postorigamisekai · 1 year
MEMORY 1 â—‡ The duelist's lament.
The duelist stalks through the decrepit castle the purple streamer's coil resides within, the grey of the walls a stark contrast to his colorful self. He drags his duel blades behind him in a bored manner, everything here was just all so... uninteresting. Queen Asahina would want him to stay guarding the purple streamer, but would it really kill her to let him explore a bit? Maybe it would, he doubted that he'd care.
He looked out the window to the part of the endlessly winding streamer where the purple of the streamer he was guarding intertwined with the pink of the streamer that Mizuki was guarding. There used to be three streamers there, one purple, one pink, and one green. He liked to think of them as symbolic of his friendship with both Nene and Mizuki. But after Ena was... 'decommissioned' by the hero Nene was next to follow. He winces at the memory of comforting a silently crying Mizuki after the green streamer dissolved into pieces.
The duelist shook his head, he had to be ready in case the Hero arrived. He tugged at the collar of his lab coat subconsciously, something he did before he was cursed, before everything. Before the Queen enlisted him, before the Queen killed his parents because he misbehaved-
No, that's too painful a memory.
The duelist turned his head out the window again, what was he before he became the duelist? He was Rui Kamishiro, he loved and cared, but he hardly received the same back from the world. But now that love has become a dull desire, a dull ache for something- anything that could hypothetically bring him a cure for his endless boredom. Supposedly that's what an unhealthy dose of solitude does to a man, that and the curse maybe.
He stared at the entwined streamers, grimacing to himself as the pink one slowly came apart. Mizuki wouldn't have simply let themselves get defeated, right? They were only supposed to guard the spools with their lives, as is now the sole purpose of the Legion of Solitude. He felt a tear drip down one from one of his golden eyes, he'd have time to mourn later though.
The Hero would be coming for him next, he was the last one, yet... Why should he even bother to protect the streamer? Maybe the hero could provide him with some... entertainment instead. He'd still kill the hero in the end, not for Queen Asahina but rather Mizuki and Nene. His dearest friends, his only friends. " ... I'll be waiting, fabled hero." He smirked to himself, using the thought of toying with the hero until they broke as a distraction from Mizuki's likely demise.
... It's funny now, back then he used to blame Tsukasa for the 'deaths' of the legion. And he hadn't even known what had really happened to them. And come to think of the other members of the legion... wouldn't they have come to this world as well? Perhaps he'd convince Tsukasa to come and look for them.
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
// mod post //
hey so, I was considering posting little in-universe drabbles of the storyline( before the blog takes place). Would y'all like to see those? I'll tag them as 'The book's pages - memory drabbles'. I've already got one written for Rui.
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
So how exactly did you get out of the book? (I'm curious on how Tsukasa got in there in the first place but I believe we will get the answer in due time)
" Hm... Well, I'm sure that Tsukasa-kun would be able to answer this question for us~!"
" Huh?! Why are you just casually passing this off to me?!"
" Hmm, well, I think that you're the only person here who's been able to enter my world and bring stuff with him to his own world... No? It's got something to do with the book you told me about, I assume."
" Well... Yes, it does."
" So why not be a darling little former hero and tell us what's going on~?"
Tsukasa let out an exasperated sigh. " Fine, I'll tell you."
The blond cleared his throat with a cough. " So, basically, there is a book in my world which contains your world and it seems to have recently been enchanted somehow so now whenever it's opened it can either bring whoever opens it into your world, or bring you guys out into my world." Tsukasa explained. " There, happy?"
" Hm... I was hoping for a more detailed explanation."
" You don't get a detailed explanation until you release me!"
" Oh? Why are you so eager to be released? I thought you loved my hugs~"
" !!- It's not my spine that I'm currently worried about!"
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
Rui, what kind of snake are you and how are you enjoying Tsukasa's world so far?
" Hmm... What kind? Well, it's hard to say. I'm not sure that I'm a type of snake at all." Rui says with a nonchalant shrug. " I'm pretty sure that curses don't really take specific breeds of animal into consideration, and I'm pretty sure you won't find a breed of snake that has scales as sharp as blades and purple."
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" Ah, right, there's also this blade at the end of my tail. So I suppose you could say I'm one of a kind, no?"
" Ah, fufu~ Whoopsie-daisy~"
" As for Tsukasa-kun's world... Hmm, I haven't seen much of it. But I have to say the decrease in magic is quite fascinating, I always wondered how society would function without being able to conduct magic."
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
rui!! tsukasa!! please may i get a hug
" Hm? Why of course, little light! just do be wary, I might accidentally crush you, fufu~"
" Hey! You're getting distracted! You haven't even answered any of my questions, Rui!" Tsukasa protested, making an attempt to wriggle out of the bind Rui had put him in. Meanwhile Rui held the small light to his cheek and gave it a small nuzzle.
" There, I hope that that was satisfactory to you. My more powerful hugs have to be reserved for Tsukasa-kun only~"
" What does that even mean?!? And how did you even get here?!?"
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
It was an absolutely normal day in the Tenma household. Tsukasa was simply pacing in his room with a few lights trailing after him like moths to a flame. He'd tried to wave them off, but they kept on pestering him. At least nobody but him could see the little bastards.
Of course, his peaceful afternoon was soon to be interrupted.
He could hear Saki call out a 'I'll get it!' from downstairs before the front door opened. he thought it might be Ichika or Honami, heck, maybe even Toya was stopping by. But unfortunately, it turned out to be none of those possibilities.
