#osddid community
moos3-th3-goos3 · 4 months
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system-advice · 2 months
How to make alters comfortable enough to reveal themsleves
I know systems find it hard to have communication with uncontacted or newly revealed alters, so here are some ways to find out about them
(this also helps to tell if an alter is real or if your brain is just playing around)
01﹒don't force an identity on them.
some alters might find it harder to express themselves if other alters fill out their personal information for them, they may prefer to do it themselves
(ex. don't write or say their full name - just use a letter, don't write their pronouns, don't note down their orientation or gender)
02﹒don't neglect their emotions.
focus on what makes them an individual or what they're comfortable with rather than thier identity
(ex. noting their likes and dislikes)
03﹒give them templates or examples.
they may want to communicate with others but may be confused, not know where to start, or are too anxious to do it without any help
basic things such as introduction templates or giving them a place to write down their thoughts can help them learn who they are and how they fit into the system
04﹒keep them seperated if needed.
alters may blend together when fronting so barring suspected new alters from fronting with old ones can help distinguish them
this can also help systems with higher amnesia barriers to stop alters from accidentally hiding other alters
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sillysystems · 2 months
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Silly system dynamic 1!!!
Make a top 10 silliest names in your system
If you don't have that much names, a top any number you want of silliest names, or just one number
Silly bonus points if you add context, origin or some extra info with the silly names
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nonaltercdd · 3 months
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For being a dissociative disorder the CDDs are the ones who I see less of dissociative symptoms be talked about in the community
So I thought, why not make a post about some of the dissociative symptoms the CDD has!!
Depersonalization: Depersonalization is one of the big levels of dissociation that, in certain cases, can be categorized as a disorder in company of derealization. Depersonalization can present in various forms, but as general definition it's when someone it's so dissociated from themselves that they don't feel connected to their body or sense of self, just like you were external to yourself
Derealization: Derealization is one of the big leves of dissociation that, in certain cases, can be categorized as a disorder in company of depersonalization. Derealization can present in various forms, but as genera definition it's when you feel strange, fake, unreal and distorted your reality and all the things surrounding you.
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Depersonalization and derealization tent to come hand in hand and sometimes together, this is most common between systems and it can overlap with a lot of other things making the experience more unique and worst for the pwCDD
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"Autopilot" mode: Autopilot is a state of being in which your body reacts to what is needed and, like the name suggest, in an autopilot mode, is not necessarily a depersonalization mode cause it can come from more light dissociation, and sometimes you don't even feel it or realizate it happens (when depersonalization tend to be a semi-conscious and aware state), even though it can come hand in hand is not always like that
Crisis identity: Alters aside, being pwCDD can give you a lot of crisis identity, and when it comes to dissociative part is one you feel some kind of blurriness, disconnection, confusion and lost about you, can be because of many factors and can lead to severe impact in your personal view to the point of not being sure if you're you and questioning a lot of things about you, this kind of dissociative behavior can overlap with many factors which makes it worse
Emotional amnesia: Emotional amnesia is an specific kind of dissociative amnesia characterized by remembering the facts and/or events but feeling emotionally disconnected to that, not feeling or remembering the feelings regarding that memorie/event, and the sense of third person regarding the event, is being emotionally separated
Blackout amnesia: Blackout amnesia is one of the most named kinds of amnesia a pwCDD will experience, though is less common than emotional amnesia, the blackout amnesia is characterized by forgetting all about what you experienced, counting emotion and memory
Dissociative amnesia: Dissociative amnesia is a very big spectrum, this is why it's a diagnosis/disorder by its own. But for being general dissociative amnesia is when you dissociate things about yourself, this can be memories, important information, daily life, etc, to a point you end up forgetting that information
Flashback: Did you know that flashbacks are a dissociative response to trauma? You didn't? Now you know! Flashbacks are a way in which your brain dissociates from reality to relive a memory or experience you previously have, in this connotation, a traumatic experience
"Non-pain" mode: Sometimes even hurting yourself (accident or not) you can't feel the pain of that, it's like that physical damage isn't yours, this is a kind of dissociation more connected to how the brain is connected to your body and the sense of physical pain. SO sometimes your brain, aiming to protect you, dissociates from the physical pain to be "safe"
