pizzarina · 6 years
Pre-class Dynamic Warm Up Routine:
20 jumping jacks
10 hip extensions (Lie on your back with your knees bent. Raise hips to the ceiling and hold for 2 seconds before slowly lowering back down.)
5 hip rotations on each leg (Stand in parallel and start with the right leg. Lift knee as if you were stepping over a fence and rotate out to stand in first position. Pick your leg up and rotate back in to parallel.)
10 leg swings (forward & back)
10 leg swings (side to side)
30 second plank
Pilates Ab Series of 5:
Start on your back, keep your head and and shoulders off of the mat throughout this entire series.
Single leg stretch – bring one knee into chest and straighten the other leg. Opposite hand is placed on the inside of your knee and the same arm as leg reaches for your ankle.
Double leg stretch – start in a ball, stretch both your arms and legs out at the same time and bring them back into the ball. Keep your core muscles activated!
Scissors – keeping your shoulders off the floor and both legs extended, grab your ankle and keep switching legs.
Double-leg lower – place your hands behind your head and turn out your legs. Lower both legs towards the floor then bring both legs back up together before any shift happens in your lower back.
Criss-cross – same position as ‘single leg stretch’ except this time your hands are behind your head. As your switch your legs, twist your torso to the opposing side.
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pizzarina · 6 years
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pizzarina · 6 years
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pizzarina · 6 years
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pizzarina · 7 years
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Revamped my old morning yoga post.
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pizzarina · 7 years
Hi so I've never weight lifted before and I'd love to start, is there anyway you could give a little workout plan? What you do for legs, arms, anything?:) I love how toned and fit and strong you look!! You inspired me!! I just want a little plan to begin with! Thanks!!:)
Obviously start of very easily and don’t push yourself too hard! But I can let you know some of the types of exercises I do on diff body part days. So on leg/glute days I start off with glute activation exercises with a resistance band (so things like: glute bridges, lying leg lifts, clam shells, fire hydrants, kickbacks) for around 15 or so minutes then I go into 4 or 5 heavy exercises that I’ll do a few sets of on each (so things like: hip thrusts, deadlifts, cable pull throughs, hamstring curls, squats etc).On back days I just do different variations of rows and pull downs. E.g. Bent over barbell row, seated cable rows, one arm kneeling rows, lat pull downs, underhand pull downs, close grip bent knee pull downs.On shoulder/chest days I will do exercises like: shoulder press, Arnold press, shoulder raises, bench press (+ incline), dumbbell flies Hope this helps a little, I’ve also posted how I split my days as well x
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pizzarina · 7 years
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VEGAN GAINS 🤓🍑💪🏼 Did you know that the glutes are supposed to be the largest & most powerful muscle in our body? Having strong gluteal muscles can improve posture, take pressure off the lower back and prevent hip & knee injuries. Over the last few months I’ve been focusing a lot more on my butt rather than just hitting legs and I’ve seen so many benefits. My posture has gotten better, I’m not leaning forward into my quads as much, my back problems have gotten much better and I have more strength in normal everyday tasks. Some of my FAVOURITE weighted exercises in the gym to really build the peach are: hip thrusts, cable pull throughs, dead lifts, back extensions, and cable kickbacks 🙏🏼 The key to growing the booty is making sure you’re able to hit the glute muscles within most leg exercises, so to help reduce my quadriceps or hamstrings from taking over I ensure I activate my glutes before moving into these lifts 👆🏼 I ALWAYS start my leg days with 15 minutes of glute activation with just a resistance band before moving into my actual workout. I do 2-3 isolation exercises like glute bridges/fire hydrants/lying hip abduction, for 20 reps each and repeat twice, THEN I lift ⚡️⚡️
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pizzarina · 7 years
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YOGA SEQUENCE: YOGI/ASIAN SQUAT This is not a magical pill of a sequence, may still take you years to squat comfortably but dedication & commitment is part of the practice Warm up: not necessary but sun salutations A&B if you're cold
