prandpassions-blog · 6 years
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Thursday night motivation
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
Finding Internships
Internships can be tricky to find as a college student. When I started looking I had no idea where to begin. The first step I took was going to my advisor to ask about certain opportunities for PR/Marketing.
The first place I looked was a website dedicated towards jobs and internships that my college provided its students. This listed all the current internships available to interested PR students.
The second place I found was the Career and Advising center I have on my college campus. This center will pair you with an experienced employee dedicated to finding students internships to get their foot in the door
The last way I found more internships was through the PR Director here at URI. She will sometimes receive emails from businesses in need of PR interns. Once she finds this out she emails all the students in the PR major the opportunities that were given to her for us. I actually recently received an email regarding a PR internship I was interested in. I then emailed the company and met with an employee for an interview! Fingers crossed that I get it!!🤞🏻
It’s important that you start looking for internships early to get more experience in the field you’re majoring in. It looks great on your application and it also will help you find a job with the experience you have once you graduate. You may even be hired over someone else because of all the experience you had!
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
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Finals week is upon us!!
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and overloaded with work I’ve come up with 5 helpful tips to relax and destress.
1. Even though finals are coming up and you’re making time for final projects and exams, make to make time for yourself each day. Whatever makes you happy, or calms you down in stressful situations make the time to do so, so you won’t be as stressed
2. Keep a planner to mark exam/assignment dates. This will help you stay on track and get your assignments/studying done.
3. Don’t always study in the same area and also take breaks, so you don’t overwhelm yourself. Moving to a different location to study will create new encouraging environments to help you get your work done. Taking breaks is also very effective when it comes down to studying. Study for an hour and maybe take a 20 minute break to refresh.
4. If you’re stressed about an assignment/exam just email your professors to ask for any helpful hints. This helped me a lot when I was overwhelmed and they clearly explained what kind of content would be on the exam as well as clarification in what they’re looking for in the project you were assigned.
5. My fifth and final tip is to get enough sleep and stay hydrated! As a college student we are exhausted enough. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night will help your brain take in new information. You’ll study more effectively/productively and be able to remember information better. Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the day or drinking tea can destress you. Tea especially will help you relax and motivate you.
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
Top websites for PR students
As a PR student, it is important to read around the subject in order to compliment your studies, find out the latest issues, and get to know the day-to-day workings of an exciting but complicated industry. There are lots of sites out there dedicated to PR, not to mention waves of blogs and forums, so finding the best ones to read can be a hard task.
To help you out, we’ve pulled together a list of some of the top PR-related sites out there. Some are more news focused, some are written specifically for PR students, while others are written more tongue-in-cheek. Either way, there’s something out there for everyone. If you’ve got any of your own sites that you’d recommend for PR students, leave a comment and we’ll add them in.
Happy reading!
1. PR Week – www.prweek.co.uk
The PR industry bible, PR Week is essential reading for those wanting to know the ins and outs, the who’s who and all of the latest developments in the PR industry. A brand new website also features community blogs, with contributions from high profile executives from a range of sectors. Also worth checking out is PR Week’s Best Companies To Work For, which lists agencies that were chosen from a field of 114 as outstanding places to work, by independent judges from the PRCA and the CIPR along with PRWeek – www.bestplacestowork.prweek.com
2. Profile Extra – www.profile-extra.co.uk
Profile magazine is the award-winning member magazine of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), the UK and Europe’s leading public relations professional body. Profile magazine provides its readers with an informative package of pictures, news and features. The printed magazine is published six times a year, while the online version – Profile Extra – is updated on a weekly basis. Many of the stories in the online version are taken from the printed copy, but not all, and they also provide new stories, never previously published, from industry figures.
3. Behind the Spin – www.behindthespin.com
Behind the Spin is a magazine for public relations students and young practitioners. It is supported by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and based at UK universities with CIPR-approved public relations degree courses. Behind the Spin publishes articles online throughout the year, with articles about public relations or of interest to PR students and young practitioners. Though based in UK universities and supported by the CIPR, they take a global perspective on PR.
4. PR Moment – www.prmoment.com
PR Moment is a new online magazine for the PR sector, whose editorial looks behind the scenes of the PR industry, highlighting best practice and giving readers an insight into recent PR campaigns. Their editorial features regular reviews of the media from a PR perspective and digs behind the scenes of high profile PR campaigns. The site also contains interviews the leading lights of PR, so you can find out what it’s like to work in the sector, and talk to leading journalists about their media requirements.
5. Brand Republic – www.brandrepublic.com
Brand Republic is is a site that covers the whole of the communications industries, including advertising, marketing, media and PR sectors. Brand Republic also produces exclusive content from its own award-winning editorial team, as well as a series of exclusive content, research and information partners. A roster of expert and opinionated industry blogs on the site are written by individuals who work in the worlds of advertising, media, marketing and PR, which means readers can hear from and interact with opinion-formers in different parts of the industry.
