Lessgo! Here is the one-shot of none other than OG babe.
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✒ Title: Heatwave {Listen I'm obsessed with this song okay?}
✒ Summary : Misaki and Zin needs a little bit of help to spark their unrequited love
✒ Characters: Zin & OC
✒ Word Count: More than 2k. {I lost count.}
✒ Genre: Mostly Fluff. *Yall ain't ready for my smut.
A/N: Be warned. . I'm gonna write one of them all. . . Baby steps tho Bros. I hope you like it ♡
Taglist: @stardragongalaxy
Zin was usually good about texting his schedule, to prevent any indication that he didn't want to chit chat. After shoveling out dance practices and music videos, he was becoming tired; disregarding the usual.
She looked at her phone seeing the read notification right under her messages. When Zin became tired in the past, that never bothered her before. This time, it was different. Misaki sat in her bed as her mind went thirty different directions. She stalled on the next message, erasing and rewriting the text no less than a hundred times. Finally, she just settled for a good night text. She laid down noticing the squishmallow he had recently bought her as she moved it across the room.
“Sorry buddy, you’re going to have to stay over here until further notice.”
Misaki climbed back into bed as now her bed was uncomfortable as shit. No position she ended up in was comfortable anymore. Her eyes darted to the squishmallow as she sighed. It was so stupid how one little plush changed the dynamics of how comfortable her bed was, but it was what it was. She had no choice but to bring her squishmallow out of its timeout. Misaki growled under her breath, grabbing the plush, proceeding to lay down with it. Just like that, she drifted off.
The next morning, she didn’t bother texting Zin, in fear of annoying him. Instead, she just laid in bed for a few minutes extra before deciding to get dressed. Hearing her phone go off, she turned it over. It was Yamasho, her second favorite. His attitude was that of a small, but peaceful, tornado. She smiled at the fact that at least one of them liked to talk to her.
A loud knock befell her door as she ran to it. When she opened it all of her guys were there holding a cake; even their manager Hiro. She gave a smirk as Zin patted her on the shoulder as she stepped aside to let them in. Kenta went straight to her cabinets to pull out plates and utensils. She grabbed glasses noticing Zin would look over at her periodically when she wasn’t looking. She brushed it off, as he was just trying to figure out if she was upset with him.
Her apartment was full of laughter, her included. The guys were the ones who Masaki spent her time with. Hiro took her to the side wanting to speak with her.
“Misa, you look troubled.”
“I’m okay, just have inner turmoil going on. I’ll be alright though.”
She always loved talking to Hiro, as he was receptive of her emotions and was a father like influence in her life.
“One of my dancers isn’t feeling well. You are one of the only people that have seen the practices, so I was going to ask if you could fill in?”
She was shocked. He never asked her any favors, so she knew he was in a bind. It was true she spent her time at the company, but she wasn't confident on dancing since she never fully learned how.
“Me, but won't I just be in the way? I mean, I'll try but,” she looked over at Zin in conversation, “who will I be dancing with and what song?”
“Yamasho, and the song is Heatwave.”
“Oh, okay I know that one. That’s fine, I’ll help.”
Misaki was relieved by his words. That song was upbeat, and she would be paired with her favorite troll. She joined back up with Yamasho and Shohei. Hiro was confused why she didn’t put up a fight, since he was sure she was in love with Zin. He was going to ignite something, he was betting on it.
“Oh Misaki, be there tomorrow, we start practicing early.”
She nodded her head happily. Shohei bumped his shoulder with hers playfully. They were happy she was going to be with them on set. After everyone finished eating they decided to leave. Zin stayed back to help her clean. If anything, she was confused on the mixed emotions she was feeling. He was caring towards her, answered her texts most of the time, and spent time with her. It was throwing her off on how he was, and had been the past few days, but she was going to enjoy his company.
“So you're filling in for someone?”
“Yeah, I can't say no to Hiro, even though I wanted too.”
Zin just nodded his head never looking away from the plate he was washing. “Who's he making you dance with?”
“With Yamasho.”
He paused seemingly uncomfortable with the conversation now. “Oh, that’s nice.”
“That's not a problem, is it?”
“Not at all Misa, you both are the same height so it'll work out perfectly.”
She scoffed, as that was not the answer she was expecting, or hoping for that matter. They stood in silence finishing the dishes. He dried his hands as he decided to leave.
“Zin, are you mad at me? You've been weird; especially with the whole Yamasho situation just now.”
“No I'm not mad, I just need to get back at the studio. I'll see you tomorrow though, don't sleep in,” He forced a smile as he left.
Misaki sat at her bar resting her head on her hands. That stubborn mule, could it be to much to ask for him to admit that he's jealous? She couldn't shake the thoughts out.
Her phone buzzing brought her out of deep thought. To no avail, it was Yamasho wishing her a happy birthday. She hit send on her reply, just to receive another from Zin. At least she got to see them for a little bit, but in her mind all the time in the world just wouldn't be enough. Most of her evening was spent pacing and looking out her window periodically. It wasn't like she was expecting anyone else to show, but she couldn't shut her mind off for the time being.
The next morning, Misaki awoken to her alarms debating on whether she should go or not. She made her a coffee to go as she locked her door. Misaki arrived at where they were meeting, seeing the other girls there. She instantly felt insecure. Why on earth Hiro wanted her to fill in, with her not even comparing to these ladies, was beyond her. She spotted Yamasho as he was already in his attire. He looked charming, smiling at her. Suddenly, his eyes darted behind her as she turned around. Zin smirked seeing Misaki.
“You’re not late.”
“No, surprisingly,” she chuckled moving her hair behind her ear. “I'm really nervous Zin, I've never done anything like this. I mean we’ve danced in the studio, but nothing like this.”
“If you start feeling overwhelmed, just picture us only. You know the routine Misa, don’t worry.”
The wardrobe crew starting pulling Misaki away to get her ready. They starting placing outfits against her body as they decided on the right one. After she placed the outfit on, she just stood in front of the mirror. The clothes were a lot shorter than she was used too, but it would only be for the duration of the filming. The makeup artist went to town to get her ready for the camera. Time passed by as everyone was almost ready to begin.
