plenuline-pearls · 28 days
just gonna preface that this post was made specifically with the OSDDID system community in mind, as it's the only one we're familiar with. i'm going to respond to your responses now to try to elaborate, but feel free to ignore them.
(1) what you're saying makes sense, and i'm so sorry that happened to you. it's more of a general statement than anything, and i'm glad it helped you. i specifically meant worsening of dissociative symptoms (see 'depersonalization').
(3) this was something that a friend pointed out one time and i was like "holy shit you're right." it's not an actual issue, imo.
(6) i strongly disagree. pseudo-memories - often referred to as "source memories" by an introject - are memories the person has experienced in real life, but are covered up and presented through a fictional lense to make them more digestible. "exomemories," on the other hand, are "memories that did not occur in this universe/life" [source]. if you claim to have trauma that you did not actually go through "in this universe or life," then you either actually did go through that in your "current lifetime", or you are suffering from some other condition to make you believe that. it's insulting to the highest degree to see someone claim they went through the things that i did, "in another life."
(7) for traumagenic systems with DID or OSDD, that just can't happen. i don't really care about how that applies endogenic systems, just because it really doesn't concern me or affect me. but, as much as i hate to say it, a CDD system claiming to only have introjects is probably mistaken or consciously faking.
system hot takes
an alter referring to their physical body as "the body" is unhealthy and can contribute to depersonalization
people under 16 shouldn't self-diagnose with OSDDID
neopronouns can be a good way to tell if an introject is source-attached
i can't believe this is a hot take but polyfragmentation cannot occur in OSDD, and does not just mean "100+ alters." there is no headcount criteria for polyfragmentation.
autistic systems are not inherently prone to splitting more introjects than is considered average. you don't need to have a reason for being introject-heavy
exomemories aren't real. the concept of exotrauma is insulting. (not to be confused with the real phenomenon of pseudomemories)
you cannot have an introject-only system
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plenuline-pearls · 28 days
system hot takes
an alter referring to their physical body as "the body" is unhealthy and can contribute to depersonalization
people under 16 shouldn't self-diagnose with OSDDID
neopronouns can be a good way to tell if an introject is source-attached
i can't believe this is a hot take but polyfragmentation cannot occur in OSDD, and does not just mean "100+ alters." there is no headcount criteria for polyfragmentation.
autistic systems are not inherently prone to splitting more introjects than is considered average. you don't need to have a reason for being introject-heavy
exomemories aren't real. the concept of exotrauma is insulting. (not to be confused with the real phenomenon of pseudomemories)
you cannot have an introject-only system
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plenuline-pearls · 29 days
I wasn’t joking btw, could you do an equivalent post asking for anti-endos’ sources? I’d do it myself but I suspect a lot have me blocked by this point and the widest net possible should be cast out of fairness.
sorry, i don't think i will. i made that post because i wanted to see why pro-endos hold those beliefs. i already know why i and others are anti-endo, yk?
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
A reminder to both pro endogenic systems and anti endogenic systems that harassment is bad and nobody, not even antis/endos, deserve to go through harassment. If someone is harassing you or someone you care about, report and block them, and if they are trying to doxx you, are sending you threats of violence or death, or even stalking you, know that that behaviour is very much illegal and you can and should contact the authorities. Nobody deserves harassment, and that includes you.
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
i think the two listed terms are inaccurate to how systems actually work. there's no such thing as a "core" as it's most known because the widely-accepted theory of structural dissociation contradicts it. the term "personalities" also, in my opinion, downplays the proper complexity of OSDDID.
that said, we as a system use an alternate definition of "core," and have seen some others do so as well! we use it to refer to the earliest-known host in the system, which is not to say we think of them as the "original alter."
I have a question for all my system followers (which is most of you lol), how do you feel about more outdated or debated system terms? (ie. things like "cores", "personalities", etc)
There terms that aren't very debated that you have issues with?
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
pro-endos! what sources do you have supporting endogenic plurality?
please only comment or reblog with sources if you're okay with a public response in the form of a post. if you'd like to share privately, please DM us instead.
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
boy it would be nice to be able to google something related to personality disorders, psychosis, intellectual disabilities, autism, DID/OSDD, etcetera without finding majority articles that are like “how to deal with a person with X” “how to cope with your child with X” “how to spot someone faking X” “can people with X be cured?”
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
we made a rentry! take a look!
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
Hello! Are there any syscourse topics in particular that you're hoping to have friendly conversations with other systems about? And what do you personally enjoy about those conversations? (For us, even though we don't often like getting into syscourse, we do like occasionally trying to deescalate the discourse and get a little closer to building more of a community.)
howdy! generally, i'm most interested in discussing non-traumagenic, non-disordered plurality, because it's not something i understand very well and would like to know more. most of my debate regarding this topic as of right now would be asking questions and giving a rebuttal based on what i do know.
there's also the topics more hotly debated in the CDD community - as far as i know - regarding source separation in introjects, and functional multiplicity "vs" final fusion (they're both good recovery options, i don't know why people are so mad about this).
in general, i enjoy debates about a multitude of topics because i like hearing others' perspectives, and i like sharing my own. the world is wide and ideas are everywhere!
i think it's super good that you're more focused on de-escalating! at the end of the day, we're all just people :]
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
my biggest syscourse hot take is that people take this all way too seriously. why can't we just respectfully debate? why are we all at each others' throats over something that is only ever relevant online?
i reckon we all stop to smell the flowers, and chill out before trying to maul each other over something of so little importance.
i'm not saying we should all agree, because that just won't happen.
i am saying, however, that we should be able to talk about this maturely. i won't change my mind, and lots of others won't change theirs, but insulting each other and throwing around terms like "hate group" or "ableist" is only driving the two sides further apart.
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plenuline-pearls · 1 month
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℘ ﹒ plenuline-pearls .ᐟ.ᐣ
salutations! this is plenuline pearls, a blog run by two system members focused on syscourse & information!
STANCE .ᐣ ah yes, the big question. we are anti-endo, but do not condone any harassment towards these people. they disagree with us, and we disagree with them. that's all there is to it. we are here for a reasonable debate, and are not looking to attack anyone for what terms they identify with. we seek to understand a different perspective.
OTHER DISCOURSE . . . we will generally avoid getting involved in other debates, unless one of us feels like it! just in case, know we are pro-xenogender & neopronouns, anti-radqueer/transID, and neutral on good faith labels
pssst! you can read more below . . .
SYNTH .ᐟ they ノ she ノ sea fem enby sapphic soother & protector decor enthusiast fictive
MISTI .ᐟ she ノ frost tfem lesbian symptom holder chill fellow fictive
we are both members of the same system!
LINKS .ᐟ main ─ @carcinogenlc banner credits ─ kokomi render ﹒ mask ﹒ psd
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