Denial: In some cases denial can be a dissociative response as a way for keeping you away from understanding and knowing you have certain trauma and passed trough certain experience. When you deny having or passing through something you tend to dissociate the memory and sometimes to the reality as a way to try keep yourself safe
Daydreaming: Daydreaming is a dissociative coping mechanism and sometimes it can come to the point of being maladaptive and dangerous for yourself. Daydreaming is a way in which trough dissociation your brain makes up a new "reality" in hopes to scape the real life and reality
Emotional disruption: Did you know that if you feel sad and then you stop being sad is dissociation? One of the dissociative ways of coping with a stressful and heavy emotion is "turning off" your emotions, or in the other hand, feeling like the past emotion was replaced by another one, it's important to note that this mood change is without any apparent explanation and you cannot return to the previous emotion cause you know feel detached to it, like isn't yours anymore. In the other hand you can be ok and a new emotion comes up to you, you feel detached to this emotion and don't have any idea where it come from and why are you feeling it, but you do, and it doesn't feels yours
Skill variation: Having in one moment one skill and in the other don't, having different skill abilities in which one time you can be good and other not that good, and all the variations within the ability to do certain skill (can be any skill, like writing, talking, moving, drawing, etc.)
"Emotionless" state: The emotionless state is when, for one or another reason, you feel empty, null, like you lack any kind of emotions, like there's a void in whee your emotions should be, this emotional dissociation can happen for many reason and in company of other symptoms, though sometimes one doesn't notice it because of this emotionless state
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This are some of the dissociative symptoms I can recall at the moment, maybe there are more that I didn't put here and you want to add in comments/reblogs or you can ask me to add them to this list
Well some of this symptoms can overlap with the alter part of the disorder they're not 100% attached to them and it's important to recognize this as very prominent symptoms of the disorder, after all this is a dissociative disorder, isn't it?
If you want to add more to this or ask a question go ahead, we'll see it 100% sure!!
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delphientropy · 4 months
(may edit/revise in the future)
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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alterstimboards · 1 month
ANDR01D Stimboard
❝ Just a simple computer program, hope I'm not a pain ❞
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Requested by anon I hope the alter the stimboard is for likes it!
Requests are always open but read pinned before sending one
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cdd-systems-support · 4 months
shout out to systems with comorbidities. shout out to systems with personality disorders, shout out to systems with other trauma disorders, shout out to systems with mood disorders, shout out to systems with anxiety disorders, shout out to systems with schizospec disorders, shout out to systems with psychotic disorders, shout out to systems with neurodevelopmental disorders, shout out to systems with any other disorders.
shout out to systems whose comorbidities are connected with trauma that made them systems. shout out to systems whose comorbidities aren't directly connected with trauma but have impacted them. shout out to systems who were abused because of their other disorders. shout out to systems whose other disorders made them more vulnerable.
shout out to systems whose comorbidities were denied because they are systems. shout out to systems whose osddid were denied because of their comorbidities.
shout out to any other systems with comorbidities, any other experiences & connections.
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shattered-system · 3 months
The “Redefinition” of Systempunk
Updated version!
We're not typically an essay kind of blog, but there's something l've been turning over in my mind since l've seen it.
I have the post pulled up now actually, and about 11 hours ago @/the-alarm-system "recoined" (stole) the term systempunk in a long post, as well as designed a flag with its own meaning and I want to sort through some of it.
I also have a few personal pet peeves about their flag design, given that it's color palette clashes and the flag is way too busy. I don't expect it to spread far given that it violates several rules of good design (saying this as someone who has been to school for graphic design.)
I will not post it here, because I don't care to spread it any more than this post already may.
Their flag slightly predates my own version of the systempunk flag, but given that theirs was created for a separate concept with a stolen name, I maintain that we were the first.
We begin with their definition of systempunk.
“A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry."
First issue lies here. Both the destigmitization of dissociative disorders and critique of the psych field are extremely important discussions to have!
But they are separate discussions. There is absolutely overlap, but combining the two here is kind of shooting yourself in the foot, because then the conversation in that tag will be disorganized.
