pinginamupfel · 3 years
hey so it’s march now aka the beginning of endometriosis awareness month and i feel obligated to remind you that debilitatingly painful periods are not normal. if you or someone you know is ending up sick or bedridden every month, you are not crazy and deserve medical attention from someone who will take you seriously
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
the fact that Loki’s death scene in Thor 2 was originally intended to be real & retconned later and the end where he’s alive was filmed during pickups has me SO fucked up because now I can’t choose between which headcanon I prefer re: his behavior in Ragnarok. like listen, okay, either:
1. loki was planning on playing dead the whole time and so his very sad death scene & everything he said therein was a calculated move and he was practically writing the theatrical version of it (starring matt damon as himself) as he went along 
2. loki really thought he was dying and every melodramatic word of his death scene was 100% heartfelt and then after he realized he wasn’t dead he fucking… woke up peaced out to go take over asgard (lol?) and several months later he was sitting on the throne and could remember every word of what he said to thor on that day and was like “wow im so fucking poetic. that should be a play. starring matt damon as Me perhaps” 
and I honestly could not tell you which is better 
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
it’s time we start oppressing ppl that use the word “hubby”
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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it's illegal for Anish Kapoor to look at this fish
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
it really bothers me that so many people on this site treat ableism like it’s black and white.
just now i saw a post where op was like “i’m glad that spinners are popular because it normalizes fidgets and decreases stigma” and someone replied like “no!! it’s absolutely TERRIBLE that neurotypicals are using these fidgets because when they get in trouble they make things harder for mentally ill kids!!” and like you guys do realize that? you’re both right? it isn’t a decisive fact that neurotypicals using fidgets is either good or bad, there are both benefits and consequences that need to be taken into consideration.
a few months ago there was a post going around that was like, *neurotypical voice* why are you bouncing your leg, and somebody reblogged it saying that the post was ableist because autistic kids can get overstimulated by leg bouncing. i go to a school for the mentally disabled, and i’ve been in this exact scenario, my classmate wasn’t able to focus because i was bouncing my leg and although i felt bad i told him that i wouldn’t be able to stop for long because i do it subconsciously due to my adhd. he wasn’t being ableist for asking me to stop, and i wasn’t being ableist for saying i couldn’t, we just both had different needs. in the end, our compromise was that i went to work in the computer lab.
you have to understand that there is always more than one side to issues like these, and that we should be striving for understanding and balance over demonization of one side and blind support of the other. this is especially relevant when people on both sides are mentally ill or disabled, because sometimes symptoms will clash and you just need to deal with it.
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
this is going around twitter rn but im also super curious: please tell me your top four comfort movies that you’re always down to watch bc my friend thinks mine are ridiculous and now we’ve realised everyone’s version of “comfort” is hilariously different
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
how the vaccine works
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
Deutsche Fernsehsender be like: Morden im Norden, Mord am Meer, Mord auf Shetland (eng: Shetland), Mord in Genua (itl: Petra), München Mord, Mord auf Höchster Ebene (frz: Une affaire d'état), Mörderisches Tal, Mord ohne Beweise, Mordkommission Istanbul, Mord geht immer, Mordshunger, Dresden Mord,  Mord mit Aussicht, Mord ist ihr Hobby, Inspector Mathias – Mord in Wales (wls:  Y Gwyll), Brokenwood - Mord in Neuseeland (eng: The Brokenwood Mysteries), Mord in bester Gesellschaft, Mord in Louisiana (eng: In the Electric Mist)
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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The agender icon we didn’t know we needed.
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
my list, in no particular order, of when a soundtrack has absolutely went off it’s tits to give some of the best moments in any media.
infamous quicksilver scene from x-men apocalypse (”sweet dreams are made of this” playing as he saves everyone from the manor)
the inexplicable use of supermassive black hole by muse  in twilight during the baseball scene
the scene in umbrella academy where five fucks up all those agents in the diner while “istanbul (not constantinople)” plays in the background
what’s up danger playing from into the spiderverse when miles takes the leap of faith
the start of spiderman homecoming when they played the orchestral version of the spiderman theme for the first time
sweet victory
“sitting there useless as two shits hey, turn around bend over i’ll show you where my shoe fits”
the part in rwby where they slingshot ruby at the nevermore while the final part of red like roses pt.2 plays, the guitars blaring as she goes up the cliff and ending with the beheading
busted from phineas and ferb
the end of guardians of the galaxy volume 2 where they start playing father and son
the part in thor ragnarok when hela asks thor “what were you the god of again?” before thor attacks her and starts going batshit crazy on the undead army while led zeppelin’s immigrant song plays
as this is by no means a comprehensive list, please add any soundtrack moments that were so Fucking Good they made you have a physical reaction.
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
I love the idea of Spock being super queer, highly expressive and very emotional from a Vulcan view point. Like...
What humans see:
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What Vulcans see:
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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pinginamupfel · 3 years
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