" Hello there," A voice, an eerily familiar voice rang out from downstairs. " I'm looking for Tsukasa Tenma, do you perhaps know where he is?"
His heart almost stopped, he hadn't heard The Duelist's voice ever since he had his grand adventure. Perhaps there had been more consequences to his actions then he'd thought.
He could only pray that Saki wouldn't let him in.
" Oh! Yes, he's my brother after all! Why don't you come in and I can get him for you?"
His heart pounded in his chest as he heard his beloved little sister coming up the stairs. " Onii-chaaan!" Her voice called out, " Someone's here to see you!" yes, and that someone probably wanted to fight him to the death, or WORSE.
" I-I'll be down in a moment!" He stammered out, how very un-future star like of him. He should be more confident than this! If it was a fight the Duelist wanted from him, then it was a fight that the Duelist would get!
He would have to make sure Saki is out of the house first.
So with a deep breath, he ventured down the stairs to find Saki and the Duelist just... sitting on their couch, having tea. He'd expected for the Duelist to take Saki hostage the minute he noticed him, but no! The purple haired menace has the AUDACITY to wave him over like they were friends!
And- well, their relationship is very complicated!
Tsukasa glared at the snake in disguise for a brief moment before putting on his best smile and joining his sister on the couch. The tension between him and the Duelist was so thick he would have to cut it with a sword to break it. Meanwhile Saki was completely oblivious to what was happening.
Amber eyes were locked with golden ones, Tsukasa didn't even notice when Saki had left to go hang out with her friends.
" So, Tsukasa-kun. You just couldn't help yourself, huh?" The Duelist began, a smirk on his lips as he spoke in a teasing tone. " Curiosity laid it's hands on the cat once more, and it seems that instead of dragging you in, it dragged us out~"
" You-! Stop being so vague! Why the hell are you here- How the hell are you here?! You just disappeared after we fought Mafuyu's mother!" Tsukasa yelled out, meanwhile the Duelist just chuckled.
" Ah~? Didn't I say that you could call me 'Rui', Tsukasa-kun? It's only fair if I'm not calling you 'Hero'." The Duelist- no, Rui hummed. Peeling off the jacket and shirt he wore as disguise to reveal the skin-tight leotard-ish clothes he was wearing beneath them. He could hear the snake sigh in comfort after doing so as well, he could just tell that Rui's tail was about to come out as well.
And he was right, Rui's legs soon disappeared and in their place was a long, thick and scaly purple tail. Those scales were as sharp as Scissor blades, so he didn't want to go anywhere near them. " Okay then, Rui, what the hell are you doing?" Tsukasa asked, a bit irritated at Rui's lack of answers for him.
" Oh, just getting comfortable, that's all~" Rui purred, slinking around Tsukasa like a boa constrictor, minus the constricting. " After all, it's basically your fault that I'm here I presume? With that special little book of yours... Those lights are a product of the book as well, curious little souls they are."
" The lights..? Wait- YOU SEE THEM TOO?!"
Tsukasa and Rui are now available for asks.
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
Asks will be opened for asking soon...
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postorigamisekai · 1 year
Welcome to postorigamisekai! An ask blog for one of @kenziedrawz 's aus! And before you ask, yes this blog is run by Kenzie herself.
Ask box status : Open for receiving! Asks may not be answered immediately though
What is Origami SEKAI?
Origami SEKAI is a PJSK au based on the game Paper Mario; The Origami King.
The basic plot of the au is that a now nearing graduation Tsukasa Tenma is clearing out the Tenma household's attic with Saki when he comes across an old book he remembers sometimes reading to her at bedtime. The siblings agree to look through it again, preparing for nostalgia.
What they do not expect is for Tsukasa to get sucked into the book.
Tsukasa finds himself in a paper-crafted world, and bit more flatter than he remembers. He's also now in some sort of Knight get-up(his WD card), and has absolutely no idea where he is! So he goes to the nearest castle, which is owned by Princess Shizuku, in hope of figuring out what the heck is going on.
Unfortunately for him, he meets an Origami Shizuku instead of, well, a paper Shizuku. And he gets the feeling something isn't right. He gets dropped into a pit soon after talking with her.
Now, assuming you know the plot of PMTOK then you can guess what happens next.
Tsukasa frees Princess Mafuyu from her entrapment within a wall, and we learn that her own mother put her in there. One dungeon escape later and one Mafumom villain reveal later and now Tsukasa is apparently the 'chosen hero'(as said by Shiho Hinomori) and on a quest to unwrap Shizuku's castle from streamers and go and defeat the Origami Queen. Simple, right?
Now, I won't go into much more detail of basically PMTOK spoilers for you(because I'm lazy) but long story short there are guardians of the streamers and we know and love them but they eventually get defeated.(no they aren't the canon legion) And eventually mafumom gets defeated and Mafuyu wishes everything okay again and then Tsukasa gets zapped back home!
But, now we get to where our little ask blog takes place.
A week after his crazy adventure, Tsukasa decides to open the book again. And this time, lots of little lights pop out!(those are you guys!) He's pretty sure a few other things popped out, but surely they're nothing, right?
Muse Information
Tsukasa Tenma - Former chosen Hero, a lot like in canon but lacks the Wonderland SEKAI and Wonderlands x Showtime as we know it. Owns the book that contains the paper world.
Rui Kamishiro - Former member of the Legion of Solitude, formerly known as 'The Duelist'. Wasn't actually 'defeated' like the other LOS, but instead broke the seal on his own streamer and disappeared. Home invader/hj
More to be added...
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