Misaki walked out trying to place the mask on. Her hands were shaking terribly, she had help to steady them; she was surprised to see Yamasho. He helped place the mask on her face, smirking.
“Why are you looking at me like that Yamasho?”
“For once, you have your hair down, usually it’s in a bun.”
“Yeah, well I don’t want my hair falling in my face at work.”
“It looks good Misa, you’re hard to look away from. You’ve been stared at since you walked out.”
“It’s making me nervous. What if I screw up our part?”
“They’ll just have us redo it, no big deal. Hiro knew what he was doing when he asked you. Surely that crossed his mind. Oh and Misa,” he got right up to her ear, “Did you know you have a figure? You’re Queen thickness. Who would’ve known with the scrubs you always wear.”
Misa shoved Yamasho back causing him to laugh. “Don't be a troll Yamasshole,” her cheeks filled up with color.
“I’m not being a troll, I’m just saying you shouldn’t hide behind anything. Work what your mama gave you girl!” Yamasho z-snapped at her causing laughter from her.
She looked over at Zin as he couldn’t peel his eyes away from her. It was starting, the Jealousy; his biggest friend. Before he had liked Misa; her quirkiness, included. Now though, a new fire sparked inside of him. He wanted to march to Yamasho and tell him he was going to be her dance partner, but that wasn’t his ultimate call. Instead, he’d just admire her. One of the girls wrapped her arm around Misa as she guided her to their spot.
They got into place as the music started, just as she had seen before, she perfected it on cue. She glided over to Yamasho as they did their solo. Even though she was nervous, she was glad he was the one she got paired with. Misaki watched Zin's solo, encapsulated by him. She too began to feel some type of way about him dancing with someone other than her. She shook it off, focusing on her and Yamasho. They completed the song as Misa exhaled silently. Yamasho grabbed her hand leading her to the side, giving her a huge hug.
“You’re still a troll, Macho,” she hugged him back.
“I'm your favorite though thick’ems.”
She looked over at Zin, he had a sparkle to his eye when he looked at her. He walked over, slowly removing the mask from her face.
“You did good. I'm proud of you.”
“Thank you Zin. What now?”
“We wait to watch the video. You need to go change.”
“I think I should wear this more often. Especially if you react like this,” she tried walking past him just for him to pull her back.
“Misa, you’ve never had to wear anything revealing to get this reaction,” he placed her hand on his chest, “my heart beats fast when you are around. But, it doesn’t beat when you are sad, when you’re not around, or you look past me.”
Misaki stood still hypnotized. His words swam in her mind. Plus, she was touching bare chested Zin. Her hand curled around his, unbeknownst to her. She let out a mild gasp. It was as if her hand had its own mind. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I had a secret to uphold. You know I can't keep secrets from you.”
She stood quiet, breaking his eye contact. Her mind was mixed with different thoughts. Misa looked around, pulling her hand away. Zin's smile disappeared.
“Fuck it,” she leaped into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. She couldn’t be eye level otherwise. “Tell me your biggest secret Sakamoto Zin.”
“I love you Misaki. You’re a menace to my heart but I adore you with every fiber of my being. And if you ever just willingly dance with anyone other than me, we will take our differences in the parking lot,” he smiled the biggest following his words.
Misaki cupped his face, closing the space between them. Cheers and yelling was heard behind them. She giggled behind their kiss, feeling his lips curve into a grin. Zin brought his forehead to hers. Misa wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You promise, cause I love you more. Now, take me home.”
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Well hell. I'm finally done with the first chapter. It was getting long, and I honestly feel like Kaisei deserves a multi-chapter story ♡ because he's Kaisei, and deserves the world.
So, here is the first chapter:
Pairing: You & Kaisei (Rampage from Exile Tribe)
Genre: Mostly Fluff
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Chapter 1: A series of events.
You pulled outfits against your body in the mirror. One of your school friends invited you out with her friends. Usually you were snuggled up in bed, trying to catch that new episode of your favorite show. Tonight, you were trying something new. You even looked at your gaming console to ensure that it wasn't him, it was you. You would be back and y'all would be reunited afterwards to stream for your followers. Gaming was a huge hobby of yours. After all, you had been doing it since you were younger. Breaking the stigma that only guys kicked ass at games, you made it a goal nightly to silence any male chauvinist you met with.
With one shoe on and another off, you completed the task of dolling yourself up.
Geeze, if I didn't know any better, I was a makeup artist in another life.
Final preparations happened as you heard knocking, expecting her. To your knowledge, it was supposed to be just you two, but you noticed unfamiliar faces. Stepping aside you let the others in.
“Sorry, they invited me, and I asked if you could come.”
“No that's fine-"
“What's this strange setup?”
You were interrupted by the taller one. She turned her nose up at your gaming layout.
“Oh, I'm a streamer. I play games and record for others to watch.” You proudly showed off your new console.
“That's dumb, are you a child?” She scoffed at your statement.
You bit your tongue. If this was any indication of how your night was going to go, you weren't impressed. One thing you had to constantly tell yourself was that you were going for your friend, not her.
“Actually, I'm very successful. Gaming is a stress relief for me, and I enjoy it so I don't have to defend myself to you.”
You grabbed your clutch ready to go. This girl was extra mouthy and reminded you why you never went anywhere. At the club they chose to go with, there was a line already that wrapped around the block. From the street, you could tell it was going to be near impossible to enter, but whatever. The bouncer was in full flirt mode with the bitchy one. When he raised the rope, you felt a small sense of relief, before he pulled it down in front of you.
“I'm with them, what are you doing?”
You were clearly past annoyed at this point. You tried to catch the group but they ignored your yelling.
“I didn't see them conversing with you.”
“Ah, I get it. I do, do you normally discriminate like this?”
“I let the pretty ones in no problem. You'll get your turn squirt.”
This guy was the type you dealt with everyday. Your turn looked grim, until you saw the opportunity to sneak in with another group of patrons.
Prick. I’d 1v1 you right now if I was around a console to knock that arrogant attitude of yours down a notch.