Have a systempunk movement AND an anti-psych or psych-critical movement. That way people can easily find the relevant discussions and terms.
This is followed up with a bit about the harm the psychiatric field has caused (not delving into that as that's not what this blog is about) and then circle back onto "the future is plural."
This is not one of the instances where OP means it in the "the future is destigmitization" sense, as they are pro endo. (On a side note, even ignoring the endo use of the phrase-- if I need to read about a slogan to understand the meaning of the slogan, it's a bad slogan. The point of a slogan is to communicate a concept quickly.)
The flag has black and brown stripes akin to the progress flag to represent systems of color, which is the only part of the design we have no critique for, but are describing anyway just as a bit of information.
The purple stripe stands for:
“Endo solidarity... endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry."
Once again, we are mixing two expansive concepts into one term.
The term anti-endo doesn't imply a position one way or the other on the psychiatry discussion.
Some anti-endos swear by the DSM5, others don't. Anti-endo is a term that means anti-endo/ endo-critical. That is all it means.
There is a difference between holding the DSM as the complete authority on mental illness and saying that a trauma disorder is caused by trauma.
I'm not sure if OP knows that and is choosing to cast anti-endos in a bad light, or legitimately confused. However, OP is a syscourse blog who is on a lot of blocklists and is spammy in the tags, and has likely been blocked by anyone who isn't also out looking to pick immature fights. (This is a system who made a post in all caps calling for an endo raid on #systempunk.)
Continuing directly from the last quote:
“[Antis] are against the liberation of plurals and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others."
It's possible OP is referring to final fusion, which the anti-endo community is not a monolith on either. Most people we've interacted with are supporters of functional multiplicity (including ourselves.)
Most likely however, they mean that anti-endos "push singlethood" by telling endogenics that they can't have a trauma disorder without trauma.
And I could go into a whole tirade about that, but dozens of systems have done it before and I doubt any pro-endos have gotten this far. I am writing this for the anti-endo and on-the-fence audiences.
Visit @antimisinfo's helpful masterpost for a list of legitimate sources.
OP seems to believe that by “forcing” this singlethood, we are contributing directly to the oppression of systems. Hypocritically, OP themselves are contributing directly to the oppression of trauma victims.
Endogenics are not part of the "diverse experiences of plurality” (we are diverse, but united in origin) given that they don't exist. And if they did, they would have such a fundamentally different experience than trauma-formed systems that both groups would need separate language and tags to have space to themselves.
And endos already have a well-established punk tag for themselves. It seems they won't be happy until they chase trauma victims out of every space they create for themselves and steal every term. They've already stolen even the medical terminology used for CDDs.
The yellow stripe of the flag is meant to represent those with actual CDDs. Once again, psych stuff is brought up. However, I do agree with OP that those who do not want final fusion should not be pushed into it.
The pink and white stripes of the flag are entirely dedicated to anti-psych points. I think this would do wonderfully on it's own flag. But bringing the large range of discussion the anti-psych movement encompasses and the large range of discussion the CDD community has into the same tags is going to make it monumentally difficult to find the conversations you're wanting to have, and weaken both communities considerably.
There is a line of barbed wire across the flag that is partially for the same anti-psych movement as well as in favor of protecting and defending endogenic "identities." The ampersand stands for plurality.
There are fangs on the flag as well, encouraging systems to be loud and proud about their existence. And I agree that systems should make themselves known. However, endogenic systems don't exist, and their promotion will continue to drag us down.
I have read testimonies about traumagenic (real) systems being fakeclaimed or denied treatment by healthcare experts who, through exposure to endos, came to the conclusion CDDs are fake entirely.
Real systems seeking treatment and help after a lifetime of horrific abuse are being denied care.
Not to mention the setback of social acceptance by endos.
“Force plural liberation down the throats of others. Force the future to be plural."
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queersys · 2 months
Queer system culture is thinking we were genderfluid and abrosexual before realizing that we were a system
Happens to the best of us, is like:
"My orientation and identity always fluctuates, I wonder why"
*System discovery* "Oh look, I'm a system"
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persmo · 1 month
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The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
Hello, in this post I'm gonna talk about the new beta from simply plural that was released on August 14, 2024
What are the new futures?
