pokeaniweek · 7 years
Hey guys!
I made a little questionnaire for feedback/ideas/etc. to help me get an idea of how pokeaniweek should run this year. Hopefully the questions are clear enough!
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
Im a newbie to Tumblr and would love to participate in pokeaniweek, are the themes of 2018 going to be similar like that in 2017? (So I can start working on them at least :'D)
possibly! the themes last year were quite nice so some of them might come back (such as favourite character) but there are also some “leftover” ones from last year! 
also I’m gonna be taking submissions for prompts now. I’ll probably make a google doc to get the gist of what people want this year too!
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
maybe if I pushed the week to start on the 7th? considering Easter is on the 1st and I suppose a lot of people won’t be able to participate due to being with family and stuff. lmk if that sounds ok!
hey guys I’m so sorry I haven’t made any kind of updates about this year. uni kept me busy as well as other personal things ;; I understand it’s kind of late to think of prompts or anything, but I’m happy to try and do something if everyone else is up for it
I apologise again )):
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
hey guys I’m so sorry I haven’t made any kind of updates about this year. uni kept me busy as well as other personal things ;; I understand it’s kind of late to think of prompts or anything, but I’m happy to try and do something if everyone else is up for it
I apologise again )):
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
Hello! Regarding your latest post, HECKING YESS!! I WANNA PARTICIPATE IN IT! and I'm sure everyone out there would want to participate too! It was a lot of fun last year!! And thank you for running this blog
that’s great! thank you!! I’ll make a post about it in a few months then, maybe Feb-March :’)
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
Happy 1000th episode anniversary! This year we also celebrated the anime’s 20th anniversary, and it’s crazy to see how far pokeani came and how many people still love it after all this time!! 
#pokeaniweek was a lot of fun to run, and I did mention in the last post that I would love to run it again in April 2018. Is anyone still up for that? I thought the 1000th episode celebration was a good day to remind people of the week and see if the fandom is still willing to participate! Please let me know~
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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And so this concludes 2017′s #pokeaniweek.
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has participated or supported this week. I’ve had an incredibly fun time seeing your participations and talent and I’m beyond happy that this week allowed all of you to share your creations! Because I’ve had so much fun, I’ve decided that this #pokeaniweek will run next year too - as long as people are up for it. 
Participations can still be submitted! I’m going to be taking/reblogging answers until the 1st of May, after that I’m afraid I won’t have time due to exam season starting for me. 
But once again, thank you so much everyone. It’s been a wonderful time! See you next year (hopefully)!
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
Hey! Really ilysm
aww sorry I’m replying so late but this is incredibly sweet, thank you so much ;3;
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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#pokeaniweek: day 2: favorite character
I managed to come up with something different and special for my favorite character, the one and only Misty! I basically made a sketch and outlined her with some of her quotes. It isn’t perfect or anything but I spent a lot of time and put a lot of love into it so I hope it does her justice :)
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
I think it's funny how this week brought Pokeani fans together but that was easily over when the Movie 20 stuff was announced. A fan-run event did a better job at celebrating 20 years of the anime than the actual company and I think that says a lot.
It is a shame that there was some division of “pro” and “anti” M20 in the fandom for the first few hours of the trailer (despite the hilarious memes that came out of it) but at least that seemed to have cooled down now. 
Despite the fact that I was pretty disappointed with the no-past-companion thing (I’m still pretty upset), I do honestly hope that people looking forward to it have a great time when it eventually comes out! I wish I was in the excited crowd but I will give the movie a try, since Ash is one of my favourite characters of all time so I have to support him right? Regardless, I don’t really want “M20 salt” creeping up on this blog since it’s meant to be all about positivity, but I guess I should state my opinion on it to avoid future questions - but this will be the first and last one!
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
If you receive this you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send this to ten of your followers or to those who need something to get cheered up. If you get some back, even better ! And have a lovely day :-)
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thank you so much anon!!! I hope you have a lovely day too ;a;
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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Pokeani Week Day 5: Favorite Relationship
Better late than never! May and Drew’s relationship is so important to me. 
Keep reading
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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#Pokéaniweek ➸ Day 5 (Sorry I’m late!): favourite relationship.
As much as I love ships (amourshipping, ikarishipping, contestshipping, jellowshipping…)  I didn’t want to make this a “ship thing” So I’m going to put my favourite friendships in the Pokéani!
