left us………………………… He was a terrible husband but Mom did loved him……………………………. But after this betrayal, she decided all that matter was money…………………… she formed an all women gang with a group of women who have faced similar difficulties…………………............ Together, they form a gang, a gang which will later be called Team Rocket…………………………. Mom had a lot of influence over me and Giovanni and thus she was easily able to forge us Into the ideology of Team Rocket, the ideology was ‘Only Money Matters’, she wasn’t like that before………….……… But dad leaving her had a major impact on her,” Delia said as she looked at Ash. Suddenly, she remember what Queen Anne had told her before She left with Ash. ‘The Destiny of an Aura User can’t be changed or delayed, it can just be made easier or harder, and I can only what you are doing will make it easier for him.’
“*Sighed* Mom…………………………………………………. If you don-” Before Ash could complete the sentence, Delia stopped him.
“No………………………………………. I was wrong,” Delia said.
“Huh?” Ash asked in a confused tone.
“I remember Queen Anne telling me that the destiny of an Aura User can’t be changed or delayed, it can just be made easier or harder,” Delia said as she caressed Ash’s cheek.
“I should have expected this…………………………………. I don’t want to send you………………………. but now I am scared that further attempt to delay will just make things harder for you……………………………. I don’t want that for you,” Delia said as she stood.
“Start packing Ash, we are going to Rota!” Delia said as she hugged Ash.
Previous: Ash Betrayed (Part - 8) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
Next: Ash Betrayed (Part - 10) – @krishgupt on Tumblr
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nationaldexanon · 10 months
Hi! I’m National Dex Anon, but you can call me Dex if you want!!
I want to know what creature’s opinion on every Pokémon is! That is why I ask. :)
Feel free to send asks! Pelipper mail is on, magic anons are not :)
please keep in mind that I’m new to the community! I have no way of knowing if someone is problematic.
oh! and! any pronouns, though I lean more towards she/her and it/its!!
//Dex is a Mew. Thought I should clarify this. Under the cut is a list of what Pokémon have been asked so far and who they were asked to.
keeping track of which Pokémon and who I sent them to to hopefully avoid duplicates. I also link the post where it’s answered.
the bullet marks where the queue ends!
sent to: piers-official
sent to: blackthorn-legion-irl
sent to: silveredfeathers
sent to: normal-paldean-student
sent to: allthatglitterzz
sent to: battlelegendsredandblue
sent to: shapeanon
sent to: water-pokemon-appreciator
sent to: grafaiai-guru
sent to: changeling-lumi
sent to: gotta-pet-em-all
sent to: ball-guy-blogs
sent to: on-the--flipside
sent to: bug-type-warrior-of-sinnoh
sent to: walkingbugencyclopedia
sent to: pokemonrangercharlie
sent to: some-loser-from-kanto
sent to: featheredjohtolegends
sent to: therealchairmanrose •
sent to: teamplasmaofficial
sent to: noibatkid
sent to: traveling-historian
sent to: lovenpeace-pkmn
sent to: pkmn-trainer-axel
sent to: friendball-irl
sent to: pokedexcamp
sent to: pokemontrainerjay
sent to: darkpunkrocker
Nidoran (female)
sent to: drifting-winds
sent to: briar-and-bitsy
sent to: official-macro-cosmos
Nidoran (male)
sent to: cherengymleader
sent to: kasperconundrums
sent to: pokedelivery-girl
sent to: oh-shinx
sent to: trainerlynda
sent to: hisuianhellion
sent to: fox-poke-fanatic
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works-of-magic · 1 year
here's an interesting type question. may I ask for specifically your opinions on normal/flying types?
Oh, thanks for the ask. I quite like them! I have one of my own-- Excalibur, my Pidgeot, was my second Pokemon! I used to see Starly all the time growing up, I even taught myself how to mimic their cry.
I generally prefer watching them to battling with them, but that's not because I dislike battling with them, it's because it's so delightful to see them! I'll birdwatch anywhere.