1. CHILDS POSE Knees wide, if butt doesn't touch heels place a block under your forehead
2. ACHILLES STRETCH The stretch you do before & after running 
3. CALF TORTURE Please note name is tongue in cheek & cause I don't know what to call it. It's just a rolled towel at the back of ur knees. This will make you swear like a bitch initially then it relaxes, so don't back out in the 1st min
4. CALF TORTURE 2.0 Get a foam roller or get creative just must be big, target it to the bottom belly of your calf
5. TOE STAND Usually stiff feet can equate to stiff poses, toe stand stretches the back of your toes which will put blood into places that have been dormant for a while
6. RAG DOLL With bent knees to stretch the lower back
7. CALF STRETCH Both feet at the same time please
8. FOOT MASSAGE Isn't really yoga but it works. I'm using a peanut thing but use what ever you got & target the places that make you cringe, a posture usually starts from the bottom up so the feet are important 
9. TRADITIONAL MALASANA Google Garland Pose, this is the traditional squat with feet together
10. HOLD ON Do your feet wide modern squat, get your heels down & hold on to something in front of you to counter the weight of falling back
11. SQUAT If the heels still can't come down put something under them like a rolled towel -
If you have been chair ridden for a long time, don't be surprised if it takes you a while to sit closer to the ground, but the more you make "floor play" a part of your life (pun intended) the more your life & practice will change
Also, you don't have to be Asian to squat. Anyone can squat, yoga doesn't discriminate nor judge. Doesn't matter what your age, gender, orientation, diet is YOU can do yoga
Just requires dedication, commitment & time to the practice to become a #ProductOfPatience
Please tag me if you try this sequence out :) You can also find my other sequences under #ProductOfPatienceSequence - Wearing @adidassg
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pizzarina · 7 years
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YOGA SEQUENCE TO SPLITS/HANUMANASANA This sequence may not get you to the splits instantly but they are some stretches to help you along the way. I suggest doing this after a proper warm up. A few Sun A's and Sun B's etc. this is not so much a flow but a Hatha style sequence which is what I personally like to practice.
Times given are just guidelines 1. CALF STRETCH 2mins The most forgotten part of "back leg" stretching might be the calves, so best to get this bitch of a stretch over & done with first
2. BOUND FORWARD FOLD 1min -  Bend knees -  Bring belly to thighs -  Hold opp elbows, don't let go -  Inhale, as you exhale slide forearms down & straighten the legs -  Suck belly in
3. PYRAMID POSE W/ BACK HEEL UP The back heel up helps you to lean forward & find more extension in the spine, use blocks if need to reach for the floor
4. PYRAMID POSE BACK HEEL DOWN -  From step 3, walk the front foot a step to the left -  Bring both hands on the inside -  Extend arms forward
If shoulder can meet the inside of front knee -  Bend elbows, see if they can touch the floor -  If yes, lift front toes up This one really gets into those hamstrings
5. LOW LUNGE 1min It can't be all about the hamstrings, you have to stretch the hip flexors & quads to get the back leg down in splits. Pad knees up accordingly 
6. QUAD STRETCH 1min This one hurts like a bitch but once you've worked that back foot to the butt it smooth sailing from there & will usually always touch the butt
7. KROUNCHASANA 30secs This one gets seriously deep in the hammies & butt. Lift the chest up, pull shoulders back always
8. HALF SPLITS 1min Gotta be able to work the half before the full. Think extension to the spine, more the hands go forward the better 
9. FULL SPLITS 1min From half splits might as well just slide down & give it a shot Use blocks under the butt or hands if needed Keep the front leg straight. Back leg can bend but not the front Stay, stay, breathe, stay -
Trick with the splits is to be consistent. Once the splits feels normal its a type of stretch that can stay with you forever. But it will take a lot of effort for it to one day feel effortless -
Dedication, time, patience, practice #productofpatience
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pizzarina · 7 years
Sorry if you've already answered this (I'm on mobile) but I'm new to lifting and am figuring out what type of split to do. I want to do an equal mixture of upper and lower body, plus a bit of cardio and abs. Was thinking upper on Monday, lower on Tuesday, running in Wed, repeating that Thurs/Fri/Sat, and taking off on Sunday. What do you think of that? And also what type of split do you do?
