pipelpillow · 9 months
Hi. Just read The Trickster ANBU by HollowSpiritFree and thought maybe you would like it too.
I especially love the theme of Naruto loving ANBU because it’s the only place in which he’s been unequivocally accepted. He isn’t different, he isn’t hated, he’s apart of a team and a group with zero animosity towards him and he loves it. What are your thoughts on this? Is you’re idea of Naruto the same or different? Anyway I would just love to hear your thoughts and simultaneously share this fix rec.
I do think that ANBU would be the type of place Naruto would find acceptance just from the given nature of ANBU and the jobs they take and the way they operate. I don’t think prejudice would live all that long in the Black Ops
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pipelpillow · 9 months
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pipelpillow · 11 months
I just finished reading Sket Dance for the n-th time, and seeing Bossun and Agata Soujiro interact just make me... Ugh. Need fanfic about them being lovers fr
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pipelpillow · 11 months
As I promised the lovely @lucy-andreas here’s a list of my favorite jegulus fics. Be warned, it’s a weird mix all around:
1. One Thousand Wildflower Fields by ThisLiminalSpace
James is a good citizen. He pays his taxes, waves at his neighbours, remembers his mother’s birthday, works on things and stuff on the Internet like any other human in this day and age, and certainly has never been involved in anything illegal.
There is a first time for everything.
Notes: no-magic, abo au where omegas weren’t allowed out of the house until recently. Regulus deals with his new found freedom by fighting in illegal rings. James deals… not. Completed.
2. Of Pinstripes And Potions by pansysnarkinson
When James wakes up, his head is pounding. He can’t remember drinking anything, but supposes he must have because it feels like he’s been hit square between the eyes with a bludger. He’s never been one to get hungover, but he knows this is what it’s supposed to feel like. Although, come to think of it, he doesn’t remember celebrating their victory on the pitch, isn’t completely sure they had one at all. The last thing he remembers is turning to look to the stands, revelling in the roars of his fellow Gryffindors, certain that they were going to beat Hufflepuff. Then, he turned and… was hit square between the eyes with a bludger.
Now he’s stuck in the hospital wing, and the bed next to his is occupied by none other than Regulus Black.
Notes: not much to say about this one. Very light as far as jegulus in Hogwarts goes. Completed.
3. James Potter's Application to Court Regulus Black by MiriamMT
“Hello and welcome, my name is James Potter and this is my presentation on ‘Why I should be allowed to date Regulus Black’.”
* * *
When James asks for Sirius' blessing for his and Regulus' relationship, Sirius insists on a formal application and a presentation on why he deserves to be with his little brother.
Notes: hilarious and very fluffy. It’s a one shot and there isn’t much going on in the background. Completed.
4. the golden king by maladaptivewriting
When Regulus Black woke up in 1991 after he was supposed to die twelve years prior, he realized two things. One, the locket he had worked so hard to steal had never been destroyed so the Dark Lord was still alive. And two, Harry Potter, James Potter's son, was in danger.
Regulus goes to school with the Golden Trio.
Notes: one of my favorite Regulus-survives-the-cave fics. Also one of my favorite jegulus fics in general. Follows the golden trio + de-aged Regulus as they go to Hogwarts, and how Regulus’ influence changes things. James may or may not be dead, though he is definitely present. It’s complicated. Ongoing, but has steady updates.
5. All you need is love by touchlikethesun
James Potter is so helplessly in love with Regulus Black. And miraculously Regulus loves him back. And in the end, isn't that all that matters?
Notes: morally gray James. It explains most of what happens here. It gets pretty dark at some point, but I personally love me a Death Eather!James Potter when done right. And this one is definitely done right. Hopeful Ending? Ambiguous Ending? Something like that. Surprisingly, the only steady relationship is jegulus. Everything else is a mess, as Marauders tend to be. Completed.
6. my almost lover by alarainai and salmon_says
“If I was dating Regulus, I would have noticed.”
A pause. His friends all stare at him with various levels of disbelief. Suddenly, he feels very stupid.
“Are you sure?” Remus asks.
Regulus and James are a couple. James is the last person to realise this.
Notes: fluffy and funny. Very light, almost no angst considering the canon material we have to work with. James is a very lovable idiot as per usual. Completed.
7. quite like us by alarainai and salmon_says
[18:12] Seriously, wrong number. Don’t send shirtless pictures to strangers.
[18:13] Padfoot, this rejection hurts.
[18:16] What’s a Padfoot?
[18:17] Wait, is this actually not Padfoot?
[18:19] I don’t even know what that is, but no. I’m not a Padfoot.
Notes: modern au with a wrong number situation. Strangers to lovers, very cute all around with a healthy doze of panic and angst (but nothing too terrible). Completed.
8. Only the Brave by Solmussa
Regulus Black is angry. He wants revenge. He wants to watch the world burn for all it's done to him. He also wants to make out with James Potter, but that's a secret he'll take to the grave. Vengeance is more important than... whatever it is that chokes him when he lays eyes on Potter.
James Potter is confused, because Regulus Black is, all of a sudden, hot. And it's unfair because Sirius is going to kill him if he doesn't get his impulse control in line.
A fic about two idiots falling in love (x2 because there's wolfstar, too) during a war, and the sacrifices they'll have to make to survive it.
Notes: one of the best jegulus fics I’ve read in my life. Gut wrenching, soul shattering angst. It’ll make you cry at five in the morning while contemplating your decisions and at four in the afternoon, also contemplating your decisions. The fluff will kill you, as will the hurt/comfort and the happy ending. Everything in this fic is designed to hurt, but you’ll thank the author because it’s all worth it in the end. A monster with more than 600k worth of words so thread with caution if you’re thinking of starting this at night like I did. Other than that, put on your seatbelt because you’re in for a ride. Completed.
9. Mastermind (Love Made Me Crazy) by MiriamMT
Regulus is consumed by bitterness and pain after his brother Sirius ran away from home, and he blames James Potter for taking him away.
Seeking revenge, he plots to take James away from Sirius. But what starts as a means of vengeance quickly turns into a tumultuous affair, and Regulus finds himself falling in love. Passion and desire turn into feelings and the wish to do and be better for James.
But, as he navigates his complex feelings for James, a dark wizard rises to power, seeking to gain followers among the Hogwarts students. Trapped between duty and love, Regulus is forced to confront his fears, as he tries to protect those he cares about.
Notes: the only reason this didn’t break me the same way Only the Brave did is because it’s half its size. Which is still an impressive 300k worth of words, but you don’t spend wallowing in despair as long. I can promise a happy ending but at what cost? Completed.
10. i regret you all the time by inevitablestars
What happens when James falls for Regulus and his friends lose their trust in him?
Notes: deceptively short summary. I still haven’t finished this one out of sheer fear of how much it’ll break me. I never do MCD or canon compliant fics when it comes to jegulus but the Death Eather!James Potter tag seduced me. I regret it all the time (pun intended) but at the same time I don’t. Can’t say how it ends because I still haven’t gotten the courage to read the last chapter but… thread with caution and keep a pair of tissues near you. Completed.
11. glimpses of heaven by lunahunt
In the aftermath of the prank, James Potter is at an all time low. He can barely look at Sirius, Remus’s dad is keeping him locked up all summer, and Lily Evans hates him even more than usual.
In an effort to get James out of the house, Euphemia signs her son up for a summer Quidditch program with the famous Josef Wronski—seeker for the Grodzisk Goblins and inventor of the Wronski Feint.
The last person James expects to see there is Regulus Black.
[slow ish burn jegulus fic beginning the summer after the marauders fifth year and continuing through the rest of their years at hogwarts] [not canon compliant (aka everyone won’t die)]
Notes: one of the best James characterizations I’ve ever read. The author makes him so inherently flawed and human and it’s wonderful. Post Prank Angst, of course. My only regret reading this is that it’s incomplete, though I still harbor hope that the author will update again.
12. Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars
Regulus Black was fifteen the first time his name was called at a reaping. He's twenty-five when it happens to him again. A lot has changed in that time, and one of them is that he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it home. Nothing or no one will stop him, not even James Potter.
James Potter has no plans to stop Regulus Black from making it home. In fact, his plans revolve around the opposite. He has his reasons, but he's made his choice to get Regulus out of the arena, even knowing it'll be the last thing he ever does.
Sirius Black was sixteen when he volunteered to take his little brother's place in the arena. At twenty-six, without the option to do it again, he has no choice but to be a mentor to his brother and best friend, knowing that only one of them can make it back out.
Two names called, a mentor on the verge of falling apart, and more secrets and grief between all of them than they know how to handle. None of them are prepared for what comes next, or how far they'll go to make it through.
Notes: is it really a jegulus fic rec list if I don’t recommend CR, aka the best jegulus fic of all times? No it’s not, so here it is, the best jegulus fic I’ve read. The Hunger Games au, with aged-up characters. Promises a happy ending but at what cost? Prepare to bawl, scream, look blankly at your wall, laugh and fall in love with this pair of idiots as they fight for their lives. Surprisingly, not everyone dies, and there is a happy ending. There’s pretty graphic depictions of violence though, so thread carefully. It’s a 865k words monster fic (longer than the Bible!) but it really doesn’t feel that long when you’re desperate to see what happens next. I don’t recommend reading this if you’re planning on stopping for long periods of time, though be ready to feel emotionally drained afterwards because this one is the definition of a rollercoaster. You have to have an account to see this work. Completed.
13. just lovers (like we were supposed to be) by bizarrestarts
Regulus closes his eyes and shakes his head again, looking pained, then he opens them and sighs. "And your solution to this is me? Pretending to be my boyfriend?"
"Yeah. It's actually bloody brilliant, if you think about it. Everyone will leave happy. I'm going to fake date my way into falling in love," James announces grandly, sticking his hand out and waving it through the air like he's presenting a banner.
Or, the one in which James Potter wants to prove he'd be a good boyfriend to Lily Evans and comes up with the brilliant plan to fake date Regulus Black his way into falling in love. It doesn't quite go as anyone expects.
Task failed...successfully?
Notes: no Voldemort au, fake dating trope, angst with a happy ending. As always, Zar delivers complete masterpieces. Also one of my favorite jegulus fics of all times. The angst, thankfully, is not of the life or death variety, which is refreshing in this fandom. You’ll suffer, but you’ll be happy about it. You have to have an account to see this work. Completed.
14. By Your Heart's Calm Strength by pansysnarkinson
Nobody knows who started the fire at Grimmauld Place.
Some people swear it was Sirius, hell-bent on taking revenge on an unloving family.
Others swear it was Regulus, gone mad like other Blacks before him.
The only thing James Potter knows is that the mystery is occupying far more of his mind than is healthy.
Notes: I read this a long time ago but I remember being bamboozled when I did. James slowly discovers the truth of what happened at Grimmauld Place, and falls in love with Regulus along the way. Fluff and angst, of course. Completed.
15. Carpe Noctem by evareinadeescocia
Golden boy,
Lion boy;
Tell me what it’s like to conquer.
Fearless child,
Broken boy;
Tell me what it’s like to burn.
In which a very nosy James Potter notices that every weekend, when everyone falls asleep, Regulus Black sneaks into an abandoned fifth-floor classroom, and he can't help but try to find out what the little Black is up to.
Notes: another one of my all time favorites. Enemies to lovers, secret relationship, standard jegulus fic. This one has Seer!Regulus, which is both very important and at the same time not relevant at all. Non canon compliant and a promised happy ending which is the only reason I read it because at the time it looked too similar to Choices and I don’t touch canon compliant fics with a ten feet pole. A 680k word monster, it’s currently on hiatus but I strongly believe the author will come back to finish it. Every time I think about it I consider giving it a reread.
16. Finders Keepers by jeggie_toast
"Bloody hell," he murmured. "I really fancy you, Reggie."
It sounded like music, coming from James' lips; a piece that Regulus would like to listen to for the rest of his life.
"...I fancy you, too."
A slow-burn, canon-compliant fic documenting the relationship between James Potter and Regulus Black - from the first time they officially meet, throughout the development of their friendship and eventual romance, right to the moment it all ends. Lots of fluff, no smut :)
*FOR THOSE WHOSE HEARTS CAN'T TAKE CANON-COMPLIANCY* - Stop reading at Chapter 99, then go read my Happy Ending Au: He Is!
Notes: to be completely honest, I did not read the last chapters and skipped to the Happy Ending Au so I have no idea how it ends in canon compliant. I can take a guess though. As usual with jegulus fics, you’ll suffer but you’ll be happy about it. The Happy Ending Au is pretty great. Completed.
17. blue and yellow skies by alarainai and salmon_says
#starchaser is trending.
Regulus Black ✓ @littleking
Why is this a thing? I don't even like Potter.
James Potter ✓ @jfprongs
Replying to @littleking
He's lying. We're desperately in love.
Regulus Black ✓ @littleking
Replying to @jfprongs
die :)
Quidditch Rivals turned Quidditch Lovers. That's what the world sees them as, at least.
Too bad Regulus hates James Potter's guts, and James? Well, it doesn't matter what he feels about their definitely fake, definitely emotionless relationship.
Notes: no Voldemort, modern technology meets magic, professional Quidditch au. Enemies to lovers (though are they enemies if they were in love with each other already?), fake dating trope. Fluff with the appropriate angst dosis, amazing happy ending. Completed.
I know there’s many other fics that are considered must reads for the fandom, but they’re either canon compliant or have MCD, so I haven’t read them, nor will I ever read them. I’ll still leave the links in case someone is interested, but I won’t give any descriptions.
1. Choices by MesserMoon (Canon-Compliant).
2. Art Heist, Baby! by otrtbs (Tagged MCD, the only one of these I may read if I ever find the courage).
3. The Heart of a Lion by orphan_account (Canon-Compliant and Tagged MCD).
Other must reads I have not read yet, so I won’t be giving any descriptions. I’ll still leave the links though.
1. Falls by vantelk
2. pink lemonade by moonysbookshelf
3. Best Friend's Brother by bizarrestarts (needs an account to read)
4. when you were mine by sequinhaze (needs an account to read)
5. The Blood In Your Mouth by moonysmirrorball
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pipelpillow · 11 months
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My heart are broken over another devastating loss.
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pipelpillow · 1 year
Do you have any jasico and percico fanfic recommendations? ^ w ^
Sure! Sorry for this late response. Had been busy with classes, and I barely got any sleep for the first week, haha– OTL
> This list will be updated whenever I see a story that I truly love. :)
Note: There is no specific ranking by which I list my favourite stories. Links are provided on the titles.
Incomplete = Not yet finished
Percico/Nicercy fics:
Found by GenuineLies: After five years of running, Nico is finally found. Some things you run from are just faster than you by nature. (Percico)
Target Practice by StillFallingAngel: Nico is a cupid. He’s been doing the job for ninety years and hasn’t made a single mistake. Until he accidentally cuts himself after shooting Percy Jackson. Now he’s stuck babysitting the guy until he can figure out a way to get Percy to stop making goo-goo eyes at him. There may or may not be a moral lesson along the way. (Nicercy)
Starting a new Life by Mitsumi: "Anyone who dares to swim in the river of Lethe will turn their mind into a new born baby. How ironic was it that the person who warned him about it was now sitting there in front of him, just finished swimming in the river, all of his memories probably gone.“ (Percico)
Where do I Begin? by Mitsumi: “It just hurts so bad to know that the person you love doesn’t want you, will never give you a chance, and that you never had a chance to begin with.” Dropping the arrow back on the floor, Percy just kept on staring at the ceiling. Based on what he saw, Nico was visibly upset and Eros was just sitting there before the light came in and took Nico away. There was something wrong there. Eros didn’t seem to want to take Nico away even though he seemed to have grabbed the boy before he was gone, that was for sure.Which leaves him the question, who the hell took Nico? (Percico)
What colour is the sky? by AnaSoft: When your hands touch with your fated one, colours bloom before your eyes.Nico di Angelo met Percy Jackson with a wrong text message. He never imagined he would end up like this. (Percico)
Straw and Gold by betsib: Nico is tasked with spinning straw into gold in order to marry a princess. Things don’t exactly go as expected. Rumpelstiltskin AU.