❤ Ash-Dawn ❤
 Ash and Dawn FRIENDSHIP. I admit it, when I was young I used to ship them with all my heart, but now I can only see them as best friends. Even sometimes I think of them as siblings! In the DP series, they supported each other so much, they INSPIRED each other and they even exchanged pokémon! They really trust each other and I just love their friendship so much.
❤ Misty-Psyduck ❤
I love her relationship with Togepi too but her relationship with Psyduck is just SO FUNNY. And as much as she doesn’t want to show it, she LOVES Psyduck. For me their friendship is really great!
❤ May-Manaphy ❤
Oh my god, their moments in their movie were so beautiful and amazing. I don’t know if this movie is canon but for me it is. I only wish they wouldn’t have had to separate.
❤ Clemont-Luxio/Luxray ❤
Clemont and Bonnie deserve THE WORLD. 
With Clemont- His friendship with Luxio when he was young was so pure and precious and you don’t know how HAPPY I was  when he caught Luxio! They also support each other and is so amazing too! I also want to highlight his relationship with Clembot (I’m still crying)
❤ Bonnie-Zygarde ❤
THIS. Bonnie singing to Zygarde was my dead. I don’t usually cry and even less with the pokéani, but THAT scene… I love their friendship so much and I wish that in the future they will do a spin off about how Bonnie starts her journey with Zygarde and Dedenne!
❤ Ash-ALL his pokémon ❤
YES, ASH RELATIONSHIP WITH ALL HIS POKÉMON. If there is something that I’ve always loved in the pokéani was the way Ash catchs his pokémon and how he develop his friendship with them. ESPECIALLY with Pikachu, Charizard, Infernape and Greninja.
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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(PokeAni Week Day 7: Free Day) - yeah, I’m doing the rest super late.
The best part of anime-style battles: utilizing the field in ways you can’t in the games and also, issues like getting caught in it affecting the progress of the battle.
Komatana’s body is made up of extremely sharp blades, Tsutarja’s attacks dislodged rocks from the battlefield– the fact that Satoshi thought of using Vine Whip to throw the rocks back onto her and the way (possibly unintentionally) one of the rocks effectively pinned her to the ground, but Langley also thought of blocking instead of evading Leaf Blade so Komatana can break free were all pretty clever.
*It’s funny I’m doing this, because anyone who knows me, knows I really don’t like battles. It’s exceptionally rare I enjoy them.
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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(PokeAni Week Day 4: Favourite Rival*)
I already did Shootie on day two for favourite character, so, here’s my other favourite BW! rival (but it’s a very close tie for the other half of the tournament salt squad, Cabernet/Burgundy). On one hand, Langley/Georgia can be just as bitter as Cabernet, but on the other hand, she’s a lot gentler and more… fond of everyone: she chides Cabernet both times she delights in others’ losses (Shootie, Dent), she watches Bell’s childish pursuit of Zorua fondly,  and in the Te wo Tsunagou ending/epilogue, she looks sadly up to the sky when she realizes Iris has left the region.
She acts tough, but she really wants the best for Iris, initially, just so she could have a Dragon Master from the Dragon Village to defeat in the place of the one who humiliated her, but she matures and grows to really care for her over the course of the series.
She’s not above complimenting Iris’ growth either and her Pokemon (Baivanilla/Vanilluxe!) works well with and obeys Iris– that’s usually a great sign of trust between trainers, I don’t think we’ve seen that between rivals before, even if it was out of necessity. She’s a lot more level-headed and pretty unflappable– even if she does get ticked-off sometimes, she bounces back pretty easily and she can take most things in stride.
Also, unlike Iris and Shootie/Trip, she has no problem with being a kid and doesn’t actively argue against it or try to come off as oh-so-mature and above-it-all. This drives Iris up the wall because her usual tricks just plain don’t work on Langley. Iris just called her a kid? Yeah, well, she is. She embraces her own childishness too and is totally aware of how childish her grudge against Dragons is, but so what?
Also, I just generally love her design! She’s so pretty, with a cool outfit, and I love how her team is pretty much dedicated to defeating Dragon Types– she’s going to love Fairy Types.
(Also, Tsunbear/Beartic and Komatana/Pawniard are my favourite of her Pokemon! Big ol’ polar bear and an adorable little knight for our dragon-slaying maiden with a body made up of blades, c’mon. )
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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pokeani week day #1, super late!! favorite saga: diamond & pearl!
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pokeaniweek · 7 years
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#pokeaniweek | Day 5: Favorite Relationship
Satoshi / Ash & Pikachu
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