Normal/Flying types are underrated because they're so common, but you can see a sunset every day too and never stop appreciating it. That's how I feel about these guys.
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On your 7th birthday your older sister takes you out onto one of the routes surrounding town. She convinces you to go into the tall grass with her, she tells you to stay still and keep quiet, she hands you a singular pokeball. The pair of you come back with a Rattata trailing behind your feet. Your parents are watching the news with concern, something about a kid in Kanto. Neither of you pay it any attention, instead you run upstairs to find space in your room for your first pokemon to live.
When you turn 10 you start trying to be a pokemon trainer. Every kid in the area is after all, and you've spent the last three years memorising book after book on how to best look after Ace - it shouldn't be that hard! Except Mikey keeps on beating you and rubbing it in your face. You swear you almost had it one day, only you're distracted by a strange boy and his Totodile coming up the route. He comes by again later in the day. You challenge him to a battle. You lose. You offer your phone number. He accepts. You don't know why.
You keep calling him. He keeps answering. It's a weird dynamic the pair of you have. You call and talk about anything. He listens in mostly silence. You think it's nice, comforting even, to be able to just talk to someone. Reena isn't at home anymore so there isn't really anyone else. You wonder if he's annoyed. The other kids are always annoyed by you. When he speaks - it's rare but he does - he sounds happy though. As if he finds comfort in it as well.
He's gone farther than you could have ever hoped, Azalea, Goldenrod, Ecruteak, Cianwood. In 4 days he's done far more than you have in 5 months. You try not to let it get to you. Instead, you brag about Ace; the pokemon he manages to beat, yesterday he finally took down Mikey's Pidgey, did you know his fangs are really sharp? When he reaches Olivine something happens. It's on the news, something happened at the lighthouse. You don't know what exactly. You can't ask him. He deleted your number. Guess that answers if he was annoyed or not.
You see him again after 3 days. He looks exhausted, dragging his feet across the route. He doesn't seem fully aware of where he is going, he's muttering something you can't hear. When you call out to him, he stops. You can't tell if it's fear or relief in his eyes. However he doesn't ignore you. He gets your number again. Was it a mistake?
There is something happening, you know that much. He won't say what, he doesn't say anything, but he's scared. You know he's scared. His breath is shaky over the phone. You feel powerless. You feel inferior. You don't move from this singular route and yet he's collected 8 gym badges in just under a week. Those two feelings bring you to send Ace to him. If you can't help by calling him then maybe he can help in this way. If you can't help Ace be his best - then maybe he will.
There's a moment where things are different. He beat the pokemon league. He's the champion of Johto. Ace was in his team. You see him walk up the route. He's still tired but the fear is gone. He stops and talks to you, properly talks to you, about nothing of note at all. Nothing about his journey, or Olivine, or if he knows what you did. He just talks about his mama and the history book he had been reading before all of this. When he leaves again he seems nervous. Like he knows something. When you call later he's back to how he was.
He went to Kanto. You worry. In the last few years, Kanto hasn't exactly been safe. Not after what happened with that boy with the Pidgeot. Something about a guy called Helix, you weren't fully paying attention. He calls you for a change. He tells you he boxed Ace. He tells you what he's going to do is dangerous, and he doesn't want his friend's pokemon to get hurt. He tells you he isn't sure if he'll come back, but if he does he will explain everything, because you deserve that at the very least. You don't understand. He hangs up before you can ask. A few hours later the news reports that two boys were found at the top of Mt. Silver. He's one of them, the other is the boy from 3 years ago.
You visit the hospital every chance you get, hoping he'll wake up. While there you contemplate everything. You know now that you aren't cut out for being a pokemon trainer. You don't know what to do with yourself. You feel like you can't turn your back on this. A nurse comes in and hands you something he had. Apparently it dropped out of his bag. A pokeball with the letters "GS" on it. You've never seen it before, but she hands you it before you can ask about it. You take it home on accident. You wake up somewhere else next to a mythical pokemon and with your head full or noise.
