When we ignore or dismiss our children’s emotions they don’t learn how to regulate. This can lead to impulsive reactions or aggression. If your child is violent, aggressive or destructive this post explores one of the roots of this behaviour and how you can respond as a parent.
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If a child's needs are not met in the early years they are likely to develop low self-esteem and to learn to be controlling or manipulative in relationships with others. This can include friendships, family relationships, romantic relationships, school and professional relationships.
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"To be or not to be in Ukraine" "I am Hamlet because I am still alive" The therapeutic power of theatre to contain and express trauma.
#dramatherapy #dramatherapist #dramatherapie #dramatherapeute #russiainvadedukraine #slavaukraini
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Adolescence brain changes can make us moody, impulsive, rebellious and emotional. Would these changes make teenagers violent?
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Child to parent violence affects 1 in 10 families & there was an increase in police reports during lockdown. What is this hidden side of domestic abuse? https://play-it-through.co.uk/2022/11/06/scared-of-my-child
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Self-care playlist. Songs for burnout. Feel it, move it, change it.
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Connecting through rhythm, play and creativity. Saying goodbye. Preparing to step out of the conference and return home.#thisisselfcare #badth2022 #dramatherapist #dramatherapy
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Complex trauma is relational, so healing is through relationships. How can Dramatherapists be alongside their clients without being vicariously traumatised or burnt out?
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Therapists are human and we have struggles.
We also have tools to play with our pain and transform it.
See how Weronika used the cage to explore burnout and how the audience responded. Weronika Kucharska, British Association of Dramatherapists
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The body holds stress.The voice is a mixture of a string and a wind instrument. How can we use the vibrations of our sound to shake of the somatic tension?The British Association of Dramatherapists
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Lau introduced us to the four gongs then invited us to lie back and to close our eyes. What followed was bliss. The impact that the vibrations had on my relaxation was transformative.
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The Gathering Ceremony. Story. Ritual. Symbolism.
Gathering together through ritual and story. Connecting together as colleagues, as friends, as the BADth family. Celebrating our new graduates and members. Honouring departed friends. Creatively exploring to set the scene for the Keynote.
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Let’s Talk about burnout through an intersectional lens #badth2022 #thisisselfcare
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How can drumming help therapeutically with neurodiversity. Conference of The British Association of Dramatherapy.  
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"Music activates nearly all of the brain’s various networks. Because of this, the act of listening to a song strengthens connections between many different parts of the brain, including areas responsible for emotion, memory, learning, well-being, cognitive functioning and movement."
#musictherapy #artstherapy #creativetherapy https://dailynexus.com/2022-05-05/simply-stated-how-does-music-impact-the-brain/
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