pondblog-blog · 10 years
// This is the kind of outrageous trouble we get ourselves in...
The House
// ….So this is what happens when Team Shenanigans gets split up across state lines while doing cosplay things. We literally spend the day sending each other videos via text message and making an ad-libbed minisode (which I tried to merge into one video for your convenience). I swear we’re just going to start making Vines or Instagram videos (we have the collaborative accounts made), but considering Doctors are involved, it’ll take a little while to get down the brevity aspect. ;)
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
How long until you get your computer set up? We miss you! (Take as long as you need, though.)
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Well, y'know. Got my spaceship...got my boys...
So we'll be back soon!
// ooc: Oh goodness anon, you caught us RIGHT as we got back in the door from NYCC, so we couldn't resist! I promise, I'm trying to get my life in order enough to be able to gif on a semi-consistent basis, but between working almost every day and having two conventions in the last two weeks, it's been a little insane. We've got some adventures planned in the next few weeks (including Long Island Doctor Who; will any of you be there?), and I hope pictures from our adventures the last few weekends can tide you over! 
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
Come Along Pondblog
// Today marks the one year anniversary since I started posting on Pondblog. Since it coincides with Munday, I wanted to make a post talking a bit about how much this blog, as well as all of you, has meant to me over the last year. 
I started Pondblog because I adored cosplaying Amy, but didn't have any DW cosplay friends at the time, and had only been to two conventions. I was starting to accrue quite the collection, and frankly I wanted to show them off! I would often find myself in the "Doctor Who cosplay" tag and see posts from answers-from-stormcage and doctor-shenanigans , and they just looked as though they were having so much fun. My friend Neda suggested that I start a cosplay RP blog too, but I never in my wildest dreams could have expected that I would find myself interacting with them. They were just so cool and so talented, and I was just sitting in my kitchen with a laptop; I didn't have a TARDIS! 
Flash forward one year, and it still baffles me that we've come so far. I'm part of the team now (which I still can't believe), and I have a family. When my ex and I split Team Shenanigans took such good care of me, and when I lost my apartment Doctor!Mun and Clara!Mun were willing to welcome me into their home with open arms (yes, you read that right. Amy is actually (temporarily) living on the TARDIS) and have been nothing but wonderful. River!Mun came to visit for my birthday and nearly gave her old mum a heart attack when she jumped out from under a tarp. 
And Rory!Mun...
Oh, Rory!Mun.
Here's your Whovian Fairy Tale for the day, followers: Rory!Mun and I are actually, properly together. Took a bit of prodding, and really, it was nearly word for word that scene in, "Let's Kill Hitler," when Teen!Amy finds out. But I'm wildly happy, and I'd like to think she is as well. 
But that's not the only thing misterwilliamsandmisspond has done; she actually fixed all my computer woes with a new Macbook for my birthday (named, "The Pandorica," upon suggestion from the Doctor; because really, what else do you name a box-shaped item that shows Rory's devotion / Rory going above and beyond what anyone else would do for Amy?). 
What does this mean for Pondblog? The one thing you've all been waiting for: I should officially be back to blogging on a semi-regular schedule. 
This brings me to my final point in this little Munday writeup: you guys. You are honestly the best followers in the entire world. You have been so insanely patient while I figured things out in my personal life, and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. Some of you have sent me such kind messages, not only on here but on my personal blog as well, and there are even some of you who I've formed real and true friendships with, and I need you to know how much these mean to me. It's wonderful to feel like I've touched even a few of your lives, and I hope you know how you've touched mine. Thank you so much for everything you've done over the last year, from the bottom of my heart. 
Love always and forever, 
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
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Mad, Impossible Amy Pond turned 1 today!
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
// You GUYS omg
// Psst… Guess what, everyone? It’s pondblog's birthday. She's awesome and you should totally tell her so. ;)
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
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// So we maaaay have all almost died in the sweltering heat at the renaissance faire as decked out as we could manage for pirate weekend without getting heat stroke immediately…
Clara: misterwilliamsandmisspond Amy: pondblog Eleven: doctorwhohandsomeboy The Moment: thetasrose War Doctor: Bryan
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
// For those of you who might have missed it, The Doctor and Clara have some rather exciting plans coming up, and they want you to be involved! So, y'know, send them asks and whatnot, yeah?
A very special announcement...
Greetings and salutations Tumblr. How’re things? Good? Good.
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So, seems like things are getting really exciting here on tumblr, everyone’s gearing up for something big, I figured it’s probably got a lot of you thinking about how much you’d like to come travel with me,
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well Clara and me in the Tardis.  So hands up, who wants to go on an adventure with us?
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Oh… blimey… that’s a lot of you. Okay, so basically all of tumblr wants to come on an adventure. Sounds good to me. 
