primsoup · 6 years
Okay but have you guys considered: Baby Enrique growing up with all the changeling familiars. Baby Enrique being best friends with Waltolomew and Baby Nomura.
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primsoup · 7 years
I read this and immediately thought of The Shape of Water – where the whole plot is that the main character is in love with literally a non-human creature. It’s got a lot of layers and isn’t really about fitting into society with the monster, but I do think it would help a little.
Heyo, my dude, any advice for writing about someone who's in love with a monster? Like a literally monster/not human individual. I'm writing a story and wanted to avoid the whole "it turns out the monster is actually a hot person" trope
The monster is actually a hot mess, but wow they’ve found someone who loves them? Who puts up with their weirdness? Who does their best to stomach their sometimes gross or upsetting behavior? This person is willing to forego a normal life, a normal household, and even a healthy human relationship just to provide for and cherish this freak of nature?
So, what, are they special? Do they get an award for loving this creature and sacrificing other opportunities that might be more beneficial or comfortable to them? Are they some kind of martyr, or are they just exquisitely desperate? Are they reliant on the monster to defend and provide for them?
Is this monster at least sacrificing in return? Do they try their best to accommodate the sometimes gross or upsetting behavior of their human lover? Are they grateful to this person simply because, unlike all the others, they were kind or appreciative of them?
Is this a society where monsters and loving monsters are considered, like, a thing? Are there support groups and couples counseling built around interspecies relationships? Who do they go to when there’s a problem in the relationship? Do they have to tough it out? Are their fights dangerous or heavily one-sided? Which one leaves first in a big fight? Which one has somewhere to run to at that point? Which one will look the worst for running away and which one will be sympathized with?
Are these two people actually prepared or qualified for the unique complexities a monster/human relationship will bring? Are they “ride or die” until the species-specific habits of the other finally get on their last nerve? Are they tolerant and accepting until they realize they have different ideas of how to express intimacy? Maybe even physically they can’t? What kind of toll does that take on the relationship, especially if one or both of them could have their choice of partners of their own species?
Hey, what if they don’t? What if interspecies was the only way to go because one or both of them is a total loser in their own community? What does that kind of self-esteem bring into the relationship? Do either of them flaunt the fact that they have a monster/human as a partner? Perhaps out of defiance (bad) or victor-like pride (bad)?
TL;DR – What is the basis of their relationship? What are their motives? Can they ever hope to understand even half of what it’s like to be the other person?
~Thanks for asking, and…well, I’m curious how you choose to pursue this. Sounds like an interesting idea to explore.
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primsoup · 7 years
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Excuse me while I go sing every single damn Linkin Park song in the kareoke
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primsoup · 7 years
RIP Chester Bennington. Thank you for creating music that spoke to my soul during some of the most depressing moments of my life. I’m sorry they helped me more than they could help you. I’ll try to take your lessons and leave out all the rest.
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primsoup · 7 years
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Chester’s Universe
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primsoup · 8 years
i never reblog vines so this is obviously v/ important to me
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primsoup · 8 years
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Baby Octopus!
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primsoup · 8 years
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primsoup · 8 years
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For more of these posts, check out psych2go
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primsoup · 8 years
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the drum is filled with hot steam and then sprayed with cold water. the pressure on the outside of the drum is far more than inside. the pressures try to maintain and find balance taking the drum as a casualty.
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primsoup · 8 years
Rat Empathy
Upworthy carried a story summarizing an experiment demonstrating that rats exhibit empathy. Why do I care about this? Because the graphics showing the experiment on Upworthy made me smile, and smiling is good. Here’s the link in case you want to watch the video embedded in the story.
Some scientists ran an experiment to demonstrate that. Here’s how it worked:
The scientists put a rat in water (which rats hate). Not enough to hurt the rat, but enough to annoy it.
Then they put another rat in a safer, dry area with a door it could open to save the first rat.
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When the dry rat heard the damp, miserable rat get upset, she came to the rescue.
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Still not satisfied with the result, the scientists ran a more complex test.
What if you bribe the dry rat with food? Will she ignore it to rescue the wet rat in the next chamber?
Scientists presumed it would be easier for the not-in-peril rat to take the obvious selfless route when it was given only one choice. But what if they gave her a delicious bribe (chocolate cereal) and then let her choose between saving her friend and a buffet?
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The rats, by a significant margin, still usually saved their friend before getting their delicious bribe. What does that mean?
Rats might care more about each other than things like food, and that prioritization might be encoded in their DNA.
Why should we care about super-thoughtful rats?
It is often argued that humans are inherently selfish — that without guidance, we would all default to killing and stealing and an “every person for themselves” mentality. That we only help others if it helps us. That evolution can’t make us selfless; it’s something we have to force ourselves to do.
But if rats show human-like qualities (they laugh like us, they dream like us, they like to have selfless lovers) like altruism, that means it isn’t a human-learned behavior. It could be encoded in our DNA. It means humans could be empathetic and kind by default.
It also means that rats and humans have more in common than we think.
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An adorable rat not spreading the plague and hugging a tiny teddy bear. Much empathy.
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primsoup · 8 years
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Pressed leaf and flower illustrations by Helen Ahpornsiri, on Tumblr
On Etsy
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primsoup · 8 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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primsoup · 8 years
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I don’t know if anyone has ever done this before but, here ya go… The Different Types of Fanfiction! 
I probably left a few out, but these are the most common, compared to their base fiction’s canon plot. Enjoy! XD
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primsoup · 8 years
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There we go
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primsoup · 8 years
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Bunch of blue tiger shrimp on a marimo moss ball. Love the white eyes.
I would love to have a tank of just these guys. Maybe a 5 gallon. Aquarium Science Blog: http://aquariumscience.tumblr.com/
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primsoup · 8 years
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