pintereststoof-blog · 7 years
Day 2: Life Goes On
Hey everyone, I didn’t get to post throughout the day today, but here’s everything I remember.
I was running late this morning so I took a Camelbak bottle full of the mixture to work with me. I drank it when I made it to the office, making pretty disgusted faces I’m sure. My boss wanted to give it a try so I let her have a sip. Surprisingly she loved the taste. She wants me to bring the ingredients to work so we can make some and put it in the fridge in the breakroom (blech, but sure). All I had for breakfast was an Herbalife shake, but like yesterday I didn’t feel hungry until about noon.
Today we had a coworker from a different office come into town so we ate out for lunch. I did manage to drink my second round of the mixture from the bottle I brought to work. Lunch was pretty heavy. We had BBQ with lots of cheese and bread. I really need to change my diet lifestyle or this cleansing whatever isn’t going to be worth it.
After work everyone at the office decided to go out again for dinner at a steakhouse. I didn’t get home to drink more of my mixture before I went out, and I had two margaritas and a lot of appetizers.I’m tipsy typing as you read this (I’ll go back and proofread tomorrow). I didn’t get home in time for my daily walk with my german shepherd :/ but I did get a third dose of the mixture in before I go to bed.
Tomorrow I intend to find some workouts and diet plans on Pinterest so I can change my lifestyle more than just drinking a nasty mixture for 4 days, but tonight I’ll just be satisfied with being in bed before 11 pm.
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pintereststoof-blog · 7 years
Day 1: Pondwater
Today is my first day to actually drink the mixture that I put in my fridge last night. According to the instructions I should drink a glass right when I wake up for “the best results”, so when I woke up at 6 am this morning I decided to snap a before picture: 
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Here I am, in all of my curvy glory. No filters, no photoshop. 
...I hate it. But I guess that’s why I’m trying new things.
Immediately after this picture I went to my kitchen and pulled out the mixture. Yuck. Taking advantage of the vague glass size instructions, I chose to drink a coffee cup full of the stuff. Definitely mix the mixture before you pour it because all of the solid ingredients sink to the bottom. I also recommend having plain water nearby because drinking this stuff straight is disgusting. I managed to get my cup full down and then I headed out for a coffee date.
As of this morning, all I had for breakfast was the mixture and a vanilla frappucino. I usually only have an herbalife shake for breakfast, but I usually continue to snack throughout my shift. Today I had no snack and no shake, and I really didn’t have a desire for anything. My coworkers brought in breakfast from McDonald’s to share, but even that didn’t look appetizing. I usually have a big appetite, so I believe the drink is at least helping me with that. Maybe that’s the whole secret to it. I guess we’ll see.
Right now I’m sitting at home with my second mixture drink of the day. It’s slightly less miserable than the first one, and about 10 minutes before my lunch my stomach did finally start to growl. I made a Michelina TV dinner of chicken with vegetables and rice. I want this blog to be as accurate as possible, so I’m trying to update my posts throughout the day, but I’ll probably combine my updates about breakfast and lunch most of the time. I also took a chewable probiotic and women’s multivitamin. I’m continuously telling myself that I only need to drink this stuff for 4 days, but if it works I may continue in the future. Pain is beauty after all. I intend to drink my next mixture when I get off at 5.
Well 5 pm has rolled around. I had dinner and then drank another cup of my mixture. It’s getting easier. I figured out that if I stir it while I drink it then I won’t swallow all of the solid ingredients in one (very nasty) gulp at the end. I’m not sure if it’s related, but I had a mild panic attack today after work. Eating seemed to help a little. Just noting everything. The more I write the more I feel like a science experiment :p Anyway I’ll drink my last cup of the day before I go to sleep. I also intend to go on a walk for about 30 minutes. I’ll finish the last part of Day 1 then.
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pintereststoof-blog · 7 years
Day 0: The Drink Mix
Hello everyone,
My name is Keshia. I’ve created this board to blog about my results from things that I want to try from my Pinterest page. This could range from makeup to food to exercise that I want to try out. The first thing I have decided to try is a drink mix that claims it will help you lose 4kg and 16 cm in 4 days, focusing on the belly area. Sounds good, right? I’ve had it on my “diet wall” for awhile, but to be frank, I hate dieting and exercising. That’s why I’ve created this page. Hopefully it will help me stay committed to you, my (nonexistent as I have just created this page 10 minutes ago) followers, and to myself. Anyway, back to the drink mix. Bear with me as I figure out how to add pictures to what I write
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Here’s the Pinterest ad, which will take you to this link: http://naturalsolutions365.com/dont-consume-it-more-than-4-days-this-mixture-will-help-you-lose-4-kg-and-16cm-waist-in-just-4-days-recipe/
So today I went out and purchased the ingredients for this “Magical Drink” Apparently everyone in this town is out and about frantically buying cucumbers and lemons, so while I did finally find the cucumber after going to three stores I ended up buying lemon juice extract and mint extract instead of dried mint. I have no idea why this mixture asks for two different kinds of mint, but hopefully the extract won’t affect my results too much.
After I went home with my ingredients I had a final binge meal of sushi and chocolate chip cookies.I called today “Day 0″ because the mixture has to be chilled overnight. So tonight I peeled the cucumber and added the other ingredients to my single person blender with some water. After that I added the “8 glasses of water” to a separate water pitcher. Could the article be any more vague? What size are the glasses of water supposed to be? What if someone trying this uses too small of a lemon or too big of a cucumber? Sorry I’m getting of topic. I added the contents of the blender to my water in the pitcher (I recommend NOT smelling it. If you smell it you’ll NEVER want to drink it) and mixed it well.
Here is the final result:
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The water looks like it was scooped from a very nasty pond and smells almost as bad, but I placed it in the refrigerator to chill overnight while I sleep and have a dream debate with myself about whether this is worth it or not. We shall see.
Tomorrow I’ll post pictures of my stomach before I drink the mixture.I’m pretty self conscious so posting pictures of my stomach definitely takes me out of my comfort zone, but I want this post to be as honest as possible.So I’ll talk about what I ate that day, how I’m feeling, how this pond water tastes...anyways wish me luck. If you’ve ever tried this regimen feel free to let me know how it worked out for you :)
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