piratepenny · 20 days
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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piratepenny · 1 month
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A 5200-year-old pottery bowl from Shahr-e Sukhteh bearing what could possibly be the world's oldest example of animation. It shows 5 images of a wild goat leaping, and if you put them in a sequence (like a flip book), the wild goat leaps to nip leaves off a tree. Museum of Ancient Iran
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piratepenny · 1 month
Hey. Don't cry.
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Duck bedroom rotation, ok?
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piratepenny · 1 month
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The Glassworker - Mano Animation Studios
Directed by - Usman Riaz
Pakistan’s First Ever 2D Hand Drawn Animated Film
Currently in Pakistani Theaters as of July 26 International release is coming soon <3
English Trailer || Urdu Trailer
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piratepenny · 4 months
Honestly, it’s wild how people will ask such stupid questions about “ why doesn’t America have this program or that one?” Frankly the answer is always really simple when you think about it.
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piratepenny · 8 months
raising a baby white dragon, i.e. xiaobailong小白龙 by 跃然脂上
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piratepenny · 1 year
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Happy Super Tutu Day, everyone! 🤍
To celebrate Tuesday, the 22nd, I’m giving away free fanmade merch, including jacket grades of my own fantasy enamel pins (both variants!) and a jumbo vinyl sticker ~
Please see below Read More line for rules and details on how to enter.
Rules for Entry:
Must be 18 years or older
Must provide a valid US address for free prize shipment
Must be following this blog
Must have DMs open by end of give away to receive prize and provide a valid US address
You’re welcome to enter on behalf of anyone who doesn’t meet these requirements.
How to Enter:
Reblog this post!
One entry per person, no extra entry methods available.
Giveaway ends on August 29th at midnight EST.
I’ll be using a name picking application to randomly determine a winner. They will be contacted privately to accept their prize and asked to provide a valid US address within 24 hours. If they successfully accept their prize, they will be announced as the winner and the giveaway will end.
Otherwise, a new winner will be randomly chosen and the same procedure will apply.
I expect our roster to stay rather small, so your chances of winning should be pretty good! Best of luck, and I’m so excited to send these prizes to a fellow Princess Tutu fan! 🤍
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piratepenny · 1 year
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piratepenny · 1 year
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piratepenny · 1 year
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Cat, sculpture by Jan and Joël Martel, and his model.
Photography by Therese Bonney, 1926
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piratepenny · 1 year
What Kind of Duck, is Duck?
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OK. So first, let's get this out of the way:
Duck is not real. Duck is, first and foremost, the vague idea of a duck. Duck... is not strongly based on the reality of ducks as an animal.
She is extremely stylized, a blobby little chibi-mascot in a world of anime humans and realistically rendered animals and animal-people. She has contradictory traits - the yellow coloration of a duckling, on the functional flight feathers of a bird that's entered its adult plumage. Her thoughts and actions are noticeably less bestial than those of Mr. Cat or any of the talking-animal students, not beholden to instincts.
When asking what kind of duck our friend Duck is, we must first admit to ourselves that this is a silly question. Ducks like Duck do not exist. She has little candy-cane legs, for god's sake. God bless her.
(If we want to get real meta, perhaps we could speculate that she isn't a real duck because she is a story-duck: escaped from her narrative like the prince and the raven, and the wilis maiden, and the ghost knight, oblivious to her origins. It would, if nothing else, provide a fun watsonian explanation for some of her oddities.)
But fandom is all about getting fucking silly with it, and building elaborate though exercises about shit the creators didn't think about. And I'm an animal nerd. So this is how I choose to have fun. Let's go.
Analysis of the Birb
Duck can be safely assumed to be a Anas platyrhynchos domesticus, or domestic mallard, as this is the typical barnyard duck throughout Asia, Europe, and... really almost the entire world. I say she must be a domestic mallard, and not wild, for one simple reason:
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On the left is the typical appearance wild mallard duckling. On the right are various domesticated ducklings. That's right; the solid yellow color we associate with baby ducks? Specific to domesticated ones! Solid yellow is a sign a duckling will grow up to be a white duck; ducklings that grow up to be other colors have darker fluff mixed in.