It felt like a dream. You know that it wasn't. Celebi is kept hidden in your room next to Ace's bed. You take the GS ball with you whenever you go to visit him, in case he's awake and can explain it. Or whatever They were. You have a theory, but aren't fully sure.
When he finally wakes up there's commotion. You see him panic at the noise, something clicks. You drag out the nurses and doctors that had rushed in and wait for him. He breaks down. You tell him it's ok. He explains Them. He explains the Helix and Red and what happened on the mountain. He tells you he was there at Olivine, but he doesn't say what happened. You don't ask. You pull out the GS ball. He barely recognises it. You tell him you believe him. No one besides his parents do.
You spend a lot of time together. Actually best friends now, not just a one way phone call. It's still comforting, you don't know what you want, but at least you have this. At least he smiles now.
You watch it happen again and again. Person after person walking around with Them at their side. You watch the story play out in front of you as you always have. It's painful, it's horrifying. You can't look away. You feel that doing so would betray him. Doing so would betray yourself. You find that you can help in a small way, just by being there. You are an outsider in regards to the grander scheme, but you are one of the few that know.
You sometimes consider using Celebi to go back. Back to the very beginning, to stop any of this from happening. Doing so would mean you wouldn't have met him, but he would have been happier, right? However you've seen what happens when people try to mess with the world's path. It's tempting, but you bite it down and continue to watch.
You aren't a host, though you aren't really human either. You exist in a strange limbo where you've seen and experienced too much to go back, but not enough to truly suffer the effects. This was your choice to stick to it, for his sake more than your own. You dont think you can regret it, not when the alternative was a life stuck to a single spot, destined to always be inferior.
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78 N 53!!!! FOR THE PKMN ASK GAME!!!!!!!!! and maybe assigning more pokemon too..? :3 i know we did that already but <3 auauauuauauauau
Hi Kaz!! I saw your other ask, but haven't had time to check the songs you reccomended, but I prommy I'll check it soon!! Sorry I'm answering soooo late! x[
78. least favorite eeveelution
They're all so cute, but .. admittedly, I never got the hype around Umbreon JKSHAJKSHAK IDK . I always preferred Espeon, and while its true Umbreon has a pretty shiny ... idk, out of all the others, Umbreon is just the one I would pick. Last. I think.
53. favorite dragon type
I mentioned that I don't use dragons all that much, but my favorite ones are the Goodra line! Particularly Goomy. <3
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ALSO OF COURSE if I recall correctly, I assigned you Luvdisc, Brionne, and Whismur!
Here's some other Pokemon that remind me of you!
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I don't know why Pidgey popped into my mind when I thought of you, but Applin has the same reasoning as Luvdisc- giving to people you like = kinda similar to the time you traded bracelets with people from a concert! Also its probably because of the colors of your avatar + the story you mentioned when your parent bought a caterpillar so. Fuzzy worm thing (ferret) for you <3
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Favorite pokemon?????? (Very important question, answer it truthfully!!!!)
In no particular order:
- Pidgey
- Skitty
- Bonsly
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pokemart-official · 2 years
I'm sorry but is that a Pidgey?
Sorry this took so long to answer, I was trying to find a good diagram to demonstrate the differences
Gatsby is actually a Pidove He is just a variant of the normal pidove
Many people just see them as nuisance city flying types, but they weren't always! They used to be very sought after and people bred a whole bunch of variations This diagram is just a short list
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As you can see the variations aren't just different colorations, but they can also change the shape of the feathers, placement of feathers, beak length, and posture of the pokémon
Gatsby is specifically a Lahore variant pidove, Although he isn't the best example because he has a lot of speckling on his chest and his muffs (foot feathers) are quite short
I will say there are some variants that are honestly kind of questionably ethically just because they can reduce quality of life of the pokémon, like ones with excessively short beaks can make it very difficult for the pidove to eat
Aesthetics should always take a back seat to the well being of the pokémon
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