The apostasy of a faithful woman
If you cared even a fraction as much as I cared for you,the poets would compose sonnets and swear our love is true.
Instead I'm on my knees like a sinner at the altar begging for redemption.
I wait for an answer as if it'll come from heaven, still you made me question my faith.
I've put in the effort,made my offerings and spent my days worshiping your image.
You swooped in like a wooded figure and burned my temples in sacrilege.
I could've written a scripture about the love I'd felt, yet you struck me from the pew where I knelt.
You morphed overnight as if something unholy possessed you and turned your back on me.
Made me the enemy, smirked as you callously made me bleed.
Mercilessly walked away with my heart crushed in your fist.
Took my faith as I cried for someone to slit my wrists.
Now I'm chained to the altar I once prayed at
Still I'll stay there till the wood's engraved in my kneecaps
The priest points and exclaims,"she bears the mark of a fool,a woman so bewitched by a man she'd put him on a pedestal!"
The profits warn not to stray from the narrow, he'll wear you down straight to the marrow .
Now I'm a raging heathen , screaming at the sky, I've lost my way all because of some guy
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Memories of you
Memories of you follow me as far as i go
I can't escape my everlasting woe.
I see your ghost in ever single room.
I'm haunted by the permanent gloom and fearing my impending doom.
You left your mark in all my favorite places.
Still hear your laugh and how i sung your praises
The thought of you chases me up the stairs
No place to hide, you'll always be here.
I hurts that I'll always love you, even when your not around.
I'll miss you even when you're nowhere to be found.
I wish i could forget you even exist
I pray for they day i no longer long for your kiss.
I should've held on tighter put up a fight.
I should've left sooner, then maybe i could've been alright.
A star shinning way too bright became my supernova destroying everything in sight.
Your cologne lingers in the halls, it drives me insane.
I'm a raging storm, your smile brings fourth a hurricane.
Now you gone, I'm doing my penance.
Stuck in a void, lost my essence
-D. N
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Think about your daughter when you say those things
Check your words and all the chaos it brings
You tear down my sisters and expect me to sit quietly
Expect me to except and sit and ignore the irony.
You want me to built cities and lead the future
Yet you laugh at every female leader
Making me feel invalid
Shutting me up, telling me im dramatic
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Please don't leave me- D. N
I love too much, I love too hard.
I love too fast, I fall apart.
I give and give my every part,
Give till I barely got a beating heart.
I ask for little, just one who cares,
Yet I'm left with unanswered prayers
I don't beg or plead, just watch you go,
Leave ther person you've outgrown.
You'll leave, you'll leave, they always leave.
Leave me on my own to grieve,
The love I can't afford to lose,
The love you took, spend and used.
Maybe I'm a common variable
I make my own life miserable,
Sabotage every good thing I have
Roll stones into my own path
Don't go, I feel hollow without you.
You'll leave, there's nothing I can do.
I'll remain sinking in my own sorrow.
You'll leave and I won't live through tomorrow.
Don't leave, don't leave don't ever leave
Please don't leave, can't you hear me plead
If you go, I won't have enough tears to cry
You'll leave and I'll break down and die.
I love too quick, I love too strong.
Every love I give is wrong
I'll try, I'll try and I'll get better
Please just stay with me forever.
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I take it back. My door is shut. I'm no longer awaiting your knock. I know it's never going to come. I'm done wasting my time and breaking my own heart over and over again.
I take it back. She does think of you. She does care for you. I hope your happy but I hope you're as fucking miserable as I am.
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I still have a scar on my knee from where I fell for you and a bruise on my heart from where you stepped on it.
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Fool. Fool. You fucking idiotic fool. Why would he ever love you?
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I know that she smells of fresh liliacs and roses and I don't. Even though I tried having a signature sent so you could snell it and think of me as I do you. Even. Single. Time. Every time I catch a whiff of your lingering cologne. My mind is flooded with the essence of you. She probably doesn't think of you.
Or maybe I she does. But you think of her. I can see it in your eyes. The longing when your apart. It's the same way I look at you.
Her smile lights up the room like the Northern Lights. Unique and one of its kind, a indescribable beauty when you are surrounded by cold. It transforms you,brings you the absolute most joy.
When I smile, you kindly smile back as if making a solemn vow.
I love you and you love her. I want you, but she needs you more.
Thats okay. I'll be fine.
I'll sit and watch you patiently as your love grows and wait till you knock on my door.
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"I need to move on," I tell myself. I need to find someone else, something else to fill the empty void in my bottomless heart you took up.
Something to silence my thoughts from screaming your name. Over and over again. Anything to numb the pain of the truth : My heart was overflowing with love and I was contempt to swim in the bliss, but now I'm drowning in the rapids of my own making.
Confused by the irony that such an empty heart, could bear such great amounts of love.
I can't scream for help. Not even whisper. As I stare at you, awestruck by your ignorance.
How can someone so kind, be so unintentionally cruel. How can a smile so childlike and harmless inflict the most pain.
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You deserve to be loved: fully, whole heartedly and perfectly, the way I know I can love you.
But you also deserve to love: fully, whole heartedly and truly, the way I know you will never love me
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Sometimes I write from a place of anger
Sometimes I write from a place of pain
But there is a common denominator
I always write from a place of need:
A need to put my thoughts and feelings into words to understand them, set them free like a caged bird before they eat me alive
I don't write because I enjoy it or for its aesthetic
I write because if I don't, I might go insane
-D. N
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When I look around all I can see is young women suffering.
Even behind the masks they've learned to construct so well.
It is in the pain in their eyes, the only tell, that they aren't happy even if their timid smiles tells a different story.
In their tight smiles as a over entitled man cracks a seemingly harmless joke.
While in the dead of night, on their muffled sobs they choke, not a sound can be heard. None but for a small croak.
In how they've been told we've had rights for years.
Yet men's ruthless capabilites linger in their fears.
It is in the fear that I'll be told to be obedient and submissive .
How when I try to speak they'll wave a had dismissive.
Men will never know what it's like to be asked "why didn't you speak up"
When you've been taught to stay silent and not to fight
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