#open relationships
polyamorousmood · 8 months
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dominacetrix · 9 months
Honestly, even if someone managed to prove that non-monogamous relationships are statistically more likely to end or last less time on average than monogamous ones, I don't think that would prove monogamy is better. I actually wouldn't be surprised if this is the case. What this would probably mean is that non-mono people are more willing and able to leave a situation that is no longer mutually healthy and fulfilling, due to, on average, being more self aware and communicative of their wants and needs and having better support networks. I think the fixation on this point by anti-poly people just shows that they're terrified of change in their relationships and projecting that on everyone else.
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Does your fiancé know you call random men hot on tumble all day
yep, if you read my bio you'd see we are very open. he's even on Grindr getting nudes when he wants. we haven't had a third or separate hookup in a hot minute though. well besides a handjob I got from a friend recently.
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jocolatemousse · 8 months
I hope one day nonmonogamy becomes destigmatized enough so people stop equating open relationships with immaturity, and stop equating monogamous relationships ("settling down") with maturity.
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discoveringpolyamory · 9 months
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A "main" partner to whom you are more committed than other people you see
Many people dislike this term as they believe hierarchical relationships are inherently unfair. But for others, it clarifies to potential partners how much time and energy they have for them. 
This term is often used by couples who have opened up to polyamory together. When you share things with one partner, such as home ownership or childrearing, they will often, by necessity, have to take priority over others.
(Discover more at DiscoveringPolyamory.com)
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throuplesdating · 2 months
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Open marriages can be just as healthy as monogamous ones. And some argue that the benefits can significantly improve overall well-being.
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cupidford · 7 months
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Happiness Is With You by AndThenThereWereWords (GetTheeToADictionary)
Johnlock Love Letters #2327
John is hoping to confirm his suspicions that Sherlock and him have feelings for each other. In his obliviousness, Sherlock disappoints him and and causes John to look elsewhere for romance. There is another man in the picture, and Sherlock cannot handle his emotions.
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polyamorousmood · 10 months
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Cannot tell you how real this actually is. Seems like every time I (ridiculously) catch myself worrying, my partner goes "actually I was thinking about how fulfilling it is for this to be our life"
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begrudgedlovergirl · 3 months
the same people that love to talk shit about polyamory and open relationships are the same bitches tuning in to every season of the bachelor and the bachelorette, make it make sense.
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keyki421 · 3 months
If a man says that monogamy is a social construct, that is the biggest hint that he is a serial cheater. Cause only men who cheat use that phrase. Also, ask him if he's okay with you dating other men. I can guarantee you that he isn't. He will call you every derogatory term in his vocabulary. Cause men like that want their girl to be loyal to them, while they are loyal to no one.
Men also have a false sense of worth. They really believe they are the shit and can get any girl. They don't understand that men are the ones who have to put in work. A woman doesn't have to. There are so many stories of men wanting an open relationship and then getting mad because no one wants to be with them, while their partner has no issues finding someone. Hell, sometimes she even finds someone better.
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cistematicchaos · 4 months
the way soooo many cis [het] men want open relationships (usually bc they hate their partner) but fuck them up bc they don't want to have rational conversations about emotions n boundaries is gross. like bro, grow tf up? if you won't have those conversations, you shouldn't even have one partner, much less more than that. fucking hell.
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