pookasluagh · 8 hours
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Chapter 4 of Rapture on the Seas is up! Crowley has an insomnia-fueled conversation with the ship’s resident witch occultist; Zira meets a group of fellow queer passengers; Rose and Flower have a present-day spicy chat.
Excerpt: From her satchel, Ana pulled out a bottle of water and shoved it into his hand. Crowley looked at it and then at her, wondering if it was safe, but it appeared to be a normal, everyday bottle. Unopened. As he twisted the cap, he muttered, “Thought you’d be the anti-plastic type.”
Ana huffed. “Oh, I am. But that’s what they’re handing out on board, and I didn’t figure you’d trust it if I brought you a regular cupful.”
“Not wrong, witch-girl.”
“Not a witch or a girl, scarecrow.”
Fic: Human AU, fluff-and-smut, enemies-to-lovers, E rated.
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pookasluagh · 1 day
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Oops ⚔️🐍
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pookasluagh · 2 days
Since the last chapter ended up such a big cliffhanger, I’ve posted Chapter 25 (The Tower) of This Phantom Life much quicker than normal.
Excerpt: Crowley struggled to reconcile the monster in his memory with the concern in Fletcher’s voice, but at least his body started moving again. The two of them wrestled a now-unconscious Ana into an alcove where they could prop her in a corner. “Thanks,” Crowley said, his voice rusty. “Was trying to get her home.”
“You dropped your phone.” Before Crowley could protest, Fletcher had picked up the mobile. The screen was spiderwebbed with cracks but still came to life. The lockscreen photo was from his night at the pub with Zee, taken by Hestia as the two of them kissed. Fletcher’s face darkened. “So you were cheating on me. Figured.”
Crowley fought against the stiffening of his muscles. He used to be able to do this—relax, reassure, pretend. After that last time, though… His body wouldn’t cooperate. His brain kept tossing unhelpful memories at him. Vomiting on Zee’s bed. The x-ray technician apologizing for how much the procedure hurt. The spindly black stitches holding together his leg and the sting of antiseptic on an open wound. “Never cheated,” he mumbled. “Only met him after I left.”
“Sure.” Fletcher dropped the mobile deliberately, letting it smash on the pavement again. “You were always a terrible liar.”
***** TWs for Ch 25: descriptions of past DV, present day interrupted SA
Fic: Zee (Aziraphale) Marsh is a widowed hermit who secretly writes bestselling romance novels under the pseudonym Bella Swansea. His life is rigorously controlled until his new downstairs neighbor arrives. Anthony Crowley causes something to come alive in Zee that he hasn't seen in over twenty years, but Crowley brings with him some of his own very dark secrets. // Human AU, E rating.
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pookasluagh · 2 days
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Slight re-work. Different vibe. Angel Crowley.
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pookasluagh · 3 days
How very beautiful 💕
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Source: arashixy_arts
I want this for them so badly 🥲
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pookasluagh · 4 days
Chapter 24 is up! As time moves on, life settles into full-on domestic fluff…or it would, except someone has unfinished business they wish to address. TW for spiked drink and kissing with dubious/ambiguous consent.
Excerpt: Crowley answered, his face sheepish. “So sorry, are we being too loud?”
“Nonsense!” Ms. Meadows cried. “I heard the ragtime, and oh that’s so delightful, I haven’t heard good ragtime in years! I thought I’d join you, if you don’t mind this old lady butting in.”
Then it was four of them laughing, dancing, trading off songs on the piano. When fingers and feet grew tired, Zee pulled out a bottle of wine and poured for everyone, and they sat in the three comfortable armchairs (Crowley, of course, in Zee’s lap) and chatted until past midnight.
Midway through the evening, as Ms. Meadows gave a slightly-inebriated toast to her little family, Zee had a moment of dissociation. It was a bit like déjà vu of a phantom life, a burst of what-would-have-been had he not invited Crowley in for tea all those weeks ago. There would be no little family, no drinks and piano and dancing, no laughing. No happiness.
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pookasluagh · 6 days
Oh I love this!
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Had an idea, might be weird, this is it. It’s as done as I can get it for now. So umm. Please enjoy it.
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pookasluagh · 6 days
Gorgeous 😍😍
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Just a little smooch for you 💕
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pookasluagh · 7 days
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Chapter 3 of Rapture on the Seas is out! This chapter is a look back into the past, the solo traveler’s pilot program, and how Flower and Rose came to meet. (TW: Explicit content.)