You finally entered trying to catch up with the others. When you looked around, you noticed them by the bar. Clasping the clutch tighter, you marched over to the group you were supposed to be with. Again, they did nothing but ignore you to gawk at a couple of guys. You rolled your eyes so hard, you had to lower the intensity lest your eyes were in danger of falling out.
“Thanks for waiting for me ladies.”
“Oh you got in,” the mouthy one started up.
“Surprising right?” You matched her attitude.
One of the two guys she had her eyes on kept sending you smiles. It was off putting since she was the one trying to flirt. You went to the other end of the bar needing something to calm you down.
“You look bored,” two guys were standing next to you trying to spark up conversation.
“Me? Oh no, but I'm not saying I’d rather not get my head eaten off by a fire-breathing dragon.” You noticed your Discord going off. Your followers were beginning to wonder why the delay of your stream was taking place.
By that time you didn’t notice the two were also checking their phones.
Sorry everyone. I'm trying to people right now. I promise I'll make up for it by a kick ass stream later.
You pressed reply, taking a selfie to let them see you a live and well, with the followers responding with friendly affirmations; mostly telling you to have a good night.
“Sorry about that, I stream normally around this time, and-" you stopped yourself from talking about your hobby, with the words from the other girl ringing in your ear.
“I’m Kaisei, this is Takahide.”
“Nice to meet you both.”
The three girls that found you a nuisance earlier suddenly wanted to talk to you after seeing you with Kaisei and Takahide. You were a little appalled at your friend’s behavior, by the way she treated you alongside them.
“Don’t mind her, she talks annoyingly about streaming her stupid games.”
The two guys shared glances as they were not kosher with how she was putting you down.
“You want to get out of here?” Kaisei and Takahide changed the subject.
“Oh yes actually,” the girl shoved you out of the way.
“We were talking to her,” they held their hand out to you to guide you away.
You smirked as you shoved past them. You won. You didn't know what you were winning, but you won against them. You held your head high as you were glad to finally get out of the club. The three of y’all walked outside as fresh air hit your senses.
“Thank you guys for that.”
“It’s no problem, we game as well.”
“Yeah,” Kaisei pulled out his phone showing you the Discord chat that he was in. It was yours. “We’re actually big fans of yours.”
“So tell us your secrets master.”
“Oh,” you thought a moment trying to decide advice for them. “I make guys cry for getting beat by a woman."
You giggled at yourself, but felt great when they started chuckling. These two were great company already.
“Oh it’s getting late, let us walk you home.” You nodded in agreement. Kaisei saw you light up when you three walked by a dancing water fountain. He grabbed your hand leading you into the fountain. You let out a screech before laughter escaped your lips. He was charming and fun to be around. You both were soaked, but you didn't care. It wasn't like you didn't have clothes at home. When you tried to make your grand escape out of the fountain, Takahide picked you up carrying you to Kaisei, with you laughing.
This night was not what you were expecting, but you weren’t upset in the least bit. It was turning out greater than what you had imagined. The three of you finally made your way back to dry land.
“My brother always leaves clothes at my house, if you want you both can come raid his closet while we dry your clothes.”
“Are you sure?” Kaisei pushed back his hair.
You nodded. Surely the clothes would fit them. They were about his same size. The three of you walked to your home as you unlocked the door. Your house was little, but you were proud of it. It was the family home that you grew up in. There were a lot of memories behind the four walls. Turning on the light, you motioned for them to enter.
“The second bedroom has his clothes,” you pointed to the closed door down the hall.
They disappeared behind the door as you went to the other side of the house to your room. You pulled out your favorite pair of sweats and baggy tee, getting out of the wet clothes that became your wardrobe. In the meantime of you changing, they made their way to the living room where you had your gaming system.
“I’m starting to believe you have an unfair advantage over your enemies,” Kaisei raised his eyebrow pointing to the television.
“The only advantage I have over others is being better,” your sass came out without you realizing it.
Kaisei laughed admiring the set up, as you took their clothes to dry them.
“What do you do when you aren't gaming?”
“I’m a laboratory tech.”
They both looked at you. In their eyes, you not only had a great personality, but you were smart.
“You have time to game? Doesn’t that take up a lot of time?” Takahide stood intrigued.
“It does, but gaming is a way to unwind. Plus I work four on and three off, so it gives me some time to myself. I’m in my own space, not having to deal with people. Unless they need me to take the labs.”
“How about it, want to go at a few games?”
“I’m not sure you’re ready for this,” you walked over to your console as you grabbed the two docked controllers, handing one over to Kaisei.
“Baby girl, you aren't ready for me. Let’s make a wager.”
“Oo a bet. I'm game. What are we betting on?”
“I win, you have to let me take you on a date. You win, you take me on a date.”
“So either way, we'll be going on a date?”
He nodded his head. “The choice is yours to stream or not.”
You sat in your chair looking towards Kaisei and Takahide. You hardly ever lost, but you were nervous about the possibility of Kaisei beating you in your own domain. Split screen was complicated, plus y’all could easily screen cheat.
“Fine. This will be interesting, so why not.”
The game started up as you began streaming. In the corner of your eye, Takahide first bumped Kaisei for encouragement. They got comfortable letting you explain the situation, allowing Takahide to monitor the chat. Pretty soon your followers joined, interested in the outcome.
In the beginning, Kaisei was beating your ass. You held your own with him though. Kaisei grinned as he had wanted to go up against you ever since he found your channel. Finally, you found the upper hand on him.
‘Either way the bastard is lucky. Whether he wins or lose, he still gets to date you.
The comments started pouring in.
‘MissDragonQueen, show him girls can play too!’
‘He has found his match.’
“You doing alright there? We can always call it quits.” He started to banter with you to antagonize you just a little.
“You haven't seen anything yet.”
The both of you went back and forth talking shit to each other. The game had been tied all round, not knowing how it would end. Kaisei popped around the corner as you took your winning shot. You won, as he just looked at you adoringly. The round was in your favor. It was late so you ended the stream.
“When you’re not watching me stream or play, what do you do?” you just wanted to break the ice more.
“The million dollar question is where you'd like me to take you?”
You spun your chair around quite pleased with yourself. “I'll think on it.”
