pragmaticstyle · 2 years
Blogroll & Podcasts
Mr. Money Mustache: More cost efficient, healthy, and awesome lives.
The SoHo Forum: Regular debates held in midtown Manhattan which you can listen to on their podcast hosted by Reason.
Louis Rossmann: For pragmatic life, business, and computer advice.
Granola Shotgun: An amateur architecture buff’s outlook on the future of communities.
The Manifold: One of my favorites. Dr. Steve Hsu, who also blogs at Information Processing and Dr. Corey Washington have a knack for choosing compelling topics and leading discourse in an unbiased manner.
The Last Psychiatrist: I binged this blog in my early 20s and recently discovered a reddit discussion group. Great quote: “I don’t even find “MD” particularly valid, but at least you can sue a doctor.” I highly recommend this blog, Arrowsmith, and House of God to any pre-med. 
The White Coat Investor: An excellent resource which is also available in podcast form as well as in the eponymous book.
Tom Woods & Podcast: Interesting commentaries on the current socioeconomic climate and modern-day policy from an economist/historian/math-whiz
Stefan Molyneux’s FreeDomain: A broad ranging, sometimes provocative, podcast which covers parenting, aka one of my personal favorite topics, economics, and great works of literature (Dostoevsky!)
Thomas Sowell: I get palpitations, fretting about Sowell ever leaving this mortal coil. Losing Walter Williams was terrible enough. If you have an interest in economics or if you have an interest in biographies of extraordinary people, please do consider researching them.
Aba & Preach YT: Did you ever have a friend who was just funny? Where their humor and mannerisms were not a put-on but rather their authentic self? Now imagine having TWO of those friends and listening to their conversations. An amazing concept for a vlog right? In any event, the grace of the modern Internet Age is not lost on me. Thank you, Internet, for reminding me that delightfully lighthearted yet thoughtful people like Aba & Preach exist.
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pragmaticstyle · 4 years
About PS
Hello! My name is Jess and I have an interest in self-improvement, fashion/aesthetics, sewing, sustainability, and minimalism in the context of a maximally joyful and full life.
Aesthetic Sensibilities: Think “Bill Cunningham, New York” (2010). My friends have described my personal style as “ragamuffin”, “lab rat”, “functional preppy” and while I have been known for minimalism and hyper-efficiency as demonstrated by packing a backpack for a weeklong conference, I really do appreciate beauty and beautiful clothing. In our fast-paced times, how someone chooses to present him or herself to the world can speak volumes about their internal world and their hopes for the future. Furthermore, a wonderful aspect of our modern times is that beautifully crafted clothing is affordable either through high street stores or through the deluge of secondhand pieces in thrift stores or Ebay. Affordable, preferably secondhand attire is my siren song and I choose all of my clothing deliberately and treasure each piece in my closet–though I never want to be too precious about clothing. It’s clothing. It’s meant to be worn and lived in, to go on adventures with you. It makes my day when strangers compliment my threads,  especially as most of my time is spent running around in glorified pajamas.  
Happiness, Sustainability, Minimalism, Accountability: The truth shared in “The Story of Stuff” holds just as true today as it did almost a decade ago. Sustainability, minimizing waste, asking ourselves what really makes us happy (likely NOT trying to “keep up with the Joneses”),  what we really need…these are important questions. A favorite quote and recipe is that happiness requires:    
Someone to love
Something to do (a task)
Something to hope for (a long term goal to achieve) I am an individual blogger.
All opinions and photos are my own. They do not reflect the opinions of anyone or any institution associated with me.  All items reviewed and discussed are purchased and selected for this blog by me unless noted otherwise. If an item has been given to me for review, it will be stated clearly. The opinions will always be honest and will always be my own.  
If you have any questions or for collaboration, feel free to contact me: [email protected] !
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