Excerpt: At first, Crowley called him Dandy, and had even asked if his real name was Dan (reply: ‘🤣🤣🤣 not even close’). The nickname didn’t fit, though, and it wasn’t long before he landed on Flower instead. Flower countered by calling him Rose instead of Poison, as he’d suggested.
‘It’s your own fault for naming yourself poison-rose,’ he wrote when Crowley complained. He grumbled in reply, but was secretly pleased.
Fic: Human AU, fluff-and-smut, enemies-to-lovers, E rated.
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pookasluagh · 8 days
Zee broke into another full-bodied laugh and was still giggling when Lee joined them at the table. His face immediately sobered when he saw her. “Lee? Did something happen?”
She swiped at her eyes, which had gone teary, and shook her head. “No, no. It’s…oh it’s just so good to see you, Zee.”
His brows furrowed at that, but Crowley understood at once. He wondered when Zee had last been this open and unguarded around her. Given what he knew, it was likely a couple decades. When Lee sent a grateful look toward him, he smiled and gave a minute shrug. “Right. Have you two eaten here before? What should I order? Actually, scratch that. If I give Zee leave to make recommendations, I’ll probably end up eating something depressingly gourmet with notes of citrus and fire.”
“Fuck off! You may not like my wine choices, but you’ve never complained about my food.”
“You do realize that I do ninety percent of the cooking, yeah?”
Lee watched them like they were a tennis match. When the two men grinned at each other, she said, “Got it. If you know, you know.”
***** Chapter 23 is published, in which Crowley meets Zee’s sister, Zee is subjected to a surprise gathering, and Crowley experiences another flashback.
Fic description: Zee (Aziraphale) Marsh is a widowed hermit who secretly writes bestselling romance novels under the pseudonym Bella Swansea. His life is rigorously controlled until his new downstairs neighbor arrives. Anthony Crowley causes something to come alive in Zee that he hasn't seen in over twenty years, but Crowley brings with him some of his own very dark secrets. // Human AU, E rating.
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pookasluagh · 9 days
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I don’t think we talk about this scene enough, this is literally couple behavior. Married behavior, sitting next to each other on the same chair with one person leaning over the other.
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pookasluagh · 9 days
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Got myself some Good Omens tattoo today 🐍
(I absolutely love it)
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pookasluagh · 11 days
Aziraphale: What are you in the mood for? Crowley: World domination. Aziraphale: That's a bit ambitious. Crowley: You are my world. Aziraphale: Aww… Crowley: Aziraphale: Crowley: Aziraphale: OH.
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pookasluagh · 11 days
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Chapter 2 of Rapture on the Seas is live, featuring a very drunk Crowley, a lot of name-play, too many text messages, and a bunch of strangers meeting awkwardly for the first time around a dinner table. TW for inadvertent body shaming. (Also this is probably my fave illustration that I've ever done!)
Excerpt: It was the imperious we that did it. Crowley could take the play on his name—he deserved that one, after all—and he’d heard nothing but varying degrees of contempt out of this man all day. The false concern, though; the snotty implication that there could ever be a we…it was too much. He snapped. “It’s Crowley, as you damn well know.”
“Imagine that. You do care about chosen names.”
Fic: Human AU, fluff-and-smut, enemies-to-lovers, E rated.
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pookasluagh · 14 days
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*farquaad point* he bewitched him body and soul
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pookasluagh · 14 days
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to hold me like water,
or christ, hold me like a knife
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pookasluagh · 14 days
I've started something new!
Ch 1 — Bad Omens: In which Zira wildly misinterprets an overture, Crowley makes an arse of himself, and the two board a transatlantic cruise as enemies. (And also as anonymous online partners, though they don’t know this yet, of course.)
Fic: Human AU, fluff-and-smut, enemies-to-lovers, E rated.
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Excerpt under the cut:
His face closed up into an expression that he knew people considered supercilious, though in reality, it was the only way he could prevent himself from spilling something mortifying, like a whimper. Or tears. The stranger’s smile faltered slightly, and it gave Zira the strength to speak.
“If you’re looking to queue-jump, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong person.”
It felt good to fight back. Zira could feel the indignation burning inside him now. He was fifty-five, not twenty-five; long past the age when he let straight men take advantage of him simply by flashing an inviting grin. How dare he! “The back of the line is that way,” he said, pointing.
The man’s forehead was scrunched up, his smile completely gone now, but with the glasses hiding his eyes, Zira couldn’t read the expression. After a moment, he gave a sarcastic salute and the hint of a bow as he said, “Right. Okay. Message received. Have a good trip.”
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