“I would like you to come tomorrow to this address,” he handed over a piece of paper with little information on it.
“What is this?”
“Just come. You will find me there.”
They went to the dryer pulling out their clothes, then proceeded to get dressed. Kaisei left you in wonder on where he wanted to meet you. You had no idea who he was other than a kind soul that saved you from a disastrous situation; and a worthy opponent. They left as you just laid on the couch, drifting off into a slumber.
The next morning you looked at your phone wishing you had a message or missed call from him. Suddenly you realized that you never exchanged information with him. It was only plausible to go to the address later, so you could see him again. He had forgotten his jacket, as it was draped over the couch. You grabbed it smiling. This was proof that you weren't just dreaming. What happened last night was real. It seemed surreal, but it was in fact real. You picked up a little around the house, nervous about later. In your room you had little wardrobe for social outings. Scrubs and your work jacket took up most of the room in your closet. You walked over to your dresser, only to be met with sweats and oversized tee-shirts.
Damnit, I literally am not equipped to go out in public. You thought to yourself with your hand in your hair feeling stressed about the situation.
You grabbed a pair of jeans slipping them on deciding to go shopping. This was going to be a solo adventure, since one of your few friends shit on you last night. Normally, she would be the one you called, but you refused to speak to her at this moment. You grabbed your keys heading out hoping you’d find something presentable to wear for him. Store after store ended up in a failed attempt. Things were looking grim until you heard Takahide shout your name.
“Takahide, how are you?”
“I’m fine but what are you doing here?”
“I don't have clothes for social outings. What does one wear in the situation for tonight?”
He smiled at you shaking his head, “Come on, I'll help you decide. Good job last night by the way.”
“Thank you, are you sure you have time?”
He led you to a store as you both browsed for tops. “This one looks nice. If you pair it with your jeans, it'll look good.” He handed you the blouse.
You looked it over as he had a point, it would look nice. The only thing you didn't need were shoes. You paid for the top as you both left the store.
“Don’t be nervous tonight. I know he’ll be happy you showed up.”
“What is this place I’m going too?”
Takahide smiled at you before he joined back up with the friends he was with.
You were literally all the help and no help at all.
Back at your house you stared at Kaisei's jacket. Would it be okay for you to wear it? Would it seem weird? These were all viable questions you were curious about. You could at least carry it tonight to give back. As time went on your nervousness heightened. You started getting ready. Your hair was already half curled, from it getting wet the night prior. Pulling out your straightener, and curling iron, you decided on wavy. Your makeup got touched up, with no less than 10 times you poked your eye.
This was easy last night, what is wrong with me. I guess I’m gonna go with one eye able to see. Why would I need vision out of both eyes?
You finally finished, managing to not become permanently blind. It was time for you to head there. The Uber pulled up as you gave him the address. When you arrived you saw a venue for a concert.
Strange choice for a date but okay.
The guy at the door took your name as he let you in. He didn't even pull the rope down in front of you. You walked in expecting to see Kaisei, but there was no sight of him in the crowd. You were escorted up front, right in front of the stage. Music started playing as your curiosity was piqued, the guys took the stage as you saw Kaisei amongst them. They started singing as Kaisei was gliding across the stage. He was so entrancing, it was hard to not notice him. You clutched his jacket tighter bringing it closer to you. Ever so often he'd look over at you, but you weren't so sure if he could see you from the lighting on stage.
The song ended as he got off stage. More guys joined the three as Kaisei returned with a different outfit on. You were happy to see him. It was apparent he was having a good time.
So you’re a performer. Who would have thought.
The last song played as Kaisei winked at you. You instantly felt some type of way. Awestruck was the only word that came to mind. Everyone started to leave the venue as you started making your way out the door. Kaisei’s voice called out to you stopping you from leaving.
“So how did you enjoy the show?”
“It was amazing Kaisei,” you still had his jacket, hugging it.
He looked down and pointed at his jacket, “I wondered where I left it.”
“Oh yes, here,” you handed it over, “you left it on the back of my couch.”
Kaisei took it smiling. “If you’ll wait for like five minutes I’ll be out. We can walk, or go grab dinner, or something.”
You smiled back at him excited to spend more time with him. He took off back up the stage as he disappeared.
Oh that boy is fine. I could never get tired of looking at him dance.
It had been a little over five minutes, as Kaisei finally made his way to you. Even with him dancing so much, he seemed so full of energy. All you knew was if you tried that, you’d be screaming for electrolytes and cake in an IV.
“How long have you danced?”
“Since I was two.”
You stopped walking, amazed at what you just heard. He chuckled dropping his head.
“Wow. Just, you glided on stage. That aggressive dance you did where you looked like you were beating on your chest. That was just hard to look away from.”
“Krumping? That’s not aggressive.”
You tried to mimic it as you could feel yourself laughing from how awkward you probably looked to him.
“It was impressive, is what it was.”
“I can teach you if you’d like?”
“Oh no, I have two left feet. I’d be more of a comedic relief that anything. Plus I'm clumsy.”
He laughed at your hesitation, and statement. Kaisei was really charming to be around. You got quiet as the river was next to you. It was really pretty the way the reflection of the moon bounced off the top of the water’s sparkly surface. He just stood with you as you admired the beauty, unbeknownst to you that he thought the same about you.
“Have you thought about where you wanted to go?”
“Not yet, to be honest I was too nervous to think of anything past tonight.”
“Oo the sassy gamer nervous? That never happens.”
You side shoulder checked him, even though he was like a wall: immovable. He chuckled at your attempt.
“Nice try, but you can’t touch this.” He jumped in front of you doing a ridiculous dance.
All you could do was giggle. His cockiness was even attractive.
“Sir, you have an unfair advantage on me.”
“The only unfair advantage I have, is being better on my feet.”
He used your line from the night before, sprucing it up to fit him.
“That phrase is trademarked. It'll cost you for using that.”
He stopped in your path, causing you to stumble. You were eye-level at this point. “What's the price?”
His eyes were perfect from this view. They were filled with adoration when he looked at you; magnetic even. You could feel your heart pounding right out of your chest. The corner of his mouth went up as he gave you a grin. He grabbed your hand pulling you to the ice cream shop on the corner of the street.
