poopsketch · 10 years
Poopsketch Goes Deep
Just had an epiphany today at work regarding poops. We spend our whole lives trying to fit into this social construct that we have created for ourselves.  Society, culture, whatever you want to call it.  We are all constantly insecure and lonely and terrified of sex and failure and of anyone else finding out all these things about us that are also true in everyone. This is exemplified by pooping. People--my generation especially, young people especially-- are terrified of pooping in public.  Part of it is because it's "gross", pooping somewhere where thousands of shits have already been taken.  And that's not entirely unmerited.  But mostly, it's because someone might hear.  Or someone might find out.  Even if they don't know you personally, they're going to know someone is in there taking a shit.  And that's mortifying to our society. What the FUCK?  This is something literally every single person does, like all the time.  I shit more than I do almost any other activity.  And I'm not particularly more self-conscious than the next guy.  And yet, like everyone else, I'm terrified of someone else finding out I'm pooping.  I don't want anyone to hear my farts.  I don't want anyone to smell what I've done.  I don't want anyone recognizing my shoes and being like "oh man that guy totally took a shit earlier." Except, obviously I totally took a shit earlier.  Everyone has always taken a shit earlier. We're so uptight about pooping in public that we'll go hours, entire days even, holding in poops and fighting down cramps and secretly walking down the hallway to fart so no one knows it was us.  Which is, really, ridiculous.  We have created this society for ourselves where none of us are comfortable being ourselves. Anyway, I realized this on the way back from Chipotle, because it was Chipotle so I already had to poop and I was like man this is going to be an uncomfortable rest of the day because I don't want to poop at work and then I was literally like what am I doing?  Just take shit, Jesus! So I got back to work and took a shit, and it was incredible, and liberating, and ironically pushed me one more step forwards on the quest to not care about anything anybody else thinks. Pooping in public is a metaphor.  Don't let other people govern your life.  And also, it's not a metaphor.  Fucking start pooping wherever and whenever you want.  It's a huge part of being a human.  You don't have to hide it anymore.
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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It's hard for hats to get a head.
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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poopsketch · 12 years
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