How each feature works
Friends glitch/bug
Custom fields glitch/bug
Buckets glitch/bug
Other noticeable bugs
Extra things
Final thoughts
Now that we know what it's going to be in this post let's dive into it!
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What are the new features?
This beta provides some new features, most of them suggestions that were previously asked a lot of times that finally got implemented
Privacy buckets which works as a new privacy system for the app
Ability to change the default setting of privacy
Group moving finally implemented
Easier access to read groups descriptions
Ability to cancel editing
Resizing images with markdown
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How each feature works
Privacy buckets:
The privacy buckets is a new function that was suggested for a long time, with this new privacy system you can create groups that you can customize to have a more specific privacy experience
The customization things that you can add are having an emoji that identifies the bucket, being able to put a name, description and a color on the bucket, specify which ones of your friends can see the alters/groups/fields under that bucket
Bucket example
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This buckets applies to groups, profiles and fields as you see here
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Your friends won't be able to see the emoji while looking at your profile, this means they don't know in what bucket they are
You can add multiple buckets to the same friend, this is to make a better and more specific privacy customization
All the groups, members and fields that aren't given a bucket would be automatically set to private
For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and there you go
For more information about how buckets works please check this oficial guide
Change the default privacy setting:
The default privacy settings let you choose what would be the new default setting around privacy buckets when making new things
This setting is applicable to all the things you can change the privacy of, this means:
Custom fronts
Custom fields
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So depending on what bucket(s) you choose all the new things you create would have that bucket from now on
Important to note that putting a default bucket won't change any of your already existing information, this would only apply for new created things after the bucket was assigned, you still have to manually change the buckets from old things
For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and click the gear icon next to the question mark one, there you go
Group moving:
As the name implies the group moving feature allows you to move one folder to another one, you don't have to re-do the whole group from scratch anymore
The whole page for editing groups has changed so you'll might get a bit confused. The whole moving folders part can be found now when you edit a group
Visual example of what I mean
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So you might ask how does the move group work, this is a little example and tutorial on how this function works
We have this test group called "A", as you see A is in the main root, it's not a subfolder of any kind, we're gonna move it to be a subfolder
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When you click in the already shown "Move group" option it would pop out a new menu (This loading can be a little delayed, at least from my experience, so be patient)
The group who's darker is the one you'll move, you just need to click on the folder you want to put the group on and it would show you this pop out to make sure you're ok with moving it into the folder you chose
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And there you go, you moved the group
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Groups descriptions:
The groups descriptions were updated to a more easy and friendly way to see them, not only for you but for your friends too
Now all the groups that have a description will have a question mark symbol attached to them, clicking it would show you the description
Visual example of the described:
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There's no more mystery outside this, this works with your friends groups and your own in both sides
Cancel editing:
Have you ever had the problem that while editing a profile or a custom front you don't want to save the changes so you have to close the app and re open to make sure that doesn't get safe? Well that's why the new beta fixed that issue
Now when you're editing things like profiles, you can decide if you want to cancel or save your changes, it's pretty simple to see it, there's and x and a 💾 icon, the x it's for not saving the changes and the 💾 for saving them
Visual example
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This visual not only applies to profiles but also anything that can be changed and/or edited, I just put this for the sake of keeping it simple and not full of pictures of the same thing in different perspectives
Resizing images with markdown:
Using links for images is something that is used since a lot of time, it's normal to see people trying to resize their images directly from the markdown feature but failed, but now you can actually do this
In this image I'm using the same link, just that one is using the resizing markdown and the other isn't, this is to show that the resizing isn't super perfect and it's more based around fitting the picture in the indicated size, it would not stretch out or modify its property, it would just re adjust the size of it
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As you might seen the only change you do it's adding the #300x300 after the link, putting the # along with the size that you want will resize your picture, this can work with any kind of numbers you put (#numxnum), but in some cases might look wonky or the picture might not appear/be cut so be sure to know the size and things you want with that to not mess up