(That's right. She'll have white plumage like a swan...)
Many white ducks have orange bills, legs, and feet; other white ducks, especially as ducklings, have orange legs and pink bills. Duck's bill is far more pinkish than her feet, but it's still noticeably orange-y, putting her in sort of a middle area. (By the way, have you ever noticed that Duck's hair color as a girl is the same as her bill color as a duck?)
If she's intended to be anything in particular (which I doubt she is), it might be the German Peking - native to the area, and the creamy-yellow tinged adult plumage of the German Peking compared to other white ducks seems to be reflected by the tint of the duck-feather quill Autor provides as a substitute for Drosselmeyer's swan-feather quill.
However, let me provide my personal baseless headcanon.
Come and see the humble Call Duck
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The Call Duck is a Dutch breed, speculated to be descended from a variety of duck imported to the Netherlands from Japan. Call ducks are a smaller-than-average breed, with a note-worthily "cute" appearance compared to other ducks, even as adults: large forehead, round cheeks, short bill. They're also noteworthy for being sociable and friendly with their human keepers, making them great pets compared to other ducks... as well as very, very noisy and talkative.
(Nobody's perfect.)
There's also a certain... symbolism, I think, to the Call as a breed.
Call ducks are friendly and talkative because they were bred not for eggs, or for meat, but for hunting. Not that they themselves hunted! But their innocent, friendly talkativeness, their cheerful noisy voices, were shaped as a siren song to lure wild ducks into funnel traps. Unwittingly bringing the demise of its own kind, the Call duck's sweetness is exploited by hunters to draws other ducks to their doom.
Duck is kind, and sweet, and wants to be friends with people, and wants to help them. She saw the Prince on the lake, like a wild swan, and wanted to help him in any way she could.
In Drosselmeyer's eyes, this made her the perfect person to become Princess Tutu, to set the story back in motion... and through that friendly kindness, send every "character "in the Story to their doom.
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piratepenny · 1 year
Hello once again!
It has been a hot minute. We hope you are all doing well and are having a great start to your New Year!
We apologize for being rather quiet with speaking on the progression of the project, but we are glad to announce that things are going along smoothly! Everyone is making progress with their parts and doing what they can to help others.
At this point, two check-ins—where people share their progress on their part—have come and gone. Everyone has been able to share something amazing! The third checkpoint is coming up on May 15th!
Here are a few highlights from our contributors:
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The usernames of each contributor can be found in the bottom left of each image and the respective social media that you can find them on - go and check them out!
Re-Opening Applications
As the project has progressed, and our lives outside of the Reanimated project have taken off, some participants have had to leave the project entirely. We are opening applications again through the end of July, 2023 to fill the gaps these artists and animators have left.
Please fill out the application form (https://forms.gle/W8jU5UgcmeqhVQPw8) and Chaos or I will follow up with you via email.
We understand that joining a project almost halfway though can be daunting, and one might feel they are extremely behind compared to others. So far, the community on Discord has been extremely supportive, encouraging, and helpful to everyone—regardless of skill level or experience. If you do not know how to do something, someone in the server does know, and can explain it to you or provide the necessary resources, or both. Please do not feel discouraged by your current skill level or experience. All abilities are welcome!
We look forward to reviewing your applications and wish you all the best of luck with the selection process.
Gong Yi Tan Pai!
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piratepenny · 1 year
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Xiaolin Showdown storyboard roughs by Jeff Allen
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piratepenny · 2 years
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Storyboard roughs by Jeff Allen
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piratepenny · 2 years
HEY THIS IS IMPORTANT whats your favorite place to find drawing references?
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piratepenny · 2 years
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AKT 28: Schwanengesang
“I’m sorry… […] if I disappear… this heart shard…will return”
“The depths of despair… why is it so calm I wonder…[…] There’s nothing here…not even love… All is left is to dance until death ”
Both swans fall into desperation. Like a song sang before departing, they dance one last time while an apology is whispered in their hearts.
…someone will reach out, for sure
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piratepenny · 2 years
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“this time we’ll write our own story” princess tutu print for anime north! twit link | process gif & princess tutu charm under the cut
Keep reading
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