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So where shall we go hm? Solar surfing through the asteriod belts of Eyos? Trip back to see the one of the early US Presidential debates? Lincoln was a hell of a speaker.  Or, how about the galaxy cauldron? You get to see the birth of synthetic star…
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Shame Hogwarts isn’t real, I bet everyone would love to go there..
Wai! What did you say? 
I said shame Hogwarts… isn’t real…
That’s a brilliant idea! Clara Oswald, you are a genius!
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Hogwarts!, Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, all of it, why not. Haven’t been back in years, wanna see if they recognize me.
I used to be Merlin
You did not.
I did, I swear I did all prove it to you. 
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You can’t be Merlin, Merlin wasn’t a person. It’s just a bunch of stories about different people thrown together. 
Course it’s a story, doesn’t make it any less true, though technically Arthur was less a series of historical britions and more of an alternate dimensional warrior king, but I can show you what I did!
And you lot! We’re all going to Hogwarts! You’re my companions on this. This isn’t a joke or a trick, we’re going to step through those doors and you will see a castle. So send me questions, and things you want to see. As I said, you are companions. You’ll have until say… Monday morning. August 25th, 9am Est United States time, and all that. 
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
// ooc
// Good HEAVENS I miss you guys. I'm SO sorry I haven't been around as often; there are a lot of (good and bad) changes going on at the moment in my personal life. You're probably going to witness some of those changes firsthand, and I hope they won't affect my time on this blog too much (I'll let you guys be the judge of whether that's a good or bad thing. Don't get it? You will.).
That being said, I'd LOVE to have a proper Munday since I haven't had one in a while, so feel free to send any messages and questions to the ask box!
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
Who does the washing up? The TARDIS, the humans, or the Time Lords?
Technically… the Tardis does. See, she’s got these… eggs
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They can make anything out of anything, so the dishes just get disintegrated back into base matter, and re-build the dishes each night. Course no matter how often I tell everyone that once a week we end up with this….
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
Craziest stories of adventures with River Song--go!
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"River Song… how do I begin to explain River Song?"
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"River Song is flawless."
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"Information Available: Reports suggest the hair of organic life form designation: ‘River Song’s hair is insured for Four Billion credits."
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"I hear she writes crime novels…. in 1930’s New York."
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"Her favorite movie is the Graduate."
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"I’m Commander Shepard, and River Song is my favorite person on the Citadel."
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"I should go."
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"One time she punched me in the face… It was awesome."
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
Cool! Thanks Doctor! Any other Urban Legends you could debunk for us?
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10: Well, there was the Yeti, giant robots running around the snow.
11: Oh yes…
8: Oh! The Loch Ness Monster, a scarosaan android. 
11: Don’t forget the Bloody Mary.
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10: Oh! Yes, the Bloody Mary! That one was me. 
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10: See, yes, this was after you, see I trapped one of the Family of Blood in a mirror, and “Bloody Mary” said three times is a temporary release password, so don’t say that.
Martini is fine though.
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Amy: Oh, I’ve got one, how about the legend of aliens coming to earth, and abducting ordinary humans?
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
Set the temporal matrix?
Gravitic anomilizer?
Of course.
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Why the foot? Why always the foot?
Because it works!
Fine fine, Paradox servos?
Yes, it’s set.
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Hello Tumblr! It’s a big important moment, breaking things down, paradoxes are covered, we’re forgoing all the...
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
// Hey guys, Rory!Mun and I are trying out something a little different tonight. You should come pester us with Teen Wolf asks!
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So Stiles is trying to cook or something while we wait for everyone to get back at Derek’s loft. 
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What is this? Is Derek a murderer? Wait. Don’t answer that. It’s a torture device, isn’t it? He’s going to try to kill us again, isn’t he?
Stiles, that’s a cheese knife.
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So yeah, send us questions or something so I’m not stuck here bored all night with this moron? 
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Okay. So that was a cheese knife. But what the heck is this thing?
I…don’t know what that is.
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
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….Way ahead of you, Anon.
// Disclaimer: I asked permission to do this from Amy!Mun and Rory!Mun beforehand. They know I love them and appreciate allowing me to sacrifice their hell-card. xD
PS: A note that I removed all the electronics beforehand and was careful to have a tub of water on-hand for safety. Kids, don’t play with fire without taking all the necessary precautions. Also never light anything on fire that has plastics or any sort of electronics. BURNING BATTERIES IS A NO-NO. THEY CAN EXPLODE IN AN ERUPTION OF TOXIC ACIDY STUFF.
PPS: VICTORY! First Team Shenanigans member to light something on fire on their blog! Sorry doctor-shenanigans. You snooze you lose!
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
// Felt the need to prove the simultaneous awesomeness and horror that was getting a card that actually played the Birdie Song. pondblog and misterwilliamsandmisspond are terrible in the best way possible.
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pondblog-blog · 10 years
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Got any crushes?
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Don’t tell Amy, but….
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