Tribulations by betsib & MidnightinJapan: Percy and Nico are caught in an argument between two goddesses and are put to the test. They must prove the strength of their bond to survive or lose their freedom forever.Pjo BigBang 2014 (Percico)
Like a Drop on the Ocean by webofdreams89: “Yeah, I think that’s part of my fatal flaw. I put the people I love before everything else, but when I fail them, I just can’t let it go,” Percy admitted. How Percy learned to let go, to forgive himself, and fell in love in the process. (Incomplete)
Never Two Late by StarOfFeanor: Set two hundred years after Blood of Olympus. Nico accepted the gods offer of immortality. Percy did not. What happens when a Cupid decides to give Nico a Valentine’s Day gift? Could this be Nico’s second chance at true love? (Nicercy)
Amortetti (What is Love?) by Mitsumi: Percy Jackson learns the different kinds of love, Greek style, as he tries to sort out what really matters the most. (Percico) (Series: incomplete)
Check theboringdolphin and midnightinjapan’s stories (I have a lot of favourites from their collection and that would be too long, so I make a recommendation on the authors in general. :)
Undertow by loserladder: Percy has stopped talking to everyone except a dryad. Nico wants to know why. (He also wants to know why sometimes the person you love the most as a teenager is not the person you end up with, and why sometimes they are.)Also, apparently Nico di Angelo is more mature than anyone would have expected him to be.
Betrothed by Archangelsings: The price of love has never been cheap. Love is a hard thing to come by, and an even harder thing to keep. It’s something that comes with sacrifice. But some sacrifices are higher than others… is the price for this love worth it? Nico/Percy"It’s not like he’d meant for it to happen–No, it just sort of did. It’s not like he had wanted the curse to fall on them– on the kingdom, their families – but it did. He didn’t mean for things to escalate so quickly, so forcefully, so strongly. It didn’t matter what he said, what he believed. It didn’t matter that he was supposed to be getting married; that he was betrothed to another– to Annabeth. None of that occurred to him, especially not when he had the poor servant boy trapped beneath him. Not when his lips molded against his. Not when he’d crane his neck back and beg for more. He could push all those thoughts away and pretend that this was meant to be.But little ever really was.“ (Incomplete)
Nicholas Hunt by kashaminami:They won the war and diverted the apocalypse only to be wiped out by another unexpected apocalypse. Nico was dead… until the personification of Time brought him back to life then, sent him to the past with orders to, “Find the one responsible for the end of the world and stop him.” Easier said than done, Chronos. (Incomplete)
The Pursuit by ChuckHedge: Percy had never really paid all that much attention to Nico. And certainly not that kind of attention. Nico had been a chatterbox ten year old, then an angry eleven year old, and at twelve Percy stopped paying attention altogether.The moment Nico is done is the moment Percy starts to pay attention.He likes what he sees.Or, the one where Percy is doggedly determined to fix their friendship, and Nico really starts to regret coming clean. (Incomplete)
The Second Life by uptoolate (This is Jasico as well): When Nico di Angelo was fifteen years old, there were a few ideas he was certain were fact: He knew who he was, dorky and kind of scary; Jason Grace was the best guy on the planet, and Nico would never love anyone else; Sometimes, Percy Jackson was kind of a dick; Having a dad who wears a cloak of tormented souls will make a guy perpetually unpopular.Nico’s life didn’t quite end up as he’d planned.Now, he’s been turned into a god and left on an isolated beach, imprisoned with the last two people he’d have chosen, Percy Jackson and Jason Grace. Together, the three have to navigate the new world of godhood and the frustrations of prison. They’ll need to make peace with their jagged pasts and forge a future that none of them planned. (Incomplete)
Jasico fics:
A Truth Universally Acknowledged by betsib: Jason is new in town. He’s rich, handsome and most importantly, unmarried. He naturally catches the eye of more than one young lady, but it’s a blind young man that turns out to be his most interesting new acquaintance. Jane Austen-inspired AU.
Siamo Nei Guai by kingburu: Nico di Angelo wakes up and finds out Bianca di Angelo, Praetor to the Twelfth Legion, is alive.Jason wakes up to an olive-skinned boy with a crew cut, purple shirt, and three tic marks on his arm, claiming to be Nico di Angelo.
Netherside by skyrat: The last time he checked, Nico di Angelo was a demigod on the run, not some geek working in a comic book shop in downtown Manhattan, and he definitely wasn’t best friends with Jason Grace. The last time Jason Grace checked, Nico di Angelo was in love with Percy Jackson, not with him. Since when were they even close friends? Something’s wrong. But will they want to fix this?
Homebound by Escopeta: homebound[HOHM·bownd] English(adj.) moving or traveling homeward; Reyna told him that they had two homes. But in all honesty? Nico didn’t fully believe her. He’s still the creepy Death Boy to most, and people continue to actively avoid him if possible. He doesn’t belong at Camp Half-Blood; everyone knows it. He’s giving it a shot anyway if only to find a place he can truly call home. But if there’s anything he learned from those few years of grade school, it’s that the word “home” is a noun: a person, place, or thing. And to his surprise, Nico will find that “home” is defined not by darkness, solitude, and cold, but by sunshine, company, and warmth.It’s not a “where” or a “what”, but a “who”. (Incomplete)
truce by ohmygodwhy: They’d rescued Nico di Angelo. They’d gotten to Annabeth. But, as usual, there were only a few minutes of relief, even fewer of happiness.His hand wrapped around Nico’s and his other clawed at the stone and managed to dig into a small ledge, leaving him hanging by his fingertips- they found themselves in a very similar situation to the one they saved their friends from a few moments ago.And then they were falling. (Incomplete)
Six Months Can Change so Much When You’re a Demigod by uptoolate: Jason and Nico like to spend time together, they know that much, even if Nico is a snarky potty-mouth and Jason is mired in guilt and unrealistic expectations - their friendship just works. Of course, not everyone is happy about it. When things slowly change between them and become more complicated than simple friendship, they have to make difficult choices about what their futures hold. Helped along by a smart and loyal “family” with a few surprises of their own, the two must decide what matters to them most.The story begins on Nico’s fifteenth birthday, about six months after the events of The Blood of Olympus, and ends on Jason’s seventeenth birthday.
Running From, Running Towards by betsib: Jason Grace is the star quarterback at Jupiter High. Nico di Angelo is the new kid in the track team, and he seems to dislike football players. High School AU
The Value of Propriety by betsib: Despite being a nobleman and heir to his father’s fortune, Nico has gotten used to living without servants. Worried about her brother being all alone, Hazel decides to hire a butler for him. Victorian AU
Cacti and Peace Lilies by betsib: Jason goes to buy flowers, and the boy working in the flower shop is really cute.
Communication by betsib: Nico works in a coffee shop and Jason is having trouble making himself understood.
So Maybe We Finally See Each Other In Lights That Burn by The_Inebriated_Literary_Virtuoso: An entire series of Jasico AUs based on tumblr prompts! (Incomplete)
He does look a little like Captain America by RedRaidingHood: Hazel and Nico are stranded in the middle of nowhere on a little road trip and an attractive stranger comes to the rescue.
Give Me a Chance by bigheroofolympus: Nico loves Jason, but the older boy thinks he’s a creep.