6. The World’s Leading – www.theworldsleading.net
The World’s Leading is written by people working in the PR industry, for people working in the PR industry – with a bit of a differfence. A site that deals in gossip and rumour and in ridiculing the pompous self-importance that too often permeates PR industry, it is a fun insider’s view into the inner workings of PR.
7. PR Fail – www.prfail.tumblr.com
Set up by Jonathan Hopkins, PR Fail uses Twitter and del.icio.us to automatically collect examples of bad PR things from across the world. The aim is to help PR people be better and give journalists and bloggers a way of sharing their bad experiences. As well as just collecting examples of bad PR in one handy place for case studies and things. Studetns should spend a few mintues on the site and discover what not to do! PR Win does the same thing, but for good PR things.
8. Gorkana PR – www.gorkana.com
Gorkana’s news pages feature up-to-the-minute breaking news from across all sectors of the PR industry. From people moves and senior appointments to pitches and account wins, Gorkana PR covers news from all agencies and in-house departments, no matter what size. They also like to get under the skin of the PR industry and their features section takes a look at what makes PRs tick, considers what companies are doing to promote their brands, and reviews industry trends.
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
“Your habitual thoughts will determine your future. Always be mindful of the energy that you bring into your life. Think positively.”
— (via kushandwizdom)
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
— Brian Tracy
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
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Source: https://quotebyauthor.com
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
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So why did I choose Public Relations as my major? Funny story, I actually came into college last year as an undecided major. I had absolutely no idea on what I wanted to do as a career, which is perfectly okay. Picking a major last year was one of the most stressful times of my life. I went to my advisors multiple times, printed out all of the majors at my college, and signed up for a course that would help me pick my major. I just wanted to figure it out. One of my advisors gave me multiple employees to reach out to, so I could see if I was interested in that profession. Now I had a list of professions that I was interested in, but they were all VERY different from each other. My top 3 were a PA, elementary education teacher, and finally PR. I emailed many different professions, but I still didn’t have a clear view of what I was even really interested in. Many people told me that they saw me as a teacher so I just listened to them rather then myself and picked that at as my major. Over the past summer I found myself very skeptical of becoming a teacher. In the back of my mind I still was very interested in PR. I told my parents and they said to get in contact with one of the PR employees that my advisor told me about. I finally listened to them and emailed a PR practitioner and shadowed her over the summer. To sum it all up, I finally found my perfect major and came to the conclusion when I started to learn about myself and my personality. All of the stress was worth it because it motivated me to find what I’m passionate about and what profession really fits who I am as a person. I truly believe I’m fit for this major and I wouldn’t have gotten there if I didn’t push myself. If you’re struggling to find a major/career that you want to pursue my biggest advice would be to learn about your personality and who you are as a person. I found this by talking to multiple different advisors, taking a class dedicated to helping me find a major based on my personality. The only thing is you need to have a drive and really become engaged to learn these things about yourself. Once you do, you’ll find what profession fits the best for you.
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
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This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. It was my senior quote and it’s just something I live by everyday. Life may bring you down sometimes, but it’s so important to remember to keep smiling and staying positive. Because if you don’t you’ll stay negative and not move onto bigger and bigger things. Being positive will open up doors and bring you life changing experiences. By being negative those doors may close. Keep smiling!❤️
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
Niagara Falls/Ontario, Canada
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My family and I always take trips together a couple times a year. A couple weekends ago we all went to Ontario, Canada to visit Niagra Falls! My family and I have been to Niagara Falls once before my sophomore year of high school, but we were on the American side in Buffalo, New York. In my opinion I think the Canadian side is better in terms of seeing the Falls. You can clearly see the water and there’s also zip lining across on the Canadian side! Just a little more about myself, I have a 12 year old sister and a 7 year old brother. They love to travel as much as me!
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
Intro to my Blog
As a new blogger I wanted to share and talk about what my content will be like for my future blog posts! Like I said in my “About Me!” post below I’m currently a sophomore in college, so I will be posting a lot about my major, maybe some assignments I’ll be working on and an inside look of what a college PR major really looks like. Now I don’t exactly know what I want to do with my PR major, but I will post about careers I may be interested in or just some inspiration for the future. I will also be posting about my lifestyle in college and outside of college, so just everything about college that I’m currently experiencing and my life at home. Thank you for reading, I’m excited for the future!
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prandpassions-blog · 6 years
About me!
Hello everyone!! I thought I would blog a little about who I am and just some other things about myself! So I’m currently a college student at the University of Rhode Island and I just switched my major to Public Relations with a minor in Leadership studies. I absolutely love PR and I’m so happy I decided to switch into it. I was originally an undecided student who then switched to education because I had no idea what I wanted to do. Shortly after I found PR. I’m a sophomore here and I’m also in a sorority on my campus. I live about an hour away from URI in Massachusetts, but I’m originally from Northern Maine. I enjoy outdoorsy activities like camping, hiking, swimming, and I love traveling! 
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