pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
Brazilian cherries aren’t related to common cherries at all! They look like this and taste rather sour:
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Also, if you’re not used to them, Brazilian grapetrees look really alien:
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The fruit is formed in the trunk, not the branches!
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
okay, the whole “silly writers, siblings aren’t supposed to actually like each other” thing was always annoying, but it has now morphed into actual real-life people telling me and my actual real-life sibling that our relationship is weird and creepy because we enjoy spending time together and aren’t constantly at each other’s throats, so if we could all collectively stop pretending that siblings are only capable of being cruel to each other, and that any depiction otherwise is unrealistic, that would be great, thanks
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
How I wish I could turn back time, be a kid again, and not be totally scared of the night, having breakdowns and feeling so sad for absolute no reason
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
I think I figured it out. Even if I say that I don't want to care, and even if I genuinely want to put this distance, because I keep seeing them, I keep hoping it will go back to before, that they will be back to how it used to be, that they will reach out, that they will do something. And it upsets me when that doesn't happen. So even if I want to put the distance, it upsets me when this distance happens.
It's all because I still hope
Trying to move on from people is hard. There are days that I feel like I managed to ignore them fine, but there are days that all this progress feels lost. If anyone have any tips to how to move on from someone you have to see every day, please send me a message.
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
Trying to move on from people is hard. There are days that I feel like I managed to ignore them fine, but there are days that all this progress feels lost. If anyone have any tips to how to move on from someone you have to see every day, please send me a message.
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
i hate two factor authentication i hate needing my phone to use my computer i hate that the computer has become a secondary piece of hardware that is seen as a peripheral to a phone in the eyes of society i don’t want to log into anything with my phone i should never ever need an app to do anything on my computer and i should be able to have my phone locked in a safe that i’ve dumped into the ocean and still be able to use every single feature of my computer unabated 
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
“I LOVE that game!” (watched a letsplay and commentary about it)
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
Society tells us to not exhibit "ugly" or "negative" emotions. There is no shame in being enraged when something awful happened to you. It is okay to be afraid of doing something new. Crying is good for releasing pain. It's okay to complain when you are in pain, be it physical or mentally. It isn't shameful if you are struggling with your mental health. It is normal to be jealous of someone who seems to have it all figured out and has a perfect life. It is okay to feel these emotions. It is time to accept all forms of emotions and validate them, even if they aren't always positive.
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
Honestly, probably the best social tip I could ever give you guys is literally just ask. Need to make a doctor's appointment but don't know how? Call the doctor's office and ask. Don't know the meaning of what someone said? Ask them. Don't understand the instructions you were given? Ask them to repeat or clarify. This has literally never failed me, no one's gotten angry, no one's refused to answer.
Even in situations where you think it might not work, I once accidentally missed a deadline to accept a job offer, so I called and asked if they could reset it and they did. Just today I called a doctor and asked how to schedule an appointment, the lady told me how, and then I did it. Didn't know if someone was being sarcastic or not, so I asked and they told me. Just ask.
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
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Here, have the best siblings duo, cuz I need a serotonin boost and maybe you do too
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
at a certain point you just get tired of your own shit. you have to force yourself to meditate, workout, eat mindfully and read the books to form a routine that gives you a sense of happiness within yourself again. it’s exhausting i know, but you gotta keep fighting for yourself because no one will take care and love you the way you can for own being. this life is not something to go bout so casually, everyday is your first and last time to embrace this moment. this life was gifted to you with a planet to explore and souls to experience. so show up for yourself.
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pkmtrainerbenny · 3 years
“Relationships take work”
Some things “relationships take work” should mean:
It takes work to learn to identify, effectively communicate, and mesh your needs/wants with those of another person
It takes work to actively listen and learn the other person’s communication styles as well as their needs and wants.
It takes work to maintain a relationship by planning activities together and investing in time spent together
Some things “relationships take work” should never mean:
Relationships take an exhausting cycle of constantly fighting and making up
Relationships require you to compromise your core values or change core aspects of who you are
Relationships take conforming to the other person’s expectations even when you don’t want to
Relationships take constantly proving to the other person that you deserve respect and/or love
Relationships require you to try to make yourself feel and want things you don’t actually feel or want - or at least pretend you do
Simple truisms like “relationships take work” can be misused in harmful ways.
Relationships do take work, but that work is supposed to be a team effort to support and care for each other while still honouring your own needs and desires.
If your relationship isn’t a healthy partnership, don’t feel like you have to stick it out just because “relationships take work.”
You are not obligated to stay in any relationship you do not want.
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