The Love You Kept Hidden & The Promises He Kept by  TheOneNicoCaredForMostPercy:
>>>>>>>> “The best memories he’s ever had have been taken away from him, memories that Hera won’t allow him to remember on his own.” “What are you talking about?” Jason demanded. “Tell him Nico, or I’ll show him. I’ll show everyone.” “It doesn’t matter anymore.” Nico hissed. “He’s with Piper.“ 
>>>>>>>>  Sequel to “The Love You Kept Hidden” “You still trusted me though.” “I always trusted you.” “Nothing has changed, Nico. I remember now, I love you.” Jason cupped Nico’s face like he always did when he was being insecure and doubtful and made him look into his eyes. Nico’s eyes were tear filled, his lips trembling.
Home is Enough by Fim (damaskino): When you were a child, you fell for a hero. It’s ultimately someone else who makes you feel like one.2nd person Nico introspection on the book events and beyond.
Cut My Chest Wide Open and Take What You Need by taberune:Because Nico’s the son of the God of the Underworld, and sons of Hades just aren’t allowed to be happy. (Incomplete)
In the Heat of the Night by simplynightingale:When you are a police officer dedicated to bringing down criminals and your boyfriend is the equivalent of a mobster boss, life gets very complicated.A Jasico Cops vs. Gangs AU (Incomplete)
Bittersweet by Serketchaos (Percico as well): It’s hard watching someone you love, love someone else. (Incomplete)
A Step You Can’t Take Back by DreamAsIRead (Percico as well): Some people find their soulmates. Some people don’t. When Nico di Angelo was ten years old, he made a wish upon a star. He wished for a soulmate that would love him as purely as his Mama loved his Father. He wished for someone with a beautiful smile and kind eyes. He wished for a prince charming that would sweep him off his feet, and take him away to live happily ever after in a castle somewhere. The saddest thing about growing up, Nico thought, was learning to leave childhood wishes behind.*Inspired by The_Yaoi_Goddess "Lost Stars”. (Incomplete)
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pipelpillow · 1 year
N/ purely self-indulgent hhh, plus I always wanted to do something like this when I read a good fic. First attempt at making a webcomic.
Based on @rayshippouuchiha's ShikaNaru fic "The Brightest Flame (The Darkest Shadow)" :D
Rated: M
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Crack Treated Seriously, BAMF Uzumaki Naruto, Genderfluid Character, Yandere Shikamaru Nara, Smitten Shikamaru Nara, Naruto with Tsunade's Strength, Love At first Chakra Enhanced Strike,.... etc.
Chapters (so far): 2/?
Shikamaru’s never felt chakra so vibrant and warm before.
The log that Naruto’s been punching shatters clean apart, reduced to little more than splinters under the devastating force of his chakra enhanced blow.
Shocked and more than a bit startled, Shikamaru wheezes loudly, the sound carrying across the clearing and causing Naruto to abruptly turn and look in his direction.
And in that single moment Shikamaru is lost.
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...because Shikamaru is a Nara to the core, is the strongest they've seen in generations, and the Nara have always been a clan of Shadows after all.
and what does the shadow crave more than the light?
Naruto, with his ocean blue eyes and his golden hair swaying in the breeze his attack had created, shines as bright as the sun itself.
And Shikamaru intends to have him.
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..."so much for that quiet wife and two ordinary kids idea."
"Time for a new plan." Because, really, there's no way life with Naruto is going to be any form of quiet or normal.
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....Shikamaru's entire life plan has to be thrown out the window and then redrawn from scratch.
Either way Shikamaru's not actually all that upset about his entire life being thrown into an abrupt upheaval.
After all, convincing Naruto to marry him as soon as possible will be well worth the effort.
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Naruto's pretty sure this is the closest they've ever actually been to one another outside of the few times they've been paired up to spar in class.
"What're you doing after this?" Shikamaru asks, one hand coming out of his pocket to reach out and play idly with the dangling sleeve of Naruto's kimono.
"After training?" Naruto keeps one eye on Shikamaru's hand...
"More like for the rest of your life," Shikamaru says. "But sure, we can start with training."
Naruto blinks.
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.....[Naruto's] not really sure what, exactly, is happening here but he thinks this might mean Shikamaru wants to be his friend now.
Ah my sweet summer child.
Not an exact play by play of what was written in the fic, only the gist I guess and the moment that rly stuck in my head and got me giggling in my pillow.
My love for the "oblivious pure(?) mc and their darker, possessive s/o" trope has struck again. Couldn't've stopped myself from finishing this even when sleep-deprived, which I currently am right now. Had fun challenging myself with this too and might attempt it again with a future chapter or other works depending on my schedule. I'm occupied with studying this month so making something time extensive like this won't happen for awhile yet.
Excitedly waiting for updates :D
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pipelpillow · 2 years
Height difference 🔥
Billy that’s in the 6’4-6’5 range, super muscular and dreamy
Steve that’s in the 5’6-5’8 range, twinky hairy bitch boy
Billy being overprotective as hell, carrying Steve and starting fights if someone so much as looks at Steve the wrong way.
Steve being an ever present damsel in distress 👺
Billy leans over him, making Steve slightly lightheaded on the smell of heavy cologne and stale cigarette smoke, “Baby.”
Steve pouts, glaring back.
“Pretty boy,” Billy’s white teeth gleam in the neon lights of the club, “The prettiest.”
Steve crosses his arms, though they feel weak when Billy runs one finger tip along Steve’s exposed chest, parting his chest hair and tracing one line on sweat dampened skin.
“Steve,” Billy leans in, his growl reverberating off of Steve’s face, “He pushed you.”
“We were all dancing,” Steve pouts, “It was a mistake. He didn’t mean to do it.”
Billy runs that finger down and around, laying his huge hand across Steve’s waist.
“Baby,” Billy tries again, his head haloed by the blue tinted bulb.
“No,” Steve ignores the blood swiftly rushing south as Billy’s hand caresses Steve’s waist, sliding around to the small of his back.
“Sugar,” Billy’s smiling though, one notched brow raised, “I gotta protect you. So small and sweet.”
“I’m not t-that small,” Steve bites his lip as Billy leans into his space, fitting his thigh between Steve’s and lifting him oh so easily.
Billy’s lips curve, “No. You’re just my size, prettiest. Take me so well. Fit me just right.”
Steve groans when Billy grinds against him.
“You didn’t like watching me?” Billy chuckles low in his throat, like the big bad wolf, “I didn’t even have to fight him. He looked so scared.”
Steve’s hands fall limply to Billy’s hips, gripping hard, the traitors.
“Gotta protect you, Steve,” Billy murmers in his ear, “Else you won’t keep me around.”
“I will, Jesus Christ of course I will,” Steve gasps, “Billy.”
“Forgive me, baby?” Billy grinds against him again, and Steve swears he can feel every inch through raw denim. Steve’s legs go weak, if Billy wasn’t holding him up he would have collapsed by now.
“Take me home, you animal,” Steve stammers, “Now.”
“So demanding,” Billy gives him one more long grind that has Steve seeing stars, “Can you stand, or do you want me to carry you out?”
Steve can stand. But he smiles up at Billy and lies, just because he can.
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pipelpillow · 2 years
female steve harrington,,,
the two metalheads crushing on the preppy popular girl with her mini tennis skirts showing off long legs speckled in moles
eddie bowing and gesturing his hand to doors he’s holding open with a “m’lady” and she rolls her eyes and laughs every time (but let’s be real, he just wants to look at her butt when she walks past)
nothing could convince me that billy wouldn’t tug on her ponytail sometimes in the hallways or drop his pencils when she walks past in class so she would bend over and pick them up
but stevie would also be one of those girls who would ask them to compare hand sizes with her. eddie is definitely the one who would make a comment like “look how small you are. I bet I could even- I knew it” and then hold both of her wrists together in one hand, saying it like a joke but watching how flustered she gets is too good. billy would smirk and tell her he could throw her around if he wanted to
billy and eddie smoking/listening to music in eddie’s trailer and talking about the pretty princess of hawkins high
stevie in the cheerleading uniform getting absolutely destroyed in the back of eddie’s van after a night where hellfire and a home basketball game line up on the same day and billy tells eddie all about how good she did cheering him on with her little pompoms
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pipelpillow · 2 years
Okay, I have another one bc I love Steve angst. A personal hc I have for him is that bc his dad is an asshole, he isn’t used to praise. Nancy never really gave him much. So when Billy tells him “you’re too fucking good for me, so gorgeous” while they’re fucking, Steve starts crying and Billy freaks out and Steve tries to explain to him that he has a really low self-worth level and no one’s ever told him stuff like that before. And Billy makes a point to do it more.