“Yeah,” he stopped looking defeated, “are you throwing shade at ice-cream? If so, we can't be friends since ice-cream is a gift from heaven.”
His comment made you giggle, as you followed. You just weren’t expecting him to be so excited about ice-cream. You both ordered waiting for the wonderfulness that was known to others as ice-cream sundaes. You got a phone call, as you answered. It was work; someone called in like usual, making you have to go in a night earlier. You groaned as you hung up the phone. You could tell Kaisei heard the whole conversation as his smile turned downwards.
“I’m sorry we have to cut this short. I have to go to the hospital immediately.”
“I understand, duty calls. At least let me walk you to the hospital.”
You nodded as you both took off towards your job.
“Hey thanks for tonight though, I had fun,” you said shyly.
“I don’t know if I’m being forward, but I’d like to see you again,” Kaisei looked into your soul.
It threw you off, but deep down you loved that he wanted to see you again. Kaisei was sweet and had a fun personality. He was one you could see dating long-term. Butterflies filled your stomach as you answered briskly.
“I’d like that as well, so yes you can see me again.”
The walk to the hospital wasn’t long enough. As you approached the stairs to the entrance, you felt solemn. It would feel like an eternity before you'd see him again, since you worked no less than twelve hours a day. Now, you looked forward to being off of work. You hugged him before you realized your actions. When he reciprocated the hug you just melted into his arms.
“Let me see your phone,” he reached out his hand as you grabbed it out of your purse placing it in his palm, “here's my number feel free to text, or call me any time. I'm always available for you.”
His words were just as sweet as he was. You sent him a text letting him see your number as well. You waved at him as you ascended the stairs. It was truly amazing how a horrible night turned into a series of amazing events.
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 2 years
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299K notes · View notes
pleasantdreamalpaca · 2 years
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the improvement :o …
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 2 years
My name is Aimee and I have a serious problem of ongoing fics, and coming up with new ones in the process. During the midst of my ongoing 40+ Chapter fanfiction I haven't shared quite yet, I decided why not on a new story that will drive me bloody mad.
So. . . Here is the newest one: Enjoy ♡
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➺ Pairings: Choi Jongho/ Female O.C & Park Seonghwa/Female O.C
➺ Genre: Fluff, some angst. Angel au.
➺ Warnings: Language, mild violence.
➺ Summary: An unorthodox angel named Keely has been sent to a foreign place to complete a mission, only to find that her heart had one of its own.
Keely was called to enter the heavenly meeting room. She was annoyed already from the other Angels getting jobs, while she was stuck in the back burner. Everyday, she watched them enter the room and then leave with missions to accomplish. She had been an angel for a while, and had completed everything that was asked of her. It would seem, to her at least, that they weren’t to keen on giving her jobs.
Keely wasn’t your normal angel though. No one knew if it was just because of her age, but she was different. The word she was called, was unorthodox. Where normal angels were always positive and a protector, Keely was your foul mouthed, blunt angel. She would help you yes, but not in the “normal” way. She spoke what was on her mind, and that was what set her apart from the others. Her nomenclature usually made people shudder, but again, she was blunt about things. Her heart was bigger than her mouth though, which made Michael appreciate her more.
“Keely, come here,” Michael stood in the door as he beckoned her to follow.
“Yes Michael?” Keely quickly entered the room to see the head angel looking into the fountain.
“I have a top quality job for you.”
“Oh really? Thank you,” she stepped closer seeing the girl that would be watched by her.
She seemed to be a loner from first glance.
“This is Seoyun, you will get acquainted with her and see to it that she is safe, even from herself. Become her friend, someone she can look up too.”
“Wait, I’m babysitting? That was not what we discussed Michael.”
“And you will get it Keely. Did you not say you wanted another  chance at life?”
“Well yes-"
“Don’t you want to return to earth to have this opportunity?”
“Well I mean since you put-"
“Then you are doing this. Listen, this may seem like a babysitting session, but you are the only one I trust with this girl. You don’t have a family anymore. This will give you a new family.”
She looked down. Unfortunately, Michael was right. Even if she was to return home, she wouldn’t have her family. She’d take on a new appearance, eventually losing all memory of her family. The only reason her memory wasn’t depleted, was because she begged Michael to keep that memory until she could fill the void in her life. This was exactly what Michael was planning to do. Keely was going to be sent to gain Seoyun's trust and be given a chance to build a new family that she could walk with.
“How am I gonna survive? I mean I’m pretty sure angelic currency isn't approved down there. There will be no proof of my existence Michael.”
“On the contrary. You see, I already had this exact meeting planned, with your sarcasm of course, and we made everything you need. Driver’s license, high-school diploma. You’ll basically be picking up where you left off, but in a new body.”
“Wow okay well do I at least get to pick out my own boyfriend?”
“You’re at a 10, I need you at a 2 as far as your sarcasm goes.”
“Sorry,” she shifted weight to the other side of her body, “can I at least keep my sarcasm? I excel in that.”
“Unfortunately, I am not a miracle worker when it comes to changing personalities.”
Keely chuckled, she was probably the only lower angel that had sarcasm that just flowed out of her mouth. She drove everyone crazy with how mouthy she could be, but they tolerated it.
“Do I have a home or a job?”
“There was a slight problem in completing that, seeing as how you need to be present.”
Reading over her dossier, she got nervous. Michael was vague in what she’d be doing. It had been years since she passed away, so many things had probably changed since then.
“When do I leave?”
“Now actually, oh look it’s time.”
“Wait what?”
“I’ll meet up with you down there soon. Don’t get into trouble, and remember your quest.”
“Where will I find her? I know nothing about where you’re sending me?”
“You’ll know.”
Keely woke up on a bus. Michael was quick about sending her away. There were so many unanswered questions she had, but she tried to stay positive. Something began buzzing in her pocket. Feeling around, she found it.
At least he gave me the newest model of a cell phone.
It was a message from a guy named Mikey.
Remember everything we talked about. You’ll arrive at the station. I managed at last minute to set you up in a home. Good luck, I’ll text you again later.