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Friends glitch/bug
It has been reported that the friends part might be very glitchy and have some errors, bugs and problems when entering in the moment you're using the beta
Some of the bugs reported are:
Not being able to see the preview of fronters in the main friends page
Not being able to see the custom fields of some friends
Some profiles not being able to bee seen although the friend has the bucket to see it
Menu doesn't work, it shows a gray box
More buckets assigned to a friend than the ones you actually have
Errors while seeing each others profiles when one's on beta and the other isn't
The friend menu it's a bit wonky and buggy with this beta, so don't be shock if you have some issues while seeing it, it's not broken, the beta is still a beta after all, it's to see the errors to fix them for the official release
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Custom fields glitch/bug
The custom fields is one of the part who shows more errors while using it, some common reported bugs are
Friends and/or you can't see your fields information
The changes aren't saved
While offline they might disappear
Errors with the image links (They don't act like images rather than normal links)
Not being able to move them
When tagging (@) alters from another systems appears instead of yours
The custom fields are very delicate in this area, specially because the migration between 1.10 and 1.11, because of this I'm gonna copy paste words of the developers about it
API was further updated to fix the issues of large systems having trouble sharing content with friends and not being able to see custom fields of friends across release and beta versions. Note: The fix for cross-version only works for release if you never opened beta before. If you left or will leave beta you will still have issues seeing custom fields of beta friends. Second note: I just noticed that beta seeing release custom fields is still not fully working. So we'll report back when that is fixed.
Additionally, custom fields from 1.11 are not compatible with 1.10.3 either, if you downgrade back to 1.10.3 you will not be able to save changes to custom fields (neither custom fields settings or member custom fields data).
It's not mandatory but I'll recommend not touching your custom fields if you have the beta because it can have some issues about losing information, but this is a recommendation, this lost bug doesn't happen to everyone so do it at your own risk
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Buckets glitch/bug
Because of the new future it was expected that it would have bugs and errors while testing it
The feature isn't 100% polish and it's being fixed, but this isn't stopping you from using it because it is workable
Some common bugs are:
Selecting a friend while creating a bucket doesn't work, you have to make the bucket and then edit it again to add the friend
Scrolling being difficult to almost impossible while editing buckets to assign friends
Don't adding the selected people (can also add people who's not selected)
Bucket count showing incorrectly as a visual error (previously mentioned in friends bugs)
Multiple visual errores in different areas
Also adding a note said by the developers to keep in mind
Important note: If you open the app in beta version you will no longer be able to go back to the old privacy system, even if you downgrade your app back to 1.10.3. We suggest you stay on 1.11 once you used the app in 1.11. Critical bugs found within the Beta will be resolved swiftly.
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Other noticeable bugs
As is expected this bet has a lot of bugs going on, I'm not going to name all the bugs because this would be more long than it has to be, but I will list some common bugs that don't fall into any of the other two previous categories I mentioned
While offline all things appear as private even with different bucket
Editing colors isn't saving (profiles, groups, custom fronts, buckets)
While making a description you can't use the enter button
The lines to easy select text isn't showing up
Somo areas flicker when selecting/touching them
Getting front notifications of people you didn't select to have them
Bugs with pop outs about deleting members/groups
All of this errors and some more are being fixed for the proper release
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Extra things
While it might be kinda obvious if you see the pictures I presented, the layout of the app it's kinda different, it didn't have an incredible mega change but various things about how it works were changed to fit better the new functions that were added
This betta has more bugs than previous betas but this isn't because it was bad designed, it functions pretty well and the bugs are being fixed, after all a beta it's for test out, report bugs, glitches and errors to make sure the final and official release it's the best product we can have, so maybe wait for the official release if you don't want that many bugs
Also as it was mentioned, if you already get the beta don't quit it, it can broke your simply plural and won't reverse the changes made in beta, you'll have to stick with the beta till the update it's public if you don't want to have more bugs and broke your app
For the people who might not know this, the beta testing isn't available on the web version, only the app
Little explanation on how to get the beta if you want:
Android: Go the the Play Store, search for Simply Plural and scroll down to join the beta Apple: https://testflight.apple.com/join/DzPX698w
If you need more help with the download of the beta on android you can send me questions and I'll answer them