This is just Steve crying during soft sex while Billy praises him :)
Steve sighed as Billy mouthed along his collarbone, two fingers slick and deep inside of him.
Billy sucked a mark onto his neck, making Steve shiver and gasp.
“So fucking sensitive, Sugar,” Billy all but growled against his skin, licking a stripe up Steve’s neck to scrape his teeth along his jaw, easing a third finger into Steve. “Can’t wait to get my cock in you.”
“Don’t know what you’re waiting for.” Steve slid one hand into Billy’s hair, fisting at his curls. “C’mon, Bill. Want you.”
Billy paused for a moment, shifting to press a soft kiss to Steve’s lips, nipping at his bottom lip.
“Patience is a virtue, Baby.”
But he was drawing out his fingers, using the excess lube to slick up his cock, lining himself up to Steve.
He pushed in with one fluid motion, letting his head drop onto Steve’s shoulder, panting into his skin.
“God, feel so fucking good, Pretty Boy.” He rolled his hips, punching the breath out of Steve. Billy was babbling incoherently, pressing the words into Steve’s skin. “So fucking gorgeous.”
Steve’s breath hitched.
His brain was shorting out, going nearly blank as Billy set a steady pace.
But he just kept going.
“Absolutely perfect. Way too fucking good for me, Baby. Best thing that’s ever fuckin’ happened to me.”
And then Steve’s breath caught in his chest, and his face went hot as he choked on a sob.
Billy pushed up to brace himself on his hands, looking down at Steve, his brow furrowed.
“You okay? Did I hurt you?”
And there were fucking tears dripping out of Steve’s eyes now, and he tried to cover his face, tried to cover his shame and fucking embarrassment at crying the first time he and Billy fuck.
And then Billy moved to pull out, to pull away.
“No! I-don’t go.”
“Are you okay?” And Steve wrenched his hands away from his burning red face to look at Billy’s concerned face.
“I’m fine,” Steve’s voice wavered. “Don’t stop.”
And Billy reached down to up his cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. And then he leaned down, and pressed the gentlest kiss Steve’s ever fucking felt to his tear-strained cheek.
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he rasped right in Steve’s ear before getting back to his slow pace, fucking Steve so damn gently. “Wanna make you feel good.”
“I-I feel good, Bill. Promise.”
And then it happened again.
“God, so fucking perfect, Stevie. You feel so damn good. Fuck, Baby, just absolutely perfect.”
And the words settled so heavy in Steve’s gut.
And they just kept coming.
All kinds.
Beautiful, precious, perfect, way too good for me, best thing that’s ever happened to me, gorgeous-
They kept coming, kept pouring out of his mouth and settling under Steve’s skin.
And fuck, he doesn’t know the last time someone actually complimented him.
It’s not like his parents have ever said anything nice to his face.
And Nancy’s go to move was just calling him an idiot.
And Billy was bucking his hips, fucking Steve so fucking soft and slow.
“Christ, Stevie. I’m so close. You make me feel so damn good, Baby. Always treat me so good. You’re just-fuck, Sugar. You’re the fucking best.”
And Steve’s whole body went tight, and his back bowed, arching off the bed.
And it’s probably the best fucking orgasm Steve’s ever had. The kind that made his toes curl, and his legs shake.
And he was boneless underneath Billy, just laying there while Billy chased his own finish, kept pouring praise and beautiful words into Steve’s skin.
And when he came it was with a sigh against Steve’s neck, and Steve’s arms wrapped around his shoulders.
Billy rolled off of him, staying close by, pulling Steve back against his chest.
Because Steve was still crying.
Which was just, totally mortifying.
“You alright? Was it too much?”
“No, I just, all the things. That you said about me. All the good things. I, no one’s ever said that kinda stuff to me. It was just, overwhelming? I guess? And with the, it all felt so good and I, sorry. It’s weird,” Steve trailed off.
“It’s okay, Pretty Boy. You’re so fucking amazing, I mean, for fuck’s sake. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened.”
Steve sniffed hard. He felt disgusting, crying and snorting into Billy’s chest, cum and lube sticky between his legs and on his tummy.
But Billy was stroking his hair, and telling him each thing he found special about Steve. And not just his looks, he told him how highly he thought of Steve’s caring nature, how funny he is without even trying. How he makes everyone around him feel heard, and loved, and important.
And Billy fucking swore to himself he would make Steve feel the exact same way.
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pipelpillow · 2 years
Stevie was the popular girl who every guy wanted. And Stevie — well she gets no attention at home, so of course she seeks it out, takes anything she can get. She’s a hopeless romantic with a sharp tongue when she finally realises it’s going no where. When the guy who’s tying off his condom and tossing it into her bin, already dressing and leaving her cold, won’t stay around. Probably never would.
It’s a cycle; she digs her manicured nails into the next best guy, clings to his good traits until she can’t keep pretending and she drops them. Sometimes, if the sex is decent, she’ll recycle them, when she’s truly desperate and just wants to be touched, to not be alone in her giant house.
She thinks maybe girls will be kinder to her heart, be sweeter, will stay, but even Nancy Wheeler doesn’t stay. Stevie was just a lapse in her judgement, and she’s pretty sure she should hate her for it, especially after it cost her her reputation, but she can’t. Her heart…it’s poorly guarded, try as she might. All she wants is to be wanted with the same intensity she gives others.
Hargrove is intensity personified. His eyes, his presences, his voice; it’s all so intense it makes the tiny hairs on Stevie’s neck stand on end.
She kind of hates him. She thinks she should be scared of him after their fight; she threw the fists, the instinct to protect the kids burning in her gut. He smashed a plate on the floor between them to keep her away, made grabs to keep her still, pinned her to the floor looking near-murderous with his scowl, eyes vacant and made even shiny, but Stevie can’t remember much, not after she knocked her skull so hard against his it concussed her, passing out.
Hargrove doesn’t talk to her after that night. Avoids her like the plague, and Stevie is sure she should feel relieved, after how he manhandled her, but she doesn’t fear him. Stevie’s always been headstrong, willing to fight. When her hurt was ripe, she slapped Nancy. A solid hit to the cheek that had the petite brunette reeling, Jonathan keeping her upright. That had hurt even more, and she swung at the boy without a second thought. She only ‘lost’ the fight because she hit the concrete too hard, Jonathan panting above her, trying to control her wild arms — to stop her fight.
Stevie’s always hated that. Boys never hit her back. She wants them to, sometimes. To leave a nasty bruise so there’s evidence they went toe to toe. Other times she wished she didn’t feel the need to start fights in the first place. She only knew how to escalate, deescalation feeling like defeat. Like admitting she was weak. She didn’t want her anger, her hurt to be trivialised because she was a girl.
If she hadn’t fought Jonathan, she might never have gone to his place to apologise. Had run back to that house to save Nancy from the demogorgen. Because her heart was broken, but it was not gone, and she knew if she left her to die, it just might disappear into ashes.
Sometimes she thinks she’s healed since then. Just a bit. That her heart could handle something new now, that she could move on.
It’s what she tells Hargrove, drunk off her ass at a party. She’s pretty sure the only reason she’s not getting fucked right now in Tina’s parents bed is because Hargrove carted her out of there when his teammate tried to slip his hand down her jeans while she was sitting, taking a break and trying not to hurl on the couch since standing made the room spin.