Keely noticed the passing buildings, and how she was the only one on the bus. It came to a stop as she pulled her bags down, carrying them off with her. Before she could thank the bus driver, he slammed the doors in her face.
Yeah a pleasure to meet you too buddy.
Keely looked around as people passed her on the street. One thing she forgot about earth, was how hot and bright it could be. She wasn’t a fan of this. As she turned to look at other buildings, she saw a little shop with the doors open.
“Hello, do I need to just find a place to sit?”
“Welcome, yes it’s so busy I don’t think you’ll ever find an empty chair,” she got a response from a sassy girl.
Ah you must be Seoyun. Lovely, he’s putting me with another sarcastic person.
“Well then I can sit on the window it’s cool.”
“I don’t mean to intrude, but are you new in town?”
“I actually am, just got off the bus about a minute ago. I have no idea what I’m doing, or where I need to be. I have the address though.” She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket.
Seoyun glanced at the address, it was her apartment. “Wait, is that the address? Well, it looks like you’ve landed right where you need to be.”
Keely tilted her head a little, slightly confused. Seoyun obviously was kidding.
“Wait, I’ll be staying with you?”
“Yes, with me. Your agent, I guess you call him, set everything up. He explained you’re a stylist, trying to make a name for yourself?”
“Oh Michael, he’s not my agent, just a huge pain in my ass. Wait what? A stylist?”
Thanks good buddy, you know I have a weird fashion sense, and you expect me to dress and style other people. This is going to be interesting.
Keely got restless as she noticed people come in and out of the café. This café was smaller than she had ever seen before but it was nice nonetheless.
“Why don’t you make yourself useful and help while you’re here, you can leave when I do.”
Fuck she is bossy. Thank you Mikey, you really outdid yourself.
Keely walked up to the tables as she cleaned them off. A group of guys walked in. One in particular caught her eye. He was almost too ethereal to be real, a mere mortal as a matter of fact.
“Ah I see he caught your attention.”
“Pft who?” Keely turned quickly trying to hush Seoyun.
“Him, although I don’t think you’re drooling enough.”
Her statement caused a chuckle from the guy Keely looked at. He smiled and nodded at her, causing her to freak out a little. She pulled up the tray to cover her red-kissed cheeks.
Keely get a hold of yourself. He may have the jawline chiseled from the gods themselves, but touching it is not the task at hand. Focus.
She hurried into the kitchen feeling faint. The last time she felt that way, was before the accident. No mortal needed to make her react like this. Especially not now. Just like a slave creature, she followed orders to help take food out and clean. Loading things on a tray, she carried it to the tables. Walking out into the lobby, she approached the table where the gorgeous guy was sitting.
“Here is your food guys,” she placed the plates in front of the customers.
“Thank you,” the earthly god spoke to her.
She nodded and forced a smile; one that didn’t show nervousness. As she was about to leave he spoke to her once more.
“What’s your name? I’ve been coming here for a while, and not once have I seen you.”
“My name is Keely, I’m new to town.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I hope I see you again.”
She felt herself starting to blush as she turned around. Seoyun laughed so loud it was the most obnoxious sound she could hear at the moment.
“Keely, it’s almost painful to watch you around guys. I think I’m going to like having you around.”
“I don’t see you doing any better. Since that one is the one you’ve been pinning over for so long too,” she pointed to the guy sitting right across. It immediately shut Seoyun up.
They both stood in silence letting out aggravated sighs. The two girls were more alike than they knew.
“I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sorry, I’ve had a rough week and I’m agitated lately, can we start over?”
“That will be just fine Seoyun, apology accepted. Now, what’s his name?”
“Are we really gonna play coy? The one you subtly glance over at?”
“That’s Seonghwa, and those are his friends. They are probably out of our league.”
“As long as they don’t start charging us for looking at them right?”
They both started laughing from Keely's comment. All in all, Seoyun seemed pleasant as the day passed. Sure the initial meeting was rougher than sandpaper, but they were starting to get along. With Keely there helping Seoyun, she could close a lot quicker than usual.
Keely looked outside as the lights came on. It was different. She never saw so many lights lining the streets. Even though it was dark, the city was still rumbling and full of life. This was amazing to her. In a sense, she was starting to enjoy her time here. That was the last thing she thought would happen.
“Keely, that guy you kept gawking at, was Jongho.”
Keely stopped wiping the tables, allowing his name to swirl around in her brain a bit. It was fitting to him.
“That’s a nice name. How do you know them?”
“They come in here all the time, and they also debuted as a group recently. Don’t you watch t.v?”
“I never find anything intriguing on that’s remotely interesting. Are they any good?”
Seoyun was bewildered. Keely had to have lived under a rock for not knowing anything about them. She pulled out her phone pulling up a video to show Keely. It was time to bring her out of the dark hole she obviously chose to stay in.
Keely watched intently as she noticed he practically danced on air. Jongho was light on his feet. They were really good. The stage presence exuded anything she saw before and they were just alluring.
“This is their group. They will probably never know we exist, but it’s still nice to see them come in here.”
Keely started getting lost in thought. Michael was vague in the explanations, so she honestly didn’t know how to begin. They finished up the tasks, as Keely grabbed her bags. It was finally time for them to go home. Seoyun didn’t have a car, so they were stuck walking. At least she helped Keely with the bags.
They walked up to a rooftop, as Seoyun started fidgeting for her keys.
“I’m sorry it’s not much, but it’s my home.”
“No need to apologize, it’s a roof over our heads right? That’s all we need, plus it’s cute from first glance.”
They walked inside as Seoyun pulled house slippers out for the two girls. The apartment was homey. It was pleasant inside, like a nice hug. There was no need for Seoyun to apologize about it. She was led to a vacant room which was now hers. There were a few blankets and pillows already laid out for her. She put her luggage on one side of the room as she unpacked.
The buzzing of her phone drew her attention.
Michael: Keely, good job on the first day. I know it was a train wreck at first, but y’all smoothed it out. I have complete faith you’ll do great tomorrow. Sleep now, everything will work out in the wash.
She smiled. This was probably the first time Michael positively critiqued her. He was just stating facts. They started off rough, but they figured a solution to their tiny problems. Keely laid out the blankets as she decided to lay down. After all, she had a big day tomorrow.
