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He smiled slightly. Not many were interested in getting used to him. “Why?” He hadn’t really considered that. "Because... I thought I knew everything a person could be. And because you clearly aren’t afraid of the unknown. But... You were afraid of me. I saw you in that school. You were terrified...”
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“And now you’re not. That I find interesting. What did you see? And what- What changed?”
Lydia watches him, visibly impressed. “No..I haven’t..but I could get used to it.” She smiles,”So..why are you so interested in what I am?”
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"Wonderful.” He says, pulling up a chair at her table. He raises a hand and snaps at a waitress, who is visibly annoyed when she arrives. That won’t do. He clicks his tongue and murmurs “Auris et Obedire.” Her demeanor softens. She now gives him her undivided attention, the look in her eyes almost dreamy. He smirks at the redhead. “Much better.” Back to the waitress: “I’ll have a gin and tonic, and this vision will have... a sea breeze.” He takes a moment to size his companion up, remembering where he met her. “And there will be no need to check her ID, you already have. Understood?” The waitress nods. “Good. Keep ‘em coming.” He waves her away, turns back to the girl and grins. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t showing off a little. “Ever had a guy alter someone’s reality to buy you a drink?”
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Okay, fine. But first, the drinks.
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I bet you do.
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How about we just skip the whole part where you play brave, and I torture you, and you realize how hopelessly outmatched you are, and go straight to you telling me what the hell you did to me in that school. Over drinks, maybe?
Okay, I honestly don’t know what you are. But..you don’t know what I am, either. So, before you try anything know that even if I die I’ll make sure to break your nose first.
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Yea, I get that a lot.
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Ooo, feisty. You don’t scare me, Little Red. I’m more powerful than you could imagine. You just... caught me off guard last time.
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I love a good scream, but that- That was something else.
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I don’t owe you anything. You know, I can just punch your nose without the aid of supernatural abilities. So, you try anything I scream and this time I punch you too.
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Then shut up and help me find some decent pizza. This really shouldn’t be so difficult. Do I need to talk slower?
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Wow, incredible, not so much feeling the burns. Two-Face has and always will creep the hell out of me, so, not really about that.
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Tick-tock, skinny. How do you feel about burns? The Harvey Dent look, maybe?
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How could I ever decide between the two? 
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Excellent choice. I'd hate to mess up that adorable little nose. 
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Besides, you owe me something.
The second option sounds better, honestly.
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The way I see it, I can disfigure you, or we can enjoy this beautiful night together. Your choice.
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“What’s so great about being alone?”
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“Could I just be alone right now?”
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kai smiling in 4x17 — requested by anonymous
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In the brief moment that her fingertips grazed his palm, he felt a little buzz. A charge. Magic. This town was just full of it. He looked up at her quizzically, but she was already headed towards the door. It occurred to him that he could simply stop her; paralyze her vocal chords and bind her to the wall, push her until the bloodlust or the wolf within exposed itself. But then again, that would hurt her, and she was kind enough to show him around, and he would probably be loaded with unwanted guilt if he were to accidentally snap her neck in the process. It wasn’t worth it. He’d have to find out the old-fashioned way. Besides, she was cute. “I’m in your debt,” He said jovially, “This place is like a maze.” As he caught up to her, he held out his hand to shake, eager to feel her particular brand of magic again. “Kai, by the way.”
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L O S T ; [ kai & lydia ]
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Kai faltered. “You did?” After all he’d done to Bonnie -and she to him- It would be ridiculous for him to harbour any kind of resentment towards this woman for hurting her, but still... Something in him rejected the idea. “You’re not planning to try again, are you?” He narrowed his eyes slightly, observing her. It was a novelty to talk to someone who seemed to share his nonchalance towards morality, but if she was going to become an obstacle, he’d rather deal with her now than later. “I mean, Elena is all yours, but Bonnie- She and I have some business to settle.”
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Katherine smirked at the man, tilting her head to the side slightly. “As you should,” she mumbled, nodding her head. She was very well aware that there was the slight possibility that he still didn’t believe she was anyone other that Elena and, even if that bothered her, it was just one of the many inconveniences of having a doppelganger. “You’ve got that right,” she muttered with a roll of her eyes, smirking as he tipped his glass in a toast. “Half of this town has already lost their sanity. As for the other half, they’re holding on for dear life.” When he mentioned that she had his support, she nodded slightly. “See, Bonnie’s not necessarily my number one fan since I already tried killing Elena and taking her life so, you won’t have to worry about that.”
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“Funny you should say that...” He replies, amused. He then undoes the buttons of his thick black pea coat one by one, to reveal a blood-soaked turn of the century chemise. “Immotus.”
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The spell should keep the boy’s feet glued to the ground, just long enough for Kai to get what he needs. “Don’t freak out, it’s mine- or, mostly mine. It’s a long story.” He looks down at the ruined garment. It would be dorky even without the blood. “Look, I don’t want to hurt you. Just give me your shirt and I’ll be on my way.” He smiles. “I’ll even be nice and let you keep the hoodie.”
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“I’m not scrawny at all actually and – – wait, why? Get blood on your clothes from the latest murder or something?” It’s said with an awkward laugh because it’s mostly a joking question, but why else would someone be asking a stranger for a new set of clothes?
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“Deal” He says, with a little grin. Easy-peasy. He saunters down a row of seats, bending down and pretending to look in the little spaces under the desks. When he reaches the end of the room he whispers “Vocare metallum,” and holds his hand to the ground. Discarded paperclips and bent staples rush across the linoleum and into his palm, followed by something larger; a gold hook with a little gem hanging from it. It’s pretty. He shakes off the scrap metal and holds the earring out to the girl, walking back towards her with confident steps. “Is this what you’re looking for?”
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L O S T ; [ kai & lydia ]
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