“Pretty sure she’d puke on your dick because she sucks it, fuckface.” His grip had been harsh on her arm when he hauled her off the couch, shoulders bumping together — she’s a tall girl, maybe even an inch taller than Hargrove — as he led her outside for ‘fresh air’.
Honestly, she assumed he just wanted her alone. Guys are like that. They like her for one thing, and she gives it because what else will make them stay?
Billy grabs her face when she tries to undo his belt, head dipping forward a tad too fast — her whole head felt like a brick, her stomach churning with booze. It’s not gentle, it kind of pinches actually, when Billy brings her gaze back up to his.
“You’re not puking on my dick tonight, sorry princess.”
So they’re simply sitting together, Stevie’s ass going numb under her, the ground too hard. Billy smells like smoke, blowing it out to the side like a gentleman, which only makes Stevie want to laugh.
Her heavy head ends up on his shoulder and he tenses but allows it. It’s kinda nice. Beneath the smoke, the tobacco, there’s something sweet and woodsy, a distinct cologne she couldn’t name. It’s not expensive like her fathers and his friends, but it’s not the overpowering shit half the jocks wear to avoid showering (gross, she knows).
Stevie babbles when she’s drunk. Well, when she’s not drunk and fucking, she babbles. Has so many slurred thoughts being stirred in the pot she calls a skull.
So she just talks, and talks, and Hargrove doesn’t really respond. She doesn’t even know if he’s listening, but it feels good to just ramble about how shit the past year has been, and not even the supernatural stuff slips out because that’s not the worst parts for her, weirdly enough.
Her parents have been home for maybe a month in the past year, sparse and distant, her mothers shrill voice heard from her fathers office, the gruffness of Mr Harrington’s own voice barely suggesting anger but instead boredom. Like he’s used to the yelling and can no longer pretend to care. His mother is a well of despairing rage and Stevie spends the time they’re home just comforting her mother with the idea of a perfect daughter that bakes and shops and sews with her. Activities that should feel like bonding but simply feel like a shallow attempt at being normal while Mrs Harrington bitched about her cheating husband.
His father always wanted a son. She’s pretty sure if she was born a boy, she still would have disappointed him.
She’s too drunk to drive herself home. But when she wakes up the next day, she’s in her bed, and it’s warm, a familiar bat in her hands.
There’s not much to say about Hargrove being in her bed. She thinks for a moment, that maybe they fucked. It wouldn’t be the worst guy she’s brought into her bed.
But she feels normal outside her raging headache. No evidence, same clothes on plus Hargrove’s leather jacket, and her trash is empty of wrappers.
Hargrove is just there, sleeping soundly on his back, one arm across his stomach and a hand behind his head. The perfect position to cuddle up to, in her personal opinion.
She squeezes the bat in her hand, placing it back beside her bed where it usually was. She slides into the open spot, and he’s warm. So warm it’s insane. The man radiates heat and she melts like snow.
She doesn’t want to wake up just yet, so she doesn’t. She pretends her hangover doesn’t exist and lays still until the world goes dark again, smiling softly when the hand from behind Hargrove’s head comes down to her shoulder, the touch burning in the best way.
She wonders idly if this was what a morning after was supposed to be like. Half of her morning afters, the guys were outta there quick or made awkward excuses.
Hargrove and her didn’t fuck though. There’s no morning after, and when they do both wake again, Hargrove makes it clear that he has to be home because of chores, the excuse feeling less like an excuse and an actual reason.
There’s no kiss goodbye, but there’s a lingering, and it makes her skin buzz. She almost wishes there was a kiss goodbye.
It’s different after that. Maybe it was because she drunkenly spilled all her dirty secrets, all her dumb feelings, and he didn’t laugh. Didn’t dismiss them. Just listened. Or, she thinks he did.
He proves it when she catches him smoking outside the gym, cheer practice wrapped up. She’s still in her cheer outfit, bag over her shoulder, when he asks, “Do you like cheer, or do you do that just to fit into the stereotype?”
‘I feel like I have to fit into his stupid little box, and it’s just— it’s so stereotypical. The rich girl with a mean streak. I like who I am now a lot more, even if I’ve changed. Thinking I’m better than everyone else.’
“I like it. It’s one of the few things I didn’t drop.” She wouldn’t put up with the girls snobbish words or the glares she gets in the change rooms otherwise. She’s still sweaty, probably smelt awful, but it’s easier to just go home than deal with the other cheerleaders coughs of ‘dyke’ and ‘slut’.
Billy looks her over, and there’s a small pit in her stomach with unfurls like a flower, blossoming and demanding attention, to be appreciated. It’s stronger than it ever was before with other guys. The desire to be pretty, to be worthy of sweet words and hands that graze her delicate, bright petals. (She tries not the think of all the people who fisted or tore them off, rough instead of gentle, leaving her heart and body feeling disfigured and unsalvageable).
Billy grins, reaching out and just barely grazes to the hem of her skirt. Stevie’s stomach flipped, swallowing down her instinct to get closer, to let him slip his hand under the tiny skirt, into her safety shorts. She wants to dig her claws into him and ensnare him into her life, but she’s learnt her lesson. More than once. She couldn’t control her heart, but she could control her body.
“Dunno how we’re expected to play with pretty girls like you cheering for us.” He dances the line of collective and singular in his words and Stevie latches onto the like you. That Hargrove thinks she’s pretty still, even with her hair back, little strands stuck to her damp forehead, makeup sweated off.
He stamps his cigarette out before she has a chance to think of a retort, walking past with a brush of their shoulders, his fingers pinching the hem of her skirt. Stevie turns and glances down, glancing back up to his face. He’s focused on her skirt, feeling the material.
“You’ll move on just fine, birdie.” Maybe it’s being she’s tall and willowy, but she thinks it’s might be because she talks so much, like a chirping bird. His lips tug into a small smile, almost a smirk. “Wheeler ain’t shit. You’ll find yourself someone new and shiny.”
He finally meets her eyes and something tells her, he doesn’t think he’s new and shiny at all.
He lets go of her skirt and she wants to grab his wrist and press his hot hand beneath it, where she’s damp and burning.
“New and shiny gets old.” She admits, casually. “Might get something that’s a little worn in, you know?” She’s not sure if it makes sense, and it probably doesn’t, but he laughs as he walks off and it leaves her warm inside.
Hargrove never asked for his jacket back. Stevie wouldn’t dare wear it out of the house, but with winter knocking on the door, she finds herself lounging in it more often than not. It stinks of tobacco smoke and cologne and it makes her dizzy when she inhaled the fabric, lonely and cold.
She’s embarrassed to admit she’s touched herself more than once while wearing it. Worn nothing but the jacket, panting and writhing as she circled her clit, imagining that burning body above her, his lips on her skin, his voice in her ear.
‘You’re so wet for me, princess, such a good girl.’
She wonders if he’d be meaner, if he’d call her a slut too, a warm hole, a bitch.
She shakes when it’s possessive, the illusion in her mind groaning as she fucked her fingers deeper into her cunt, a whisper of ‘can you hear yourself, baby? God, you sound like a slut; you my little slut, Stevie?’
It’s gratuitous; dirty fantasies with little ground in reality, but it’s better than anything she’s felt before. Makes her legs feel like jello when she’s on all four, rubbing out her third orgasm in ten minutes, shaking and hiccuping in pleasure, feeling insatiable.
She wants him so bad, and no amount of pretend is making not having him any easier. She wants him to run his hot hands all over her cool skin, make her burn from the inside out. Wants him to make her ‘happy scream’ like Max remarked with a wrinkle of her nose.
She’s drunk. She’s drunk and in nothing but Billy’s jacket and a short white tennis skirt she hasn’t worn in two years that was the last of the laundry she hasn’t done. She’s drunk and the jacket doesn’t smell like Billy anymore, and she’s gonna keep calling him until he picks up dammit because it’s important that he fixes this before she cries like a baby.