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 2 years
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10 posts!
🤣🤣 I don't post alot
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 2 years
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 3 years
The whole entire lot of bad bitches ♡~♡
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Brie Larson, Danai Gurira, Elizabeth Olsen, Evangeline Lilly, Gwyneth Paltrow, Karen Gillan, Letita Wright, Pom Klementieff, and Zoe Saldana on the set of Avengers: Endgame
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 3 years
@umbralhelwolf Heartuka 😁
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 3 years
Little Snippets of writing:
Who: You & Kamiya Kenta {The RAMPAGE From EXILE TRIBE}
Midnight Snack
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You stood in the kitchen readying your stomach to be filled with delicious brownies. It wasn't uncommon for you to get bit by the midnight snack bug. Everyone knew this, especially your roommate Kenta. As you pulled the brownies out, you got excited, wanting to dive in quickly. The aroma was enough to send your stomach into devour mode.
Kenta was more than likely sleeping from practicing all day, so this was a solo adventure. That didn't keep you from knocking on his door.
Over the course of the weeks, you found yourself crushing on your best friend. There really wasn’t any explanation other than he was your glove. He was the one you wanted to be with. Lightly knocking on the door, he grunted.
“Kenta, I know you just laid down and got comfortable, but I made these brownies.”
“What is wrong?”
“I don’t want to eat them by myself. I just want your company.”
Kenta, without ever opening his eyes, drew back his covers as he patted the empty spot next to him, signaling for you to climb in bed. You smiled big as you climbed next to him. He wrapped his arm around your waist, resting his head on your lap, as you dove into the brownies. With a brownie in one hand and a plate in the other, your free range was limited. There was no possible way to eat two brownies while holding the plate. Suddenly, you looked down as a brilliant idea crossed that mind of yours. You lightly placed the plate on his head, provoking him in a fit of laughter, and a big ass smile to cross your lips.
“Am I your table too?” Kenta muttered in his sleepy voice.
“You’re definitely my table at the moment. Listen, I usually have two brownies, one for each hand. I needed to free up space, hence where your head comes in handy.”
He cuddled you closer as you ate in solace.
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 3 years
I found this and I agree
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 6 years
You're My Haven: Chp2 ~Nerves Go Awry~
He looked so different on that stage. Like he never looked prior. There was a new glow about him, a new air. She admired him. The way he rapped and danced on stage, made him stand out. Particularly to have her focus on him more. These seven guys were her best friends. They were highly talented and loved by many. Teyleigh and Wynter both were in awe of the show they were putting on. She thought they always excelled, but with each show, they went above and beyond. Their stage presence was mesmerizing.
The girls hoped that they weren't seen. They still wanted to make a scene at the end. After all, if they didn't pick on the boys, could it be stated that they were really friends? It was their calling. Teyleigh always made a point to surprise them at the end. Each song they performed, left Teyleigh and Wynter astonished. She saw Mark smile and wave at fans in the audience. The feelings she had were mixed. When she tried to shrug off the feelings, it got more complicated. If she had a choice, she'd want to see him like this forever. That smile he had was different than any other. She could see he was in his zone.
"Marky." She admired him before getting pushed aside by a few more girls. It was normal for this behavior. The girls were serious about their tickets, most importantly the location. Fans got to pushing and shoving to get a better view. Teyleigh was in that spot.
Wynter had a complete stance, so there was no getting through her. The one Wynter looked towards was the famous leader Jaebum. From the git-go, they clicked. Wynter was selective in who she spoke with or to, but with Jaebum she lost all her reservations. It also helped that he made effort to constantly keep her talking. It was as if he was interested in her. Wynter didn't care about the new feelings surfacing, if she liked someone, she didn't hide it. Of course she wasn't too bold, but she was mildly reserved.
As the concert went on, Teyleigh found it complicated to notice anyone but Mark. She tried, but failed. There was a time when she did a half turn away from his direction, leaving her to stare at Jackson, but in the end, Mark stole her view once more. It was becoming rather difficult to notice anyone but him. Seeing him like this was refreshing to her soul. She didn't know she needed this before, but it was amazing. He did keep her grounded, so she was appreciative of him. Whenever there was any troubles on her mind, Mark was there. He always made sure she was okay.
The concert felt like it didn't last long enough. She wanted this night to replay in her head, over and over. Imprint it into her brain. Luckily she had it recorded on her phone. Maybe then since she couldn't keep her eyes off Mark, she'd be able to see the concert again in a new perspective. They were dynamite performers, but she already knew that. Teyleigh saw Wynter caught up in the moment. It was apparent who she liked. She had envisioned Wynter and Jaebum dating long before they met. She was just ecstatic that they hit it off so well. Teyleigh could now add powerful cupid to her resume.
As Teyleigh interlocked her arms with Wynter, now was the chance for her to do the hi-touch with the boys. Just as suspected, Mark was at the end. She was going to make sure she stopped by to see the others, but Mark came first. While she was waiting in line, the butterflies happened to a terrifying extent. With each fan moving closer, her cheeks got flushed, as her palms got sweaty with the onset of her nerves.
'What is going on? This isn't normal,' she slowly tried to calm herself down. Mark would not need to see her like this. Ever. He was just her friend. One of her best. It was so strange to her, to have this reaction towards him. Never in a million years would she ever have imagined this to happen. Teyleigh walked up to the table and everything she had planned went out the window. All of the funny commentary was gone. He gave her that smile. That one smile to set it off.
"Hi there, I think you've been waiting to speak to me?"
She just smiled. No words were coming out. This was strange and unlike her. She wasn't bashful, not even a tiny bit. Especially not to him.
"Oh! Yes, I have. I'm your biggest fan, so you're welcome."
It also didn't help that when she opened her mouth, she made little to no sense. At least she got him to laugh. That was helpful, and less embarrassing. He grabbed her hands as she died a little. Everything that she thought was cheesy, was becoming the definition of her life. The others just stared watching this short-of-catastrophic event just unravel. Jackson was the second one to know her signs of panicking. She was panicking. While she wanted nothing more than to take up all his time, she needed to climb herself out of the long hole she felt she had dug.