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Final thoughts
Though it's not the best of the betas in terms of not being glitchy it's incredible how great this beta update was, and taking in mind that this errors will be fixed looks to have a very good and promising final result
I might say it's better not to get the beta if you really lay to much in SP and can't handle that many bugs and errors, but if you're willing to give it a try it can be a goofy and great experience at the same time
This update is more based on fulfilling already wished suggestions so it's pretty exciting to see it
For being a beta I give it a solid 7.5/10, maybe too buggy but a great preview of what it comes for the new update
If you have more questions about the beta, non beta or anything related to simply plural please send asks about it, I love to talk about SP so feel free to ask about it ^^
The bugs/glitches reports, the link fo the buckets and the basic information about the beta were taken from the official simply plural server, I really recommend checking it out if you want to ask questions about it, see inspiration, see third party tools or report bugs, also there you can see server status, announcements and updates. It's important to clarify that it's not a social server so have that in mind
Simply Plural Discord Server Link
If you read all this I have to really thank you very much for giving me that much of a time to talk about this, simply plural is one of my special interests and hyperfixation and I'm so glad I get to talk about it, I didn't expect that much people being interested on seeing me talk about this new update, sorry if it took me some time but I was kinda in a bad moment of my life, but writing this really cheered me up and I hope people can find this useful
Please reblog and like if you find it useful in some way and to make sure more people get to know this information about the new update cause it has a lot of important things! /nf
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sscarred-starss · 5 months
Friendly reminder that it's okay to get introjects from things, and it's okay to be an introject. i feel like a lot of systems feel embarrassed and try to avoid things they "might introject from" but remember that introjection isn't bad. We've done it too, we've avoided things we took comfort in because we were worried we might start getting introjects of the characters/people/other things in the media. But it's okay to be an introject, it's okay to have introjects in your system, and it's okay to feel that guilt, but that doesn't mean you should feel the guilt.
No matter who you are, introject, brain made, or something else, you are valid and it's okay. Unless you are "non-traumagenic", that is invalid.
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 4 months
What if I just started going by a different name and pronouns and had different likes and ideas and memories and opinions and presented differently and acted differently... but like I'm still me though... no I'm not a system at all...
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endogenic-cringe · 3 months
(quick question, not hate at all) im a system. i don't really remember any trauma, and i don't plan to look for it. it's very viable that i've forgotten trauma. (<- even so, i'm pretty young, and don't want to burden myself with remembering until i'm older.)
what should i call myself? (<- asking u because you seem pretty informed on system terms)
If you aren’t ready to figure out your trauma, absolutely do not try.
Your brain represses it for a reason and will do it until it thinks you are in a safe enough place to experience it.
You are absolutely correct to hold off on it, and not looking into it does not invalidate your systemhood.
If you are a system, you’re traumagenic. Even if you don’t remember your trauma, you’re still traumagenic, and no decent person would be upset at you for using that word to describe yourselves.
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sillysystems · 3 months
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One time when amnesiac barriers were soooooo high I didn't know anything about the system for like, weeks, I randomly hear a
"I want pizza, can we ask the body's parents to buy pizza?"
This was the first and only communication I had with the system that month lol
Silly alter, he just wanted pizza (Sadly he didn't get the pizza TT)
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nonaltercdd · 3 months
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Can we talk how frightening is to derealize?
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You start dissociating for one or another reason, and in the moment you less expected the dissociaton gets that hard that you enter in a derealization state
Derealization can feel and present in many ways, once you enter in that state everything starts to lose sense... The world around you starts to feel unreal, this can be in many ways
Feeling that's just a dream
Feeling that it's fake
Feeling like every things is distorted
Feeling that's too fantastical
Feeling like it's too bright or dull
You can't even describe in a correct way how it feels and it's scary, because it feels unreal
Maybe my things aren't real, maybe my envirioment isn't real, maybe the people around me aren't real, maybe I am not real, who knows? Definetly not me
It feels so fuzzy, strange and terriffying, but at the same time can bring a calm sensation of anything being real or important, a calm that scares me
Derealization is a very frightening experiences, and I can't quite describe the whole dissociative experience this states brings me
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delphientropy · 2 months
when you open your personal alter playlist and theres a song youve never fucking heard of before
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