“Wha’ the fuck do you want?” Billy’s voice is raspy, like he had just woken from a nap, and it tumbled out before Stevie can think twice.
“Come over. Your jacket smells.” She means to continue with that his jacket smells like her now, not him, like her perfume and her sweat and probably like sex. Like her dripping cunt and the sharp scent of roses. She wants it to smell of smoke and his cologne again, like Marlboro’s, jasmine and sandalwood.
“…Are you drunk?”
“Come over!” Stevie whined, and it’s pathetic how much she likes his stupid face, how much her eyes follow him around the school and on the court. How much she wants to walk next to him, to ramble to him for hours with her head on his shoulder like that night. To wake up next to his furnace of a body, especially now in the winter.
It’s Nancy all over again but worse. She never thought it could be worse.
“Fine.” He sighs, put upon. Stevie pouted.
“Well don’t come if you don’t wanna.” She grumbled and he laughs. Like he finds her flippancy funny.
“I’ll see you soon, princess.”
It feels like forever, Stevie laying on the couch. She’s not wearing panties — laundry day — and it’s half tempting to rub one out before he got here. She’s on the fence about it for a good ten minutes before she half-forgets he’s even coming by and goes for it. Drunk Stevie likes to be touched as much as sober Stevie.
She should be worried about staining her mothers lovely new couch, but she’s not thinking about that. She’s thinking about how nice three fingers feel inside of her, how it would be even nicer to have a cock in her again — it’s been so long. It’s unfair. She was the hottest girl in school! Bambi brown eyes, full lips, leggy and nice tits.
She could still get laid; she could ask any smuck in this town and they’d fuck her. But it’s not the same. It’s not what she really wants.
She’s gasping, little pleas slurred and moans pitched as she works herself up, so close she could taste it, but it’s then that a knock raps at her front door and it makes her whine.
There’s no finish line, she’s wound up tight and needy, her legs shaky and thighs slick as she made her way to the door. She sucked her fingers clean, wiping her mouth and sighing.
She opened the door as she wiped her hand on her skirt. She’s grown up but not out since she last wore it, and the fabric barely brushes under her ass. She wasn’t aware of it before, but she is now as she looks up at him.
“Billy?” Her jumbled brain reminds her that she had called him over. “Billy.” There’s a dumb little smile on her lips now, cheeks ruddy and eyes shining.
He stares at her a long moment before lowering his gaze over her body. It occurs to her she’s wearing his jacket.
“Oh, I forgot — it doesn’t smell anymore.” She grumbled, fumbling with the zipper. She’s not wearing anything under it and Billy notices before she does, grabbing the lapels and stepping inside, kicking the door closed behind him.
“No more drinking for you.” He grunted, like he’s annoyed by some kind of pattern, but Stevie only remembers getting drunk with him once.
“Was just having a few…” Stevie pouted, stumbling as he backed her back towards the couch, sitting her down firmly as she pawed at her zipper.
“Stop that.” Billy scowled, grabbing both of her hands as she got it down to her navel.
“But it doesn’t smell anymore.” She mirrored his scowl, glaring; it’s not very intimidating when she’s drunk off her ass.
“Fuck sake, why’s that a problem, pretty girl?” He’s trying to be nice, but there’s tension in his jaw.
“Doesn’t smell like you.” She mumbled glumly, eyes downcasted. His grip loosens around her wrist and she smacks him away, frustrated with the zipper as she freed it. “You gotta wear it again.” She huffed, shucking the jacket off. Her skin prickles with goosebumps. She shoved it into his chest, not letting go as he watched her, not making a move to take it. He was like a statue, frozen as she looked up at him, brows furrowed.
“You gotta give it back though, okay?”
Billy let out a shaky breath, eyes intense like the first time she met him. If she wasn’t already cold and covered in the little bumps, she was sure she’d shiver as they scattered across her skin at the look alone.
He took the jacket with one hand, fisting the leather as it gave a quiet squeak. With a deep inhale, he sunk his spare hand into her thick, glossy hair, meeting her halfway in a hard press of lips.
It’s animalistic, the way he pries her legs apart to fit between them, every inch of him pressing her deeper into the couch as he fucked his fingers into her cunt, stretching her to the limit for his cock, and it makes Stevie howl.
For once, she’s glad no one’s home and her neighbours are a good distance away, writhing under him and far too loud as he sucks harsh, dark marks into her skin, scattering them along her neck and collar and chest, teeth marks bruising. Sucks on her nipples until they’re a deep red and shiny, sensitive to the touch in the best most unbearable way.
She feels raw and electric when he slides into her, hot and heavy and bare. She’s on the pill, condoms were just an extra measure really, but there’s something about the idea of Billy pumping her full of cum, like he wants to keep her. Because all the girls she hears about who get knocked up by their boyfriends always marry them, and maybe Stevie’s a little too drunk (on booze or sex or something) because that idea sounds so nice it hurts.
Her nails tear up his back but he doesn’t complain, just grunts and fucks her hard like he wants to shape her pussy around his cock, to make her body remember him for days, weeks. It’s dizzying, the scent of his sweat, the bitter cologne she can taste when she kisses his neck — more a lick and brush of lips than a kiss. It’s not doing much to quiet her moans, breathy yet loud, the pretty sounds worming their way into his brain and rooting themselves in the centre. He’s never gonna be able to forget the way she sounds, it’s going to haunt him, he just knows it.
It only takes a few circles around her clit to make her pleasure crash like a tsunami, her pussy clenching and leaking and fuck, her mothers couch is definitely ruined alongside Billy’s jeans, but she’s too dazed to care, too focused on how it feels to have a cock fuck her through it. She couldn’t keep her hand moving when she came usually, too overwhelmed to keep going as she arches and gasps and whines.
She moans when he cums, lips lax and brows going up and together as she watched his hips stutter, cock grinding deeper into her puffy pussy as he came, thick and coating the length of his cock as he grew soft, slipping out. She can feel it inside her, and it’s strange but makes her whole body throb. She wants him to do it again. Birth control was pretty efficient, but not always, and somehow that risk only made her want to do it more.
God, Billy’s made a mess of her head. What was wrong with her?
“You gonna puke on me, princess?” He laughed softly against her temple, blanketing her with his weight, and it felt really good. Heavy and solid. She felt weirdly safe like this.
She hummed and gently ran her hands through his loose curls; she had caught him with his hair undone, no product, and it was so soft. She kissed his jaw, scratchy with stubble.
“Nah. ‘M not that drunk.” She smiled as she said it, but he only sighed.
“Why’re you always drunk when you want me?” He muttered and Stevie frowned.
“I want you all the time.” She said, matter-of-fact. “And I’ve only been drunk twice!” She whined.
“You kissed me before, y’know. You didn’t even remember.” Stevie blinked, brows furrowing.
“That night you got shitfaced at Stacy’s.”
Stevie flushed with embarrassment.
“I thought we didn’t…We both had our clothes on.”
“We didn’t fuck, idiot. You were beyond drunk. Black out. I only gave you my jacket and slept in your bed because you wouldn’t let me leave without babbling about monsters in your pool.” He snorted. “Your bat is pretty gnarly though. Bit excessive for burglars, don’t you think? Whatever.”
Stevie’s eyes widened.
“…Did I say anything else?”
Billy was quiet.
“That you were lonely.” Billy breathed, holding her tighter. Stevie’s heart thumped in her chest, and she was sure Billy could feel it. She could almost feel his, she thought.
She curled her limbs around him like an octopus, greedy to consume him, to keep him there.
“…Yeah. Sometimes.” All the time.
“Mm.” He didn’t say much more on it, simply allowing her to cling to him. Holding onto his presence, his warmth.
She didn’t feel lonely right now. Nervous, unsure, but not lonely.
Billy slipped his hand into her hair, tangling it in the brown locks and keeping it there as he nuzzled her hickey-covered neck. Her stomach fluttered.