"Excuse me miss?" Jackson called her over to calm her nerves, "Are you okay Tey?"
She snapped out of it. "What the hell is my problem? That was embarrassing. Be honest, who all saw this?"
He started laughing. She had lost her mind. It was too coincidental. It would give him great ammo later if needed. He didn't mind that at all. Teyleigh was jealous. Jealous that Wynter had a flawless hi-touch with JB. It simply wasn't fair. She had never acted this way and wasn't happy. Why was she starting now? Knowing her luck, someone probably recorded this. Mark couldn't help but to look over at Teyleigh while she was brooding over the situation. Teyleigh thought she messed up, but Mark thought this was a cute side to her. He never saw her get so flustered and act like that. It was adorable. She thought this was a flop, but it worked out in her favor.
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 6 years
Omg WHY does this scream to my soul. Like yeass worship me peasants. . Enjoy my writing. Tell me you'll steal my chocolate, or coffee, if I don't update. That right there is motivation for me to write. .. or fight but pretty much the same thing right?
how to trick writers into giving you more fanfic to read
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 6 years
You're my Haven: Got7 FF
Teyleigh was surrounded by people who loved her dearly. She witnessed the love blossom between her best friend Wynter, and her other best friend Jaebum. All while being oblivious to her own blossoming romance. She fought personal demons. Her reservations helped blind the fact that she too deserved the love she needed. She would soon find out that she was loved just as equally, in which he would prove, that he was her Haven.
So I'm going to post the description and first Chapter, if it receives some feedback here, I'll be sure to post it here as well.
✔ Feedback is appreciated ♡ Thank you for reading
Teyleigh stood a good five feet even. She was tiny in stature but her attitude screamed a thousand. She was fierce and walked to the beat of her own drum. If she ever got angry, heaven forbid any chairs by; she used them to get eye level. Teyleigh was headstrong, meaning you could try to argue all day, but she'd find sheer enjoyment of the banter. Sometimes she was hard to be with, but her good qualities knocked out her bad. One thing she had to get over, was her anxiety of big crowds. Being at her friends concerts and meetings though, you'd never guess she had social anxiety. If Teyleigh loved you, she would overcome just about anything to see that you succeeded. There was a certain group she'd just about move mountains for.
"Wynter, you should come with me and the guys."
Wynter was her best friend. They grew up together. Wynter was the taller one, but Teyleigh was about a year older. They did everything together. Shopping, ate, school. You name it they were attached to the hip. So naturally, if Teyleigh knew people, Wynter did too. Wynter was the blunt friend; the outspoken one. She had a good heart, but she had a minimal filter. Teyleigh was quiet. She stood up for herself, but she was the quiet one. If she had something to say, then she'd say it. These two girls were like fire and ice. Opposing personalities, but they fit together well.
Teyleigh had reddish auburn hair, natural wavy hair, and green eyes. She was shorter than Wynter. Fourteen year olds were taller than her. Teyleigh was clumsy though. She had no grace at all. Wynter made sure to let her know the accident rate she collected over the days. Wynter had spiral curls, black hair, and light brown eyes.
Teyleigh knew one of the guys really liked Wynter, so she wanted to make sure to include her. It was obvious to everyone but Wynter. It wasn't everyday she could play cupid and get away with it; with a popular group nonetheless. She wanted to make sure to put the two around each other as much as humanly possible, to ensure the sparks would fly more. The fact that Wynter was Teyleigh's best friend, made her that much cooler. She truly loved Her best friend. Out of all the chaos in the world, Wynter was her happy medium. She kept Teyleigh grounded. Teyleigh was horrible at stress, but few knew that. A particular someone saw that her medicine was always taken. He knew what to look for and the taletell signs that led to her panic attacks. Luckily, she had fewer lately. Something in her was learning new coping mechanisms; subliminally.
The girls got ready to head out. What Teyleigh didn't say was that they were going to a fanmeet. Sure, they knew the group personally, but they still needed to support them. Every time Teyleigh had the chance, she'd always end up at majority of the fanmeets. There was never a time when she missed them. It wasn't in her blood too. She was their biggest fan, yet. It was always liberating to her to hide from them in the crowd and then walk up to them to shake their hands, explaining just how much she loved them. One in particular loved seeing her there. She always made his night. They were meant to be, but she was blind to see it. He wasn't though. Teyleigh was the only girl he saw in a crowd. Her smile and bright eyes. The way her cheek formed a single dimple, when she got happy. These were all things he looked forward to seeing almost every day.
As Teyleigh and Wynter approached the arena, she got a sudden burst of butterflies. Surely it was just excitement of seeing her friends. This was different though. She always saw them, so this would be nothing new to her daily routine. They showed the tickets to the guy at the front. It was golden from this point on. The only thing keeping them from the guys, was the concert itself. It was funny to her to see so many girls flock to the concerts. These boys were surely loved. As she called them daily, they were your average heart throbs. Teyleigh and Wynter walked through the crowd as the show was about to start. They didn't want to miss this concert.
As they both neared their seats, the girls pulled our the banners they made. The lights started to go dim as thousands of other fans began screaming. It was time. The boys started to come out one behind the other. Excitement began to build up, as she saw her other favorites. They started off the concert with her favorite song, 'You are'. The vocals and rap made her heart happy. She didn't know how many times, spending the days with the boys, that she would play the song. Sometimes, they would sing it for her, especially when she would have a horrible day. That one song would ease her mind and heavy heart.
"I was completely destroyed before I met you."
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 7 years
Groups that I have written/will write about
⚘ Infinite
⚘ Madtown
⚘ Many others. . .
PSST: I'm really multifandom. I want to take requests for one shots as well.
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pleasantdreamalpaca · 7 years
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Hello and Welcome. If you are seeing this post it means I've intrigued you. Great. So I will be sharing my fanfiction here, as well as would like to be recommended good wholesome reads. I'll post them to this account and update regularly on here. In the world of fanfiction it can be disheartening not to get reads or likes on works you have shared, so I want to help my fellow writers out. So let's work together and get our works out there. ♡
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