Hiiii! :) Aw yay that’s so exciting. So, I think it sounds like you have a great regime set up for yourself! Structure is always great especially when you’re starting up with something new. The only thing to keep in mind is that you’re probably going to be feeling really sore the next few months as your body adjusts to the strain/new movements that come with lifting, so definitely feel free to incorporate another rest day if you feel that your body needs it. But it really sounds like a good set up! Right now this is what my split looks like: legs (glute/quad focused), back/biceps, legs (glute/hamstring focused), chest/tris, full body. I like splitting it up so I really focus in on certain muscle groups in a given day, and it’s something I’ve switched up over the years to keep things interesting and new in the gym or if I really want to focus on building up one specific area. And if you want to check out my faq for anything else, I’ll link it to you here: x :)
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pizzarina · 7 years
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Mediterranean diet pyramid
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pizzarina · 7 years
My Pre Warm-Up Warm-Up! (Juliet Doherty) 
I use class as a proper warm up and move on to more intense stretching when my body is fully prepared. I never jump into big, static stretches, such as splits, before a class. Doing this can put you at risk for injury, and strains the muscles. Dynamic warm ups are the best way to prevent injury and set yourself up for a great class!
My Pre-class Dynamic Warm Up Routine:
20 jumping jacks
10 hip extensions (Lie on your back with your knees bent. Raise hips to the ceiling and hold for 2 seconds before slowly lowering back down.)
5 hip rotations on each leg (Stand in parallel and start with the right leg. Lift knee as if you were stepping over a fence and rotate out to stand in first position. Pick your leg up and rotate back in to parallel.)
10 leg swings (forward & back)
10 leg swings (side to side)
30 second plank
Pilates Ab Series of 5:
Start on your back, keep your head and and shoulders off of the mat throughout this entire series.
Single leg stretch – bring one knee into chest and straighten the other leg. Opposite hand is placed on the inside of your knee and the same arm as leg reaches for your ankle.
Double leg stretch – start in a ball, stretch both your arms and legs out at the same time and bring them back into the ball. Keep your core muscles activated!
Scissors – keeping your shoulders off the floor and both legs extended, grab your ankle and keep switching legs.
Double-leg lower – place your hands behind your head and turn out your legs. Lower both legs towards the floor then bring both legs back up together before any shift happens in your lower back.
Criss-cross – same position as ‘single leg stretch’ except this time your hands are behind your head. As your switch your legs, twist your torso to the opposing side.
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pizzarina · 7 years
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pizzarina · 7 years
**I refer back to this all the time**
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pizzarina · 8 years
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👍🏽🏃😜 My #bbg weight loss transformation!
I’m honestly really proud of myself.
Before starting this journey I was mentally in a rut. I was anxious, out of control and felt deeply off balance inside.
In total I have lost 15 or so lbs in 12 weeks–click the link in my bio to see my full thoughts on the program, what else I did in irder to trandform my body, and more inportsntly, WHY I wanted to embark on this calender journey and why I didn’t just stick to doing my own thing for exercise.
http://thefitty.com/2016/08/12/my-bbg-weight-loss-transformation/ (at Toronto, Ontario)
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pizzarina · 8 years
Justin Gelband: Food is absolutely number one. When I sit down with anyone to discuss their workout regimen, the first thing I say to them is, 'The one thing I really want you to concentrate on now is limiting the amount of things you are putting into your body that you do not need. No sugar (except for berries), no salt, no alcohol, limit your carbs.' I work closely with Dr. D'Adamo's blood type diet. [...] Carbohydrates that you get from vegetables, plus brown rice, Ezekiel breads, but limit them to only twice a week — especially if you are in crunch time! Never cut carbs completely, it's unsustainable and your energy levels will lack.
Justin Gelband
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pizzarina · 8 years
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