Stevie used to be the popular girl who every guy wanted. And Stevie — well she got no attention at home, so of course she sought it out, took anything she could get. She was a hopeless romantic with a sharp tongue. When every guy was tying off his condom and tossing it into her bin, already dressing and leaving her cold, she mourned, knowing they wouldn’t be sticking around. Probably never would.
She dug her manicured nails into Billy’s shoulder, scratching at his scalp, and relished in the way he melted against her.
Something in her hopeless heart told her that Billy wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Possibly ever.
He was staying.
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pipelpillow · 2 years
For your consideration: Billy, draped over that bench in the sauna sobbing (you know the scene), but instead of the bench he's in someone's lap and getting the attention and comfort he needs while he cries his lil heart out
It went silent. A gut wrenching sob escaping from the makeshift cage before Max stepped away with her hand over her mouth tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I can't feel him," Will spoke and everyone turned in his direction. "The Mindflayer. He's not here."
"Open it," Steve said. His presence almost forgotten as he stood further back having only been called here last minute with a very quick update of what was going on. "Let me in there."
"He'll kill you," Mike snapped but the older teen pushed past him to stand beside Max who was still crying at what had just unfolded.
"Open the door," he repeated and although hesitant the group untied the chains and pulled back the pole keeping the door locked tight.
He had not seen what Max had but he heard it. Every heart breaking cry for help, the begging and the pleading. Unadmittedly terrified he slipped through the gap they had held open for him and stood there looking down at the boy curled into himself quietly sobbing.
"Billy?" he almost whispered as the door was locked behind him. "Billy, it's me."
Steve jumped when he flinched at his touch, just the tips of his fingers on his upper arm but as he moved to kneel beside him he saw his eyes look up towards him.
"Steve?" he said and lunged at him but the screams of fear and worry from Will and Max who were watching through the door were misplaced because it wasn't an attack. Far from it.
Billy's arms wrapped around Steve's waist tightly, grounding himself to someone as if he was scared he would float away. "It's okay," he replied pulling him into his lap, folding him close.
"I'm so scared. It's gonna come back," he cried into him, face buried into Steve's chest as he clung to him for hope. "He makes me do thing."
"I know. I know," Steve stroked his bare back as he looked up to see Max and nodded. "We're going to make you better."
"I...I'm so scared," he broke into sobs his grip getting stronger as he continued to cry into Steve. So small. So fragile in his hold as he tried his best to make him feel safe.
"Me too but it's going to be okay. I promise," Steve curled around him to kiss his shoulder and rest his cheek against it as they rocked gently. "I'm here. I'm always here."
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pipelpillow · 2 years
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Billy in the upside down and Steve brings him back.
(I did this before vol 2 but I couldn’t finish it before vol 2 released LOL)
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pipelpillow · 2 years
Congrats, you’re an omega
Let me tell you about children of Hermes.
More abundant than Apollo’s little rays of sunshine, the children of Hermes are most normal. Normal, as in, they are known to blend seamlessly into mortal world attracting little attention even the monsters still prowling about. The children of Hermes do not make it into histories, unlike the children of Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus.
Though, there are few exceptions. Lucas Castellan is the exception. The villain from many perspectives his actions reverberated throughout, he forced changes to the Gods most abiding law. Down in the pits of Hades, how will the ever fair judges deem Luke I wonder. He embodies his father, the divine trickster. But, it is not him who is the exception who is the exception. I speak of Travis and Connor Stoll. Yes, the pun is realized and the joke has been done.
It is a rare thing for mortals to hold a god’s attention. They fall fast in love like it’s their first time each time, but just as quick as they are to love, they fall out of love… and that is almost always a ruinous affair. I can’t say what attracted Hermes to the Stolls’ mother twice over. She was no exceptional beauty. Curly brown haired and unusual hazel eyes, she belonged to the X tribe close to Las Vegas, Nevada. There she stayed until she migrated to the Deep South, East Coast where she attended the University of Memphis as both a undergrad and grad student in Archeology and Linguistics. It is there I theorize she met a great deal of interesting people, not the least of which one of the Olympians.
She died.
I told you relationships with gods are often ruinous. Her two young children brought up by her trusted mentor, Professor Djheuty and team of baboons and Ibsis behind him. None of that explains the oddity of Travis and Connor Stoll. They are not divine tricksters as Luke though their tongues are silver as their brother‘s, they gained a lesser trait forgotten amongst the trades they never quite master. Psychopomp.
It is a rare god with the ability to pass through the veils of life and death easily. Even rarer still choose to visit Hades, unsmiling. So he is especially during the Spring and Fall. Hermes leads lost souls to the shores of death and Charon ferries them across. Some share kinship with death as in the case of Travis and Connor, they are few that do not shrink from death.
Perhaps, dear reader, that I arrive at my point.
Travis and Connor Stoll are rare for gaining their father’s death abilities, but also seeing the humanity in death.
I shudder to imagine a lonely child of Hades in the world. For it is a terrible thing.
• Chiron, Personal Journal MMMVI (2006) pp. 330-31.
Keep reading
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pipelpillow · 2 years
Reblog with who you fancast for the Marauders (+characters from that era)
(These are the ones I fancast)
Ben Barnes as Aaron Johnson as
Sirius Black James Potter
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Andrew Garfield as Dane Deehan as
Remus Lupin Peter Pettigrew
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Sophie Skelton as Alicia Vikander as
Lily (Potter) Evans Marlene McKinnon
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Sofia Bryant as
Mary MacDonald
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Timothee Chalamet as Maxance Danet as
Regulus Black Barty Crouch Jr.
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Louis Garrel as
Severus Snape
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pipelpillow · 2 years
(In this AU Kyojuro is very much alive)
So let's say that the injuries and the pain caused by Muzan himself take way longer to heal and it doesn't matter if the demon affected by it it's an upper moon.
Akaza comes back to the forest after a chat with a very pissed Muzan and he's hurt and in so much pain. Tanjirou finds him like that and he can't bring himself to hurt him.
The upper moon three is still angry with Tanjirou but he's so badly hurt he can't attack so he watches in utter shock as Tanjirou kneels next to him and starts treating his wounds like he would do with any other weak human.
Akaza snaps at him a couple of times, but Tanjirou is stubborn so he keeps cleaning the cuts and surprisingly it helps with the pain.
At some point Akaza stops protesting and just stares at Tanjirou almost with fascination as the boy keeps helping him.
Then Tanjirou senses (with that amazing nose of his) that Akaza is indeed very lonely and part of him craves affection so Tanjirou starts running his fingers through his hair, constantly asking if he's feeling better.
"Why are you doing this?" Akaza asks, realizing with horror that he's actually melting into Tanjirou's touch and yet he doesn't do anything to move away from him.
"I don't like seeing anyone hurt."
"I'm a demon."
"Muzan is the only real demon I know."
Akaza can't even bring himself to argue with Tanjirou because he internally agrees with him. At some point during the night he ends up with his head on Tanjirou's lap.
"What if I... want this again?"
"To be healed?"
"No," Akaza huffs, feeling almost ashamed of his own needs. "I mean the... headpats or whatever you're doing..."
"Affection?" Tanjirou chuckles, stroking the demon's hair.
"That word sounds absolutely disgusting... But yeah... What do I do if I want more of that from you?"
Bitting his bottom lip because Tanjirou's sure that's definitely going to break a few of the Corps' rules but choosing to do it anyway because he can't deny affection to anyone...
"You can look for me when I'm on a mission. Don't ever get close to any of the Pillars' estates because everyone will try to kill you..."
"They can't kill me–"
"I don't want you to fight them either," Tanjirou cuts him off, narrowing his eyes at him and, surprisingly, the demon nods.
"Can't you stay with me? If you become a demon–"
"No, I can't."
Akaza pouts but he moves closer to Tanjirou to nuzzle against his chest.
"I'll find you, Tanjirou."
Tanjirou knows he's making a mistake.
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pipelpillow · 2 years
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nico gets a hair cut
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